Yesterday, around 2:30, I received a call at work from James; Sydney had been hurt. Apparently, when James came home, Sydney came through the dog door yelping, and immediately came to James bleeding from a gash on his ear. After assessing the situation, James took Sydney to the vet, and they told us to bring him back today for “laceration repair”, and at the same time (since he was going to be put under anyways) teeth cleaning. That all comes out to about $200 (but only because we have a “plan”). Having a dog can be expensive. Honestly, I am just glad he is okay, and did get hurt more seriously. Last night, they had wrapped his head up in an ace bandage looking thing, so all Sydney did was sit around and mope in his Elizabethan collar. Poor thing, he hates that collar! But it provides for some very pitiful shots, take a look:
“Daddy, please let me out of this thing, I promise not to scratch my head (even though that is the first thing I do when you take it off).”
“Woe is me, I am so very, very pitiful. Hmmm.”
I don’t know who is more pitiful, sweet innocent little Sydney, or my checkbook. Either way, I’m just glad he’s okay, and on the way to recovery. Now, if only Petsmart will have him ready when I show up to get him this afternoon… wouldn’t that be nice.