Tag: bad-music

for some, believing clearly isn’t enough…

Let me start this post by saying that I generally love the UK’s X-factor; after all, they gave me one of the loves of my life, Mr. Shayne Ward. Not only that, they followed him with the amazing Leona Lewis, who’s Bleeding Love is a song that I still have in heavy rotation; months after I initially heard it. However, with all that good, there too can come some bad. Even though I heard that this year’s winner Leon Jackson was to cover When You Believe, the amazing song from the Prince of Egypt that was originally sung by none other than the divas Mariah and Whitney, I had somehow avoided hearing his version, that is, until recently. It came on U-Pop the other day, and I listened, in order to hear the magnificence that the UK had chosen to win X-Factor. Instead of being impressed, I was horrified.

Not only does he clearly lack the same level of talent that Shayne and Leona possess, but his singing voice doesn’t even seem to be at a level higher than amateur. Not to be mean to the poor kid, but seriously, this is just a bad cover of an otherwise great song.

This brings me to my other gripe: Whomever chose When You Believe as the song that the winner would sing is either a sadist, or just an asshole; because if you are going to do a song that Mariah and Whitney did beautifully, the only way to do it successfully, is to do it better (which that, in and of itself, would be a difficult task indeed). Even without the powerhouse divas singing the original, what on earth were they thinking handing this enormous song to an “undiscovered talent”? Wow. To me, this is just a recipe for disaster, and makes a situation that only sheer luck could bail them out of. Unfortunately, the likable, and in my opinion, much more talented brother-sister group Same Difference did NOT win X-Factor, so we cannot know whether or not their version of the song would be superior to Leon’s; but one thing I do know, is that his version is almost un-listenable. But don’t just take my word for it, see (or rather, hear) for yourself.

First, I give you the Mariah and Whitney version; which is in my opinion, a flawless pop song. It is well written, and their voices compliment each other beautifully. Also, need I even mention that it is fucking Mariah and Whitney, which again, begs to question why one would ever try to cover something that big, unless they KNOW for certain they can do it better?

Now, check out Leon’s version of When You Believe (sorry, but the real video can’t be embedded). I can’t believe they went there, to be honest. I guess it is a little like Leona’s version of A Moment Like This (which is quite terrible as well, but she has managed to distance herself from it quite well), if you have heard a superior version of the song several years in advance of some practical nobody doing a sub-par version of it, what is the fucking point of them doing it at all? There are TONS of songs out there he could have covered; so why this one?

Oh well, we can never know what prompts these producers to rehash the same pop trinkets on other shores, but I can hope that future incarnations of shows like X-Factor, and even the dwindling American Idol, can manage to pull out some better songs, suited for the potential winners. If they are going to stick with sending these poor singers out there with rehashed, sub-par covers, can they at least pick some songs that they would be better suited for? Clearly, in this case, that did not happen at all. I just don’t think that we should have more tragedies like this one, littering the airwaves, and making my ears cringe when I hear them. Clearly, believing that you can sing the song better does not mean that you actually can. Poor Leon…

there’s differing music tastes, and then there’s…

Okay, so I may be the only one that doesn’t “get it”, but is M.I.A (and other artists like her… are there any?) serious? I wonder this, because her second CD was recently listed as the number one of the year by Rolling Stone magazine. Seriously? Have they heard it? Because every single thing I have heard from her is truly awful. When I first heard of her a couple of years ago, I seriously thought that it was a farce; I thought that she was doing an act, and sounding like shit was the punchline (or worse: is she making fun of the cultural music that she is so poorly imitating?). I am further convinced that it is all one big joke, by the amazing eye-raping that you get when you go to her website (don’t say I didn’t warn you. ouch!). What freaks me out the most, though, is that regardless of whether or not she is doing this seriously, is that people really see it is something great. I just don’t understand it. Am I missing something?

I wonder this, because my taste in music varies widely; I love folk, pop, rock, jazz, hip hop, dance, and to be quite frank, I would say that I can find something that I like in practically (not really much in the realm of rap) every genera of music. Sure, there is a lot of stuff out there that I don’t like, which is natural, and usually, I can see why someone else might like it, where I do not. That being said, rarely do I think to myself, “now how on earth could ANYONE listen to this, it’s awful!”, when I hear something. Usually, I just think, “well, that’s not for me; it sounds pretty bad to me“. On those rare instances where I do have the first thought, the accompanying music almost always comes from a completely obscure artist, and not from someone that would ever make a end of the year top albums list. Also, said artist that freaks me out by their awfulness, usually has no redeemable songs that would ever make me think otherwise; I try to give everything a chance, and sometimes, more than one chance.

Take LCD Soundsystem for instance. I LOVE that song Tribulations. It is fucking amazing. It blew my mind when I heard it, and I literally played it on repeat like 67 times in a row. However, the rest of the stuff that they have isn’t my cup of tea; in fact, to me, most of it is quite bad. Yet, they tend to be heralded in a similar way that M.I.A. is. However, the praise that is heaped on them makes more sense to me, because of the redemption that comes from that song Tribulations, because I can see the brilliance in it.

M.I.A. has no redemption for me; there is nothing that I have heard from her that could be considered good. In fact, there isn’t anything from her that I even consider to be serious; like I said, I sincerely think the whole thing is a farce. Yet, I know people that love her, and heap praise on her. I. Just. Don’t. Get. It.

Perhaps, one day, she will come out and say that this whole thing truly is a farce, and will get a big laugh at those that fell so hard for her. If that did happen, that could be my redemption for M.I.A. Until that time comes (which isn’t likely, because she is probably serious), I will still be standing here, scratching my head, wondering how in the hell people consider that good, let alone good music.

Are there any artists out there that make you scratch your head, wondering what in the hell other people hear, when all you hear is a complete offense on the eardrum? I can’t be alone in my thinking here. Thoughts?