Tag: robyn

sotd: Robyn – Include Me Out

So yeah, I bet you are wondering (that is if people even still read this poorly updated blog, sorry…) right about now… hey, where’s the year end album countdown? Well, I can assure you of something; it IS coming. I haven’t had time to get it done, because frankly, I work all of the time.

When I’m not working, I am sleeping; this job is one that wears me out majorly, but it is something that I am glad I worked so hard to get into. Being a nurse is incredibly frustrating, tiring, irritating at times, and very, very draining, but it is also really rewarding.

That being said, I am excited about bringing the year end best albums of 2011 to you, but in the mean time, here is a song that I recently rediscovered; it was on Body Talk part 2, but didn’t make the “cut” for the Body Talk album (which was a compilation of the three EPs). This song is incredible! Why didn’t it make the cut, Robyn? Oh well, at least it was on one of the EPs…

Now… stay tuned for the albums of the year… I am going to try and get that up soon!

5SM: november 28

Hey y’all! It’s a fucking five song Monday! I have been listening to some great new music lately, and here are five fantastic tracks that I can’t wait for you to hear. Also, it is nearing that time of year where the best of albums list gets compiled, and while I have quite a list going, I am eager to hear what has made YOUR lists; I don’t want to miss out on something incredible that I may not have heard of yet. So… let me know what you are listening to in the comments as well. Now to the five songs I’ve got for you today:

Vanbot – Make Me, Break Me

I couldn’t wait for a 5S-day, so I posted the video for this on Facebook the other day immediately after I heard it, because of how incredible it is. While the Robyn influence is undeniable (and frankly, welcomed with open arms), this song is fresh, and highlights the fact that there must be something genetically inherent about pop music in Sweden. In fact, Vanbot’s entire debut album is delightful, and a great find; it’s full of great songs that I am pleased to have randomly discovered. I expect to see it among my favorite albums of this year; like I said it’s delightful. Whatever is going over there in Sweden, I am glad that the pop music keeps flowing out of that magical land, and into my ears.

One Direction – What Makes You Beautiful

It seems like the Brits do boybands better than almost anyone, and this is a new contender in the boyband genre that are killing it with this single (they were on the show the X-Factor, and came in third… looks like that show really does well at finding talent). Their new album Up All Night is a solid release, and one that is sure to have many singles. This song is a great pop song that will probably never see the airwaves here in the states; which is a bummer, because it has a lot of great energy. I have been listening to this one on repeat, and I am glad to share it with you today. Thanks to my buddy Douglas for telling me about the wonderful One Direction!

Cher Lloyd – Want U Back

After falling head over heels for Cher with her previous single, With Ur Love (which I posted about on the previous incarnation of the 5S-day), I was curious to hear what else she would release. Imagine my surprise when her debut album Sticks + Stones was actually brilliant (save a song or two), and was filled with great songs like this one. I love this song; it’s my favorite from her album. She has a lot of the same spunk that reminds me of Lily Allen, which I adore. This is yet another great find that I randomly stumbled upon; 2011 has had some great finds, and they seem to be getting better and better!

Penguin Prison – Don’t Fuck With My Money

I have seen a lot of talk on the blogs about Penguin Prison, but for whatever reason, I was never moved by one of their songs. Then I saw the video for this one, and I loved the song! This song reminds me a lot of that one song from the 90s that I’m sure everyone knows, but not a lot know who sang it: the New Radicals’, You Get What You Give. Similar feel with a more dance beat; I like it. I’m glad I am on board with the oft talked about Penguin Prison now!

The Saturdays – My Heart Takes Over (Digital Dog Remix)

Nothing, and I mean NOTHING tears it up like taking a beautiful ballad, and a laying a slick as hell beat over it, turning it into a dance-floor filler. This song is definitely one of the best examples that I have heard in many, many years. The Saturdays’ My Heart Takes Over is a gorgeous ballad that I love all on it’s own, but this remix that they released is like pure pollen to a bee; I cannot get enough of it. I only wish there were more remixes of this high quality doing the same thing… where are Thunderpuss when you need them (remember them?)? Either way, brilliant. Their new album is great as well; not as wonderful as I was hoping, but I guess you can’t win them all, can you?

Westlife – Lighthouse

Lastly, it is bittersweet that I bring you Westlife’s most recent single Lighthouse, off of their final album, which is a Greatest Hits collection. This is a band that I have followed for more than a decade, and have loved for so long that I am really broken up about their impending split. I am a major sucker for a beautiful pop ballad, and these guys have delivered many, many times in that department. I have loved following them for all of these years, and am glad that they have put out so many wonderful albums. Westlife will always be among my favorite artists, and I will definitely cherish the great pop music they released in their impressive career. My only hope, is that Shane and Mark release wonderful solo albums, and keep making music that I love. Westlife, I love you guys, and you will most certainly be missed.

Well, a farewell, and some great music, what more can you ask for on a Monday? Hope you enjoyed my picks, and please let me know what you are listening to as well. As I said, I will greatly miss Westlife, and I am just glad that those guys have made so many amazing albums over the years; the fans have a ton of great music to cherish from their amazing career… I just wish it wasn’t over. *sniff*

2010: my 14 favorite albums

So instead of dragging this thing out any longer, and seeing as how my motivation has been at an all time low recently, I am just going to be sort of brief this year. There are 14 albums that I would say are solid 5 star albums (actually there were 15, but one was a greatest hits album, and sorry kids, but those aren’t eligible), so I will rank those for you in one nice little post (that is, if anyone even reads this anymore). The “rest” will be briefly presented following the top 14 as well, because, hey, they just barely missed the mark, and it isn’t fair to count them as down an out when they were really close in some cases. Let’s do this:

My top 14 albums of 2010:

1. Robyn – Body Talk: All I can really say is wow; Robyn killed it this year, and dominated my ear drums and my attention. I had a hunch that she had the top spot the moment I heard Dancing On My Own, and release after release of singles from the three stellar EPs Body Talk parts 1-3 proved that hunch to be true; only to be punctuated with an exclamation point with the full album release, Body Talk (which compiles tracks from the three EPs). I am glad Robyn is making music this fantastic, because there is no one even close to her making pop right now. Seeing her live in November was delightful icing on the cake; it was sincerely the best concert I’ve seen in a long time. Standout Tracks: Dancing On My Own, Hang With Me, Indestructible, Fembot, Time Machine.

