Tag: dog days are over

sotd: Florence + The Machine – Dog Days Are Over

I owe my friend Deb an apology on this one. She was screaming about how amazing Florence + The Machine were practically all of last year (and even named Lungs as her album of the year), but for whatever reason, I wasn’t ever able to get into as much as she did. Well, that has all changed, as it seems I can’t get enough of Florence + The Machine these days; better late than never, though, right?

I think my finally coming around was especially helped by this amazing video for Dog Days Are Over:

Wow. This is one talented woman, whose 2009 album Lungs SHOULD have had one of the higher spots on my year end best of list, but because I wasn’t as into it as I should have been at the time, it was sadly overlooked (I did like it, but it didn’t even make my top 31; which I now realize is a glaring omission on my part). I am saying today, that I am sorry that it wasn’t included, and it is a great regret of mine that I didn’t heap the praise that it truly still deserves on it at the time I should have. Deb, you were right!! Florence + The Machine are amazing!