why is everyone so afraid of evolution?

I am escaping again this weekend, this time, I am off to visit some friends in Charlotte. Good times should be had.

I have been thinking about something for a few days, and I want to leave you to ponder and discuss this over the weekend; my friend deb sent me an article about a “Creationism Museum” that they are opening in Kentucky. And, in light of the recent “anti-evolution” school standards being overturned in Kansas (article), I thought it would pertinent for me to pose a question that I honestly and wholeheartedly want to understand.

Why do people that believe solely in creationism (i.e., that God created the world and all of the universe) have such a problem with evolution? (note that I did not say, “why don’t they believe in evolution”, I want to know why they have such a problem with it) Seriously. And I don’t want the typical, “people are blinded by religion” or the “people don’t want to challenge their beliefs with other ideas”; I already know that those answer the question. But to me, I just don’t understand how a museum, and laws preventing evolution being taught in school will make it any less true. With that being said, note that I am fine with people believing in whatever religion they want; I believe in one (some of it anyway), and I don’t see anything wrong with belief. I also don’t see anything wrong with NOT believing something, like religion, which is something based on faith anway.

V for Victorious

Valiant. Vigilant. Vivacious. Vigorous. Vengeful. V for Vendetta is all of these things and more. I honestly had no expectations going in to this movie, and for one reason or another, I missed it at the theater; but nevertheless, I was excited to receive my rental from netflix last night, probably more than any movie I have received in a while. And even though I had no expectations going in, I was pleasantly surprised; it was fantastic. Many people raved about this movie, and rightfully so; I am joining their cause.

This movie is excellent because of the way that the vigilant V attempts (and succeeds) to unite people into standing up against an all powerful and over controlling “big brother”-like government. It is not to say that other movies, books, media, or other things don’t have the same message, but honestly, this movie just nails it with the futuristic, not-to-far-fetched scenario V finds himself living in, in future Britain. I won’t say much more about the film, other than how great it was, but I honestly have to say, it made me really stop and think; if we could stand up, mobilize, and fight for our rights and freedoms as V did (without the killing, of course), and we all exuded the courage of that one man, how would this world change? How much better would things be, if we all stood up? I have to say, thinking about that almost gives me chills, because I know that things could, and would, change for the better. (This is not to say that I believe for one second that the way to make things better is through vigilante work or destruction; it is through challenging thoughts, having and stating opinions, and uniting for good.) Now, if we can only find millions of Guy Fawkes masks and capes… we can get right on that! Remember, Remember, the 5th of November. Perhaps someday, we will have a day, event, something that will remind us how strong our voices can be, and we will join together and use them. Only then, can we all be free and equal. It takes a brave person to stand up for what they believe in; so how do we gain the courage to do that? How do we begin to fight?

Definitely check out this movie. I honestly believe it very well could be the 1984 for 2006.

it’s A(C)-okay at home…

So, thanks for everyone’s nice comments about the AC fiasco. Things are fixed. I hung out at the hot house all day yesterday, while they cut holes in our floor, and totally rebuilt the duct work under our house. The result, which honestly, I find interesting that it is so surprising to me, is that every room is now a cool 69 degrees. Before, we had hot rooms, rooms that were never cooled, because of the shitty duct work; but no more. Now, every room is comfortable! It’s amazing what $4800 can get you! I am just thankful that we have our house, and are able to get and enjoy AC, I know that there are tons of people out there right now sweating out this summer heat blaze. I don’t know why I torture myself by living in the south; I have always hated the heat. Perhaps someday, I will live in Antarctica… then I would never be hot (nor would I need AC!)! I don’t really want to live there, but it is beautiful, and it does make a good arguement for living there for the heat-haters!

Hope everyone has a cool day… I am just glad that the shit is fixed. It’s honestly weird that I am not freaking out about the money; we all know I am an anxious person. But, we will get it paid off… somehow. And luckily, no, we did not have to refinance anything; they offer payment plans. How kind of them, eh?

forty-eight hundred dollars later…

I just wanted to see what it would look like typed out in words… That is how much it is going to cost to have our AC fixed. Turns out, the condenser whosiwhatsit isn’t up to efficiency code, and combined with a pisspoor duct system, our little AC unit has been running its little heart out, and it finally had heart failure while we were at the beach. The only solution is a new heart, as well as some new duct work, and a condenser whosiwhatsit. While it does anger me that we have to drop nearly $5000 on an unexpected expense, I will be glad that the AC problem we have had since day one will be solved. No more unsightly AC units scattered about the house! But such a price… the inconvenience was almost worth it!