2. Sara Bareilles – Kaleidoscope Heart: Those of you that know this blog know that I have a special place in my heart for Ms. Bareilles, and this is because she is such an incredibly talented musician. Her sophomore effort was on par with her debut; it was chock full of fantastic songs about love and loss, all set to beautiful melodies and pop sensibility. She showed a bit of growth with this album without abandoning that sound that lets you know it is Sara B; the sound that I fell in love with the very first time I saw her live. Overall, a great follow up to an amazing debut; she clearly has the talent to back up the hype I’ve been building about her. Standout Tracks: Basket Case, Hold My Heart, Machine Gun, King Of Anything.

3. Marina and the Diamonds – Family Jewels: Marina had me salivating for the last half of 2009 for more material after I fell head over heels with the amazing I Am Not a Robot, and with her debut Family Jewels, she did more than just deliver; she nailed it! Marina is a breath of fresh air, and a true artist. She isn’t afraid to experiment with different sounds, but in the end, knows how to write a killer hook with an irresistible backing track. This album is fun from beginning to end, and it was well worth waiting until 2010 to get my hands on it. Standout Tracks: Oh No!, Hollywood, I Am Not A Robot, Obsessions.

4. The Script – Science and Faith: Wow, this was a major surprise for me; while I really enjoyed their debut, I had no idea they had this much punch hidden in their arsenal. This is the album that many pop-rock outfits wish they were good enough to make, and the Script make it seem effortless. Almost every song on this album screams hit, and it’s funny that the song they have currently on the radio still spinning is from their debut that came out three years ago (especially when they have a whole new album of would-be replacements). Perhaps with the recent proper release of this album stateside, the Script can go from two “old” hits kicking around on US radio, to bona fide stars; this album has the grit, and the pure strength to back them up on that quest. Standout Tracks: This = Love, For The First Time, If You Ever Come Back, You Won’t Feel A Thing.

5. The National – High Violet: The National were one of those bands that I had heard people talk about, but for whatever reason, I wasn’t listening. Well, in comes the video for Bloodbuzz Ohio, and I am suddenly all ears. These guys are wrought with emotion both in the music and lyrics; it goes all of the way through to the core. This album is melancholy, damaged, but beautiful in its quest to be loved. I’m glad I paid attention. Standout Tracks: Bloodbuzz Ohio, England, Sorrow, Lemonworld.

6. Sleigh Bells – Treats: This is one that we will either agree is brilliant, or you will disagree and hate it; either way, it’s one of my favorites of 2010 hands down. I first heard of Sleigh Bells when I saw them open for Major Lazer, and I was blown away. They are raw energy, and their debut rattles your eardrums from beginning to end. The more I listened to this album, the more I came to appreciate the nuances of each song, and the way in which they danced so close to the edge of the insane to make such powerful rock-hip-hop driven music. This is album conveys pure untapped energy, an energy that captured me completely; and I am so glad to have discovered them in 2010. Favorite Tracks: A/B Machines, Tell ‘Em, Infinity Guitars, Riot Rhythm.

7. Laura Marling – I Speak Because I Can: I feel bad, because I kind of wrote off Laura Marling previously; I liked her first single a few years ago, but didn’t really feel the rest of her debut. After a fellow blogger turned my attention the incredible Rambling Man, I quickly snapped up her new release, and loved it from beginning to end. This is a powerful album, and comparing Marling to a second coming of Joni Mitchell is more than clearly hitting the nail on the head; this woman is extremely talented, and we should all be glad that she has chosen to speak (and sing) so beautifully. Standout Tracks: Rambling Man, Goodbye England (Covered In Snow), Maid By Maid, I Speak Because I Can.

8. Mumford and Sons – Sigh No More
I actually heard this at the very end of 2009, but luckily, it wasn’t released in the US until 2010, so it gets to make the list. This album is beautiful from beginning to end, and the tone and quality of the lead singer’s voice is amazing. This album really has its ups and downs, going from all out strumming rock and roll to tender ballads; both of which they do very, very well. These guys have been getting a lot of attention, and it is all well deserved; after one song, you too will notice the raw talent they possess (but listen to the whole album, because it is all fantastic!). Standout Tracks: The Cave, After The Storm, Little Lion Man, Timshel.

9. Antony and the Johnsons – Swanlights
While I don’t want this to be a criticism, this album didn’t blow me away nearly as much as 2009’s number 2 album, The Crying Light; simply because that album is perfect in every way, and perfect is hard to follow. That being said, on Swanlights, Antony coos that ‘everything is new’, and while his tender broken-ness is still forefront, he tries a few new things musically, and makes for some very beautiful results. Overall, another wonderful album from one of my favorite artists, which is always a welcome treat. Standout Tracks: Fletta, The Spirit Was Gone, Thank You For Your Love, Christina’s Farm.

