It seems that my outrage yesterday was a little less than it should have been. Turns out, the gesture Obama tried to placate us with, was worth nothing:
The memorandum Obama signed Wednesday is not expected to grant health and retirement benefits to same-sex partners, as that is prohibited under the Defense of Marriage Act.
That’s right, fellow gays and lesbians, say it with me; we are STILL: SECOND.
…and it doesn’t look like that is going to change any time soon.
This is not just disappointing, it is outrageous. This is a major slap in the face, Mr. President, and it will not be ignored. What was initially seen as a cop out, is now an empty promise worth practically nothing. Sure, I know you are limited by DOMA, but this empty gesture is not good enough, and frankly it is insulting that you would think that it is worth anything at all.
Perhaps I am being too harsh though… as you do care, right? Allow me the chance to give you the benefit of the doubt; you did say,
“I believe it’s discriminatory. I think it interferes with state’s rights, and we will work with Congress to overturn it.”
So when can we expect this to happen? If you really want to do something for gays and lesbians, DO SOMETHING. Instead of handing us empty promises, why not take actions that would actually matter? If striking down DOMA is what it will take, why didn’t you propose legislation to do just that; instead of handing us this bullshit?! Saying that you are against something while doing absolutely nothing to stop it, implicates you as a willing accomplice. Mr. President, you are guilty of standing by while we are again, discriminated against, publicly, by our government. It is going to take more than a strongly emphatic “opposition” (with a current obvious lack of any sign that you will actually do more than “be against it”) to make a difference, and I for one am waiting to see if you will actually do anything you continue to promise. The problem is, I am losing my patience.
Again, Mr. President, I am outraged at the sheer lack of support for the community that supported you so ferociously during your rise to power; only to be ushered to the back of the bus once you took the podium. For shame, Mr. President, for shame. I only hope that you will bring the change that you promised, and stop trying to sell us snake oil instead. This is one member of the gay community that is rapidly losing support for the great man that I thought you were.
Am I the only one who thinks that Obama’s recent act of granting benefits to same sex couples is kind of, well, a cop out? First of all, it is only for federal employees, which is definitely nice, since I work for the government, and know many people that will be able to take advantage of this, where they couldn’t before. However, as a contractor for the government, I work for a company that already has these benefits in place; so it doesn’t really affect me other than my thinking it’s a nice gesture. Again, it’s nice, and I am happy he decided to do it, but this is a very, very minor gesture that will have little to no impact in the actual need for our civil rights to be recognized nationwide.
Don’t get me wrong, I know that Obama is in a place of intense scrutiny and has a lot on his plate. However, if he really wanted to do something that would actually impact our community, how about addressing the myriad of issues that currently make things difficult for us? Placating a handful of us with same sex benefits just isn’t going to make us content enough to say thanks and feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
If he really wanted to do something that would make a definitive impact, that would be a true gesture of ushering in what I would consider an actual move in the direction of true equality, why not tackle the right to fire clauses that SO MANY businesses still have on the books? There are tons of businesses out there today that still have the right to fire people because of their sexuality on their books; which I would venture to guess comprises tons more employees than the government boasts. I just think it would be more worthwhile to make moves to actually making us equal citizens, and things like same sex benefits for government employees would follow these moves in the right direction.
I really hate to be a cynic, but this type of cop out really needs to be called out for what it is; a dog and pony show to mask his recent approval of DOMA. There are so many issues that affect our community, Mr. President, and seeing as how we threw our support behind you in the election, how about something a little bit more substantial; something that will actually benefit all of us? The slight of hand is not going to make us think for one second that we are actually getting more in the civil rights department. In other words, there is nothing to see here folks, keep moving, and keep hoping for something that would deserve more than a thumbs up from a handful of people.
Holy. Freaking. Shit.
