Tag: school

tuesday the 27th

I figured it is getting a bit redundant to call these posts “random thoughts” every week, so what the fuck, I’ll change it up a bit. Regardless, here’s some random shit stewing in me brain:

  • I pre-ordered Guitar Hero On Tour for the DS today, because I saw it was coming out while I was at Best Buy returning some D-Batteries that weren’t needed. Dude; I so can’t wait for this game. I want it now, but at least with the pre-order I got an exclusive pick-stylus. I can’t wait to rock.
  • I went to Circuit City today to get God of War II, because they have it in their circular for $10, which is 50% off the retail price. That alone is worth the hassle of putting up with one of the worst companies on the planet… or is it? I went, and in typical Circuit City fashion, they didn’t have it in stock; but it wasn’t the fact that they didn’t have it that was my problem. See, I asked an “employee” (I use that term loosely, because he really didn’t do shit) to help me find it. After looking exactly where I did (where it would sit on the shelf), he informed me that they didn’t have any (REALLY, I looked their dipshit, I KNOW there are none on the shelf *face-palm*). What really topped the cake was the fact that he told me that get this… there is NO WAY for them to look up in the computer and even see if there are any copies on site. Excuse me? I loudly mouthed off about the fact that they must be the only large company that doesn’t bother with things like inventory and whatnot to my friend. What really irritates me about that, is not only can you definitely look up and see if there are any on site, but the goddamned website (that I can access at my PC anywhere in the world that has internet capability) can tell me if your store has the fucking game (I went straight from lunch, and I know now I should have looked). I complained at the front, and she apologized, but who fucking cares; Best Buy price matches, and I am going to go get it there after work. Fuck off Circuit City, you are a huge dose of assholes with a dash of mother fucker thrown on top. I don’t know if 50% off can even get me to go back (I say that, but I know I will find myself in there again someday… damn consumerism!).
  • I applied to the Nursing program at Georgia Perimeter today. The application was extremely simple (which surprised me), and I am REALLY nervous about getting in. I really, really, really want to get this degree going on the fast track, and getting in for the Spring would be like the best thing ever. I am totally crossing my fingers and toes for this one.
  • Tonight I am going with friends for dinner and karaoke, and I can guarantee I will do what I always do; I will not be able to decide which song to sing. I can always think of them when I am not really thinking about it, but when I get up to the sign in log, I just draw a blank. Weird. Any thoughts about what I should sing?
  • Three day weekends should pretty much be the standard. Seriously, having Monday off was amazingly awesome. Looking into June and July, I have two instances of “vacation” coming up, and I cannot fucking wait. I am taking James to a secluded cabin for his birthday weekend, and in July, I am going with my buddy John to New York City for 5 whole days. By the gods, I definitely need a break; and I am definitely looking forward to those.
  • I guess that’s about it… but I am sure I will think of 2 more things as soon as I hit publish, so maybe not…. What are y’all up to these days?

did the aggregator kill the commentors?

I’ll openly admit, that I know that I comment less because of how easily it is to digest blogs through the easy to use aggregator format (netvibes for me). In fact, many times, I find that I do more skimming, and find myself back to bored quicker than ever because of aggregators. However, my reliance on them is like that of my cell phone, I can remember what life was like without it, but I wouldn’t want to go back, now that I have become accustomed to using it.

Yet, it does make me wonder… is the aggregator doing the same thing to comments as the music video was supposedly doing to radio stars (see the Buggles video for this reference)? Does the aggregator format kill your desire to comment? Let me know what you think… I can’t be the only one that wonders where the majority of the comments went.

Perhaps I just don’t post as much flaming material anymore… who knows. Either way, it is just one of those “oh… maybe this is because of this” thoughts that I was thinking of today.

Also, in a totally unrelated note, I am happy as a pig in shit this morning. I checked my grades, and as many of you know, I was really worried that I wasn’t going to be able to pull my lab grade up to at least a C. Well, I did one better! I ended up with a B in the lab and the anatomy lecture, and an A in abnormal psychology. I feel awesome right now, because I worried myself silly about these damn classes, and now they are done, AND I got all A’s and B’s!!!!

Summer is going to ROCK.

listless on monday… not I!

Well, there seems to be so many thoughts going through my head right now, that I figure it’s time for a good old fashioned Monday list, dig?

Let’s do this!