10. Jonsi – Go
I’ll be honest, I was never a fan of Sigur Ros; not because I didn’t like them, but simply because I haven’t heard their music. While I may not know them, the band’s lead singer Jonsi stepped out on his own, and I am all ears now. The first time I heard Go Do, I was mesmerized; I thought, what the fuck is the amazing fairy music, and why in the hell do I love the shit out of it?! Well, shortly after, I heard the impressive album Go, and I was hooked on this fantastic out artist’s solo effort, which is filled to the brim with whimsy and delight. His style reminds me a little of Bjork; simply in the way that he so comfortably dances a strange, yet completely delightful jig outside of the box, and couldn’t seem any happier to be doing it that way (well that, and they both hail from Iceland!). This album took me by storm, and it is one that I have seen rightfully on many other’s top album lists for 2010 as well. Standout Tracks: Go Do, Animal Arithmetic, Tornado, Hengilas.

11. Melissa Etheridge – Fearless Love
Melissa is the ultimate rock and roll chick, and she shows with this new album that she still firmly has it. After beating cancer, and a break up, Melissa turns to expressing her feelings in the music, and has made a passionate and very well crafted pop/rock album. I have always been a fan of her lyrics, and she doesn’t disappoint on Fearless Love. She may not have reinvented her style or the wheel with this album, but what she does is what she has been doing well all along; make some great music. This is one artist that proves that longevity is possible in the music industry, and that quality is at the forefront of their craft; Melissa seems to only be getting better with age. Standout Tracks: Fearless Love, Company, Heaven On Earth, To Be Loved

12. Kate Nash – My Best Friend Is You
While it becomes clear early on that Kate was noticeably harder, and more in your face on this album, I was more than pleased that she didn’t totally abandon her whimsical charm and cleverness in the process. I absolutely love the way in which she crafts her lyrics, and the way she tells stories in her songs, and she keeps that going on this album. I can’t help but think, however, that Kate was a bit upset at times during the recording of this album, because she goes a bit off the deep end at moments, but manages to pull it back and has made a great sophomore album overall. It’s not as radio friendly as her debut for sure, but it’s Kate through and through, and as a fan, I definitely enjoyed it. Standout Tracks: Do-Wah-Doo, Paris, Pickpocket, Kiss That Grrrl, I Hate Seagulls.

13. Vampire Weekend – Contra
I was unnecessarily hard on Vampire Weekend last year. When Horchata came out, I was really disappointed, because I LOVED their debut, and I didn’t really care for that song at all. Well, my disdain maintained, and I largely ignored this album for way too long. Looking back, I don’t know what my problem was, because this album is actually a great build on their amazing debut, and is wonderful throughout. I guess I was in a bit of a funk, and I took it out on them, which, in hindsight, I wish I hadn’t, because again, Contra is wonderful. Oh well, I guess this means I am making amends, because it is turned out to be one of my favorite albums of 2010. Standout Tracks: Giving Up The Gun, California English, Cousins, White Sky.

14. Erik Hassle – Pieces
While this album should have come out in 2009 (it was released in Sweden only as Hassle) it got renamed and slightly tweaked, and finally got the chance to be released early in 2010. Despite featuring brilliant pop song after brilliant pop song, this album didn’t really go anywhere, and even though his amazing ballad Hurtful was a free download on iTunes a while back, people still aren’t paying this guy the attention he deserves. His music is fresh, and he is making fantastic pop music that deserves to dominate the airwaves. I just don’t get how people this talented get grossly overlooked (and in this case time and time again), but I can only hope this guy knows that there are those of us that love his music, and hope that he keeps doing his thing, and keeps killing it like he did on Pieces (and Hassle for that matter). Standout Tracks: Hurtful, Amelia, Isn’t It Obvious, Back To Bed.

…and the rest:
These are the albums that almost made the cut, but for whatever reason, fell a little short of five-stardom. I’ll make a few brief comments about each. In alphabetical order:

  • A1 – Waiting For Daylight: A great surprise from the reforming of a late 90’s- early 00’s boyband. Favorite Track: Perfect Disaster.
  • Aqualung – Magnetic North: I’ll always love this band; great sound, consistently great music. Favorite Track: Remember Us feat. Sara Bareilles.
  • Broken Bells – Broken Bells: Pairing Danger Mouse with the James Mercer of the Shins; great idea! Favorite Track: Vaporize.
  • Cee Lo Green – The Lady Killer: Besides the amazing Fuck You! (no, NOT Forget You, the shit radio version; sorry Cee Lo), great album overall. Favorite Track: Love Gun feat. Lauren Bennett.
  • Elizabeth and the Catapult – The Other Side of Zero: A little more up and down than their amazing debut, last year’s Taller Children, but still wonderful overall. Favorite Track: Do Not Hang Your Head.
  • Goldfrapp – Head First: Almost five stars; just barely missed the mark for me. Full of energy and great danceable tracks; I love how Goldfrapp reinvent themselves with each new album and continue to create such fantastic music. Favorite Track: Rocket.
  • Hot Chip – One Life Stand: This one surprised me; I liked the whole album more than I have their previous efforts (which usually just had a track or two to catch my full attention). Favorite Track: I Feel Better.
  • Kelis – Flesh Tone: Wow, what a re-invention. She shows that she can kill whatever she attempts. Welcome back Kelis, we missed your sassy ass. Favorite Track: 22nd Century.
  • Kylie – Aphrodite: I know my fellow gays will weep that I didn’t declare this second coming, but it didn’t blow me away. I really liked most of it though! Favorite Track: Get Outta My Way.
  • Greg Laswell – Take A Bow: Finally got see him live this year, and another great album as well. Favorite Track: Lie To Me.
  • P!nk – The Greatest Hits… So Far!! This one is a definite five star album, but it’s a greatest hits compilation, so it doesn’t qualify for album of the year (no matter how great it truly is; P!nk has had a great career… so far!!). Favorite (new) Track: Raise Your Glass.
  • Scissor Sisters – Night Work: It starts off and ends brilliantly; really, most of the album holds some of the best stuff of their career. As one of my favorite bands I really wanted to love this wholeheartedly, but I can’t ignore the middle to near-end where things seem to just go weird. Eh, can’t win ’em all, can you? Favorite Track: Whole New Way.
  • Stars – Five Ghosts: I love these guys. Great stuff; not many other bands sound like them, and their uniqueness is refreshing and the music is hauntingly beautiful. Favorite Track: We Don’t Want Your Body.
  • The Bird and the Bee – Interpreting the Masters Vol. 1: A Tribute to Daryl Hall and John Oates: Great band does a great tribute/cover album; I only hope there are many more up their sleeve. Favorite Track (which is original to them, and not a cover, actually): Heard It On The Radio.
  • The Saturdays – Headlines EP: An EP with a couple of recycled tracks, but some AMAZING new songs. These ladies keep on taking their pop higher. Favorite Track: Higher.
  • Shayne Ward – Obsession: After two amazing albums, with the last being his best, I had high hopes. Some songs are beautiful and great pop, but it really goes tits up in several places; which is surprising given his track record. The Nickelback cover is completely unnecessary. Favorite Track: Foolish (sadly, the best track wasn’t even on the album; Future Love was just a B-side on the aforementioned Nickelback cover, Gotta Be Somebody).
  • Westlife – Gravity: What can I say, it’s Westlife, and here they do what they’ve always done, consistently and wonderfully. More great ballads, and boy band pop that I have loved for more than a decade from these beautiful men; what’s not to love? Favorite Track: Safe.

