This post has the potential to be an ongoing subject of something that I think about nearly 100 times a day (or maybe even more); attraction and sex. Basically, being that I am a guy, and guys TEND to be very visually oriented when it comes to things like sex and attraction, I find myself constantly walking by the window of different stores, and peering in at merchandise I find very appealing. Now, since I only have a credit card to one specific store, I only shop there, but it doesn’t mean I am not able to look at other things that stimulate me visually. (In case you missed that, it was a relationship metaphor, I only look, and never touch.)
But, that doesn’t stop my attraction (without action). I have to say, that I would probably just be content sitting and looking at people that I find attractive practically all day long. In fact, any people watching works for me, but specifically, when I find someone that I find attractive, I find that I am somewhat captivated by them.
James is definitely the ONE in my book that I hold to be the top of my attraction, but it doesn’t mean that I don’t find other men attractive; in fact, if I said that I didn’t, that would be a lie. Anyone that says they don’t find other people attractive are lying. It is part of human nature to look for what we find attractive; the line just exists where you should never touch if you are in a relationship (at least, it is present and solid in mine; which may not work for everyone, but it works for us).
Now that I have gotten the formalities out of the way about the relationship thing, I want to talk more about that attraction I mentioned. I find that when I am watching a movie or a show, or anything really (pictures, on the internets, etc.), where I see someone that I find attractive, I usually say so. With James, he likes me to then affirm how much more attractive he is to me, which I honestly don’t mind doing, and usually do without even being asked. I find that I feel the need to say someone is attractive mainly because they are so captivating to me, and are taking up so much of my attention, so much so, that it may be the main thing that I am focused on. Take for instance the guy pictured above. This is Robert Best from this season’s Project Runway. To me, he is very attractive (although, I think he is much cuter with his glasses on. picture from fourfour‘s fabulous PR recap.), so I find myself, when watching the show, constantly looking for him, and when he is on screen, maintaining a constant focus on him. I am even looking forward to watching the show tonight, so that I can see mr. attractive on screen.
Likewise, there is the guy in the Kashi commercial, Greg (pictured here). For some reason, I just find him really attractive, so, even though we have DVR, I always watch that commercial. Now I found it on you tube, and I don’t have to wait for commercial breaks to see him, yay! He is just very attractive to me, and as such, I like to watch. I am definitely one who likes to watch people that I find attractive. And what does that mean, really? Or does it even need to mean anything? Who knows.
Do any of you have a similar response when you see someone attractive? The obvious extreme for me is Jake Gyllenhaal, where I felt the need (and still do) to get every movie he was in, so that I could see him any time I wanted. And I do. I love Jake. LOVE Jake. And I love looking at him and other men that I find attractive. I don’t think that means that I am less attracted to James because of it, but it is something that I think about a lot, so I thought I would share. Attraction is one of the principle keys to my attention, I am a very visual person, and as such, when I see someone attractive, I tend to focus on them.
Who are some of your crushes/attention grabbing people that you find yourself drawn to? Do you have similar relationships with attractiveness? How so? Am I alone on this one? (I doubt it, but just casting a wide net, here). AND, this is not limited to men (for the straight guys), do you think the same about women? Or is it just body parts?