Tag: boredom

things that make life easier; maybe TOO easy?

I have been using Netvibes for as long as I can remember. Before that, I used Bloglines, which also kept my feeds all nice and ordered, but I switched because I lost interest in Bloglines for whatever reason. Well, this morning, I “upgraded” to the “new” Netvibes, and I must say, that it sure is pretty. In fact, it makes it a very useful and beautiful tool to take my internet browsing to the next level, right?

Well, I want to say yes, but I somehow feel like it makes things too easy. When I have everything tabbed, linked, and all of my feeds right there for me, it only takes a couple of minutes to go through my whole internet linkage, and then I am bored again. I also notice that I don’t read as many blogs because of feeds… sometimes I will start reading, and then stop, or I will read it, but never comment, because the feed has made things too easy for me. It has digested everything, put it on the plate, and even fed it too me; all without any work from me.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I am glad that I have this tool at my fingertips and for use at my disposal, but I can’t help but feel that the convenience eventually leads to my boredom with the internets. Does anyone else feel like this (if you use a feed reader)? How do you propose that I remedy this feeling? It isn’t really that big of a deal, but it is something that I think about a lot, because as I mentioned, I inevitably get bored, and then start wondering “all right… what next?”.

Maybe I just bored too easily. Who knows. Either way, that’s what I am thinking about today, so there it is.

is there anything else?

So yeah, I felt like I had a while ago, but now I really believe that it has finally happened; I have hit the end of the internet. I have seen everything that I could “stumble upon” (no relation to the site… but maybe I should check that out?), and I only have about 4 or 5 websites that I drift back and forth on throughout my day. Of course, it is the staples like flickr, digg, the news channels, my site, etc; but that’s it. I don’t watch videos on you tube because my computer has no sound and I share an office. Also, I listen to my ipod, so it is silly to watch videos with no sound; so that site’s out. What else is there? Is there something amazing that has new fresh content every day that I need to be seeing? Is there something that I am missing? Because it seems that even the regular bloggers don’t blog everyday, so again, there is a lack of new and fresh stuff. As such, I find myself clicking through flickr throughout the day, over and over again. So, tell me what you guys look at, and what engages you on these internets; because I feel like I am either missing it, or I have already seen it, and that’s all there is to that.