Honorable mentions:
The Wanted – The Wanted: Some great singles, guys!!
Step Up 3D Soundtrack: There are some MAJOR tracks on this album; my number 3 song of the year came from it!
Scott Pilgrim Vs The World Soundtrack: The music in this movie is so much fun!

Well, there it is, my favorite albums of 2010. There was a lot that fell to the wayside this year, because of how busy I was, but there is some really great music on this list. I feel like I didn’t get to know each album like I would have wanted to, again, because of being so busy, and I missed a lot of potentially other great albums out there, but overall, I have to say this list isn’t bad. What do you think? What do you think I missed? Do you think I nailed it? Let me know your thoughts! Now… to start collecting great music for 2011’s best of list!!

5SF: october 22

I’ve been doing my best to relax today, as I have been majorly stressed out with school lately, and listening to music always seems like such a great way to do just that… relax. So I’ve been chilling out listening to some new stuff, and I have a few songs I’d like to share with you.

Antony and the Johnsons feat. Bjork – Flétta
While it isn’t in english (no singing along for me!), it is amazing, breathtaking, beautiful, and epic nonetheless. I am a big fan of Antony and the Johnsons, as well as Bjork, and when I saw that these two had collaborated for Antony’s new album, Swanlights, I was really excited to hear their song together. What they delivered is this incredible production, which marries their two styles amazingly together, and a song that I cannot get enough of. Beautiful music needs to be shared, and this, ladies and gents, is beautiful music. I am still a bit lukewarm on the whole Swanlights album, but mostly because Antony’s last album was so incredibly amazing, I knew it was going to be hard to top it. Either way, it’s worth checking out for sure; especially if you are a fan of Antony’s previous work. Listen to Flétta here.

Mumford and Sons – After The Storm
It seems like their album Sigh No More keeps sneaking back up and surprising me with how amazing it is. The first time I heard Mumford and Sons’ recently released album, I was blown away by how wonderful it is, and how much I loved it. Well, naturally as time passes, something else steps in and takes the spotlight, but it seems that this album is a great scene stealer… it keeps finding its way into the limelight. During a recent episode of Stargate: Universe (EXCELLENT show!), they played this song, and I instantly went back to Sigh No More, and I have been enjoying this beautiful song ever since. I love when they play great music on my favorite shows; especially when it’s music that’s already on my ipod!! Listen to After The Storm here.

Erik Hassle – Taken (Still In My Blood)
Apparently, this amazing pop music virtuoso just keeps bringing downright amazing shit to the table, time and time again. I have blogged about this Swedish wonder before, who happens to have one of my favorite albums of the year (so far) with his re-released debut, Pieces. Well, I was reading my usual music blogs today, and I saw that he released an EP recently; and this song is just another testament of how talented this guy really is. It is a beautiful, haunting, and very well written pop song. I hope more people talk about this guy, because music this great really does need a wider audience; it’s too good to be (largely) ignored. Listen to Taken (Still In My Blood) here.

Robyn – Indestructible (Radio Edit)
Seriously. Seriously! She cannot be stopped. Indestructible? More like unstoppable! Unless you have been living under a rock, Robyn should clearly be one of your favorite pop artists of 2010, because she has released single after single of solid, amazing, pop music this year; and it seems, isn’t slowing down any time soon. Her last installment (and the compilation/conclusion) of Body Talk comes out next month, and this “little” teaser highlights why Robyn is THE woman to beat in pop music right now; she’s killing it like no one can right now. I am going to see her on the 8th at the Buckhead Theater, and I am so freaking excited, because I know it’s going to be an amazing show. Listen to Indestructible (Radio Edit) here.

Logan Lynn – Last High
I first saw the video for this forever ago it seems, and I could never get the song in iTunes (or anywhere else), so I kind of forgot about it. Then, randomly, the other day, I was looking at my “list of songs to download”, and just gave it a shot to see if it was iTunes, and it was! I love this song, which is apparently a cover of the Dandy Warhols song. Logan is an out (and proud!) artist, who is quite handsome, and someone who has made the 5SF before with his song, Feed Me To The Wolves. I like how fresh and flirty this song is, and I am glad I finally got to download, and enjoy it. Listen to Last High here.

