Tag: 5SF

5SM: february 27

Well, it certainly appears that there is more and more time in between these installments of the five song ____day, and I blame it mostly on work. Work schedule is crazy, and erratic, but overall, manageable; when I do have days off, I tend to just relax and enjoy them, so I guess blogging has taken a back seat to life right now. However, I am still loving music, and listening to new stuff, and I really want to continue sharing it with those of you that still read this rarely updated blog. So, I will do 5S___days when I can, and fortunately, today is one of those days!! So, without anymore excuses, let’s get to the tunes!

Jason Mraz – I Won’t Give Up

I FUCKING LOVE this song. I have been harsh on Jason’s work recently, mostly because I really liked him early on in his career, and then he went a little too Jack Johnson for my tastes. However, this song has him firmly back on my radar; this is definitely one of the most beautiful songs about love that I have ever heard. It is lyrically beautiful, and musically, even more so. The delicate way he sings the vocals are touching and tender, and add even more to the sentiment of the song. This one is on repeat for me, and I can bet it will be a song that I am loving for years to come. Simply amazing. I have no idea what is going on with that look he is rocking in the video, though… that’s just weird.

Adam Lambert – Better Than I Know Myself

I was a big fan of Adam’s when he was on Idol, and I honestly think he should have won. But, when he released his debut, I was kind of glad that he didn’t, because he clearly had a little more input than winners often get on their post-idol debuts. That being said, I did like his debut, but I didn’t LOVE it. Well, I think he is an amazing singer, and I was just waiting for something highlight just how incredible his soaring vocals are; well, THIS IS IT. This song is a pop masterpiece, and SHOULD be a number one hit. The song is clever, and the beat is slick. The vocals are probably his best to date, and really highlight his incredibly range. This song is such an earworm, that I have been playing it on repeat for months. I cannot get enough of it. I am really hoping that his new album Trespassing, which is due out soon, will have a lot more like this to offer. Fingers crossed! Also, how hot is he in the video? Smoking!

Karmin – Brokenhearted

It’s not very often that a group comes out of nowhere with a single this polished. These guys were on SNL a few weeks ago too; before they even have an album out!! This bodes well for them; hype is well deserved when you are this good. This song is yet another pop masterpiece that has blown me away and that I have been playing on repeat for weeks. I have started hearing this one on the radio too, so that makes me excited to see what is coming next from the very talented Karmin. I hope it’s as amazing as this track!!!

Neon Hitch – Get Over U

I can’t remember how I found out about this song, but I adore it. It’s blazing chorus rings through your ears, and begs to be danced to. The lyrics are touching and sad, perhaps because it was co-written by the amazing Sia. It’s kind of nice to have an upbeat song about heartbreak every now and then to even out the playing field; not everything has to be mellow to convey a lover scorned and moving on. Great song.

Ricki-Lee – Raining Diamonds
I haven’t heard much from Ricki-Lee since her fantastic 2007 album, Brand New Day came out. Then, BOOM! Out of nowhere, this track just hit me right in the face!! It is fantastic!! I reminds me of the energy and power that Agnes’ Release Me had when I first heard it, it is electrifying. I am hoping that this can be a cross-over hit for Ricki-Lee, but only time will tell. She apparently has a new album coming out soon as well, and after hearing this, I am certainly looking forward to it. Like the other tracks I’ve presented today, this one is on heavy rotation for me as well. Since the video is not available on youtube (LAME), here’s a link.

So, there you have it, 5 new songs that I have been loving and blasting on repeat lately. I do hope that you enjoyed them… let me know in the comments, won’t you? Til next time!!

5SF: january 6

Howdy friends!! Welcome to the new year! No, I haven’t come to bring you the year end countdown of the best albums of 2011 yet, because frankly, I haven’t gotten the list finalized yet. I seemingly love working all of the time, but I do promise that it will come soon (perhaps next week?!). In the mean time, here is some new music that I have recently started listening to.

honeyhoney – Don’t Know How

I first “heard” of honeyhoney almost a year ago; the song LA River was playing in the background on a scene during an episode of Brothers and Sisters. I found out because I took to the internets for research, and obviously to find and download that amazing track, but alas, nothing came of it. Then, I put it on my “to be downloaded list”, and honestly, kind of forgot about it. Then today, I noticed that Amazon was offering a free playlist of songs from “people they liked”, and a honeyhoney song was on it! Turns out the album Billy Jack was released in October! Sweet! So why didn’t I feature that song, you may ask? Well, as much as I love LA River still, this song is incredible. The female singer’s vocal reminds me a lot of Brandi Carlile, and I cannot get enough of the country-rock vibe of this delightful song. The album is great as well! I guess good things do come to those who wait; those who wait, and then randomly, almost a year later, are reminded of something excellent by something completely unrelated.

