Tag: veto

monday ramblings…

Not much going on today, other than slowly trying to get into the week, after a delightful weekend. We hung out with friends on Friday and Saturday, and had dinner with a lovely couple last night, one of which was someone that James met this summer. They were quite nice, and I look forward to hanging out with them again. We don’t know very many long term gay couples, so it is good to meet one more.

I went shopping at Garden Ridge yesterday, and got a lot of awesome decorator things… I think that the decorating bug has bitten me a little harder than I expected. I will be posting some pictures of the new decorations when things are all put together and posh like I like them.

Other than that, there isn’t much to say, but I do have a few thoughts on a few things. Check these out:
Iraq’s Prime Minister says we can leave anytime; they don’t need our help. He also agrees with me, that our presence is driving more people to join up with al Qaeda. Do we still think that our presence is in their best interests? It’s becoming clearer and clearer each day that we are there to take something that we want; which is sickening. Come on America, when are we going to actually be decent people, and act like the “example” of “democracy” that we are shoving down the throats of every oppressive government in the world? We have got to practice what we preach before we will get anywhere that we could ever consider a positive place.

To sort of piggy back on that thought, I guess it is true that diplomacy is actually a viable option, one that should be explored before war. Apparently, since we came to an agreement that we were both comfortable with, North Korea decided to shut down their nuclear reactor. No more threat of nuclear weapons for N. Korea? It is probably not that simple, but it is a good step; one that we came to with agreement, and more importantly, peace. Why don’t we try something like that with Iran? I mean, a lot of the reason they are so angry with us, is because of our presence in Iraq, so perhaps we should start listening to what is going on in that region. Perhaps if we stopped talking long enough to listen, we could get somewhere… peacefully. Here’s hoping.

Not that I really needed another reason to think of him as completely despicable, and completely devoid of the ability to consider the real needs of American citizens, Bush is promising to veto a bill that would increase funding for providing uninsured children with health coverage. Interestingly enough, this will come at no expense to anyone other than smokers, many of whom, in my opinion, owe a bunch of these kids health care anyway; I know my parents smoked right in my face my whole childhood, and I am not at all in doubt that this is at least somehow linked to my bad allergies. I can almost guarantee that there are kids out there that are affected even more negatively by smoking parents; who would be paying for the uninsured kids out there that aren’t lucky enough to have parents wealthy enough to pay for health care.

If, by adding a tax to cigarettes, more children can have access to health care, can you please explain to me HOW is this a bad thing? Seriously, if you can give me one viable reason as to why this is bad in any way, let me know. (Just so you know, “more people will take advantage of the system” is a BS answer, before you try to shove that one down my throat again; there are regulations, standards, and qualification requirements on this program, which should eliminate MOST of the “free loaders”. That kind of mentality (which is apparently where the Bush camp is coming from) really makes me wonder why people don’t have more faith in those that are less fortunate in this country. Just because someone is poor doesn’t automatically make them a crook, a freeloader, or someone looking for a free ride or a handout. Have a little faith in people!). I for one, hope that he considers that these children are in this uninsured situation because of the way our economy works against the working class, and the poor; but I am sure that some one will be quick to step up and call them lazy assholes, rather than acknowledge that situations and circumstances are different for everyone, and not every homeless person is too lazy to get a job.

What has happened to our country, that we have lost all faith in people’s ability to be good? Do we live in such a culture of fear and hate that we will always blame, rather than consider the circumstances? Perhaps that is part of our problem in Iraq… and unfortunately, people all over the world see that we are being like that; whether we want to acknowledge it or not. I just wish things could be better; because I know we are capable of it.

Ugh… I guess that is a lot of thought for a Monday, but alas, there it is. Hope your day is going well!

New Orleans, Kansas, and another veto?

Apparently, Bush has gone out to visit Kansas today, specifically to check out the destruction that occurred in that small town that was pretty much wiped off the face of the earth. While I do feel bad for the people that were affected in this small town of 1600, one question just keeps poking at my brain; have we completely forgotten about New Orleans?? I mean, Katrina displaced and killed a hell of a lot more people, and in many parts of the city, the place is still the equivalent of a third world country! Where is the priority to restore their utilities, homes, businesses, schools, lives, etc? There are still people living in used FEMA trailers for crying out loud!!! I am all for helping the people in Kansas, but I can’t believe that this outcry of attention to rush to their aid hasn’t at least sparked some attention at the complete opposite way Katrina was, and is still being, handled. I would like to see some more light shined on that “little” problem we seem so happy to forget about and sweep under the carpet. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, really, considering these are the actions of a sociopath we are talking about. I just wish things could be different, for this country. Is that too much to ask, Mr. Bush?

