Tag: muse

5SF: august 7

This week has gone by pretty fast, so there isn’t much to report today. So, without further adieu, let’s jump right into the music!

Mika – We Are Golden
This is the first single from Mika’s hotly anticipated follow up to his amazing debut, Life in Cartoon Motion. I saw lots of “eh” feelings on the blogosphere about this track before I got around to listening to it, and honestly, I couldn’t disagree more. The song has Mika’s trademark vocals, great pop sensibility, and an upbeat and happy nature that makes it unmistakably Mika. It sounds like he has had some more time to “craft” this next album, and is obviously up for taking some chances (the intricate layers and use backing multi-instruments) that he didn’t fully explore on his debut. Overall, the track is extremely catchy, and I think it is even more polished for radio than anything he has done before. Perhaps Mika is going a bit more “mainstream” with his brand of pop, but that doesn’t really bother me, because with We Are Golden, he is proving that he can do that, AND stick to what made me a fan of his in the first place; making great pop music.

Mr Hudson feat. Kanye West – Supernova
Not too long ago, I wrote a tweet that stated the words “feat. Kanye West” meant that I would instantly skip a song. I have seriously ODed on Kanye, and I am tired of him, and even more tired of his droning form of “rap”, that lately seems to do more mucking up otherwise brilliant pop songs (see Keri Hilson’s Knock Me Down) than adding anything worthwhile at all. So imagine my surprise when I loved this track after finally hearing it. One very notable exception to my aforementioned beef with Kanye is his participation in this track; he actually sings, and it doesn’t distract away from Hudon’s brilliant pop track, and it doesn’t do what Kanye has proven himself so good at; completely taking the spotlight from Hudson and putting it on himself. I will give credit where credit is due, and say that it was my buddy John who first mentioned the greatness of this track, and it wasn’t until I finally saw the video that I actually gave it a chance. I’m telling you, Kanye needs to go away for a while so we can remember why we appreciated him so much in the beginning (I personally loved Kanye’s first two albums); people like me are completely turned off to his presence and will avoid even good stuff to steer clear. Too much is too much, and too much Kanye is what we’ve got right now. That being said, it’s subtle enough to still enjoy this track.

Muse – United States of Eurasia
I love Muse. I think that they are one of those bands that are crazy amazing, and should be on the tip of everyone’s tongue, but for some reason, they aren’t. I first heard them a few years ago when I stumbled on their release “Black Holes and Revelations”, and my only disappointment with that album, was to have discovered a full year after it was released (because it would have topped my year end list; it is completely flawless). Well, I have been waiting for a new album for Muse since I fell in love with that album, and it appears that my wait is almost over. After hearing this song, and reading what others are saying about the resemblance to Queen, I must say, that while I do hear it, I think that Muse definitely have their signature woven deeply throughout the track. They take an influence and turn it into their own epic rock opera. I also particularly love the almost Bollywood flair of the backing orchestrations, and the ending which takes you back to a Victorian palour where someone is sitting and playing a peaceful sonata. I expected that Muse’s new album would be amazing whenever it came out, and after hearing this first song from that record, I am even more excited for it to be released this fall.

Kellie Pickler – Somebody To Love Me
I may alienate some of you with this one, because it is a VERY country song, but there is something about Kellie Pickler that I just adore, and when this song came up recently while my ipod was on shuffle, it gave me chills. The way that she gently eases into the chorus where she cries out that she just wants someone to love her, just grabbed hold of my heart and wouldn’t let go. I am a sucker for deep sentiment that comes in small packages, and this song is definitely an amazing example. The feeling and emotion in this song is echoed with her beautiful vocal, and it really forces me to constantly reconsider my “ban” on most things country (I ignore at lot of it, but admittedly, not all of it, and Kelly is firmly in the “do not block” column). Regardless if you like country or not, there is no denying the tender beauty that permeates every second of this song.