So there’s this week’s five song Friday. What did you think of my selections? Anything you’ve been enjoying that I seem to be missing each week? Let me know in the comments! NOTE: If you’re wondering why Whip My Hair by Willow Smith wasn’t featured today, it is because that (quite brilliant, actually) song is getting enough attention this week.

5SF: the first saturday edition, august 14

Well, so remember last week when I promised a 5SF for this week? And remember how it didn’t happen yesterday? Well, my bad. To make amends, I offer it up a day late, and as such, offer up the first five song Saturday that I believe I’ve done. All in all, a day late isn’t all that bad, now is it? Let’s do this, then!

William Fitzsimmons – So This Is Goodbye (Pink Ganter Remix)
On Thursday night, I dragged my fat ass out to spin class, and while I was suffering through a particularly difficult class, this amazingly beautiful song came on. Being friends with the instructor, I asked her if it was indeed a song by William Fitzsimmons (who usually does almost whisper-driven folk), and I was pleased to find out that it was. So, as soon as I got home, I was happy to find it on iTunes, yet I was a bit bummed to find that it was on his last release, Derivatives, which was an entire album re-working of some of his previously recorded songs; mostly because I all but ignored it when it came out. I am all for remixes and whatnot, but a lot of the time, they don’t work out as well as people planned, and at the time, being in full nursing school swing, I wasn’t obviously in the mood for his album of reworks. Shame on me! Shame on me big time. Because I ignored the remix album, I missed this bonus new track, and this, its beautiful remix as well. Oh well, at least i found out about it eventually. It’s incredible.

Ry Cumming (feat. Sara Bareilles) – Always Remember Me
I’ll openly, and gladly admit that the way I found this song, was the featuring of the amazing Sara Bareilles. I saw it under her listed songs on iTunes, and after one listen, I was in; this song is incredible, so I can see why she would have gotten involved. Ry’s voice is gentle and beautiful, and the delicate picking of the guitar and sweet serenity of the violin throughout the track are delightful, and the tender lyrics are beautiful. What a delightful, albeit random, find; but you know me, I love wonderful surprises, especially if they are musical ones.

30 Seconds to Mars – Closer to the Edge
I KNEW that this album would have more in store for me musically than the amazing lead single, Kings and Queens; and I knew that it wouldn’t be in time for this album to potentially find its place amongst my favorite albums of 2009 (since it came out only a couple of weeks before the end of the year). On that front, it may be kind of a bummer, but at least the music is still around, and this latest single is incredible, and I cannot get enough of it. The energy is heavy, and the haunting vocals and combo of electronic and rock music makes for a great, radio-ready single. I love Jared Leto’s vocals, and here he is doing what he does best, again. The only thing I could do without is the inclusion of choir of what seems to be kids (even though I am pretty sure it is fans); eh, can’t win ’em all, can you?

Selena Gomez & The Scene – Round and Round
I HAD to post this one, because I want to get something off of my chest about it. For some reason, I wanted to hate Selena Gomez, and for a while now, I kind of have. I don’t know why, but I just have. With that being said, I recently heard this song for like the 10th time, and yet again, I didn’t want to like it, but low and behold I realized something; this song is actually quite brilliant. Not only is it catchy and super saccharine sweet, but it shows the total likability of Selena Gomez, and it highlights probably the very reason I didn’t want to like her. Well, obviously, that was a futile battle that I am happy to finally concede defeat over. Now, I can enjoy this sweet decadence in peace!

Robyn – Hang With Me (single version from Body Talk Part 2)
I don’t have much to say other than more brilliance from our resident ruling queen of pop. Robyn has churned out another amazing single, one that I am already proclaiming one of the best of 2010; which, along with Dancing On My Own, that takes the count of over-the-top amazing singles up to 2 for 2010. I am glad that there is someone out there like Robyn who truly knows how to make amazing music, and has the chance to share her amazing, unstoppable pop brilliance with the rest of us. It seems I will always be in a place of excitement over what she might do next; after all, her track record has been pretty spotless, and she continues to exceed all of my expectations rather effortlessly. I will continue to heap praise on her as long as she deserves it, and from where I’m sitting, that is going to be a pretty long time.

Well, that was nice, wasn’t it? What did you think of my choices? Any suggestions for me? Let me know in the comments!

5SF: may 28

Woo hoo! Guess who’s back!! This has been a crazy week for me (literally, 5 tests for school!), but I have made it intact through all of it, and I wanted to celebrate a nice weekend by kicking it off with some great music; especially since it’s been a couple of weeks since the last 5SF. So let’s do this.

Sara Bareilles – King of Anything
What can I say about Sara that I haven’t already said a thousand times? She’s an amazing singer, incredibly talented performer, exquisite singer, and a brilliant song writer. Her debut turned out to be one of my favorite albums of the last decade, and with this new single from her hotly anticipated forthcoming album, Kaleidoscope Heart, she has proven that she still has a lot more amazing pop music to offer us. The song is a cleverly written “fuck you” song, and brilliantly fits within her previous work, and serves as the perfect set up for an exciting new release this fall. I for one cannot wait for her new album, as I have been a huge fan of hers ever since I saw her perform live, and if it is anything like I have come to expect from her in the past, I know that it will probably be one of the best albums of 2010; and if this song is only a testament to that, it’s bound to be! Glad to see that you’re back, and in top form Ms. Bareilles!

