Tag: passion pit

5SF: february 4

I’ve been studying up today for the first test of this final semester (!!!), but I am studied out for the day, so I had a few songs I wanted to share with you guys. Let’s get right to it, shall we?

The Rescues – Teenage Dream
Everyone loves Katy Perry but me it seems. I’ve written about her anti-gay antics before, and I never heard an apology from her about it, so my disdain continues, and as such, I don’t have anything to do with her music. That being said, I was so excited when Glee (amazingly) covered Teenage Dream, Perry’s number one hit, because it allowed me to enjoy it guilt free (that, and it is far and above better than the original). I didn’t feel the need to post about that version, however, because practically everyone heard it, but I just found this AMAZING cover of the same song that gives the Glee version some stiff competition. This is BEAUTIFUL. All of these guys and gals can sing, and their harmony’s make Perry’s original seem amateur at best. What can I say, another refreshing take on an otherwise great pop song, allowing me even more guilt-free enjoyment of it! Win-win baby! Watch the video for Teenage Dream here.

Plan B – Love Goes Down
I really wanted to get into Plan B’s album, the Defamation of Strickland Banks last year, especially after loving his vocal on Chase & Status’ End Credits, but alas, it just didn’t happen. Well, a new year, and a new perspective, and I am wishing I would have given it a proper chance. There are several choice songs on the album, and this one is my current favorite; it’s smooth and easy on the ears, and Plan B is pretty easy on the eyes himself. I love when an artist can reinvent themselves, and seeing as Plan B is a British rapper and has turned out something so slick and soulful as this, I would say he’s doing just that; and doing it quite well. I may have missed it in 2010, but I am all ears now. Watch the video for Love Goes Down here.

The Naked and Famous – Young Blood
I heard this song on this week’s Chuck, and thanks to the power of Shazam, I found it and immediately went and downloaded this fantastic track. I’ve been reading people on the internet rightly say it sounds like a melding of Passion Pit and MGMT, but I say it definitely sounds more like Passion Pit (probably because I like them way more than I like MGMT). Regardless of the similarity, it brings enough newness and flavor to the table, and the harpsichord-sounding effect throughout is lovely. I will keep my eye out for more from these guys, because this song is top notch. Watch the video for Young Blood here.

Jesse McCartney – Shake
While I never got the chance to feature it on a 5SF before, this (still pretty) new track from Jesse McCartney did make my year end songs of 2010 list. It’s a refreshing pop song from someone who surprised me a few years ago with Leavin’, as well as his album Depature (which had a lot of great stuff on it); he’s growing up quite nicely, don’t you think? Now, he’s back on his game with Shake, which is certainly an ear worm; I find myself loving it more and more with each listen. While I don’t care too much for the video, I definitely love the song, and look forward to more new stuff from this guy in the coming months. Watch the video for Shake here.

The White Stripes – Blue Orchid
Since they apparently officially decided to disband this week, I thought I would share my very favorite song by the strange, yet pretty amazing White Stripes. I don’t claim to be a big fan by any means, as a lot of their stuff just didn’t mesh with me for whatever reason, but when they were on point, they were sharper than a pin. While most love Seven Nation Army (myself included!) this is the duo at their finest for me, it is a thumper, and makes me want to learn to play the drums so I can bang out raw energy like this. This song has me stomping my feet and gets me amped up every time I hear it. I hope these two can make more excellent stuff like this at some point in the future; regardless if it is together as the White Stripes, or as something new. Watch the video for Blue Orchid here.

Well, what did you think of these fine 5? Let me know! Also, let me know what you are listening to as well!

the 31 best of 2009: 6-10

6: Silversun Pickups – Swoon
Silversun Pickups really remind me of high school a lot, in that their music reminds me of the way that I felt when I first truly knew that I loved music. Much like the way early Smashing Pumpkins got me into alternative rock, the Silversun Pickups picked up that torch and keep the race going for me when I first heard their insanely good debut, Carnavas. Naturally, when I found out they were releasing a new album last year, I was bouncing around with excitement, and after hearing Swoon, I have to say, that Silversun Pickups really outdid themselves with this album. From the insane distortion-love-fest that is There’s No Secrets This Year (which, in my opinion, may be their best song to date), to the incredible lead single, Panic Switch, and throughout the rest of Swoon, Silversun Pickups proved that they were not going to settle for a sophomore slump; in fact, I more than happy to proclaim that Swoon soars above their debut. While I don’t really understand the ways in which they chose people for the “best new artist” category for the Grammys (for which Swoon got them nominated), it doesn’t surprise me in the least the Swoon managed to get Silversun Pickups on a lot of people’s radar this year, because this truly amazing band is making some fantastic music that MUST be heard, shared, and enjoyed. This is one of those albums that is perfect to put on when you are driving around, and want to just rock out; and that is just what I did many, many times last year (and continue to do now!). I am so glad that Swoon turned out to be as amazing of an album as it is, because it really builds on the taste that Cavarnas alluded to, and just how amazing and talented the Silversun Pickups turned out to be. Standout Tracks: There’s No Secrets This Year, Panic Switch, The Royal We, Substitution, Sort Of.