Eulogies – Two Can Play
This song reminds me a lot of other male/female folk-rock collaborations like She & Him, the Weepies, and the amazing pairing of Ben Gibbons and Fiest on The Train Song (which I posted a few months back). I love the sweet and tender vocals of the man and the woman, and the sweet melody and arrangement of the song makes for a delightfully fantastic pop song. I heard this song after seeing the SUPER CUTE video, and I knew that I wanted to hear more from the Eulogies. After checking out their recent release, Here Anonymous (from which this song comes), I was really pleased to have found another fantastic album that will probably end up somewhere on my year end best of list. Also, when I saw the video, I knew that recognized the beautiful female vocalist; she’s none other than fellow label mate, Nikki Monninger from the AMAZING Silversun Pickups. I just love when great musicians come together and make beautiful music, and this great track is certainly no exception.

I hope that you enjoyed this week’s selection as much as I do; they are all brilliant songs. As always, let me know what you’re spinning, and let me know what you thought about these tracks as well. Have a great weekend!

imitation, the sincerest form of flattery?

I was reading one of my many music blogs this afternoon, when I happened upon the following music clip (via discopop directory):

After listening for about 20 seconds, I had this sneaking suspicion that I had heard this song before… Hmmm, where have I heard that same drumming, same guitar riff, and same distortion effect? That’s right… Muse’s Knights of Cydonia:

Well, I guess if you are going to copy a song, at least copy an amazing one, right? What I don’t get, is that I have never seen the amazing allure that the Arctic Monkeys have to them, and this just makes me question it even more… And I am not really familiar with the Rascals as of this writing. Oh well, perhaps they meant it as an homage to Muse, who are in their own right, a truly amazing band. I just wonder why they had to make it so damn similar, you know? The similarity was instantly recognizable to me, and I am sure that I am not alone in that sentiment.

What are your thoughts? What do you think when you hear an amazing song rehashed by a group that may be more commercially popular, but not necessarily any “better”, as far as you concerned? How does it make you feel when said “copied” group is a group that you really enjoy, but the other isn’t, and you know that they will have more success with their clone?

five song friday: maybe the last?

Does anyone even care about 5 song Friday? Well, I do, so I am going to do it at least once more… enjoy. Or not, it’s up to you. This may be the last one, or not, depending on how I feel… and given whether people enjoy these or not.

Silversun Pickups – Well Thought Out Twinkles

I could probably be in the worst mood ever, and hear this song, and instantly feel somewhat, if not a lot, better. This song rocks my face off, and I love it for doing that, too. If you haven’t heard of Silversun Pickups, consider yourself on notice, because they are awesome. Their CD is just awesome.

Iron and Wine – Naked as We Came
Iron and Wine’s new CD came out this week, and I decided to give it a listen, after (for whatever reason) ignoring his previous stuff, and I must admit, that I really like it. I also got one of this other CDs, that happens to have this song on it, and I must admit, that it is beautiful in it’s simplicity. I love this song, and it makes me feel like there truly are delicate and wonderful things left in the world.

Feist – I Feel It All
Normally, I am not a fan of live performances, but this is one of my favorite songs from Feist’s new album. Also, the performance is pretty spot on. Finally, everyone has heard/seen 1234, because of the nano commercials, so I thought it would be more fun to bring another great song by Feist to the surface. While these songs are definitely great, her CD is pretty great all the way through.

Muse – Knights of Cydonia

I fucking love Muse. They are amazingly awesome, and Black Holes and Revelations is one of those CDs that I just kick myself for not discovering sooner (it would have definitely made my top list of 2006, easy). That being said, I LOVE this song, and I am super excited to know that it will be in Guitar Hero III. In the mean time, I can just enjoy the greatness that is Muse in this crazy Western video.

Kelly Clarkson – Sober (not the real video… just for the song)
Now, I will admit it, I wrote her album off as awful; but I don’t remember this song being on there. If I did, I am ashamed, because this song is beautiful. I heard it last night on Smallville, and loved it. Kelly, I’m sorry I ignored this gem. It’s great. This isn’t the video for the song, just a video someone made with the song, but the song is SO GOOD, which is why I posted it. Give the song a chance… I know it is going to get me to reexamine her latest CD now.

That’s it for this week’s five song Friday. Let me know what you thought. Things are stressful, as I have two midterms next week, so wish me luck… I hope all of you are well.

presumably something for everyone!

