Tag: peace

how many times must this be said before it actually changes?

In this clip, Ellen speaks about something very real and very dangerous, and unfortuantely, something that affects us all; HATE:

Seeing this clip (thanks to vanyel) makes me wonder AGAIN, why this isn’t common knowledge, and it makes me wonder how many times we are going to have to say this before it actually changes. I feel horrible for that boy’s family, and for any other family that has been devastated by hate. I am sick of hearing “that’s so gay”, and letting it go, because it isn’t funny. Ellen is right; being gay is not funny, IT’S NORMAL, and until we get that to be the message that everyone hears, things are just going to continue. I never thought I would want to be normal, but that’s exactly what would be the best thing for gay people; acknowledging that we are actually normal.

Is it so much to want to live in a world where you aren’t hated because of who you love? I would like to think that it isn’t too much to ask at all. I am just sickened by all of the hate and cruelty that is taught in this world, and how it is being passed on to our youth.

alright, my candidate for president is…

Ha! I got you!

Just kidding… I said it was too early to “back a candidate”, and I couldn’t agree more, but I have to say, I can’t get over the optimism that I constantly and consistently see from Dennis Kucinich. I think that he has lofty goals, and falls on the side of extreme optimism when it comes to many of the issues; but that is why I like him so much. I would like to believe, as he does, that things REALLY can be good without all of the evil that we currently see. I would really like to believe that there is more to people than power and greed.

I mean, can you imagine having a president that actually cares about poverty; that is, ENDING it, and not creating it (like our current “leader”)? He’s got the right idea about the “gay agenda” too (the only one to be for gay marriage; which again, isn’t the issue, but nevertheless, we know where stands); equal rights for one and all. I just can’t help but think, that it could be a truly great society if we were all as optimistic, and really believed and strove for that which could make us the best society that we really could be. What would be so bad about having a nation of people that were all doing well, and thriving? That sounds like a good thing to me!

While I am going to stick to my “it’s too early” principle, and I am not going to say that I “back” him officially; I do hope in my heart that a man that believes that peace and equality are two fundamental principles for this world’s survival can have such an influential position someday. Maybe Dennis is that man? I for one think that would be pretty awesome.

All that, and his wife is hot! (Not to mention, really smart, and quite the optimistic sharer of great ideas).

Go Kucinich! (And those like him)!

britney, 9/11, and kathy griffin – thoughts

So apparently, I wasn’t the only one who thought calling Britney fat was going too far; but isn’t it interesting that it came from the same source? Perhaps they realized they struck a cord with the fat comments, especially considering she couldn’t be farther from it. Who knows. Either way, it is in the past now, and we can focus on more important things, now can’t we? (Like waiting for her CD release! LOL)

Or, Like today. 9/11. I don’t need to say anything about what happened on this day, and I don’t think that I will. What I will say, is that I hope that the memory is enough to stir passion in people to end the war in Iraq. I hope the passion extends pity and remorse into a call for change, and a call for action; a call for us to get out of Iraq, a call to stop the destruction, and a call to stop the loss of lives.

I, for one, hope that this day can symbolize something more for America, something more than a memorial; I hope it can symbolize a day that we come together, and understand why peace and freedom are so important. I hope it can be a day that we realize that we are all on this planet together, and somehow, we have to make it work together. In fact, that’s exactly what I want this day to be about, HOPE.

Unrelated side note: First of all, a huge congrats to the well-deserved Emmy for Kathy Griffin! Secondly, I can’t believe that an obvious joke about Jesus is getting so much press and the threat of censorship. Seriously, it was clear she was making a joke (especially so if you have seen her stand up or the show), and obviously the Emmy committee (hee, a rhyme!) totally got that joke. Let it go already… not everyone takes Jesus and religion so seriously, and some even have the ability to make something funny out of something that people clearly take far too seriously. I think even Jesus would laugh at the joke for crying out loud! Most of all, I am appalled that an organization that has a history of violence, molestation, and condemnation could call this joke a form of “hate speech”. Seriously, Catholic church, if you want to talk about “hate speech”, I think that you should listen to some of the things that your organization is saying. Gee whiz.

monday ramblings…

Not much going on today, other than slowly trying to get into the week, after a delightful weekend. We hung out with friends on Friday and Saturday, and had dinner with a lovely couple last night, one of which was someone that James met this summer. They were quite nice, and I look forward to hanging out with them again. We don’t know very many long term gay couples, so it is good to meet one more.