Green River Ordinance – Dancing Shoes

This one falls into the category of songs that I have discovered by listening to SiriusXM radio. This is a beautiful ballad alt-folk track that reminds me a little of Counting Crows (mostly the lead singer’s voice), but with a freshness of current hot bands like Mumford and Sons. This is a gorgeous song, and one that I have been listening to on repeat since I Shazamed it a few days ago.

Plug In Stereo – Oh Darling feat. Cady Groves

Look a here! Another track discovered directly from good old SiriusXM. This is a little bit Hellogoodbye with a healthy touch of Bright Eyes. I love stuff like this. The song is so sweet, even if it does remind me a little of that massively overplayed Hey There Delilah by Plain White Ts. Either way, another excellent discovery thanks to SiriusXM; maybe I shouldn’t cancel my subscription, even though they took away my BBC Radio One months ago…

fun. – We Are Young feat. Janelle Monae

So apparently this was on Glee? I honestly don’t remember it. This is one of those songs that I found by accident months ago (see September), but for whatever reason, forgot about it. Then! I hear it playing on Chuck, and instantly, I am like, I KNOW THIS!!! Then I finally downloaded it properly. I absolutely love this track! It’s great! It reminds me a little bit of Jump, Little Children, a band most of you probably haven’t heard of, but the lead singer sounds like him nonetheless. Overall, a very fun (ha!), very radio-ready track. Thanks to Chuck for putting this one back on my radar screen!! This sounds like a song that should play over the credits of a high-school movie/coming of age dramady, doesn’t it?

Jessica Mauboy – Inescapable (Youngboyz Mix)

Ending on a dance note! This one is thanks to my buddy Stu posting it on my FB. I first heard of Jessica Mauboy when Stu alerted me to her sassy greatness back when she was in Young Divas, just after she was on Australian Idol, and then when she broke out on her own. She’s had a few songs that I liked, and it looks like she’s still up to it; this song is very danceable, and I can’t get enough. Thanks Stu for the heads up about this one!

So there’s a new 5SF, actually on a Friday for you!! I hope that you enjoyed the tracks that I picked; please let me know what you think. As always, please let me know what you are listening to as well. Remember, the best of 2011 albums countdown will be coming to this blog in the near future, so stay tuned! Til then!

5SM: november 28

Hey y’all! It’s a fucking five song Monday! I have been listening to some great new music lately, and here are five fantastic tracks that I can’t wait for you to hear. Also, it is nearing that time of year where the best of albums list gets compiled, and while I have quite a list going, I am eager to hear what has made YOUR lists; I don’t want to miss out on something incredible that I may not have heard of yet. So… let me know what you are listening to in the comments as well. Now to the five songs I’ve got for you today:

Vanbot – Make Me, Break Me

I couldn’t wait for a 5S-day, so I posted the video for this on Facebook the other day immediately after I heard it, because of how incredible it is. While the Robyn influence is undeniable (and frankly, welcomed with open arms), this song is fresh, and highlights the fact that there must be something genetically inherent about pop music in Sweden. In fact, Vanbot’s entire debut album is delightful, and a great find; it’s full of great songs that I am pleased to have randomly discovered. I expect to see it among my favorite albums of this year; like I said it’s delightful. Whatever is going over there in Sweden, I am glad that the pop music keeps flowing out of that magical land, and into my ears.

One Direction – What Makes You Beautiful

It seems like the Brits do boybands better than almost anyone, and this is a new contender in the boyband genre that are killing it with this single (they were on the show the X-Factor, and came in third… looks like that show really does well at finding talent). Their new album Up All Night is a solid release, and one that is sure to have many singles. This song is a great pop song that will probably never see the airwaves here in the states; which is a bummer, because it has a lot of great energy. I have been listening to this one on repeat, and I am glad to share it with you today. Thanks to my buddy Douglas for telling me about the wonderful One Direction!

Cher Lloyd – Want U Back

After falling head over heels for Cher with her previous single, With Ur Love (which I posted about on the previous incarnation of the 5S-day), I was curious to hear what else she would release. Imagine my surprise when her debut album Sticks + Stones was actually brilliant (save a song or two), and was filled with great songs like this one. I love this song; it’s my favorite from her album. She has a lot of the same spunk that reminds me of Lily Allen, which I adore. This is yet another great find that I randomly stumbled upon; 2011 has had some great finds, and they seem to be getting better and better!

