Tag: carnavas

Silversun Pickups at the Tabernacle, ATL 6/19/10

I took a break from studying on Saturday, and James and I headed out to the Tabernacle to see the amazing Silversun Pickups, and what we got was nothing short of a damn fine concert. While I didn’t particularly care for the opening bands, Silversun Pickups completely wailed for the entire set, and were downright incredible. I’ve loved these guys (and girl!) ever since I first heard their incredible debut album Carnavas), which a friend turned me on to a few years ago. I’ve actually had the privilege of seeing them live once before; although, we were late, and only got to see like 3 songs (I made up for it by getting to meet them after their set, though); and I promised myself that I would make it a priority to see them the next time they were anywhere near Atlanta.
Silversun Pickups @ Tabernacle, ATL 6/19/10
After their previous album Swoon took me by storm (and given my previous near miss with their concert), it was a no-brainer that I had to go see them at the Tabernacle this past weekend, and I am more than glad that we went. James loved the show (which is saying something, because he doesn’t really “get” music that often), and all in all, it was an awesome show. It was the first time we decided to sit in the balcony for the show instead of the standing room only “pit” below, and I am glad we did; there was a little too much energy, and way too much crowd surfing for me (especially since I am pretty much exhausted from studying these days). Overall, they are an incredible band, who puts on an incredible show, and I am just glad that we were able to go. Whenever they come back this way, you can bet that I’ll do my best to be there.