  • I took my Anatomy lab final last week, and I have my last two finals this week. I can’t tell you how much I want to be done with Anatomy. Seriously, the level of detail in this class is RIDICULOUS, and if you have taken it, you know that there is no reason to take this class other than to fulfill a requirement. I think that is what pisses me off the most about it, is because they are not teaching it to you for you to learn it, they are teaching it to you in order to force you to think whether you really want to do whatever required this class. Seriously, you will never, I repeat NEVER need to know the level of detail that we covered this year in two classes. And if you do, chances are about 99% that your job title will be Anatomist, or Anatomy teacher. So yeah. I can’t wait until these finals are in the bag.
  • I am taking the summer off from classes. I recently came to the realization that I should focus on getting my RN, and then I can get my BSN through an online bridge once I start working as a nurse. This means that I will be applying for the Spring of ’09, which gives me the chance to take Micro in the fall, and still meet the requirements for admission. I really, really hope I can get in, because I want to keep this train moving!
  • There have been some great CDs coming out since the beginning of the year, but tomorrow marks two great releases; both of which are WAY overdue, and one that it is utterly brilliant. Tomorrow, there is a new Portishead CD coming out (the first in 10 years!!!), and after several listens, I can definitely tell you that it is a solid record. It grows on me with each listen. Also, FINALLY, Robyn‘s self titled fourth CD comes out here in the USA; even though it came out way back in 2005 overseas. However, I can guarantee you that I will use every bit of liberty in this new release date, and this CD WILL be on my top CDs of 2008 list, because I have wanted to include it for 2 years now, but couldn’t because it came out in 2005. I swore to myself that if it ever did drop in the US, that it would make this list, because this CD is brilliant (five stars, easy), and has definitely stood the test of time. It is an amazing pop record, and you owe it to yourself to pick it up tomorrow.
  • I have really (much more than I expected) been enjoying Mariah’s new CD as well. It is actually VERY well done. I know that it is supposed to be a continuation of the Emancipation of Mimi, but I definitely think that it surpasses her previous record by leaps and bounds. It is rare that I listen to a hip hop record and really like every song, and with this new release, Mariah may have made a record that does that for me. There are a few songs that I would make minor changes to, but overall, it’s pretty amazing. Good show Mariah! I didn’t see that one coming at all, but then again, that is the best when you get surprised by good music from unexpected places, now isn’t it?
  • Also speaking of music, this week I get to see the amazing Sara Bareilles in concert. I think that it goes without saying that I can’t wait for that!!!!
  • Other than school and music, I guess there isn’t TOO much going on with me. I have come down with a SERIOUS case of anhedonia lately, otherwise known as a case of FUCK IT, which couldn’t have worse timing (finals week!). Things have been up and down at the house, from unexpected water leaks, to having to install kick-proof guards on our doors because the neighbor’s house had the front door kicked in. I am just glad we did it BEFORE something happened at our place… it is much better to spend the $80 up front than have your house broken into (and I am not saying that it means we can’t get broken into, but this makes it almost impossible to kick the door in… I saw the video online… and that is the way they usually break in).
  • Anything else going on… hmm, not sure. If I think of anything, I will update as necessary. Until then, what is going on with you guys??
  • Finally, related to the aforementioned love for Mariah’s newest CD, I think that the following performance (video below), and her reaction during it, make me love her just that much more. As seen on chart rigger, Mariah’s back up singer sang over her during one part of the song (at 3:06), and Mimi bitchily reminded miss thang that she had better “stop singing her part now, baby”. Damn, that was ice cold!! I love it!!! Seriously though, if you don’t want to back up a diva like Mariah, and you think you should be in the lead, why not do it instead of working for her?? She is the diva, not you, so you need to get used to it. It just makes me love Mimi even more, and I glad that I got to see it. Get her Mimi! HAHAHAHAHA!

what’s going on with me these days

Basically, I had an “epiphany” yesterday. I put it in quotations, because I have thought about it many times, but it never seemed like such a good idea until yesterday. Basically, I think that I should just focus on getting my RN, and then worrying about the BSN after I am already working in nursing. This way, I can transition quicker, which I REALLY need to do. I am almost terrified of change, but it is so necessary, because I just feel completely lost right now.

This semester is winding down, and I have finals this week and next. I will be so happy to be finished with anatomy, because it is one of the most useless classes ever. The whole point is to weed out those that don’t want it bad enough, and I am just ready to be done with it. I hope that I do well on my lab final, because I completely bombed the midterm, thanks to the distraction of my floors being ripped up that same day.

I was going to write a post about the Kate Nash concert, as well as one about the Feist concert, but it just seems like I don’t have the desire to do very much these days. I had a blast at both shows, and both Kate Nash and Feist were amazing. Also, Hayden opened for Feist, and I was glad to be able to see him after all of these years. All three artists are impressive, and put on great shows.

That’s about it really… just trying to maintain, I guess. Getting out of the bed is harder each day, and if I can come up with a remedy for it; I will market it. Trust me.

what to blog?

What is there to blog about?

Not having the list to work on, I find that I am not very interested in blogging about the topics swirling in my head these days. Yet, for the sake of sparking possible conversation, let’s say I did blog these thoughts; what would they be?