Penguin Prison – Don’t Fuck With My Money

I have seen a lot of talk on the blogs about Penguin Prison, but for whatever reason, I was never moved by one of their songs. Then I saw the video for this one, and I loved the song! This song reminds me a lot of that one song from the 90s that I’m sure everyone knows, but not a lot know who sang it: the New Radicals’, You Get What You Give. Similar feel with a more dance beat; I like it. I’m glad I am on board with the oft talked about Penguin Prison now!

The Saturdays – My Heart Takes Over (Digital Dog Remix)

Nothing, and I mean NOTHING tears it up like taking a beautiful ballad, and a laying a slick as hell beat over it, turning it into a dance-floor filler. This song is definitely one of the best examples that I have heard in many, many years. The Saturdays’ My Heart Takes Over is a gorgeous ballad that I love all on it’s own, but this remix that they released is like pure pollen to a bee; I cannot get enough of it. I only wish there were more remixes of this high quality doing the same thing… where are Thunderpuss when you need them (remember them?)? Either way, brilliant. Their new album is great as well; not as wonderful as I was hoping, but I guess you can’t win them all, can you?

Westlife – Lighthouse

Lastly, it is bittersweet that I bring you Westlife’s most recent single Lighthouse, off of their final album, which is a Greatest Hits collection. This is a band that I have followed for more than a decade, and have loved for so long that I am really broken up about their impending split. I am a major sucker for a beautiful pop ballad, and these guys have delivered many, many times in that department. I have loved following them for all of these years, and am glad that they have put out so many wonderful albums. Westlife will always be among my favorite artists, and I will definitely cherish the great pop music they released in their impressive career. My only hope, is that Shane and Mark release wonderful solo albums, and keep making music that I love. Westlife, I love you guys, and you will most certainly be missed.

Well, a farewell, and some great music, what more can you ask for on a Monday? Hope you enjoyed my picks, and please let me know what you are listening to as well. As I said, I will greatly miss Westlife, and I am just glad that those guys have made so many amazing albums over the years; the fans have a ton of great music to cherish from their amazing career… I just wish it wasn’t over. *sniff*

5SW: september 7

Since I will be working this Friday, and since I was working this past Friday as well (oy!), I figured, let’s be unconventional and do a five song Wednesday today. Why not, right? Here are some great new songs for you to consider, songs that I have really been enjoying recently.

Feist – How Come You Never Go There

As a huge fan of Feist’s previous album, The Reminder, which came out waaaay back in 2007 (and was subsequently my #2 album of that year), I have been chomping at the bit to get some new music from this Canadian chanteuse. Well, it is an understatement to say that this, the first single from her forthcoming album Metals, is quite simply amazing. This track is beautiful, and really builds on where The Reminder left off. All of a sudden, I cannot wait for October to get here!

Gavin Degraw – Not Over You

I’m honestly shocked by this one; I have always considered this guy to be firmly in the column of ‘artists I cannot stand’ for whatever reason. Perhaps it was that damn obnoxious song of his, I Don’t Wanna Be, which was played on the radio every five fucking minutes back in the day and is a song I cannot stand. What can I say, first impressions are very strong, indeed. That being said, I heard this song thanks to Spotify playing a snippet during a commercial, and I didn’t even know it was Gavin Degraw; and when I found it was him, I was all, “hmpf! Who cares, it’s excellent!”. So there; what can I say, I am a sucker for a fantastic piano-driven ballad, and this is a very, very good one.

Jessie J – Domino

There is a lot of love for Jessie J on this blog, a lot, and rightfully so; she’s amazing! I love this girl, and it seems like when everything new I hear, I fall harder and harder for her. Her voice is powerful and incredible, and I hope that she becomes just as big (especially stateside) as (IMHO) less deserving acts like Katy Perry. This song is decidedly more pop than some of her previous singles, and it shows just how varied her style can be, while highlighting how she can keep it young and fresh as well. This is such an earworm, and it is perfectly ready to blaze the airwaves; this is one I would expect to hear on repeat on the radio. Jessie J ladies and gents; this is pop, and let’s enjoy it, shall we?!

Nicole Scherzinger – Wet

It appears that I might be a little obsessed with Nicole Scherzinger these days. I have a habit of promoting stuff that I feel like is deserving of attention, and this is a great reason I keep turning to Nicole; she should be way bigger of a star than simply as the “lead singer of the Pussycay Dolls”. Every time I turn around, I hear another amazing single from her, and I keep wondering, why in the hell hasn’t this girl been topping the Billboard charts with these hits?! Her album, Killer Love is still slated for a November release date here in the US (even though it was released in the UK back in March of this year!!!), and this is the latest UK single from the album. Might I say, Wet is another blazing hit (thanks to my buddy Steve for posting this on facebook a while back). Nicole is gorgeous in the video, and this song is a dance banger ready for the dancefloor. After seeing the video, it struck me that someone should show Britney this video to remind her that girls her age can still dance and show the level of enthusiasm she used to back in the Toxic days… Either way, another fantastic single and video for Nicole!! Fingers still crossed for you, lady!

