Tag: cynical

if you can’t say something nice

… you aren’t supposed to say anything at all, right?

Well, that’s good advice for where I am at right now. Whether it is just general malaise for things that are going on around me, or outright disgust for others, I don’t have much in the way of positive words of wisdom right now; and I’m trying not to unleash a constant stream of complaints.

As such, I’ve decided to just see if it will blow over, and I am hoping that it will; much sooner, rather than later. Until that time, I will do my best to keep these feelings out of my mind, and off of my blog (this would be a reason for the lack of posts recently… that and the funk I’ve been in).

Despite all of the aforementioned negativity, I was introduced to Firefly Sweet Tea Vodka this weekend, and I would be happy to pontificate about its greatness all day long. Seriously, this shit is amazing. Thanks goes to Davidly for formally introducing me to what I am sure will become a new obsession of mine. It may be minor, but this little treat certainly cuts the focus on the cynical and negative, and that is definitely a good thing.