7: Mat Kearney – City of Black and White
What can I say about Mat Kearney other than he’s just simply wonderful? After falling pretty much head over heels for him with his “debut” (I use quotations, because it was more aptly described as his major label debut) Nothing Left To Lose, I was more than excited when I found out he would finally be releasing a follow up earlier last year. When I heard the lead single, Closer to Love, I became even more excited for the album, because it is definitely one of his best songs to date. When I finally got City of Black and White, I realized that it was worth the wait; Mat has grown as an artist, and taken something that he did so well before, and transformed it into something simply amazing on this new CD. From his heartfelt vocals, sweet rhythms, and rhymes woven throughout each track, and the way in which he melds rock and roll with a twinge of hip hop, City of Black and White is a truly wonderful collection of songs that show just how talented of a musician Mat really is. The cherry on top for me, was seeing Mat live again last year, and as he was the first time I saw him, he was practically flawless. This is one of those musicians that I will always be on the lookout for, because of just how consistently amazing his music has proven to be; with this most recent release being certainly no exception. Standout Tracks: Closer To Love, All I Have, Here We Go, On and On, New York To California, City of Black and White.

8: A Fine Frenzy – Bomb In A Birdcage
This album’s lead single was certainly an appropriately titled track; Bomb in a Birdcage was certainly one that would blow me away in 2009. I never really gelled with A Fine Frenzy’s first album, but once I gained a true appreciation of the aforementioned lead singleBlow Away, something told me to pay closer attention to her upcoming release. What I found, was an amazing album that captured my attention like she had never done before, and I found myself loving this album so much more than I was expecting. From beginning to end, A Fine Frenzy has created a beautiful, upbeat, catchy, and down right amazing pop album; one that I just can’t seem to get enough listens of. If you have been reading this blog for any amount of time, you should know by now that I am a sucker for a female piano-driven pop artist, and Allison Sudol (aka A Fine Frenzy) has solidified herself as one of my favorites with the release of the amazing Bomb in a Birdcage. The songs are so well written, both lyrically as well as the layered and beautiful arrangements, and I with each new listen, I actually find something new in each track that makes me love it more. There isn’t a misstep in sight with this album, which is fantastic from beginning to end. I am glad that I sat up and paid more attention this time around, because missing out on this album would certainly be a tragedy. I really can’t say it enough: A Fine Frenzy’s Bomb in a Birdcage is magnificent and it will blow you away, just like it did to me! Standout Tracks: Swan Song, Bird of the Summer, Blow Away, What I Wouldn’t Do, New Heights, Electric Twist.

9: Lady GaGa – The Fame Monster
So if there was any doubt in the lead up to Lady GaGa taking the throne as the next big thing in pop music, she pretty much put the death nell in that notion with the release of The Fame Monster. While it started out as only an 8 track “addendum” to her debut album released in 2008 year, The Fame, GaGa fought the music moguls and won the right to have The Fame Monster released as a separate album in 2009 (along with it being packaged with The Fame in the deluxe edition). However, regardless if it was an add on or not isn’t an issue, as with Monster, GaGa takes her innovative brand of pop and pushes it to the next level. From the insanely catchy, RA-RA’s of Bad Romance, all of the way through to the innovatively amazing album closer Teeth, GaGa just shows that not only is she not going away any time soon, but she plans to up the ante while she’s got our attention. On this album, I feel like GaGa has shared a lot more of herself; giving more raw performances with each track, matching her live show much more closely than ever before. Speaking of the album’s lead single, Bad Romance, GaGa also upped the ante on her equally innovative performance art, and released what many will agree was the one of the best music videos of the decade. Certainly she must be tired, because based on the consistent quality of her trail blazing take on the pop music scene, GaGa is only setting the bar higher and higher for her pop peers and herself; and she doesn’t appear to be slowing down any time soon. For me, The Fame Monster solidifies GaGa as one of the biggest (and best) things to happen to pop music in over a decade; and if this is any indication of the future, I expect to see a lot more GaGa, and I can’t wait. Standout Tracks: Bad Romance, Teeth, Speechless, Mouth, Telephone.