David Guetta – Night Of Your Life feat. Jennifer Hudson

Oh my goodness. Finally. A KILLER club track featuring the vocals of one of my most favorite divas, Ms. Jennifer Hudson! This song is incredible, and a great testament of what it means to work with superstar DJ David Guetta; he will treat you right! Kelly Rowland has known that for a while, and with David’s most recently release, Nothing But The Beat, it looks like several fantastic artists are following suit to work with this guy. If anything, it pretty much guarantees you at least a very good chance of having a very radio-ready single. This song is definitely reminiscent of Rihanna’s Only Girl (In The World), but different enough to hold its own (and honestly, I loved that song too, so fuck, the more the merrier!!). I honestly loved it the first time I heard it; but then again, my lady Jennifer is tearing it UP on this track. My only wish, is that they would have released this back in June, because it could have been my song of the summer; so I guess it’ll just have to be my song of the autumn!! I expect to here this a lot at the upcoming Pride festival!

So there we go, another five songs… what did you think? Any suggestions you’d like to see in a future five song Friday (or Wednesday… or whatever day I do one)? Let me know!

5SF: august 19

Well, I managed to scrounge together 5 songs for today’s 5SF, which I was worried I wouldn’t be able to do after last weeks mega 10SF. Also, as a major bonus, each of these have a youtube video/audio, so I can just post the videos as well (and due to time constraints, my comments will be kind of brief)! Sometimes, you get thrown a bone, not often, but sometimes; and today is one of those times.

Laura Marling – Sophia

I always underestimate Laura Marling for some reason. I’m an idiot, because she always manages to impress. Another beautiful song from this incredible artist. I can’t wait for her next album; her last one was one of my favorites from last year.

Emeli Sande – Heaven

This is kind of a sad one to post, seeing as it was one of the final songs I discovered via BBC Radio 1, and I doubt there will be more excellent discoveries from them seeing as XMradio decided to yank the channel and replace it with disco hits. Seriously? Either way, excellent song, and it makes me want to hear what she’s got in store for her album as well.

Maroon 5 – Moves Like Jagger

I’m extra hard on Maroon 5 for some reason, but a hit is a hit, and this is definitely a hit. My apologies to my buddy Kelly who tried to get me into this one a month ago, and it fell on deaf ears; I am all ears now. This is such a slick track!

Ultraviolet Sound – Girl Talk

I heard this one the other day, and I instantly fell in love with it. It has all of the energy of Dragonette and Alphabeat, and I enjoy that it is so lyrically playful. Great earworm, and it will definitely get you dancing. Maybe now I need to actually pay more attention to Ultraviolet Sound (seeing as this is the second song I have heard from them and liked)…

Bjork – Crystalline

Bjork is insanely talented, and this new single is a testament to that; she truly stands in a category of her own. I especially love the beautiful lyrics, and the play with drum and bass at the end. This song is slick, and unlike anything out right now. The verdict? Absolutely brilliant.

Well, there you have it, another 5SF. Be sure to let me know what you think, and as always, keep me informed as to what you are listening to; I am always on the lookout for new and fantastic music.

5SF: june 10

Now that I have more free time on my hands in a much more regular fashion, I have had a chance to catch up, and listen to some great music recently. I have been basically living for Death Cab For Cutie and City and Colour’s new releases, so you will definitely see something from each of them today. Other than them, I have a few other gems that I can’t wait to share with you. Let’s get started.

Patrick Wolf – House
Not only is this song amazing, but the video is incredibly beautiful as well. I love Patrick Wolf; he always seems to be standing outside of the box, and yet crafts such amazing pop, that you’d think that everyone in the box would be singing his praises. This guy is eccentric, but that’s his strong suit; he really pours a lot of that eccentricity into his music, fashion, and style, and the result is a true pop superstar that never seems to get enough praise or credit for his work. His new album, Lupercalia is slated to come out in the next couple of weeks, and after hearing and falling head over heels in love with this track, as well as the first single, The City, I am simply bursting at the seams to get my hands on it. Watch the incredibly beautiful video for House here.

