Tag: missy-higgins

5SF: february 27

Well, the rumors are true; we got a new dog last night. He’s a rescue and extremely shy, so we are in the “trial phase” right now, in order to see if he will work out for us. Here’s hoping that he warms up to us, and we can give him a good home. He’s much bigger than Sydney, but follows him around like a shadow; it’s ever so cute. Well, let’s not let this post go to the dogs; let’s get to the music!

Missy Higgins – Forgive Me
Tonight, a good friend of mine and I will have the distinct pleasure of seeing the wonderful Missy Higgins live, so I thought it would be appropriate to post one of my favorite songs from her most recent album. I have posted about this Aussie before, and I can definitely say that I am looking forward to the show; her music is beautiful, and her voice is divine. The sincerity and tenderness in her lyrics and vocals is impressive. I can’t wait to see what she does live, and I really hope that she plays this magnificent song!

Angel Taylor – Chai Tea Latte
Okay, do me a favor with this song: listen to it a minimum of four times before you make ANY decisions about it. Why? Because the first time I heard this song, I saw something special, but I didn’t realize how special it was until about the 4th listen. I am a sucker for these tender ballads, and the story telling element is always a welcome plus. I was drawn in by the tenderness of this track, and after several listens of this wonderful song, I want to hear more from Angel Taylor. Her voice reminds me a little bit of Corinne Bailey Rae, and that is definitely a good thing.

Ben Gibbard and Feist – Train Song
Wow, I just have to say, that when two of my all time favorite vocalists get together and do a song, I expect it to be perfect. Well, low and behold, this one is. This version is a remake of the Vashti Bunyan song of the same name, and was included on the recently released indie collection, Dark Was The Night. It really blends both the style of Feist and Death Cab beautifully, and their vocals have never been more beautiful. This song is an instant favorite.

A Camp – Bear On The Beach
I have been enjoying the A Camp album for a little while now, and I wanted to post one of my favorite songs from the album. Bear on the Beach shows just how strange and eclectic that Nina Persson is, but at the same time, beautiful and extremely talented. No wonder she is one of my favorite singers out there. This is one of those albums that most will probably overlook, which is sad, because it is very, very good. It might even make my year end list… stay tuned.

Chester French – She Loves Everybody
There are many songs that I should instantly love, but don’t. Then, I see the video, and I am all, “why was igoring this song, it’s pretty great!?”. Well, this is one of those songs. The lead singer is a cutie, and when I saw the video I instantly thought, “this is that song I have been ignoring for months now!”. No longer my friends, this song has found its way onto a 5SF, and it deserves to be heard. Do yourself a favor and check out the strangely violent video, that is almost campy in its presentation, which makes it even better. I’m glad I saw the video, because it has turned me onto this great song. My favorite part is the claps during the chorus; fun stuff!

Well, there’s another 5SF for ya. I hope that you found something that you liked, and as always, please let me know what you are listening to; I really want to know!

5SF: may 30

Today’s five song Friday has a huge surprise from me… a song by a group that up until recently, I couldn’t stand at all. Seriously, the mere mention of their name made my skin crawl, and yet, they have released an AMAZING song that I tried to resist, but couldn’t. Also, I have a few songs that were recommended to me, so again, I really do value and appreciate all suggestions; most of them I really enjoy, and some I am elated to find out about! With that bit of titillation, let’s get to it, shall we?

Santogold – L.E.S. Artistes
I kept hearing how “amazing” Santogold is, and after many recommendations (thanks, y’all) in addition to that, I checked her out, and I must say that I am definitely impressed by this song. The song took me a while to get into, but I find myself enjoying it more with each listen. I really love the drumming, especially at about 2:30 in… I love a good beat. I wanted to include the video because it is one of those occasions where the video totally adds to the song; although, I don’t really know WHAT it adds other than visual entertainment. Nice song, and good recommendation.