We have a black man as our president!!! I never thought that a country that keeps such backward racist ideals alive would progress to a point that something this affirming and amazingly progressive could happen. This is amazing, and I am so incredibly happy that people are changing!! We have an amazing chance at making real changes in this country, and this victory proves that Americans were, and still are paying attention. It proves that people are growing, and change is coming. This is one of the most amazing things that I have ever been lucky enough to experience and be a part of in my life time, and I am just so proud to have Obama as our president. I hope that seeing this shift in attitudes to minorities will thrive and grow, and even though bigoted actions like Prop 8 are still an issue in California (WTF California!?!), I hope that people can begin to see all people as what we are: EQUAL. This time of oppression has got to end; and this election proves that we are ready to make it happen… we just have to keep fighting.
Suddenly… it feels great to be an American again, doesn’t it?
UPDATE: The more I read, and think about Prop 8 passing (as well as the actions that passed in several other states last night as well), I am more and more disgusted by people’s outright hatred of gay people. Why are gay people so fucking threatening? WHAT about us is so harmful to YOU? Having a black man in the oval office is a HUGE stride towards overcoming oppression, but at the same time, we have a VERY public message that gay people are still not welcome. It just hurts. I will never understand it, and I will never get why someone can just hate someone because of who they are; I have never been that way, and never will be. I honestly feel sorry for every other gay person in America today, because while we have been made aware of the continuing progression of our nation, the people in it clearly don’t want us to have the same civil rights as everyone else. It just makes this victory overwhelmingly bittersweet, seeing that it was coupled with such bigotry.
I just wrote and incredibly long post about why I can’t understand how people are going to let ignorance get in the way of the facts in voting this election, but apparently, my CPU usage has been exceeded, and when I tried to save it, WP ate it.
Mainly this sudden desire to talk politics again (the frequency of which has been marred by a past of ridiculous conversations with some readers) was sparked by a very ignorant conversation with my mother last night, who proved to me that Americans really only listen to what they want to hear, and then they make decisions based on only those observations. So this morning, I wanted to be sure that I was informed. I went to McCain’s website, and his wikipedia page, and read his stance on the issues. I also read Obama’s stance on those same issues. After I read both stances, and compared them, I really began to think about how our “society” is supposed to work. I can’t imagine that you would want to make things worse off for anyone; because, after all, isn’t this supposed to be a free and just society? Yet, after seeing how flawed many of McCain’s plans are with respect to the average American, as well as considering who he is as more than a candidate, I can’t help but wonder why there are tons of people out there that are willing to ignore injustice that will certainly affect them, just because they see one small feature of something in one candidate (fear?), that makes them choose him over the other.
I have not only read about McCain, but I have also watched how he uses fear and anxiety, much like Bush does. I feel even more like he is disconnected from the average American, and as such, cannot understand why people cling to stupid shit about Obama (like that he was born into a Muslim household, even though he isn’t Muslim now, and why that should matter; and what is wrong with Muslim’s anyway?), true or not, and let that make their decision for them. Vote for whomever you want to; I respect the fact that you are even voting, and I know that most of you have already decided. I know I have, and it isn’t for McCain. There are MANY reasons why not, but the main one, is because when I hear him speak, and I read his stance on the issues, I see more and more how disconnected he is from the general American public, and I don’t feel like he represents me at all; I don’t think he represents the majority of us. I have given him the mic, and now that I have heard what he has to say, I will say that he was unable to scare me into voting for him.
With all of this being said, I will say this: It is paramount that the strong help carry the weak. It is a fundamental trait of a successful society. It has been this way since man first grouped together and settled down on the first farms; and even before then, it was a requirement for us to survive as hunters and gatherers. It has allowed us to grow and flourish on this planet, and it is only through pulling together, and watching each other’s backs, that our problems are going to be solved, and things are going to get better. If we make decisions based solely on being the first one to the top of the ladder, our entire society will suffer; except the ones at the top. Those are the very ones that care more about dollar signs than they care about people and are currently the ones that are taking everything they can, and running the rest of us into the ground.