City and Colour – We Found Each Other In the Dark
The new album, Little Hell, came out earlier this week, and it is incredible. After hearing O’ Sister, Fragile Bird, and Northern Wind prior to its release, I had high hopes, and pretty high expectations that this album would be yet another amazing release from Dallas Green, aka, City and Colour. After one listen, I will say that I was not disappointed in the least. It is a fantastic album from beginning to end, and represents some of his most beautiful work. While it isn’t as delicate and achingly beautiful overall as the previous release, Bring Me Your Love, it has true heartfelt moments that stand right along side that album, as well as more uptempo and more rock tracks that add a more gritty element to his previous work. Dallas is an exquisite song writer, and an incredible musician, and this album is hands down, one of the absolute best of 2011, by a landslide. With this album, Dallas has solidified his place amongst my most favorite artists, and has proven that he just gets better with each new release. I really hope that he makes a tour stop in Atlanta some time soon.Be sure to get Little Hell, which is out now.Listen to We Found Each Other In The Dark here.

Death Cab For Cutie – St. Peter’s Cathedral
Death Cab For Cutie are certainly one of my favorite bands, and they have been for many years. I love lead singer Ben Gibbard’s voice, and their music is epically beautiful. I was more than excited when I saw that they would be releasing a new album at the end of May, so I marked it on my calendar. As always, they did not disappoint, and the album, Codes and Keys, is pretty amazing overall. I was extra excited, when I listened for the first time, and I found a few songs like this one, that harken to the side project Ben did several years ago called The Postal Service; whose only album was down right incredible. I am sure fans of both bands squealed with delight just as I did upon hearing the infusion of some Postal Service elements into this album. I am glad they gave the fans something as wonderful as this, and continue treating us to great music with each new release. Be sure to get Codes and Keys, which is out now. Listen to St. Peter’s Cathedral here.

Mat Kearney – Hey Mama
This is the new, very peppy track by Mat Kearney. It reminds me stylisitically a lot of Pete Yorn’s track Relator that he did with Scarlett Johanson a couple of years ago. That being said, Mat Kearney is one of those artists that I have followed for years, and consider myself to be a big fan of his work. I’ve seen him in concert a couple of times, and his voice has this amazing ability to make one weak in the knees. This is a much more peppy direction for him, but I think that it works quite well, and it might be his most radio-ready track to date. As always, I am looking forward to his next release, and if this is any indication as to what it might sound like, it seems that Mat is going to be a little more upbeat, and a lot lighter this time around. Maybe this song will help him get some much deserved airplay, and allow more people to find out about this amazing artist. Listen to Hey Mama here.

The Weepies – Same Changes
I was watching the movie Morning Glory the other night, and this delightful song started playing, and I instantly recognized it as the Weepies. While I didn’t really get into their 2010 album Be My Thrill (perhaps because of being busy with nursing school…), I do enjoy the Weepies a lot, and really loved this song when I heard it. It’s very similar to other songs by the Weepies, but when the formula works, why mess with it? The movie was very sweet, and I ended up enjoying it a lot, and I had to download this track as soon as the movie ended. This is yet another example of how using a great song at a pivotal point in a movie can really draw you in and make the experience that much more enjoyable. In this case, it made me enjoy the movie that much more, and solidified a music purchase from me; what’s not to like about that? Do yourself and see this movie too; the previews did not do it justice. It is well written, very cute, and full of laughs and sweet moments. I really enjoyed it. Watch the video for Same Changes here.

So there’s five more songs for you. What did you think? Let me know what you thought in the comments, and as always, tell me what you are listening to as well! Stay cool out there!

5SF: may 13

Look y’all! The 5SF is back this week! Now that I’m DONE WITH NURSING SCHOOL, perhaps it will become more of a regular feature here on this blog; I have missed doing it, and I know that it has been too sparse over the past year or so. Without further adieu, let’s get this thing started!

City and Colour – Northern Wind
In anticipation for Dallas Green’s new City and Colour album, Little Hell (out June 7), I have been checking his website a lot to see if any news or songs were being released prior to the album. Imagine my intense glee when I found that he had posted Northern Wind, because this song is nothing short of epic. This song solidified the fact that this guy is not only incredibly talented, but that he only continues to raise the bar on his own music. I have talked a lot of Dallas in the past, and I will not be stopping any time soon; and if the new album is anything like this, I can guarantee we have one of 2011’s best right here. This song is already on repeat for me, and I pre-ordered the album right after I heard it; something I never do. This guy has really made a lifelong fan out of me, and I will continue to follow his music as long as he makes stuff as endearingly beautiful as this. Northern Wind is seriously one of my favorite songs of 2011 so far, and makes it even more exciting to have City and Colour as one of my most favorite artists. Listen to Northern Wind here.