Coldplay – Viva La Vida
Here’s the song I mentioned above, that comes from the group I couldn’t stand before today… before seeing those damn itunes commercials featuring Viva La Vida, I literally HATED Coldplay. Seriously. What is it about them that I hate? Perhaps the smugness of Chris Martin, and how it totally comes through in each of the songs that have FLOODED the airwaves for the past several years? (yeah, that’s it!) However, there is no denying that this song is pure genius. I will gladly consider myself a Coldplay fan for this song; it is catchy, brilliant, and begs to be played on repeat. Also, not really related to the song, but a note about one member of the band: Will Champion, the drummer, is smoking HOT. Seriously, I want to have lots of babies with him. Alright, I will stop drooling over Will, and drool over this song, because it too, is hot.

Cyndi Lauper – Rain On Me
I don’t really like putting two songs by the same artist two weeks in a row (I like to keep things fresh, and mix things up a bit), but there are times when there are two really stand out tracks that just capture my attention, and beg to be shared. This is one of those times. I featured Cyndi’s club banger Into the Nightlife last week, but after giving the whole (pretty decent) record a listen, I stumbled on this fragile ballad near the end of the CD. I must say, that instantly, I got chills. This song is beautiful, gentle, and totally reminds me of some of her amazingly moving hits like True Colors. This song is quintessential Cyndi for me, and it is an amazing track that begs for much deserved attention. Cyndi, you clearly still have it honey, and I couldn’t be more proud of you.

Missy Higgins – Ten Days
Missy Higgins is one of those artists that most of you may not know about, but you really should. She is big in Australia where she is from, and has recently had a hit with Where I Stood (an emotionally driven amazing ballad that I featured a long time ago back when 5SF was just getting started). Since I got my ears pierced, I have been listening to radio on my computer a bit at work (when my ears hurt too much to continue using the torture devices also known as ear phones), and one site that I have been listening to is Pandora. The basic premise, is you enter an artist you love, and they play stuff that is similar. Well, this was one of the songs that they suggested to me, and it reminded me that I needed to get Missy’s first CD, because of how much I LOVE her most recent release, On a Clear Night. Well, after snagging her first album (that contains this track), I have realized how much I really do love this artist, and I just wanted to get some more out there about her. I am definitely impressed with both of her albums, and consider myself lucky to have found such an amazing artist for my music collection. This is a beautiful song, and is definitely indicative of what you can expect from the amazing Missy Higgins. Also, not to gush too much, but that violin riff is simply amazing.

Weezer – The Angel and The One
It is with sheer excitement that I type these next words: Weezer’s new self titled album, or as it will affectionately be referred to because of previous self titled albums, the Red Album, hits stores on Tuesday. I was lucky enough to get an advanced copy, and this song is one of those songs that makes me wonder why so many “fans” gave up on Weezer after Pinkerton. If you aren’t familiar with Weezer’s history, Pinkerton was an amazingly candid and totally honest look into Rivers Coumo’s heart, and as such, it is one of the most beloved records by Weezer’s fans. However, maybe he felt that he said too much, and as such, has not shared as much depth, at that level, since (at least, many would agree that he hasn’t). Well, this song proves to me that Rivers is still the emotive boy that needs love and feels that love enough to put it into song; and proves that those “fans” shouldn’t have given up on this amazing band. I love Weezer, always have, and I am truly excited about the new album; and with tracks like this and the catchy as hell Pork and Beans, why not, right? Weezer is back for all those that thought they left, but those like me know that they never really went anywhere; they were just keeping the emotion in check.

Well, there’s your five songs for this final Friday of May, kids!!! Hope you enjoyed them!!! As always, let me know what you are listening to, and I hope everyone has a great weekend! We are off to the EABF tomorrow for a day of boozing… viva la beer! HA!

5SF: october 26

Welcome to another installment of the fabulous Five Song Friday!!! This week, we are all about the ladies! I have always had a thing for female singers, and according to my listening tastes, it is clear they represent the majority; perhaps that hearkens back to a childhood/lifelong obsession with Karen Carpenter?… who knows… but that’s a different story for a different day!

Now, on with the show!