Aqualung (feat. Sara Bareilles) – Remember Us
I honestly thought I had posted about this song already; so let me say, what an egregious error I have made by not doing so sooner! This is from the recently released album Magnetic North, from the always quite amazing Aqualung, and I thought it appropriate to post this one today (since I hadn’t already), not only because it’s my favorite track from the album, but also because it is incredibly beautiful (well, that and it allows me to keep the Sara Bareilles love rolling on). I remember seeing Aqualung a few years along with Sara Bareilles, and I never thought that their meeting would turn into a beautiful musical relationship like this. Matt really has proven to be a beautiful song writer, and this collaboration just sends it over the edge; this song is definitely one of his best.

Kylie Minogue – All The Lovers
“Dance, it’s all I wanna do, so won’t you dance? I’m standing here with you, why won’t you move?” Well, since you asked so nicely, Ms. Minogue, I will oblige!! While I don’t consider myself to be a Kylie super-fan, I do enjoy a lot of her music, and her previous release X was probably my favorite of hers thus far. After enjoying that release so much, I was excited to see she would be releasing a new album this summer, and given how much I like the lead single, I think it may be another one I can count amongst my favorites. My favorite part in this song is when she delicately sings that line above at about 2:10 in; beautiful!!

Robyn – Dancing On My Own
This is my, “unless you’ve been living under a rock, you should have heard this amazing, brilliant, pop masterpiece by now, but since I am sure some people haven’t (crazy?!), I have to post it” song. Seriously, Robyn, is a pop GODDESS. I was extremely excited when Fembot came out a few months ago, and the promise of THREE new albums was made for release this year, and so far, all I can do is stop typing, clap my hands in raucous applause, and scream bravo to Robyn. Her previous self-titled release, showed the world of pop music exactly how high the bar could be set, and with these new releases this year, it appears that only Robyn can reach the dizzying heights where she herself placed that very bar. I can’t wait to see how this whole situation plays out this year, because as I predicted even before hearing Body Talk, Part 1, I tentatively called this year musically going to Robyn; and it looks like my prediction is even closer to reality. This song is brilliant music-making people. Take it in!

Sleigh Bells – A/B Machines
Before I even knew who Sleigh Bells were, I got to see them in concert; they opened for Major Lazer a few months ago, and I was at the show early enough that I got to see their set. While I didn’t know who they were when they took the stage, I can definitely say I wanted to know who they were by the time they were done. They were incredible live, and their debut album Treats (which is pretty amazing as well), just came out last month. Overall, this is probably my favorite song from the album, and as I said elsewhere before, it is a song that, if I were a fashion designer, I would send my collection down the runway to. This song is power, raw and unabashed, and it demands attention. I love the well placed scream towards the end of the song that makes me just want to dance all night. I love when I find bands that I have never heard of, and they turn out to be amazing; lucky for me, Sleigh Bells is definitely one of those bands.

I hope you enjoyed today’s 5SF, and as always, let me know what you thought of the picks. Have a great weekend everyone!

5SF: april 2

Happy Friday, everyone, it’s that time again; time for another installment of the five song Friday!

The Bird and The Bee – Heard It On The Radio
The only “new” original track from their most recent release, a cover album/tribute to Hall and Oates, The Bird and The Bee harness their delightful quirkiness effortlessly on this wonderful airy hit. While the rest of the album is a guilty pleasure for sure, there is nothing to feel guilty about while listening to, and loving this song; it is sweet, warm, and perfect for a spring time drive. I have been a fan of The Bird and The Bee from day one, and this is yet another amazing song that I can add to my list of favorites by them. Be sure to check out the rest of the album as well, because they do Hall and Oates covers like no one else; they add a whole new level of fun!

Mumford and Sons – Little Lion Man
The album Sigh No More is one of those albums that I only wish I would have discovered sooner; it is an amazing album from beginning to end. I love the weathered, raspy vocals, and the light speed guitar and banjo strumming on this song, factors which are also present on many of the other tremendous folk-rock songs on the album. This is one of those songs that you hear and realize you have stumbled onto something amazing, and in my case, it is then that I get excited about sharing it with others. If you haven’t heard of Mumford & Sons before today, consider yourself educated about a truly amazing and talented band, and if you love this song, you will adore the rest of their most recent release, Sigh No More; I know I do.

Vampire Weekend – Giving Up The Gun
I will admit that I was a bit hard on Vampire Weekend when they started putting out singles from their most recent album, Contra. The first, Horchata, didn’t blow me away, and the second, Cousins, took me a while to warm up to. However, when I saw them on SNL a few weeks ago, and they performed this song, it was then that I saw and heard the Vampire Weekend that I fell so deeply in love with when they released their debut back in 2008. Low and behold, they’ve since released this as the third single from Contra, and I have been loving this track (and the rest of the album) more and more with each listen. I’m glad this amazing song got me back on track, and back to loving the Vampire Weekend that I was missing. Also, be sure to check out the playful video, because my lover, Jake Gyllenhaal is in it (and the lead singer of Vampire Weekend is quite dreamy as well!).

Broken Bells – Vaporize
What do you get when Danger Mouse and the lead singer of The Shins collaborate? Something pretty awesome, as far as I am concerned. This is my favorite song from their recent collaborative effort, the self-titled debut from Broken Bells. This song truly highlights both of their musical sensibilities, and makes for a wonderful listening experience; this is definitely the best song on the album for me. I fully expect to see this on a lot of best of lists for 2010, because when you have someone as consistently talented as Danger Mouse collaborating with someone as downright amazing as James Mercer of The Shins, it’s bound to get attention; and it certainly has captured mine.