So again, after reading McCain’s stance on the issues, and judging him based on what he says and does, I can’t help but wonder, why should we hand the reigns over to another guy that shares the same values? I personally just don’t understand that at all. If you don’t see that, that’s something that escapes me, because I really did try to give this guy the benefit of the doubt. It isn’t his fault that he is rich; but what he has said about his plans for our country has definitely indicated that he is not right if we want things to get better for the average Joe/Jane. He has some good ideas, so please don’t think that I think he has all wrong notions, but the bad certainly outweighs the good, and I really hope he doesn’t have the chance on unleash them on this country; I honestly don’t think that our society will survive. We are cannibalizing ourselves, and electing another cannibal as our leader is a really bad idea.
McCain is far beyond what I can even comprehend as what one would call rational or even informed. He doesn’t think beyond a certain point, and even when he is given more information, he ignores it. It is why he still supports a war on Iraq, and it is why he will not answer the call to those screaming for help. If you need more convincing as to how out of touch he is, watch this:
I am just baffled at the willful ignorance he employs, and that of those that support him. I just hope that enough people are paying attention, listening, and finding out for themselves how wrong he is for President, and they get over any issue they have against Obama, and vote for him instead. Since this is a two party system, voting based on principle, history, or made up/incorrect character flaws is not only ignorant, it is dangerous and you will feel the consequences.
As I said, vote for McCain if you must, I respect your decision; just make sure that you are doing it for the right reasons, and that you are fine with all of the bad that will most likely come with your decision. If you aren’t a member of the upper crust who definitely does benefit from his plans and ways of working our society, can you do me a favor, and tell me, honestly, why you think he is the one to lead?
Let me just start by saying that I am sure that what I am going to say about this will make some people mad. That being said, if you don’t like my opinion, realize that it is just my opinion, and then get over it.
I read an article today talking about how Obama would do what he could to get don’t ask don’t tell repealed if he were elected president. I ask myself, seriously, why this is an issue that he would be concerned with, and perhaps more importantly, why this is being used as a method of placating the gay community for their vote? I mean, repealing this archaic policy is not going to end homophobia and the dangers associated with the anti-gay sentiments running very lively through the current military, so I don’t see a need in getting rid of it. The only important point made in the article is the only thing that Obama should be touting, and reinforcing that he is really for:
He said he’s frequently spoken out against homophobia and in support of gay rights.
My point: does the policy keeps out gays? No. There are gay people in the military. Does it protect gay people? No. Two words: Barry Winchell. He wasn’t even gay, but was beaten to death by a fellow soldier because he thought that he was. Don’t ask don’t tell is a stupid policy that was created by straight men in an effort to use that whole “it’s okay to be gay as long as you don’t act on it” argument in order to “allow” gay people to be in the military. Yes, there are gay people that have been kicked out of the military when it was “found out” that they were gay, but honestly, if an institution such as the military is SOOOOOO threatened by the mere presence of gay people, then I have a very hard time believing that it is JUST the DADT rule that this strong ideal comes from.
I say, that if you want to be in the military, and if you are gay, then you clearly know what you are getting into. It is a gay-fearing institution, that is chock full of overly aggressive, and in some cases, clearly unstable, men and women. Does that describe everyone in the military? NO! But you have to be aware that there may be one crazy that will be in your platoon (or whatever they call the groups you are assigned to) that would just as soon kill you just because he might think that you are gay; whether you are gay or not. My point is, that if you want to truly do something positive for gay people with regards to the military, enforce a strict anti-homophobia policy, and enact strict punishments for those that violate them.
While I think that don’t ask don’t tell is a crock of horseshit, I do have to say that I like it for one reason: it means that I will never, ever have to serve in the military. I have gay friends in the military, and I fully appreciate everything that they have given for this country, but I can’t say that I would do the same. This season on the L Word, they had this scenario were one of the characters was in the military, and was being investigated for being gay. In the end, she was put on trial, and they made her lover testify against her. Her lover refused, and turned the tables on the prosecutor; but the most important part of the whole trial happened when the accused soldier refused to just let it go. She said it plainly and simply; she was tired of having someone treat her, or someone that she loved like a criminal because of who they were, and that if this was going to be the way that the military treated them, that she didn’t feel like that was where she belonged.