The Decemberists – Rise To Me
A friend of mine on facebook reminded me that I needed to give the new Decemberists album, The King is Dead a proper listen, and I am glad that I did. Overall, the album is pretty decent, but this song is the real standout for me; it is incredibly beautiful in every way. I have always loved Colin Meloy’s voice, and it is so tender in this song, and the lyrics are vivid. I love how the song is arranged, and how it is almost like an old timey country song; which is normally not something I would instantly love. It’s definitely a little different than some of their previous work, but I cannot get enough of this song; it is really, really beautiful. I have been listening to it on repeat for a few weeks now, and it just gets better every time I hear it. Listen to Rise To Me here.

Slow Runner – Devil Moon
I mentioned Slow Runner a few posts ago when I was talking about the incredible William Fitzsimmons concert I saw at Smith’s Olde Bar a few weeks ago. These guys opened for him, and played with him throughout his set as well, and I was very impressed and thought they were pretty amazing live. When I came home, I downloaded some of their stuff, and was happy to have found a great band in the process. In concert they reminded me a lot of The Postal Service, and that electronic-pop-folk sensibility is front and center on their recorded stuff as well. This song, from their new album Damage Points, is by far my favorite of all their stuff I have heard. It’s beautiful, and the lead’s voice is very shyly tender and sweet. I will definitely be keeping my eye on these guys in the future. Listen to Devil Moon here.

Kylie – Better Than Today
It has been exactly one week since I saw the incredible show Kylie put on at the Fox Theater last week. My buddy Stu surprised me with tickets, and the show was amazing!!! I was a fan of Kylie before, but she has definitely moved up on my list of favorite artists. The show’s production was far and above over the top, and every moment was a true sight to behold; this woman is incredible live, and you are truly missing out if you haven’t seen her in concert. Since seeing the show, I have been listening to lots more Kylie, and have given Aphrodite more of a chance. After having seen her perform the songs live, I have a newfound appreciate for them, and have been enjoying her music much, much more. I feel like if I had seen her live earlier, I would have probably ranked this album higher, and it may have even made me favorites of 2010. Thanks for taking me to the show, Stu! It was incredible!! Watch the video for Better Than Today here.

Jennifer Lopez – (What Is) Love?
After seeing a friend I follow on twitter say he was actually, surprisingly enjoying the new JLo album, my curiosity was piqued, and as such, I decided I needed to give it a listen; after all, JLo has had some great songs in the past. While the guilty pleasure still remains strong with On the Floor (which is way more catchy than I originally gave it credit for), the stand out to me was this song. When looking for the song so that you could hear it, I found a lot of people comparing it to a Nelly Furtado song called All Good Things, and I can definitely hear the similarities; although JLo’s song is much more polished and cleaner to the ears. Overall, this is a fun pop song, and makes me glad that I at least gave JLo’s new album a spin. Listen to (What Is) Love? here.

I was kind of all over the place this week; but what did you think of my picks? Let me know what you are listening to as well, won’t you?

5SS: april 9

Well, looking back at the past (very) few posts, it looks like what used to be a weekly thing has turned into a monthly occurrence. I really hate that too, because I do love to share about music I am listening to, and I hope it can return to a more semi-regular schedule after May… you know, when I get done with school. Anyway, let’s get to the great tunes that I picked for today, shall we?

Alex Clare – Too Close
I mentioned before that I have become a major fan of dubstep, and when you mix an amazing ballad with dubstep, well, you will probably have me on board. That’s exactly what this song does, and the lead singer’s voice is powerful to say the least. His voice reminds me a bit of David Gray, but with more raw soul behind it; he is giving some major vocals on this track. It looks like he’s got an album coming up soon, and I can’t wait to hear more from this guy. And did I mention that he’s quite the hottie? No? Oh well then, I just did. Watch the video for Too Close here.

Nicole Scherzinger – Don’t Hold Your Breath
She’s tried to go solo before, but had less than successful results; which is a shame, because some of the songs she released were pretty brilliant. There is no doubt that this girl can really sing, and I can personally atest to it; I saw the Pussycat Dolls open for Britney Spears, and let’s just say that Nicole was incredible live. All of that being said, I have always been pulling for this girl to succeed as a solo artist all along, and if she has any chance, it is certainly with this song; this song is amazing. It looks like she’s doing pretty well with it overseas (it went to #1 in the UK), but not a blip, or even a release here. What gives record industry? Why no be multinational; and by that, I mean release the artist’s work in their own country!? Either way, I am hoping this fantastic track will be the continuation of more great things from this talented singer. Watch the video for Don’t Hold Your Breath here.