Robyn – Fembot
Ever since Robyn posted this new song on her website, I have been getting more and more excited about a new release from her; so it’s a good thing there’s going to be THREE new albums from this Swedish pop-goddess in 2010. That’s right ladies and gents, 2010 looks like it’s gonna be a huge year for Robyn, who has proven that she has still got it with this extremely catchy pop gem. If this is any taste of what we can expect in the following three releases this year, it seems that Robyn is hell bent on becoming the true, all reigning queen of pop; and if it’s anything like her previous self-titled release, she’s certainly going to get my vote. Rumor is, that the first of three albums comes our way in June; I for one cannot wait.

Alright kids, there’s your five songs for this wonderful Friday. What did you think? Please leave me delicious comments and let me know; and be sure to let me know what you are listening to as well! Have a great weekend!

sotd: Robyn – Be Mine (live acoustic)

I gave it some thought, and I feel like the 5SF may introduce some great music to you guys, but every once and a while, I really want to focus on a particular song. So, every once and while, I’m going to do a post about a song of the day (sotd), and I hope that you will find it just as enjoyable (if not moreso) as the 5SF. It will also give me a chance to feature a song that I feel like deserves more than a one time posting in the 5SF; for you see, I don’t repeat songs in the 5SF, no matter how many times I play them on my ipod.

For the first sotd, I wanted to post this live, acoustic version of Robyn’s AMAZING song, Be Mine (h/t Arjan):

What an amazingly beautiful version of the song! I still remember the first time I heard Be Mine, and still to this day, it is a song that I truly love. A friend of mine gave me a copy of her fourth, self-titled album, and I instantly fell in love with it. At the time, it was an import, and it took like 3 more years for it to finally be released here in the US; and I had been enjoying it immensely that whole time. The whole album really highlights how incredibly talented Robyn is, and songs like Be Mine show the massive contribution she is giving to pop music. I can’t wait for a new album from her, and I hope that the wait isn’t too long.

5SF: may 29

I can’t believe it’s almost June. This year is flying by!! Well, tons of good music has been FLOODING my ears as a result, so I guess I shouldn’t be complaining. I’m really tired today for some reason, so I am going to just go ahead and get right down to why we are here today… the music!

RichGirl – He Ain’ Wit Me Now (Tho)
Not being a HUGE fan of hip hop, this song took me by major surprise! The first time I heard it, was all, “damn! I love this!!!”. It combines a bit of the “lady group” nature of Destiny’s Child, and blends it with the hotness of Amerie (ala One Thing), and together, it certainly has me trippin’. I love the beat, and the fact that all four ladies can sing. This song is ready for the clubs, and I am certainly adding it to my summer playlists. Wiggle wiggle wiggle girl… let’s get that dance on!

Royksopp – The Girl and The Robot
Oh Robyn, how do I love thee? There are so many ways; almost too numerous to count! This track is a fantastic collaboration between Royksopp and Robyn, which I can almost BET Robyn played a big part in (it has her style all over it). If this is just another indication that the Robyn train isn’t slowing down any time soon, it makes me even more excited for her next album; and it makes me happy that in the meantime, she is working so well with other great artists out there. This is definitely the best song on Royskopp’s album, and they did themselves a major favor by working with Robyn. The synth on this track is deep, dark, and pulsating; making this song great for driving or dancing… just don’t do both at the same time!

Miike Snow – A Horse Is Not A Home
I know that I was singing the praises of Miike Snow last week, but I have to keep singing them; their debut is one of the best albums I have heard all year. It is amazing. With this project, Bloodshy & Avant have seriously raised the bar on the indie-synth pop scene, and produced what is sure to be amongst my favorite albums for all of 2009. I love the pulsating, rhythmic beat in the background, as well as the way in which they vocode the vocals; all making for a toe tapping, and infectious track. The whole album is made up of AMAZING songs like this one, with this probably being my favorite of all. Miike Snow SHOULD be HUGE in 2009, and you can brag to all of your friends that you knew all about them, because music bloggers like me showed you the light. No thanks necessary; just go and download the album already!

Erik Hassle – Isn’t It Obvious
I have also written about the super-talented Swedish singer, Erik Hassle, who released one of the most beautiful singles for 2009 with his amazing song, Hurtful. As much as I LOVE Hurtful, this song is just as powerful, and with each listen, I love it even more. I love the distorted electro backing track of the chorus, and the emphasis in which he says, “isn’t it obvious that I love you!?!”. It’s a well written track that has the emotive vocals to back up its sentiment, and I always turn up the dial when this one starts playing. AMAZING song. I just realized that he is the third song featured this week by a Swedish artist. Seriously, something AMAZING is going on in Sweden as far as music is concerned, and I hope it keeps on coming!

Butterfly Boucher – A Bitter Song
I actually heard of Butterfly Boucher a long time ago, because my buddy Deb really likes her, but it didn’t really stick with me, because I couldn’t find her album, as it seems she never got a proper release in the US. Cut to the here and now: Apparently, being on Grey’s Anatomy is the KEY to success, because after this song was on the show, her album has found its way onto iTunes, where I saw it, and was intrigued (having heard of her before). I don’t watch Grey’s, so I heard this song when I sampled the album, and it is epic, haunting, and achingly beautiful. I hope that Butterfly gets more exposure with this album, because songs like this are too wonderful to be ignored.

I hope that you enjoyed all of the songs for today, as much as I have been enjoying them myself. Let me know what you are listening to, and tell me what you think, alright!? Have a great weekend everyone!!

