Why the fuck not, it’s Monday, so let’s do a list of thoughts/gripes/excitements/etc why don’t we!?
There are a LOT of albums coming out in the next couple of months that I am really, really looking forward to: Uh Huh Her, Jennifer Hudson, Lesley Roy, The Script (tomorrow!), Kaiser Chiefs (!!!), Jenny Lewis, Keane, P!nk, Jem, John McLaughlin, Will Young (!!!), Rachael Yamagata, Ray LaMontagne, and perhaps most importantly, Lady GaGa (AHHHHH!!!). That is a LOT of music coming in the near future that I am thrilled to get my hands on (and into my ears). What releases are you looking forward to?
For the past month (give or take), XM has been playing nothing but Coldplay on one of my favorite channels, U-Pop. I found out the other day that there is another channel that is playing nothing but Coldplay as well. Now, I like the new CD, but I am not a fan of their previous stuff. Regardless, I think that it is extremely ridiculous to devote two full channels for a full month to a band like Coldplay; they only have 4 records out! WTF XM?
Since I am on a gripe about XM, I want to know what the deal is with the commercials. Seriously, I understand them on talk radio, because those shows actually have breaks for commercials on the regular networks, so commercials are acceptable on those shows. However, XM touts themselves as commercial free, which is an absolute LIE. I want my $175 a year I spend on XM back if I have to listen to commercials, it just doesn’t seem right, to pay for commercial free programming, and then be lied to, does it?
I feel like I might be the only one, but the fact that the Olympic opening ceremony cost a reported $100 million really bothers me. It was pretty and all, but that money could have been used WAY more effectively, even in China, where plenty of people live in poverty. I just feel like it was a lot of “showing off” for the rest of the world, and I really felt like it not only teetered on “excess”, but it was kind of a slap in the face to all of the poor people in China that really have actual needs that will last way longer than the 4 hour ceremony that occurred last Friday. It was, however, funny to see our dork of a president yawning and tapping his feet in boredom during the march-out of the countries participating. What an idiot to represent us to the world.
As for the Olympics themselves, we watched the women’s gymnastics last night, and it was fun. I see this next couple of weeks being filled with wondering who wins what, and wanting to watch some of the events. I guess we’ll see how much we actually watch, because I get burned out on that crap pretty fast, really.
I think that’s about it really. I really want Apple to hurry up and release a new ipod Touch for my birthday!
There have been a ton of records coming out lately, and a lot of them have been getting a lot of my attention. Since it is so freaking hot out, there is little to do but stay indoors and play some music, so I thought I would take the opportunity to talk about one of my favorite things on this very planet, and let you know what I think about the stuff I have been exposed to recently.
The new Death Cab For Cutie record, Narrow Stairs, gets incredibly better with each listen. I don’t quite know how that is possible, considering I really liked it from the first go. It is a contender for best album of the year; however I am still doubtful that it can topple the hold Robyn currently has on that spot.
Adele‘s record, 19, came out yesterday. It is brilliant, and you should buy it. A lot of people are going buggy over Duffy, and I hope that Adele steals a bit of that thunder; they are similar in style, but there really is no need to compete, as they are both really good at what they do. (I just prefer Adele’s record, that’s all.)
Listening to M83‘s record makes me want to dub them the Shiny Toy Guns of 2008; albeit, their record is definitely a softer, happier record (again, despite the macabre lyrics). It makes me want some new Shiny Toy Guns material, but also makes me happy that there are other bands out there making great electro-pop records.
I have listened to the upcoming Coldplay album, Viva La Vida or Death and all His Friends, several times, and dare I say it, but it is really good. In fact, I like it a lot. I never saw that one coming. Viva La Vida is also one of the best songs of 2008 so far. Wow, I never thought I would say any of the preceding, and it refer to Coldplay. 2008 has definitely been a strange year for music so far.
Speaking of strange things in music this year, I am taken aback by the number of bands of “yester-year” that are releasing great records; like B-52s, Portishead, and Cyndi Lauper. Also, Alanis Morissette‘s new record, Flavors of Entanglement came out this week, and it has some very good songs on it as well. Here’s the the resurgence of music from people that haven’t put out anything in a while, and them making triumphant comebacks!!! (And no, I didn’t forget about that great “Stamp Your Feet” record from Donna Summer… I am just letting it marinate, that’s all.)
Weezer‘s most recently released self titled (Red) album is definitely good as well. I am very happy with it. If you are a fan of theirs, you should like it too, because, well, you said you were a fan, and it is a pretty damn fine Weezer record. Jeez.
Last but not least, I have said it before, but I cannot CANNOT get enough of Lady Gaga‘s Just Dance. I really hope her record is as amazing as this song is. JUST DANCE! (I am honey!).
That was fun, wasn’t it? What did you think? Anything I am missing out on?