Parade – Louder
I have thank my buddy Deb for turning me on to this one. It’s no secret that I love great pop music, and girl groups that make great pop music are the tops (see The Saturdays, Girls Aloud, Sugababes (well, they used to), etc.). Anytime some new group comes along, it’s a wonder if they have the goods, and in this case, Parade seem to be doing it pretty darn well. The jury has yet to be selected to decide on whether they have the overall brilliance of the Saturdays or Girls Aloud, but Louder is certainly a very, very good start. This is such a fun pop song; what’s not to love? Wow, this is shaping up to be a pretty UK-centered 5SS so far, isn’t it? Watch the video for Louder here.

Young the Giant – My Body
There is something about an amazing, powerful chorus that makes a song irresistible; and that is exactly the case with My Body. This song is a stomping fast-paced rock track, but the power lies in the lead vocalist’s belting the insanely catchy chorus. I first heard this song way back in February, but I haven’t had a real chance to gush about it. It reminds me a lot of bands like White Lies and Glasvegas, and the vocals take it to the next level. It’s like happy emo-rock! I can’t believe I just said that. Either way, a great song all around. Beware though; this is such an earworm. You will be singing it long after you’ve heard it! Watch the video for My Body here.

Fleet Foxes – Helplessness Blues
I’ll admit that a lot of times a group or singer comes along and people heap loads of praise on them, and for whatever reason, I don’t feel the same way. It’s frustrating, because I do the same thing, and I get upset when people don’t see the brilliance that I am pointing out to them, so I definitely sympathize when it happens. My good friend John loves the Fleet Foxes, and tried several times to get me to listen to them, to no avail. Then their new single, Helplessness Blues came out, and I listened to it, and I fell immediately in love with it. This song is epically beautiful, and really shows that sometimes, the good ones find a way of getting the attention they deserve. It may not have happened when I first shown the light, but I definitely see it now. Queue the “told you so dance”! Listen to Helplessness Blues here.

Well, what did you think of the 5 song choices for this 5SS? I hope you enjoyed them, and please let me know what you think in the comments. And as always, tell me what you are listening to as well. Hope to see you again soon!

5SS: march 5

So when last we spoke, I was getting ready for the first test of the semester. Well… that didn’t go so well. Top it off with the “threat” that they kept throwing around that the second test was the hardest of the semester, I hit the books and studied as much as I could to prepare. Well, it paid off; I almost got an A on that test, and I feel much better. I meant to do a 5SF yesterday, but was still enjoying the week; especially after having studied so much the two weeks prior. That being said, there’s no harm in bringing it to you today, so let’s get another 5SS underway, shall we?

Jennifer Hudson – Where You At
I was so excited when I saw a new single from one of my favorite divas waiting for me when I opened the iTunes store a couple of weeks ago. Incorrect grammar aside, this is another home-run for Jennifer, and has me very excited for her sophomore album I Remember Me, which will be out later this month on the 22nd. I for one, will be heading out to the store to pick up my copy, because if this is any indicator of what we can expect, it is going to be more amazing stuff from this amazing singer. Her debut made my year end list back in 2008, and looks like my love for Ms. Hudson isn’t going to slow down any time soon. My only complaint about this song, is that they cut her off at the end when she starts to do her big diva-belting-moment; it just sounds as if they were leaving a little prematurely… let the girl belt, she’s great at it! Watch the video for Where You At here.

Jessie J – Abracadabra
A big thanks is in order to a great blog I follow, Coffee and Bars for this gem. Jessie J’s new album Who You Are came out this week in the UK, and I’ll admit that I wasn’t really paying attention, mostly because I didn’t care for either of the two singles that she’s released to date (to be fair, I don’t dislike Price Tag, it just didn’t blow me away). That being said, Coffee and Bars alerted me to this amazing track, and forced me to take a second listen to Jessie J, and boy I am glad I did. This song is fantastic, and stylistically, reminds me a lot of JoJo. I love the pop-feel and the strong vocals. I’m definitely glad I gave Jessie J another chance! Listen to Abracadbra here.

Clare Maguire – Last Dance
A big thanks goes out to my buddy Deb for this one. She posted the video to her Facebook a couple of weeks ago, and I have been loving it ever since. It reminds me a bit of Sharleen Spiteri vocally, and the backing dance track just invokes a little taste of something Sophie Ellis Bextor would probably release. Overall, the song is almost tribal, and most certainly enchanting; I love it more and more with each listen. A great find for sure… thanks Deb! Watch the video for Last Dance here.