Avril Lavigne – Hot
And that is exactly what this song is… HOT. I have to say, when her CD came out, I really tried to resist liking Girlfriend, because of how obnoxious is can be, but it turns out, that it was more catchy and fun than obnoxious. About the time I fell in love with Girlfriend a couple weeks ago, BAM, Hot hit me right between the ears, and I have been addicted to this song ever since. It is not what I remember about Avirl’s earlier stuff, and I definitely like this direction that she is going. Pop is much more suited to her than the angry little “emo punk” chick that she was (IMHO) trying too hard to be. Keep the look; ditch the attitude… win/win as far as I am concerned. Also, this video is a little treat to my buddy dave, who I know loves the punk/emo girls… as Avirl is looking quite “hot” herself in this video.

Missy Higgins – Where I Stood
Now to switch MAJOR directions, I bring you one of the most beautiful songs I have heard in a long time (man, I say that WAY too much… oh well, right?); Where I Stood, by Missy Higgins. I was watching Smallville last week, and this is the song that they played over a particularly “emotional” moment in the show, and I was like, “I MUST have that song!”. As such, I got Missy’s album, and have been playing this song a lot (as well as the rest of the CD) ever since. Turns out, Missy is pretty huge down under, which is something she has in common with another artist I am featuring this week; Miss Delta Goodrem. I am glad to see some Aussie love coming this way, and hope that this trend increases. If you enjoyed this song, be sure to check out the rest of her CD, which is quite good, by the way.

Now… on with the video-less portion of our show!

Delta Goodrem – Woman
Now is time to make good with my earlier mention of bringing more Australian artists on board this week’s 5SF, and I’m doing so in a big way. This song, Woman, by Delta Goodrem, is off of her newly released, amazing third album, titled simply, Delta. I got the album earlier this week when it was released, and I promise you, it has not left my CD player. In fact, it was really hard not to just feature five songs by Delta this week, because her new album is amazing. If you have never heard of this Aussie beauty, welcome to the show, because you are sure to be impressed. Delta is a very talented musician, and has an amazing voice; which can be easily compared to Celine Dion. Before you launch a protest because I mentioned Celine, realize that Delta isn’t as “cheesy” as Celine, and has more edge to her, and in my opinion, more talent. I have liked Delta for a quite a while, and I am so pleased to hear such amazing music coming from her. This is a must have CD, and one of the best of the year so far. As my buddy Stu mentioned, it is the album Celine WISHES she could make… but she can’t, because Delta did! If you like this song, be sure to get the rest of the album… you won’t be sorry.

Sugababes – Surprise
A few weeks back, I featured About You Now, the lead single off of the Sugababes’ newly released album, Change, and this week, I am going to build on my love for the Sugababes. I am still surprised that this girl group has as yet to break the US market substantially, because they really have got it going on. This song is also from their new release, which I have been slow to get into for whatever reason. It is, however, aptly titled, because when I heard it, I was like, WOW! What a surprise! It is fantastic!!! If you are fan of the Sugababes, you should love this song, because it is easily the best from the new album. The Sugababes prove (yet again) that there is still great pop music being made out there… you just have to go to other countries sometimes to get it! If you enjoy this song, make sure you check out the rest of their new CD, which I am enjoying more and more with each listen!

Britney Spears – Heaven On Earth
As I mentioned yesterday, I am pretty excited about Britney’s new album, and will be picking it up on Tuesday after hearing leaked tracks, like this one; Heaven On Earth. Honestly, this song shows Britney doing what she does best, and that is being a pop diva. Whatever you think about Britney doesn’t really matter, because she really does have the music to back it up; she is, and always will be, a pop princess… and her new album PROVES it… regardless of what is going on in her life, the music is really, really good. Honestly, I am elated that she made so many good decisions with regards to the songs she is releasing on Blackout, and I hope that it gets the attention that it deserves. Seriously, there are people saying that this may be the best record of her career, and I think they may be right. Britney, bravo. You have got major applause from me for this one, and I can’t wait to get the record. If you like Britney, pop, and fun music, you should love this track… if not, then perhaps another one of the songs featured today will work for you! Either way, we all have something to enjoy. I just hope that this record is a solid foot in the right direction for dear old Brit. I am routing for you, girl!

I hope everyone is having a great Friday… thanks for tuning in to another Five Song Friday! I hope that you enjoyed the songs, and as always, if you have suggestions for me, let me know!!! I have been really enjoying this weekly feature here at duanemoody.com, and I am sure that I will only get better with time! Have a great weekend everyone, and enjoy the music!