Today’s five song Friday has a huge surprise from me… a song by a group that up until recently, I couldn’t stand at all. Seriously, the mere mention of their name made my skin crawl, and yet, they have released an AMAZING song that I tried to resist, but couldn’t. Also, I have a few songs that were recommended to me, so again, I really do value and appreciate all suggestions; most of them I really enjoy, and some I am elated to find out about! With that bit of titillation, let’s get to it, shall we?
Santogold – L.E.S. Artistes
I kept hearing how “amazing” Santogold is, and after many recommendations (thanks, y’all) in addition to that, I checked her out, and I must say that I am definitely impressed by this song. The song took me a while to get into, but I find myself enjoying it more with each listen. I really love the drumming, especially at about 2:30 in… I love a good beat. I wanted to include the video because it is one of those occasions where the video totally adds to the song; although, I don’t really know WHAT it adds other than visual entertainment. Nice song, and good recommendation.
Coldplay – Viva La Vida
[audio:http://www.duanemoody.com/audio/fsf_530_coldplay-vivalavida.mp3] Here’s the song I mentioned above, that comes from the group I couldn’t stand before today… before seeing those damn itunes commercials featuring Viva La Vida, I literally HATED Coldplay. Seriously. What is it about them that I hate? Perhaps the smugness of Chris Martin, and how it totally comes through in each of the songs that have FLOODED the airwaves for the past several years? (yeah, that’s it!) However, there is no denying that this song is pure genius. I will gladly consider myself a Coldplay fan for this song; it is catchy, brilliant, and begs to be played on repeat. Also, not really related to the song, but a note about one member of the band: Will Champion, the drummer, is smoking HOT. Seriously, I want to have lots of babies with him. Alright, I will stop drooling over Will, and drool over this song, because it too, is hot.
Cyndi Lauper – Rain On Me
[audio:http://www.duanemoody.com/audio/fsf_530_cyndilauper-rainonme.mp3] I don’t really like putting two songs by the same artist two weeks in a row (I like to keep things fresh, and mix things up a bit), but there are times when there are two really stand out tracks that just capture my attention, and beg to be shared. This is one of those times. I featured Cyndi’s club banger Into the Nightlife last week, but after giving the whole (pretty decent) record a listen, I stumbled on this fragile ballad near the end of the CD. I must say, that instantly, I got chills. This song is beautiful, gentle, and totally reminds me of some of her amazingly moving hits like True Colors. This song is quintessential Cyndi for me, and it is an amazing track that begs for much deserved attention. Cyndi, you clearly still have it honey, and I couldn’t be more proud of you.
Missy Higgins – Ten Days
[audio:http://www.duanemoody.com/audio/fsf_530_missyhiggins-tendays.mp3] Missy Higgins is one of those artists that most of you may not know about, but you really should. She is big in Australia where she is from, and has recently had a hit with Where I Stood (an emotionally driven amazing ballad that I featured a long time ago back when 5SF was just getting started). Since I got my ears pierced, I have been listening to radio on my computer a bit at work (when my ears hurt too much to continue using the torture devices also known as ear phones), and one site that I have been listening to is Pandora. The basic premise, is you enter an artist you love, and they play stuff that is similar. Well, this was one of the songs that they suggested to me, and it reminded me that I needed to get Missy’s first CD, because of how much I LOVE her most recent release, On a Clear Night. Well, after snagging her first album (that contains this track), I have realized how much I really do love this artist, and I just wanted to get some more out there about her. I am definitely impressed with both of her albums, and consider myself lucky to have found such an amazing artist for my music collection. This is a beautiful song, and is definitely indicative of what you can expect from the amazing Missy Higgins. Also, not to gush too much, but that violin riff is simply amazing.
Weezer – The Angel and The One
[audio:http://www.duanemoody.com/audio/fsf_530_weezer-theangelandtheone.mp3] It is with sheer excitement that I type these next words: Weezer’s new self titled album, or as it will affectionately be referred to because of previous self titled albums, the Red Album, hits stores on Tuesday. I was lucky enough to get an advanced copy, and this song is one of those songs that makes me wonder why so many “fans” gave up on Weezer after Pinkerton. If you aren’t familiar with Weezer’s history, Pinkerton was an amazingly candid and totally honest look into Rivers Coumo’s heart, and as such, it is one of the most beloved records by Weezer’s fans. However, maybe he felt that he said too much, and as such, has not shared as much depth, at that level, since (at least, many would agree that he hasn’t). Well, this song proves to me that Rivers is still the emotive boy that needs love and feels that love enough to put it into song; and proves that those “fans” shouldn’t have given up on this amazing band. I love Weezer, always have, and I am truly excited about the new album; and with tracks like this and the catchy as hell Pork and Beans, why not, right? Weezer is back for all those that thought they left, but those like me know that they never really went anywhere; they were just keeping the emotion in check.
Well, there’s your five songs for this final Friday of May, kids!!! Hope you enjoyed them!!! As always, let me know what you are listening to, and I hope everyone has a great weekend! We are off to the EABF tomorrow for a day of boozing… viva la beer! HA!