Audio Bullys – Only Man
I saw the (quite violent) video for this one, and was struck by how much this song reminded me of the Ting Ting’s stylistically. It sounds a lot like Shut Up and Let Me Go; which is a personal favorite of mine (maybe that’s why I like this one so much?) and as such, I wanted to hear it more and more. That being said, while similar, it has its own flair, and I’m glad to have stumbled onto this track. Also, I can’t help but notice that the lead singer of the group is quite the hottie. Double bonus. Watch the video for Only Man here.

Nero – Me & You
I heard this one afternoon randomly on BBC Radio 1, and was blown away. This, ladies and gents (well, for those of you that don’t know what it is), is dubstep, the bass-centered electro straight out of South East London. Since discovering this track, I have been seeking out more and more dubstep, because I love the undulating lower bass range that is the hallmark of dubstep, which is essentially when the beat “drops”. Feel how deep that bass goes!! Overall, it is a great genre of music, and this is a great example of high energy dubstep; which has taken my attention by storm. Special request: any dubstep suggestions are more than welcome; I am craving it more and more!! Watch the video for Me & You here.

Well, what did you think? As always, head to the comments and let me know, and please let me know what you are listening to as well!!

5SF: february 4

I’ve been studying up today for the first test of this final semester (!!!), but I am studied out for the day, so I had a few songs I wanted to share with you guys. Let’s get right to it, shall we?

The Rescues – Teenage Dream
Everyone loves Katy Perry but me it seems. I’ve written about her anti-gay antics before, and I never heard an apology from her about it, so my disdain continues, and as such, I don’t have anything to do with her music. That being said, I was so excited when Glee (amazingly) covered Teenage Dream, Perry’s number one hit, because it allowed me to enjoy it guilt free (that, and it is far and above better than the original). I didn’t feel the need to post about that version, however, because practically everyone heard it, but I just found this AMAZING cover of the same song that gives the Glee version some stiff competition. This is BEAUTIFUL. All of these guys and gals can sing, and their harmony’s make Perry’s original seem amateur at best. What can I say, another refreshing take on an otherwise great pop song, allowing me even more guilt-free enjoyment of it! Win-win baby! Watch the video for Teenage Dream here.

Plan B – Love Goes Down
I really wanted to get into Plan B’s album, the Defamation of Strickland Banks last year, especially after loving his vocal on Chase & Status’ End Credits, but alas, it just didn’t happen. Well, a new year, and a new perspective, and I am wishing I would have given it a proper chance. There are several choice songs on the album, and this one is my current favorite; it’s smooth and easy on the ears, and Plan B is pretty easy on the eyes himself. I love when an artist can reinvent themselves, and seeing as Plan B is a British rapper and has turned out something so slick and soulful as this, I would say he’s doing just that; and doing it quite well. I may have missed it in 2010, but I am all ears now. Watch the video for Love Goes Down here.

The Naked and Famous – Young Blood
I heard this song on this week’s Chuck, and thanks to the power of Shazam, I found it and immediately went and downloaded this fantastic track. I’ve been reading people on the internet rightly say it sounds like a melding of Passion Pit and MGMT, but I say it definitely sounds more like Passion Pit (probably because I like them way more than I like MGMT). Regardless of the similarity, it brings enough newness and flavor to the table, and the harpsichord-sounding effect throughout is lovely. I will keep my eye out for more from these guys, because this song is top notch. Watch the video for Young Blood here.

Jesse McCartney – Shake
While I never got the chance to feature it on a 5SF before, this (still pretty) new track from Jesse McCartney did make my year end songs of 2010 list. It’s a refreshing pop song from someone who surprised me a few years ago with Leavin’, as well as his album Depature (which had a lot of great stuff on it); he’s growing up quite nicely, don’t you think? Now, he’s back on his game with Shake, which is certainly an ear worm; I find myself loving it more and more with each listen. While I don’t care too much for the video, I definitely love the song, and look forward to more new stuff from this guy in the coming months. Watch the video for Shake here.

The White Stripes – Blue Orchid
Since they apparently officially decided to disband this week, I thought I would share my very favorite song by the strange, yet pretty amazing White Stripes. I don’t claim to be a big fan by any means, as a lot of their stuff just didn’t mesh with me for whatever reason, but when they were on point, they were sharper than a pin. While most love Seven Nation Army (myself included!) this is the duo at their finest for me, it is a thumper, and makes me want to learn to play the drums so I can bang out raw energy like this. This song has me stomping my feet and gets me amped up every time I hear it. I hope these two can make more excellent stuff like this at some point in the future; regardless if it is together as the White Stripes, or as something new. Watch the video for Blue Orchid here.

Well, what did you think of these fine 5? Let me know! Also, let me know what you are listening to as well!