10: Passion Pit – Manners
The first time I heard the MASSIVE single Sleepyhead, I was instantly sitting there wondering to myself just where in the hell this amazingness came from. There have been tons of indie pop groups out there shovelling similar stuff down our throats for years, but never had I heard something as catchy as the amazing Sleepyhead. Well, several months later, they released the follow up track, The Reeling, which would be the lead single for their proper first album, Manners, to be released early in 2009. Needless to say, I realized I had stumbled very early on to something amazing, and I just couldn’t wait to get my hands on the then upcoming Passion Pit debut album. When Manners finally came out, what I got was nothing short of fantastic, and I instantly fell for this amazing indie-pop concoction. While Sleepyhead is still my favorite, there are many tracks on the album that make me wonder why these guys are more popular than they are; they really know what they are doing, and have made a pretty fucking amazing debut album. I am so glad that I found this one in 2009; it really deserves to be on a shitload of best of 2009 lists, and I know that I would have been kicking myself if I had missed out on this gem (and thankfully, I didn’t!). Standout Tracks: Sleepyhead, The Reeling, Little Secrets, Moth’s Wings, Let Your Love Grow Tall.

5SF: may 8

Well, after a bit of a snafu with the tile situation, I am pretty confident we will make the right choice, and in the end, everything will look amazing. Stay tuned for more on that… I am so ready to take a damn shower in there already, that it isn’t even funny anymore! Alright, now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, let’s get to the real reason of this post: the music! I have some AMAZING songs for today, so hold on to your hats kids, because away we go!!

Erik Hassle – Hurtful
I was surfing my usual music blogs this week, and stumbled on this MASSIVE ballad by yet ANOTHER Swede bringing the pure power of super-sweet and perfectly percolated pop to my ears. Seriously, what is in the water in Sweden?!? There are so many amazing pop artists coming out of Sweden, and Erik Hassle is certainly among them; this song is amazing and beautiful. This song overtook me with one listen. It’s massive. Keep your eyes and ears open for more on Erik Hassle; I am sure we will be hearing a lot more from him in the coming months.

Mandy Moore – I Could Break Your Heart Any Day Of The Week
There has always been something about Mandy Moore that I have liked… I don’t know what it is, and I don’t know why, but I love this girl. This song is no exception; I love the slight country twinge, and the overdubbing of her voice on the chorus. I saw the video, and thought it was a bit stupid, but it wasn’t enough to make me like the song any less. I will definitely be checking out Amanda Lee when it hits stores.

The Presets – If I Know You
This is kind of a blast from the “not so distant past”. I featured the Presets sophomore release, Apocalypso in my 2008 year end countdown at #23, which has more than a handful of fantastic electro tracks. Well, they recently released the video for this song, and I was instantly reminded of how amazing they are, and have added this track back into regular rotation. I love the accent of the lead singer’s voice, and I can’t seem to get enough of their infectious beats and rhythms; I’m glad that this one has jumped back onto my radar screen.

Owl City – Hot Air Balloon
I love Owl City. If you followed my best CDs of 2008 list, you remember that Owl City’s self-released album Maybe I’m Dreaming took the #10 spot on my list. Apparently, he was signed, because he is releasing a new album, presumably his major label debut, Ocean Eyes, due out September 1, 2009. I saw that he released this song as buzz, and I had to check it out. The best thing, is that if you go to Owl City’s website, you can register for updates, and download this track for FREE! That’s right kids… great music, for free on this Friday! Take full advantage of it while it lasts! I just bought my tickets to see Owl City in June, and getting this glimpse into the future of Owl City only increases my love of this great band. I can’t wait for the show!

Passion Pit – The Reeling
Last but certainly not least today, is sublime electro-goodness from up and coming HUGE sensation Passion Pit. This is their second single, which will accompany a full album release (Manners) from them this month. At first, I didn’t love this song as much as I loved Sleepyhead (which I have posted about before), but that is because Sleepyhead is PERFECT. Well, after a couple of listens, I realized something: Passion Pit is amazing. This song is awesome, and while they are definitely one of those bands I should, by all accounts hate, I actually LOVE them. I love the shrill voice, the pops and beats, I love it all. This is definitely a song that when it comes on the radio, you HAVE to crank it up. Try not to tap your toes and bop your head to this one folks… it’s difficult!

