Tag: kate-miller-heidke

5SF: january 30

I can’t believe that January is almost over. Wow, time really flies! Regardless, it feels like I have been in a bit of a music slump lately, mainly because I haven’t seen too much good stuff coming out. However, this has given me a golden opportunity to go back and listen to stuff I already liked, but have ignored for a while! As such, I have been “re-discovering” stuff that I haven’t listened to in ages, and in the future, I will probably be featuring songs that I “re-discover” peppered amongst the new and exciting tracks that I want to gush over. Well, that’s enough about that, here’s your five song Friday for the last Friday in January:

Basement Jaxx feat. Lisa Kekaula – Good Luck

This is one of the many songs that I hear when I am out at Mary’s, and I completely diva-out (finger wagging, lip syncing, and tossing my imaginary hair about). It is a FIERCE track, that is a complete middle finger brandishing kiss-off, with a great backing dance beat. I like the juxtaposition of throwback soul with the electronic pops and beats, and it is very well done on this track. This song is best when played loud, and with plenty of room to point your finger and wave it about fervently while you tell that man to enjoy his new bed. Hmpf! This is seriously one of my favorite songs, and I can definitely listen to it on repeat. Sing with me: good luck good luck! HA! I would also suggest checking out the video, because it is very Jackie Brown, and fierce in its own right.

Kate Miller-Heidke – Caught In The Crowd
I featured a Kate Miller-Heidke track some time ago, and late in 2009, I got kind of excited because she released a new album. However, I initially had a difficult time getting into that album, and it didn’t help that it came into my life about the time I was compiling my year end best of list. Well, as I mentioned above, I have been trying to give more stuff a real chance, and so I decided to give new album another go, and I was pleased to find this absolutely delightful song this time around. She has a very interesting voice, and she has this whisper-ish, baby-like way of singing that makes this an especially sweet brand of pop. The narrative style of her song writing is genuine and sweet, and goes really well with that singing style. Overall, I love the arrangements of this adorable little song, and I am very glad that I went back for a second listen.

KaiserCartel – Okay
Sometimes, I start to hear a song, and I am ready to move on, but something about it makes me want to see where it is going. This is extremely rare, because usually, a song only has about 30 seconds to impress me. However, that is exactly what happened with this song; I didn’t like the first 25 seconds that much, but around 38 seconds, it really picks up, and turns into a beautiful folk-pop track. The vocals are very reminiscent of one of my favorite folk artists, Feist, which only makes me like it more. When the guy joins in, it makes for a sweet collaboration, and it only continues to progress into a great track. I’m really glad that I waited long enough to let this song show me how good it really is; because now I have been hooked, and I have quickly come to love it.

Levi Kreis – Hardly a Hero
Wow! This song is amazing. Levi is like a gay Harry Connick Jr., and by all accounts, should be just as famous. After doing a little internet research about him, I have found out that he was raised in the south, and struggled with coming out in much the same way I did (even though he went through A LOT more than I did… he went to one of those de-gaying camps. Yikes!). Knowing that makes it even more impressive that he has come so far, and despite all of his set backs (getting kicked out of college because he was outed, and being dropped by a Christian music label, presumably because he’s gay), he is still using his amazing gift to make beautiful and inspiring music. I love the slight country twinge to his voice, and the tenderness with which he sings. His piano arrangement for this song is truly beautiful, and really reminds me of amazing pop songs like fellow out artist, Ferras’ Hollywood’s Not America. There is a tenderness in this track that brings a flair of down home gospel into the mix, and makes it a true anthem that comes straight from the heart.

Jennifer Hudson – We Gon’ Fight
Damn. This song is 1000000% diva. After Jennifer’s CD came out last year, I pretty much knew it would make my year end list, and low and behold, it did. There is something about her voice that I cannot get enough of; it is an instrument, and she harnesses it beautifully. This is probably my favorite song from the album, and lately, I have been listening to it more and more. In doing that, I have really seen how amazing this song really is; the arrangement is stellar, and the subtle ways she weaves the emotion into the track with her undulating voice is simply outstanding. I am glad that JHud is getting the attention that she deserves, and I have to say that it is pretty amazing to be here to witness the birth of a true diva’s career.