I went shopping at Garden Ridge yesterday, and got a lot of awesome decorator things… I think that the decorating bug has bitten me a little harder than I expected. I will be posting some pictures of the new decorations when things are all put together and posh like I like them.

Other than that, there isn’t much to say, but I do have a few thoughts on a few things. Check these out:
Iraq’s Prime Minister says we can leave anytime; they don’t need our help. He also agrees with me, that our presence is driving more people to join up with al Qaeda. Do we still think that our presence is in their best interests? It’s becoming clearer and clearer each day that we are there to take something that we want; which is sickening. Come on America, when are we going to actually be decent people, and act like the “example” of “democracy” that we are shoving down the throats of every oppressive government in the world? We have got to practice what we preach before we will get anywhere that we could ever consider a positive place.

To sort of piggy back on that thought, I guess it is true that diplomacy is actually a viable option, one that should be explored before war. Apparently, since we came to an agreement that we were both comfortable with, North Korea decided to shut down their nuclear reactor. No more threat of nuclear weapons for N. Korea? It is probably not that simple, but it is a good step; one that we came to with agreement, and more importantly, peace. Why don’t we try something like that with Iran? I mean, a lot of the reason they are so angry with us, is because of our presence in Iraq, so perhaps we should start listening to what is going on in that region. Perhaps if we stopped talking long enough to listen, we could get somewhere… peacefully. Here’s hoping.

Not that I really needed another reason to think of him as completely despicable, and completely devoid of the ability to consider the real needs of American citizens, Bush is promising to veto a bill that would increase funding for providing uninsured children with health coverage. Interestingly enough, this will come at no expense to anyone other than smokers, many of whom, in my opinion, owe a bunch of these kids health care anyway; I know my parents smoked right in my face my whole childhood, and I am not at all in doubt that this is at least somehow linked to my bad allergies. I can almost guarantee that there are kids out there that are affected even more negatively by smoking parents; who would be paying for the uninsured kids out there that aren’t lucky enough to have parents wealthy enough to pay for health care.

If, by adding a tax to cigarettes, more children can have access to health care, can you please explain to me HOW is this a bad thing? Seriously, if you can give me one viable reason as to why this is bad in any way, let me know. (Just so you know, “more people will take advantage of the system” is a BS answer, before you try to shove that one down my throat again; there are regulations, standards, and qualification requirements on this program, which should eliminate MOST of the “free loaders”. That kind of mentality (which is apparently where the Bush camp is coming from) really makes me wonder why people don’t have more faith in those that are less fortunate in this country. Just because someone is poor doesn’t automatically make them a crook, a freeloader, or someone looking for a free ride or a handout. Have a little faith in people!). I for one, hope that he considers that these children are in this uninsured situation because of the way our economy works against the working class, and the poor; but I am sure that some one will be quick to step up and call them lazy assholes, rather than acknowledge that situations and circumstances are different for everyone, and not every homeless person is too lazy to get a job.

What has happened to our country, that we have lost all faith in people’s ability to be good? Do we live in such a culture of fear and hate that we will always blame, rather than consider the circumstances? Perhaps that is part of our problem in Iraq… and unfortunately, people all over the world see that we are being like that; whether we want to acknowledge it or not. I just wish things could be better; because I know we are capable of it.

Ugh… I guess that is a lot of thought for a Monday, but alas, there it is. Hope your day is going well!