5SF: february 20

Because there hasn’t been a flood of new music coming out lately (the typical “first of the year drought”; well with the exception of some upcoming leaked stuff, but I digress), I thought that I would take this opportunity to dedicate a 5SF to artists that I want another album from already. In part, this was inspired by the amazing comeback of Ms. Independent herself, who will be releasing a new album in just a few short weeks after quite a long time off. All of these artists have had at least two years to get me some new material, and all of them have left me wanting this new material badly because of how amazing their previous work has been. Most of these acts have made previous year end lists of mine, with the majority landing on my 2006 list; which brings me to say that it has been TOO long. Without further adieu, here are some amazingly talented artists that I want new albums from already… and hopefully, I will see something drop sometime in 2009 (please!!!!):

Scissor Sisters – Might Tell You Tonight
Last album released: Ta-Dah, 2006. First up is one of my all time favorite bands, the Scissor Sisters. I fell in love with them because of their amazing debut, and they only made me more of a fan with their brilliant sophomore album; but that was way back in 2006 (when Ta-Dah topped my year end list), and I am hungering for some new Scissor Sisters. I have been listening to their previous two albums this month, and loving every minute of each one; but it just makes me want more. I love my Scissor Sisters and hope to hear something new from them this year. This is one of my favorite songs of theirs, and it comes from the aforementioned amazing record, Ta-Dah.

Hellogoodbye – Touchdown Turnaround (Don’t Give Up On Me)
Last album released: Zombies! Vampires! Aliens! Dinosaurs!, 2006. I heard of Hellogoodbye randomly, and ended up getting the whole album because of how infectious and poppy it was. I ended up seeing them live, and they were brilliant and full of energy. I like to think of them as like a more electronically driven version of Weezer; with an extra dose of happiness. I loved this album, and it solidly made my best of 2006 list, so I am really anxious to hear more from these guys. It seems like it’s been forever, but that’s how it feels when you haven’t heard from someone you love in a while. I love the energy of this song, and it totally sums up their concert experience; everyone jump around and have a great time!

Imogen Heap – Loose Ends
Last album released: Speak For Yourself, 2005. Oh Immi, how I love you! It’s been quite a while since a music buff and good friend introduced me to her, and since then, I have really had a growing love for her unique and beautiful music. Hide and Seek is definitely one of my favorite all time songs, and the rest of the album is full of great songs that really highlight Imogen’s quite amazing and totally brilliant take electronic music. There has been talk of her releasing something new for over a year now, and I hoping that 2009 is the year that she comes back; she has been missed for far too long! I absolutely love the energy of this song, and hope that she brings that fire to her next album.

Mika – Grace Kelly
Last album released: Life in Cartoon Motion, early 2007. Mika was one of those artists that got HUGE buzz from me in early 2007, and my love for him maintained and even grew throughout that year, allowing him a place on my year end list for 2007. However, given that Mika’s brilliant debut hit shelves in early 2007, it has been almost 2 years since I have heard anything new from this amazing artist, and I am really hoping that 2009 is another great year filled with more Mika. This is definitely one of the most infectious songs of 2007, and really highlights how amazing, and how full fledged POP Mika is; here’s hoping that he’s got something great up his sleeve for 2009.

Robyn – Should Have Known
Last NEW album released: Robyn, 2005 (and again in 2008). Alright, now I am being a little hard on Robyn here, but hear me out. Yes, she was nominated for her BRILLIANT 2008 self titled album, but remember that this album was released WAAAAY back in 2005. Did it stand up to the test of time? Certainly! However, it is TIME for some new Robyn. She seems happy to be releasing her amazingness on the world a spoonful at at time, and continues to wet our appetites with singles off of this release, but we are SCREAMING for something new; and I am not talking about an EP with just a few more brilliant songs. If this album is any indicator of how brilliant she is, there has got to be so much more waiting in the wings, and I for one am salivating for it. Robyn, you are one of the best things to happen to pop music in the last few years, so do us a solid and bring us more of your sweet delicious amazingness, won’t you?! I am crossing my fingers for something amazing in 2009 from the equally amazing Robyn.

Honorable mentions: These two were on the list when I was making it earlier this week, but a quick google showed me that they were slated to release albums in March. Color me happy about that, but since it has been a while, I wanted to at least mention them, as to show appreciation for upcoming new music from each of them.

Indigo Girls – I Believe In Love
Next album release: Poseidon and the Bitter Bug, March 24, 2009. I love the Indigo Girls, and with their last album, Despite our Differences, they showed no signs of slowing. In fact, I would venture to say that the Indigo Girls are definitely a fine wine that grows only better and more delicious with age. Their harmonies are the stuff that angels aspire to copy, and their music is wonderfully crafted, and delightful to listen to. I am very eager for this new album, and am very excited to get yet another album from one of my all time favorite groups.

Mat Kearney – Closer To Love
Next album release: City of Black & White, May 19, 2009. I have been a major fan of Mat’s beautiful blend of alternative/indie/hip-hop ever since I heard his major label debut, Nothing Left To Lose. After seeing him in concert, I became a tried and true fan, and have been waiting for new stuff from this amazing guy. Well, I was more than happy to see that he has a new CD coming out, and if this, the lead single off of the album, is any indicator of how it will be, it sounds like it will be just as brilliant as his debut (now, you KNOW I couldn’t resist bringing you something new and amazing this week, didn’t you!?!? Well here it is; you can purchase your own copy of this brilliant song right here!). I officially cannot wait for May 19th, because there is definitely an album I will be running to the store to buy; Mr. Kearney’s long awaited sophomore release. What a brilliant single to get me excited about this upcoming release! Thanks Mat!

So there you have it, a 7SF! HA! Take that convention! In all seriousness, I am hoping to hear from these artists very soon, and I am glad that at least two of them have something confirmed for the coming months. I hope everyone enjoyed this 5SF, and have a great weekend! Let me know which artists YOU are dying to hear new stuff from in 2009!!