Well, there are your Friday five. I always say for you guys to let me know how I am doing, but I rarely get any feedback. Anyone out there want to say anything? Let me know what you think! Have a great weekend… expect tile pictures/stories soon!!

5SF: november 28

I hope that everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving; I ended up being stranded in bed with my unpredictable back. All is well though, because I got some well needed rest, and was able to play lots of video games (which was fun). I appreciate all of the well wishes from everyone, and return them right back!! Also, I hope that everyone is okay today, and safe and sound; especially with nonsense like this going on out there. People. Calm down. There is no need to trample someone to get a deal on anything; nothing is worth that much. It really makes me sad for that person’s family, and my heart goes out to them.

Well, not to get everyone in a downer, but I just felt compelled to say something about that horrible incident. No amount of savings is worth that, I really can’t believe people are that desperate. Alright, enough about that… here’s this week’s five fabulous songs for you; and note that this is the LAST Friday five that will take place before the MASSIVE year end best of 2008 CD countdown, which starts on December 1!

Okkervil River – Lost Coastlines
I have been sitting on this song for a few weeks now, but I have been enjoying it more and more with each listen. It starts off simple, and the builds to an all out head bopping dance rock-pop number that I swear sounds like The Cure, Morrissey, and The Shins are all collaborating on one track. The result is something so inherently 80’s alternative, yet still current enough to really make you want to pick up the record for future listens. The song would fit in either decade, but it’s definitely interesting to hear the 80’s sound of such great bands like The Cure being updated slightly for the here and now.

Matt Alber – End of The World
I almost didn’t pick this one for this week because I picked a Matt Alber track last week, and I don’t want to delve into the realm of overkill. BUT… I saw the accompanying video for this song last night, and I shit you not, there were fucking tears streaming down my face by the end. It is an insanely beautiful song, and the video is so completely sweet, honest, and believable, that it really reminded me of the amazing scene between Jack and Jack on Torchwood (if you don’t know what I am talking about, check this out. Wow, right?!); too bad I can’t link to the video so you can see it as well. Hmpf! I am sure that it will find its way onto youtube soon enough, so do yourself a favor and remember to look it up when it does; it is exquisite, and only strengthens my already huge crush on Matt Alber.

Passion Pit – Sleepyhead
This song is weird… and that is why I LOVE IT. The beat, the clapping, the weird background vocals, the tribal sounds… all of it is AMAZING. This is one of those songs that you hear it, and wonder what the fuck you are listening to, and you want to know because it is so fucking amazing that you have to have it and play it on repeat. These guys are being compared to fellow electro rock groups like MGMT, and I definitely see the resemblance, but there is something in this song that makes me love it so much more than anything I have heard from the others so far. Also, be sure to check out the trippy, and amazing video for this song, because it is equally amazing, and really compliments the video in a way that isn’t fully describable; the video is definitely a work of art on it’s own. I seriously cannot get enough of this song, so beware, it is a MAJOR earworm.

Freezepop – Frontload (Designer Drugs Remix)

I have been a fan of Freezepop ever since I heard the AMAZING track they did for the Guitar Hero series called Less Talk More Rokk. Well, I noticed on iTunes that they released an EP recently, I was really impressed by this track. This particular remix is incredibly hot, and is so synthed out that it is just insane. I want to put on my dancing shoes and fucking gyrate all night long to this track. It is actually hard to sit still and type as I listen to it. I am really glad to have been exposed to Freezepop from Guitar Hero, and I have enjoyed pretty much everything I have heard from them.

Len – Steal My Sunshine
Poor Len… such an amazing song, and that was about it. Well, lucky for them, this amazing track was recently featured in Zack and Miri Make a Porno, which instantly made me put it back into rotation; and I’m sure, made them a small chunk of change at the same time. This is one of those songs that are perfect to drive around to, or to enjoy a great time with friends. This song made a splash back in 1999, and was even featured in the movie Go (which had a pretty amazing soundtrack). Even though it was there one hit wonder, Len sure sold a lot of albums based on this little ditty; I remember for a while, you couldn’t go to a used CD store and see any less than 10 Len albums in the used bin. I guess people got tired of the song, but not me… I’m glad to bring it back!

So there you have it, five new songs for your listening pleasure. I hope you enjoyed them, and as always tell me what you are listening to as well! Let’s share people!