So there’s give more songs for ya; I hope you enjoyed them. Let me know what you liked, and there are any suggestions, let me know those too! I want this to be collaborative effort, in that we share with each other; so let me know what you are listening too!

5SF: january 25

Guess what today is, kids!! It’s mothafucking Friday, and time to bring on the jams! What!?! Yeah, I am in a weirdly good mood today, but I have chosen to go with it, so I think that you should too. Let’s get to the music before things get out of hand.

Adele – Chasing Pavements
You may be thinking, Adele? Again? and you know what, you would be right. Adele is infectious. She is amazing. She is true talent, and her CD comes out this Tuesday in the UK, so I felt compelled to bring her to the forefront again. I have been enjoying my time listening to Adele this month, and I have to say, with each listen, I love her more. Fuck the haters that are bashing her (seriously, people are giving her shit for only debuting at number 2 on the singles chart… give me a break), this girl has a voice that is stunning, and weaves these amazing songs that capture your attention and leave you wanting more. This song, Chasing Pavements, is one of those songs that I just cannot let go of, and after a listen, it just stays with me all day. This is truly a wonderful song, and a reminder to pay attention to Adele; I have a feeling we are going to be hearing a lot more from her once the CD hits shelves on Tuesday. Also, this video is quite weird, but I like the quirkiness of it.

Bush – Swallowed

After posting two of my high school favorites (Elastica and Blur) last week, I got to thinking that it might be fun to feature at least one song every now and then, that I randomly heard recently, and was reminded of how much I loved it in the past. This week, Swallowed came on the radio, and I was all “holy shit I love this effing song, and I can’t believe I haven’t heard it in forever!”, and so, here it is. Whatever happened to Bush? Their first and second CDs were dynamite albums, and then I pretty much stopped paying attention. Oh well, at least we have the memories, right?

Kate Miller-Heidke – Mama

I heard about Kate on one of those many, many “ones to watch out for” lists that I randomly found on the internets, and after checking her out, I can see why she made that list; this girl is great! She reminds me a little of Regina Specktor, but with more spunk and panache to her sound (also, without that unnecessary double scoop of goody-two-shoes bubblegum flavoring). I chose this song, not because it is the catchiest from her record, but because it totally captivates me every time I hear it. I am drawn in by her desire to please her mother, which totally translates beautifully in this song, by the brash guitars and the shrill vocals. Love this song, and love her!

Georgie James – Cake Parade

So, I heard about Georgie James from a flickr friend, who recommended it in the Monday music suggestion group, and I must admit, that I was instantly enamored with this song. It is so playful and enjoyable, that it really reminds me of the fun I have listening to artists like MIKA and Fountains of Wayne. Also, the guy in the group totally sounds like the guy from Fountains of Wayne, so that probably has something to do with it reminding me of them. Either way, definitely a fun group with a great “throw back” almost vaudeville-ish sound, that I am totally into. A great suggestion from my friend, that I am pleased to pass on to you!

Number One Gun – The Best of You and Me
This is one of those songs that I heard of randomly, and was instantly all about. I saw Number One Gun mentioned somewhere, and I liked the cover of the album, so I went to their myspace, and The Best Of You and Me was the song that started playing. I instantly downloaded the album, and have been really grooving to this electro-rock piece. It has a mellow feel, but powerful male vocals really make it a great pop song.

Well, there we have another five song Friday in the books, and some good songs to listen to this afternoon. I hope that everyone is having a kick ass day, and I hope that your weekend is even better. As always, let me know what you are jamming to, and we can make this music suggestion thing a two way street, cool?