So this weekend was the beginning of the fourth series of the amazing show Dr. Who on the BBC. Unfortunately for us, it hasn’t hit our televisions yet, but that didn’t stop me from tracking down the show via the interwebs, and getting my Dr. Who fix last night.

This season, the Doctor has shed his most recent companion, Martha, and found himself a new tag-a-long in Donna, who we were introduced to in the last Dr. Who Christmas special. I have to say, that while I really liked Donna in the Christmas special, as usual, it is hard to let go of what I have come to know and love about Dr. Who. It is hard not to have Martha along for the ride, and the wound of losing Rose is still there, so getting used to Donna is definitely going to take a while. It was the same way when Martha “replaced” Rose, so I was pretty much prepared for the separation anxiety this time around.
I enjoyed the episode, however, and really love that they didn’t mess with the formula that has worked so well for three great seasons so far. I am looking forward to getting to know Donna more, and seeing the adventures that she and the Doctor go on. I have heard that Rose (*squeee!!!!*), Martha, and Jack are all supposed to pop back up this season, so I can say that I am definitely looking forward to how this season progresses. I may not be able to watch the show when it is broadcast, but hey, I get to see it commercial free, which is better anyways, right? (which, it airs commercial free on the BBC, but anyway…)
Also, on a totally unrelated note, does this piss anyone else off but me?? Seriously. Perez fucking Hilton is the #16 “most influential” gay person? Gag. Puke. Repeat.