So clearly, I have been pretty absent, and for good reason: working full time and going to grad school full time at the same time sucks. You have no life. It sucks. BUT, it will be over soon, and I am looking forward to it. I am looking forward to getting back into one of my biggest passions, which is music, and I hope to bring more back to this atrophied blog… it has been too long. I will be done with school in May… only a few months away!! I can make it!!
Tag: blog stuff
blog on blog, five song friday, school
another class complete and 5SF stuff
by duane • • 0 Comments
As of yesterday, I have successfully completed my Peds class. Whew!! That was rough at times, and I am just glad it’s over. I still have two more clinical days, but they shouldn’t be so bad. Now, just to start studying for Pysch’s first test, and get prepared for OB to start up. School work, it seems, is never done.
I know that I spoke about this in the past, and even found a temporary solution, but it looks like the 5SF might be dead for real this time, kids. I can’t add files to grooveshark anymore, and they never have what I want to post. Also, I can’t figure out how to use this plug in without it giving out my file storage area (which was the problem before, and caused my bandwidth to disappear), so I think I might just have to give up. I wish I could figure out something else, but honestly, I’m just so busy right now that I can’t do it on my own. Any solutions that I could figure out fairly easily are welcome. If not, there’s not much else I guess I can do right now; it’s disappointing, but it’s reality, unfortunately.
"pointless", blog on blog, funnies
comment pending approval
by duane • • 7 Comments
I just got a comment on my “just want to say hi” page from Glen (or booknut82, based on the email provided in said comment) that said:
Appartently, Glen doesn’t like my views or opinions. Well, that’s okay, Glen, as fortunately, we are all entitled to our own opinions. You should know, however, that Allah actually means God. Finally, I don’t really recall saying anything for or against either, so you see, there really is no need to shout. Thanks for you comment, though.
all about me, blog on blog, happenings, venting
by duane • • 4 Comments
So, in a moment of boredom, earlier today I thought of a great idea… look for a potential new theme for this site. During that process, I had another genius idea; upgrade to WordPress 2.5.1!! To be honest, I have no idea what version I was running, but whatever version it was was kind of old, because I haven’t upgraded in a long time; if ever.
So I upgraded. Then the hilarity ensued. I fucked up by not deactivating my plugins, and low and behold, a tag plugin ate the blog. I deleted it, and we are up and running again; but I need to find another plugin I can use for that function (fyi, it was called Ultimate tag warrior). Then, the sidebar was all fucked up. I remember when widgets came on the scene, and being the late adopter I am with some things, I opted to wait it out… that was, until today when it fucked up my shit.
Well, I seem to have fixed it, and I am actually happy that it let’s you do a drop down list of categories and archives… I always thought they made the page look too stuffy. Anyway, I still haven’t found a theme I like (well, other than this one, which is the most beautiful theme I have ever seen… which is rather fitting, I guess, since he invented wordpress), so I might get crazy and try and tweak this one again. Sometimes, I am just never satisfied.
"pointless", all about me, blog on blog, hmm interesting, music musings, music suggestion, near and dear, the catch-all-egory
why, it’s Monday again… so why not?
by duane • • 4 Comments
I am sitting at my desk, contemplating what I want for lunch (well, what kind of bagel I am going to get…), and I am swimming with a few thoughts. So, I thought, why not do another list for Monday? Seems like Monday’s are all about collecting your thoughts, determining how the week is going to go, and getting ready for things; so what better way to “celebrate it” than to list out what’s going on in your noggin? Exactly.
- You know, when it rains, it pours, and when it doesn’t, it is a fucking drought. I have downloaded some pretty great music lately, and I am enjoying getting to know all of the new stuff that I have found/been recommended. It may be time to start up my “best CDs of 2008 page”, because as it stands right now, I actually have a few CDs that are sitting pretty high on the list. Let’s hope this trend continues!