Happy Monday kids!!! So, things are a bit all over the place in my brain today, so I thought I would just jot it all down, and put it out there; since I am sure that there is a little something for everyone. Perhaps it will cure your boredom, or at least give you something to think about! Here we go… ready?

  • I have been listening to Muse, Zwan, and a lot of ROCK lately. I am enjoying the hell out of it too; it totally reminds me of my alternative/rock days where Weezer and Smashing Pumpkins were all I listened to. For some reason, people find it odd that I love hard rock, but alas, there it is. To continue that thought, I cannot wait until July 24th; Guitar Hero Encore: Rocking The 80s comes out. I will be at Best Buy that day getting my copy. Want to come over and play? Hopefully, that can calm my intense hunger for Guitar Hero III; which I should probably be saving up for, since I have to get everything for the Wii.
  • This is fantastic news. I am really happy when justice is truly served. This guy didn’t deserve to go to jail for a consensual sex act; no one does. I am happy to see that he is finally free; although, the prosecutors are seeking an appeal. Ugh, leave the kid alone, he has already done 2 years in jail for no reason.
  • This is like my nightmare. I love roller coasters, and have always thoroughly enjoyed them, but this type of thing just scares me. I know it is highly unlikely, but still, I can’t imagine being stuck at the top of Acrophobia at Six Flags over Georgia for that long. I would pass out, piss myself, and probably have an aneurysm while they were trying to save us. That is probably why I don’t ride that one anymore; it is too much for me to handle, and I heard that it actually did get stuck at the top once, and they had to manually lower it. Fuck that. I feel bad for those people, because they are probably ruined on roller coasters now.
  • Here’s the only thing you will hear from me about the whole Paris Hilton thing: Paris, none of us think for a second that you are just “acting” dumb. You are dumb. And rich. And that is the only reason why anyone even pays you any attention. Just do your time for the crime you committed, and move on. I am certainly sick and tired of hearing about you and your grossly over-privileged ass.
  • Apparently, there are drugs in the water in Albania. I mean, that is the only way I can truly understand why these people think that Bush is such a symbol of democracy. Those in Rome had a better idea of exactly who he is; and it is sad that there are still herds of people that are blinded by how awful this man and his presidency truly have been and continue to be. Also, how can people really trust someone who doesn’t bother remembering his position on things? This is someone that we are trusting to keep us safe, and he can’t even remember his position on global affairs and foreign policies. Yikes. I am awe that people still think he is doing a great job; this is just another example of how out of it he really is.
  • This is just creepy, but it is immensely informative. I watched the video for my car, and I was pleased to see that it crashes “well”. One of the biggest selling features for my car was the air bags and the safety features. Any of you that live and drive in Georgia know that you have to be protected from these assholes that love to fly down the road, talking on their cell phones, and not paying attention to anything. It still blows my mind that people don’t take driving more seriously; you are gambling with your life people!
  • There is a whole mess of hotness out there these days; and I am not talking about the weather. I was at the gym the other day, and I noticed John Cena on someone’s TV, and I was reminded at how “DAYUM(!!!!)” he is. While I think the whole wrestling thing is silly, and that movie ‘The Marine’ was pretty bad, he is so fucking hot, that it is almost worth sitting through that crap to see him. What a hunk. *drool* Also, I am totally loving me some Seth Rogen. I have thought he was cute since I saw him in 40 Year Old Virgin, and now that he is all over the place because of his new movie, I am drooling over him heavy. I have to get to the theater and see Knocked Up! Man, I could seriously stare at men all day; I am definitely a visual person. Good thing there are so many hotties to look at!!! Side note: Don’t worry, Jake, you are still my number one, honey!
  • Finally, let’s end on an amazingly HIGH note: Sara Bareilles‘ album, Little Voice, is coming out July 3rd!!!!!!!!!! I am so fucking excited, because as I have said numerous times, I absolutely adore Sara, and have been following her for years. I love her music, and I am so looking forward to her getting more exposure, and hopefully the recognition she deserves. If you haven’t already, go and download her EP in iTunes. You won’t be sorry; she is one of the best singers out there, and you must do yourself a favor and check her out!!! Congrats Sara!!! I will probably blog more about this as we near the release date; as I said, I am super excited about this!

Whew! Did you get all of that!?!?! Have a great afternoon!