  • I find myself wondering, if at some point in the (near) future, if we will have to explain to children what winter means. Seriously, in the South, we don’t really have one anymore, and if the climate keeps going the way that it is, it will be 90 in February at some point. Scary thought, really.
  • Does anyone really care that much about the caucus races? At least in the beginning? Neither party has actually come out and said, “we want X”, so I am just wondering why everyone is so “point happy” right now. It’s going to be a while before anything really worth paying attention to happens, so I guess this is going to be a long year. It really makes you wonder why people are encouraged and allowed to waste so much money on simply campaigning; when it could be used to actually solve the problems they talk incessantly about fixing.
  • Any good music out there lately? I feel like I have hit a wall, and I am not taking in anything right now. Perhaps it was because of the overload from last month’s list. Who knows, the hunger is still there, if anyone has something they want to suggest.
  • School started back this week. I am taking Anatomy II and Abnormal Psychology. I really hope that this semester goes better than the last one did. I got really good grades, but I was really stressed the whole time. Here’s hoping for a better time this time around.
  • Anything I’m missing?

What’s going out there in the internets? Hello? Is this thing on? Sometimes I just feel like no one is listening/reading, and people are just whizzing by, living their daily lives, while I inexplicably fall into the drab mundane routine I have found myself in for the past several years. Here’s to change in 2008… right?

Eh. Whatever…

please don’t stop the music *clap clap*

December is rapidly approaching, and I am narrowing down my picks for my year end “best of music 2007” December blog-a-thon. I don’t even know if anyone will care or not, but I am excited. I also need to get back into my old podcast, which I haven’t done in ages… I guess I’ll have to put that on my list.

Either way, I have been listening to music non-stop, because there have been some great CDs come out in the past few weeks, many of which will make my year end list. There is just so much to absorb! I think that I like music, and sharing it, because it really is one of the only things that can truly make me feel good. I also really love being surprised by something, and it being really good. There really is nothing like hearing a really amazing song; it gets me energized, and totally takes me to a good place. I love that, and that very thing has been happening a lot lately. 2007 has proven to be a good year for me, musically, and I look forward to blogging about that next month.

One thing, however that is a cause of much strife and grief for me, is my last.fm profile. I don’t know why, but I find myself kind of obsessing about it, and lately, even more so. After iTunes decided it wanted to delete my playlists, the last.fm client decided it no longer wanted to scrobble my ipod tracks. This SUCKS, because I listen to music all day at work, and I really want those tracks on my profile. I have tried reinstalling iTunes, and the last.fm client; both with no luck. If there is any advice or help that anyone can give me, I am all ears; I like last.fm, and I like the whole idea of it, and want to actually use it!!! Help!

Other than enjoying the hell out of some great pop records (Shayne Ward, Kylie Minogue, Girls Aloud, Sugababes, etc.) in the recent weeks, I have been slowly counting down to the end of this semester. I am so ready to have these two classes under my belt, and I hope that once I am finished with them, I will regain some of my momentum. They have just both been demanding, and frustrating. I can’t wait until the next two weeks are over! Let’s hope that next semester (and all subsequent following ones) is much better!

I also made some color/border changes to the blog template… thoughts?

we regret that we must now interupt your regularly scheduled blogpost…

For whatever reason, I have been “in it” again lately.

I actually stayed home sick from work yesterday, and slept until 5:30pm. It still blows my mind that I could sleep all night and all day. I feel like Rip Van Winkle, without the silly long beard. I feel better today, and I am glad that I took the sick time… but it is definitely reflective of how I feel lately.

I am fed up with my classes. My statistics professor apparently would rather trick us, rather than actually quiz us on what we are studying. That is the only explanation that I have for her behavior, and method of asking questions on information that is not covered. Additionally, my absent anatomy teacher is frustrating, but not something I am really complaining about… less fuss if you ask me. I just don’t want trickery on tests; which would be my complaint. Overall, my first semester back in college has been a weird one. It is going to be a long road. I have already registered for next semester, and I hope to god it is much better than this one was.

Speaking of God… apparently, praying for rain the night before the weather service calls for rain makes it rain. Cool. Perhaps I shall pray for the sky to be blue tomorrow, or for air to have oxygen in it. Maybe that’s how we should do all government things… just pray for what we already know is going to happen, and then be like, “See! God is listening! Pray some more, and everything will be right as rain!”. Gah… what a douche you are, Sonny. It is just frustrating that people like him have so much money and power.

Other than the rain, I would like to thank God for my ipod, and just music in general, because without it, I would truly be lost. That, and the fact that my new DVD player plays region 2 DVDs… I am loving Spaced so much right now. Also, I am really looking forward to my 31 days of music in December. I am really enjoying getting my 31 CDs ready for the list, and I hope that everyone will find at least something to enjoy.

Hope you are all well out there in blogland… I’ll see you tomorrow for your 5SF. Take care!

right past overwhelmed into “study freak out”

That’s where I am…

I don’t remember this in school, because, honestly, I don’t really remember studying in undergrad that much. It didn’t really matter to me as much as it does now. Take for instance, my statistics class… I got back my project one results yesterday: a 92. Instead of “woo hoo!”, I was like, “wait, only a 92?”.

I have officially become obsessed with “making the grade”.

The bad part, is that it has made me exhausted, and I have hit the “study freak out” mode, where, instead of studying, I procrastinate like crazy. I must focus.

I will be memorizing as much statistical information and anatomical terminology as humanly possible until further notice. I need all the luck I can get.