Tag: vegetarian

farewell to vegetarianism

Well, I decided that it was time that I needed to start back to eating meat. I feel tired all of the time, and I know that it is because I have a vitamin deficiency, and I am hoping that this will be one less thing I will have to worry about (because nursing school is more than enough right now). All in all, it isn’t a big deal, but eh, it’s a life decision, and one that I felt like blogging about.

I was vegetarian once in college for a few years, and most recently, for about 2 years. Overall, I would still consider doing it again, because I really am against the cruelty that the animals face, but like I said, my health is a focus here, and I am hoping to see a change. Onward and meatward, I guess…

yelp review: Harmony Vegetarian

My review:
I was really impressed by the selection, and the overall presentation of the food. As a vegetarian, it is nice to have a restaurant that caters directly to you, and Harmony rolls out the red carpet for every level of veggie eater.

I hate that people call it “fake meat”, because it isn’t fake anything; what it is, is a delicious vegetable based substitute that has a lot of the same flavor, and perhaps most importantly, a lot of the same texture as the meat it mimics. The amount of food that you get for lunch outpaces most places, and would do more than right for the vegetarian on a budget; for about $7, you get soup, appetizer, and a full delicious meal.

My only complaint would be that they are heavy handed on the salt, so make sure to order water, and have them keep bringing you refills. Other than that, sit back and explore; don’t be afraid to try something you wouldn’t normally try!! Everything I have had here was good.

As for your friends that insist on calling it “fake meat”, even after you correct them, just roll your eyes at them… there is nothing “fake” about being a vegetarian.

4/5 stars

one month in… again

When I was in college (undergrad), my roommate Dennis was a vegetarian, and being extremely health conscious at the time, I thought that it might be an interesting option for myself, and so I decided to give being a vegetarian a try. I ended up lasting about two years before I had meat (I was vacationing in Europe, and the language barrier forced it on me!), and it was probably 7 years or so before I had beef again. Well, recently, I have been looking at my eating habits, and I have been wanting to make some changes, so I thought about going vegetarian again.

So… a month ago (actually, 32 days ago today), I decided to go vegetarian again. Now, some of you will be all “nuh uh, you’re cheating” about this, but I am actually more accurately described as pescetarian, because I am not excluding fish from my diet; note that many doctors try to get vegetarians to each fish because of the vitamins that only come from animals, and fish don’t have legs, so it is easier for some to eat them. I will admit that this recent decision is partly because of dietary choices, but there is a large component of my decision that stems from how animals that are harvested for their meat are treated before slaughter. I always knew that meat comes from something with a face and legs, but I have read a lot about how incredibly horrible some animals are treated, and as such, it just helped me make my decision for myself. I am not against anyone eating meat, that’s their choice, but I just wanted to stop being a part of it myself.

So there it is. One month in, and I feel great about my re-decision to go to life of vegetarianism (plus fish!). I’m actually glad that I decided to go back, because I did feel great being vegetarian before, and it was unbelievably easy for me to re-embrace the lifestyle. Seriously, have you had a veggie corn dog!? They are awesome! Other than that, being a vegetarian basically introduced me to the world of vegetables, and I am much more willing to try things now as a result. I used to shun anything green because I was raised as a “meat and potatoes” kid, but now, I can’t get enough of things like Brussels sprouts because I became a vegetarian. I am glad to get back to that too; eating more healthy is something that goes hand and hand with vegetarianism for me, and I am glad to be re-instituting that in my life.

I wanted to wait a whole month before saying anything about this on the blog, so as to show that I am serious about it. I am going to do everything I can to make this a permanent change in my life, which I know will only be the better for it (especially health wise). Hooray for vegetarianism and me, together again!