- A couple that are really good friends of mine are going through relationship troubles, and I am really starting to personalize a lot of what they are going through. James and I have had hard times, and there have even been times where I felt we were close to the edge, but for whatever reason (probably my patience and forgiving nature??), we have been able to stabilize, and move forward. I hope that we can grow in our relationship, and make changes that will keep each of us happy. I really hope my dear friends can do the same. (if they are reading this… I am here for you if you need anything; just ask.)
- Every once and a while, the “change” bug bites me. Today, it is in the form of wanting to make my archives and categories into a drop down list. Now, I have no idea how to do this, of course, so that just means that I am going to end up frustrated. My reliance on the K2 wordpress theme rears its ugly head… again.
- Sometimes, I LOVE spam emails. Seriously, how could you not when they are like this one:
Subject: Is this a boy or a girl? I could not tell. Can you?
From: mortimer ottilia
“Look at this picture (link removed, because I am not going to shill his crap on my blog) and tell me is this a man or a woman. I could not not tell. SHE looks pretty and has nice tits, but at the same time, HE has a humongous cock. So, who is IT?”LOL. I mean, seriously mort, you can’t figure it out? I guess I am glad that s/he felt the need to reach out to me for advice on this subject. Like I said, sometimes, you just have to smile at how ridiculous spam can truly be.
- So I found out, last minute, that they were going to have to cancel the tattoo thing this weekend (Lori and I were going to get tattoos on Sunday), and as such, I am pretty bummed out about it. I am pretty sure that I am going to get a swallow (a la this style here), and it is going to be on my left shin, below my knee. I tried to pick a pretty painless place to get it… LOL. Either way, they are supposed to reschedule the tattooing extravaganza thing at Ink and Dagger for some weekend in April, and I am ready to go. Lori, I’ll let you know when it is… tattoos here we come!
- Vampire Weekend are the shit. Again, I can’t say this enough. THE SHIT I TELL YOU.
- What else? Hmmm, don’t know right now. Maybe something else will strike my soon. What’s going on with y’all today? Similar? Different? Neither?
- I made a declaration on LJ, and as such, I feel it important enough to make again here… Sloths are some of the cutest things I have ever laid eyes on. I want one. Like seriously. He and Syndey could play together!!
- I almost forgot: I HATE that new Madonna song. It sucks. I have never been a huge fan (I like some songs, this n that, here and there…), and I thought Hung Up was pretty brilliant. This “new” song is just the same crap that Timberland has been doing for JT and Nelly Furtado for the past couple of years. Boo hiss on that. Now that I have said my peace… bring on the hate, queers!!!
blog on blog, is it just me?, politics, well?, wtf?!
never satisfied!
by duane • • 5 Comments
So I saw a blog theme that I liked earlier today, and all it did was put a bee in my bonnet about making changes to mine. Problem is, I only know enough CSS to do the basics, and as such, really don’t know how to edit an open source theme to do what K2 does for me. So that leads me to just being frustrated, and never satisfied with my current theme (which, as you may or may not have noticed, has changed a little over the past few weeks). What does everyone else think about this theme? I like the plaid, but I am not stuck on it. I want something that looks a little less simple; all while maintaining some simplicity. Wow, that sounded way more complicated than I wanted it to. Either way, advice would be welcome at this point.
Also, totally unrelated, but why are people even listening to Mike Huckabee? The man is clearly off his God-fearing rocker, so I can’t help but wonder why this man is constantly given the microphone and allowed to spread his ridiculous ideas. Apparently, he thinks that homosexuality and bestiality are the same thing, on top of his desire to change this country into a theocracy. So then, I ask, who believes this shit? Clearly, not anyone that I would want to run into in my lifetime. I guess he is “entitled” to speak as much as he wants, so long as he can keep coming up with the money to run for office; but it really makes you wonder how people that have this warped of a sense of reality, and this close-minded of a view of society can rise so far in the ranks, you know? Either way, I just wish he would shut up already; we’ve got it… you’re crazy. Thanks. Moving on. How about we pay attention to someone that actually will do something positive for all of us in this country, shall we?