Tag: new-lens

appetites and anxiety

It seems that lately, I have been quickly losing my appetite. I noticed it last week, but this week, I have been almost completely uninterested in eating. I don’t really know what is going on with this, but perhaps it will help me lose some weight; I weigh more than I ever have right now, and I am NOT happy about that. Don’t worry, I am not going anorexic, so don’t leave comments freaking out on me. I have been down that road, and I don’t see myself going there again.

I am getting kind of anxious about the upcoming weekend, and all of the things that go along with attending and celebrating Pride. While I LOVE seeing shows and people watching, and really taking in everything wonderful about Pride, I am really leaning towards skipping the parade. I have not been able to deal with heat lately, and it is only getting worse as the summer steam rolls on. I have gotten to where when I am outside, and it is stifling hot, I find myself dripping in sweat (like I have ran a marathon) as soon as I step outside. To top that wonderful-ness off, I get light headed and my anxiety only grows, and I sweat more. It isn’t pretty, and it is something that I have been avoiding pretty much at all costs. If I go to the parade, avoiding that state would be impossible, so I am leaning towards skipping it.

I can just go back and look at my pictures from last year’s parade in the AC; I guess that would be kind of like listening to the CD instead of going to the concert, right? Either way, I am still undecided. Other than that, I got my new lens this week, and I have been playing with it, seeing what I can do with it. I think I am going to challenge myself to use it exclusively at Pride, but I guess we will see. It was a huge expense (I am still feeling that), but I really think that it was worth it… The potential is great!

weekend recap

This weekend, my awesome cousin came for a visit, and we had a blast. Photo strolls with Deb, brunch with Deb, Anne, Syd, and the girls, and hanging out with friends and watching movies. Yesterday, I took off work, and we braved the aquarium, because our initial plan of taking pictures at the botanical gardens was a no-go; the gardens are closed on Mondays. Overall, it was a great visit, and it just makes me wish that I lived closer to my real family. There aren’t many of them, and I would certainly love to be able to see them more often. Either way, the weekend was a warmly welcomed great time. Also, she completely hooked me up with a new lens for my camera; in exchange for a ticket to come visit in the future. Done and done!! Now, I definitely have to practice shooting with my new Canon 70-300mm IS lens! It is the bomb! Thanks cuz!

Something else interesting from this weekend: this weekend was my mother’s birthday, Saturday to be exact. While the fact that it was her birthday isn’t that interesting, I do find it kind of telling that my father and sister planned a huge surprise party for her, and guess who wasn’t even invited? Yup. That’s right. Now, I am sure that they just told themselves that I probably wouldn’t be able to make it anyway, but, isn’t it the minimum amount of courtesy to simply extend the invitation? I mean, it would have at least shown that there was some level of consideration for me; but alas, I should have expected what I got, because it is more of the same. Perhaps this is a symbol that they too are moving on? Soon, I suspect that the traditional calls on birthdays and other holidays will fade into silence; much like any other gestures of having anything to do with my life at all. Interestingly enough, my sister called (on Saturday) to remind me to call my mother, to which I said that I was going to do so later; after the party had begun. That way, I could say my piece about happy birthday this and that, and do what I am sure she really wanted; let her get back to her life, and leave her alone. So, that’s exactly what I did.

Maybe next year, I won’t even bother to call at all. Funny, I doubt they would even notice. Oh well… such is life, eh?

still playing with the new lens…

1836, originally uploaded by duanecmoody.

I mean, how much fun can this thing be? A lot, I tell you! I also picked up some of those “under the cabinet lights”, which are essentially long fluorescent lights, and using two in tandem gives a pretty great light effect.

I am going to build kind of a photo box type set up tomorrow with some 2x4s, and solve my poor light problems of the past. I don’t know what took me so long to get this stuff to be honest… Oh well, I am sure that I will have to re-explore my adventures with fruit photography now!

It is also great, because I won’t have to take pictures of everything outside!! How novel, eh? I also need a tripod, but I guess a little a time, right? Hope everyone is having a kick ass weekend!

what a great day!

stamen & pistol, originally uploaded by duanecmoody.

I got to work from home today, because I was waiting on a package from Fedex that I had to sign for. The package, drum roll please, was a new 60mm f/2.8 EF-S USM Macro Canon lens for my Digital Rebel!!!! AH!! I already love it. I mean, how intense is this photo? This isn’t even as close as I could have gotten.

Rock star!! Thanks Wendy for the the amazing hook up, and I hope that everyone has a great relaxing day. I have to say, working at home is a great thing!!! Even if you aren’t receiving gifts in the mail!

Now get out and enjoy this weather everyone!