While there are many that will disagree with her, I don’t. I cannot see myself supporting an organization that is so afraid of my sexuality, that they would harm me or treat my loved ones like criminals if they suspected I might be gay. Additionally, I wouldn’t want to support a system that is dead set on keeping me in second class citizen status.
There are so many issues here that need to be addressed, and I don’t think that simply repealing don’t ask don’t tell is the answer. I think that by oversimplifying this problem, Obama, and those like him, are politicking in the worst way, and are trying to wave “goodies” in the face of gay voters, hoping to earn their support.
Listen, Obama, we got you. We are going to vote for you (for the most part… Log Cabin Republicans most likely won’t). However, get it through your thick skull that trying to overturn a simple, archaic rule isn’t going to change the state of homophobia in the military, and as such, is not offering any gay person that participates in the military any more REAL protection. Until you want to put your head on the chopping block and go balls to the wall saying that you want to do everything in your power to make sure that everyone in this country is treated fairly and equally, as it says in the constitution, then please, quit the politicking, and just stick to letting us know that you have our backs.
Anything less is just annoying, and frankly, insulting to my intelligence. I don’t think that that repealing don’t ask don’t tell will really have the ramifications that you imply; and I don’t think that I am alone in that sentiment.
I keep hearing all of this stuff about trying to find each presidential candidate’s position on gay marriage, and I have ask… why is gay marriage an issue that should be the concern of a president? Seriously? The issue is not gay marriage; it is civil rights. Marriage is the word that the use to describe the religious procedure of getting bound to another person for life. The only thing that could make it an issue, is that it is currently recognized by the government as a legal union, and there are privileges that come with its status. However, it is not the issue, and I don’t get why we are so concerned with that word; marriage.
I would happily take a civil union any day; so long as it afforded me EQUAL rights. I don’t give two shits about calling my partnership a “marriage” vs. calling it a “civil union”; so long as we are treated equally under the law of our government. I personally think that should be more of the focus, as this issue will always be used as more of a wedge than anything, and no person in their right mind is going to go up against the juggernaut that is the Christian church. Also, isn’t there supposed to be a separation of church and state? So again, why not stop calling it “gay marriage” as an issue?
I think that if you get married, good for you; you should also have to file for a civil union, which should be the only union the government officially recognizes. Make it standard for everyone, and make it available for gays and lesbians as well. Keep marriage in the churches, take religion out of the equation, and things can be more acceptable for everyone, right? Perhaps this is too simple of a concept, but it boggles my mind that gay marriage is all anyone ever asks about when it comes to gay and lesbian rights and a presidential candidate. (what about gay civil rights of other people throughout the world? I think that should be a huge concern of ours as well; but that is a more lengthy conversation).
I realized this more fully when I was reading what Obama said, and the “reaction” from some of the gays that he was against gay marriage. We don’t need to fight for religious justification; we need to fight for equality. Sure, the fight for gay marriage is a fight for equality, but it isn’t necessarily the same thing; take religious practice out of the picture officially. These church driven people are NEVER going to give us the “right” to take their “sacred” practice (now with a 50+% failure-rate!) for ourselves, so we should just drop the shit already. I am tired of continually giving it back to them so they can wedge it between what’s really important and this dance that we have been stuck in forever. I am for equality; nothing less, nothing more. Doesn’t that sound like a more fruitful fight?
Unrelated link: This is quite fascinating if it is true; apparently, the first AIDS case was in 1969 in the US. This makes me wonder; why didn’t it spread to the epic proportions that it has today? What was the factor that caused it to spread so rapidly in the 1980s that was different 11 years earlier? If this man was the first documented case of AIDS, how many people had it before him; and who infected him? It really turns the notion of epidemiology on its head, because it really did occur in a seemingly singular incident. Weird.