Additionally, I read that Tony Snow has already said that Mr. Bush is already planning to veto the newly revised bill the Congress and the House are working on. WTF, you asshole? Remember, you said you would compromise!? This just proves that what I have said all along is 100% correct: you are not willing to compromise. You have your own set of priorities, and you don’t care at all what anyone else says, you want us in Iraq forever. What’s worse, is that you, Mr. President, DO NOT care about the troops, and you are a big, fat, stinking hypocrite!!!!! You accused the Democrats of politicking (they are politicians, remember?) with this bill, when you are doing the same thing. If you really support the troops, why not get your head out of your ASS, fly back to Washington, and actually represent this nation, Mr. President? The nation is speaking loudly, yet you continue to turn away and refuse to listen. This is so infuriating, to know that so many voted to give such an evil, vindictive, know-it-all so much power. Apparently, the goal of the Bush presidency was to do no good, and that is a goal that has definitely been achieved. I can’t imagine what those in Congress and the House are going through, because it is only so long that you can beat your head against a wall before your head starts to bleed. Ugh. Keep the fight, people!! He is definitely WRONG!

way to go Pelosi!

I wonder if it will even affect Bush that she called him out, right there in the open, about his own history of requiring a time table of Clinton (ha ha Mr. Hypocrite!)? I also wonder, if her strong words about how it was Bush disrespecting the troops by vetoing a bill, and not showing one ounce of a possibility of compromising on the need for an exit strategy? I certainly hope that more people listen to great people like Ms. Pelosi, and do the right fucking thing; get us out of Iraq, so that we can focus on the real issue, which is taking care of our country and our people. If we really want to rid the world of terrorists, we should stop putting ourselves in the position of creating them. It’s time to be a little more intelligent people!

If ONE person can substantially say that our presence in Iraq is doing more good than bad; I am challenging you to PROVE IT. It is obvious that our stay is no longer welcome, and we need an exit strategy, or this silly occupation will go on, and more people will unnecessarily die. Unfortunately, more than 3000 soldiers have already given their lives; when will enough be enough?

On a different, yet related note, I think that I have finally figured out the solution that Bush wants for Iraq. If we can’t leave, and we can’t announce a time for exit (because, by his claims, they will just “wait around until we are gone” and stir shit up again) it is obvious to me, that Mr. Bush has only two options: we occupy Iraq forever (in which, proves that he is a liar, saying that he wants democracy there), or, we kill everyone that lives in Iraq, effectively ending the presence of an insurgency. I would think that there have to be other options, and I am personally glad that I have people like Ms. Pelosi on my side. Bush wants this war to go on, even though the overwhelming majority of the people that HE REPRESENTS wants it to stop. What does that say about him? At a minimum, it makes he look like a hardheaded little brat, who just won’t give up until he gets his way; no matter the cost.

I am just happy that he isn’t the only one who gets to make decisions. I hope that the congress and the senate can get what we need; a real plan. A real PLAN!!!!!!!!!!! Rock out Pelosi!

and how is that any different from the last 4 years?

Bush is getting all prissy pants, and saying that he will definitely veto the bill that Congress is putting forward, because, wait for it, it has conditions that he doesn’t like. He demands that the bill have no strings or he will certainly veto it. Um, listen you little cry baby, you don’t get to make all of the decisions! Congress and the Senate were also elected BY US, and they represent us when you get all high and mighty. Don’t forget that.

Also, I love that he is all,

The secretary of defense has warned that if Congress does not approve the emergency funding for our troops by April 15, our men and women in uniform will face significant disruptions — and so will their families. (source)

So, Mr. Bush, can you please explain to me how their lives haven’t faced significant disruptions up until now? How is this any different? Sending your son or daughter into a war zone is a significant disruption. Telling a troop that they are going into battle when they have not received proper military combat training is not only amazingly like a death sentence, I would beg to use rationality to realize that it is at least disruptive to that troop.

Additionally, Bush said that he was worried that this spending bill would deflect funds away from providing the troops with the supplies that they need.

UH, seriously? So you are telling me, that for the last 4 years we have been providing the troops with everything they need? Wow. You are way more in the dark than I had previously thought. Why not, instead of keeping your head so firmly buried in the sand, listen to the many men and women that are screaming at the top of their lungs about this war. Listen to the troops that you say you are so concerned about. LISTEN! (Where’s Beyonce when you need her?!) Stop your namby-pamby priss priss crap, and be a real man. A real man doesn’t pout when he doesn’t get his way, and stomp his foot saying that he will veto a bill because “it’s not fair!”. That is so 3rd grade, Mr. Bush, and it is scary enough that you run the country, but to think that you are acting like a 3rd grader is even more frightening.

For the sake of the troops and their families… LISTEN!!!!

Also, for anyone of the Republicans and conservatives that are saying the most awful and slanderous things about Edwards and his wife, you should be supremely ashamed of yourself. If this is an example of what it means to show compassion the Christian way, I want nothing to do with Christianity. I thought Christianity was supposed to be there for your neighbor, and show love and compassion when someone is in a time of need, NOT go around making fun of a woman that is in the 4th stage of metastasized cancer. That is not only heartless, it is disgusting. Edwards deserves a break on this one, because I know that if my partner was going through what his wife is going through, there is no way that I would even be able to operate properly from day to day, and he and his wife have decided to still campaign. If you were really Christians, you would feel sympathy for his wife, and have nothing but the utmost respect and support for their family. Because they are truly in a time of need. Shame on you.