What a price those two precious letters shall cost us. Le sigh. I have come to the realization that no matter what, I will be in debt forever. Even after I am dead, I think that they will just forward my Discover bills to the graveyard. Now, I will sit in my hot house in anticipation of hearing that brand new AC unit kick up for the first time. I had better be freezing my balls off by tonight…

back from the beach!

We are back! A great time was had, and lots of money was spent. Some of the things that happened that were memorable on the trip: James and Brian were stung by jellyfish (which still freaks me out). We outran a storm on our sunset dolphin cruise… BARELY (it was neat to see the storm roll in, though). Dave took a poo in the bushes by a hotel called Xanadu (which was rechristened Xanapoo as a result). I did manage to see ONE alligator on the island. I realized that there is a limit to how many daiquiris one can drink; Dave, on the other hand, has no limit; seriously (they were good, but way too much sugar!). Sometimes, it is just fun to relax and sit out by the pool with friends.

All in all, I would say a good time was had. As with many vacations, I almost need a vacation from my vacation… travel, drinking, and having fun can wear one out! It was nice to come home yesterday to see our little boy Sydney, whom I missed more than I imagined, and it was true to say that he was definitely glad to see us. After picking him up from the sitter, we came home to discover that our HVAC unit had crapped out while we were gone, and was no longer functioning. Nice. Needless to say, we sweated our balls off until bed time, which, luckily enough, we have a window unit in the bedroom, so it wasn’t that bad for sleeping. The AC people are coming today, and I hope it doesn’t cost an arm and a leg to fix. It probably will though, these things are never cheap. Ah, the joys of home ownership. UPDATE: Looks like we are looking at $5000 worth of AC repairs. Jesus. Anyone have any money I can have? A lot of it?

Hope everyone else’s weekend rocked! I can’t wait till we get our AC back!

come sail away, come sail away, come sail away with me

Kids, we are off for a relaxing (see drinking, swimming, sitting on asses) weekend at a luxurious Hilton Head resort. I am not sure I should call it a resort so much as a hotel, and not luxurious, so much as sandy; but either way, we are out of here. Off to have a great weekend with friends, and I couldn’t be happier, I need a vacation! This will only be a mini vacation, but it is well deserved, and will definitely be relished!

See you kids when we get back. Hopefully, this is the sky and beach we will get to see… this boy needs a tan! And don’t worry, I will be sure to wear plenty of sunblock on the tattoo! I didn’t sit through all of that pain for nothing! Have a great weekend!






This is such a shock to me. Anyone else?

And I love that he said that the reason he didn’t come out sooner, is because he was afraid it would hurt the band. I wonder if he knows that the band that he was in was called N*Sync. That’s right, a teenage boy band that sings pop music and wears metrosexual clothes and makes money by being on the cover of Teen Beat and other teeny-bopper magazines baring their chests and abs?? Sure, they had legions of screaming girls as fans, but, um, I would go out on a limb and guess that most of the rest of their fans were gay men. Yeah, I don’t think that any of those people (especially us) would have been hurt (or surprised) if he came out. But, I know what it is like to come out, and I am glad that he has the courage to do it. Way to go Lance! Also, it is great that he is dating that hot piece of meat Reichen Lehmkuhl! You go Lance! And here’s my official welcome to the club!!!

this just can’t be happening…

This is officially the gheyest, most unnecessary piece of designer-whored-out trash ever to have graced the world. I believe that somewhere, a supermodel is weeping; or perhaps the many children that could eat for a year on the $600 that will be wasted on this phone. Seriously? A Dolce and Gabbana Motorola Razr? I would go on to discuss who else is suffering from this horrid waste of money on so-called “fashion”, but I am convulsing and throwing up all over the room. Ridiculous.

As an aside, I once saw someone with “D & G” tattooed on their neck (seriously), and my first (and only) thought was, “how sad”. I am thinking the same right now.

would you talk to your children about sex?

I am just curious to find out from all of you out there what your thoughts are on this subject. I for one, was not talked to by my parents about sex, and as probably somewhat of a result, I have a very weird view of sex. I used to see it as deviant, as something that you only did when you were married, and as something that I was very uncomfortable with. Not anymore of course, since I took years to work through all of that, and learned that sex was just as natural as the most basic and primal actions we partake in, but it was a journey nonetheless. And was it, at least in part, because I didn’t learn anything about it from my parents? Possibly. Maybe. I’ll never truly know where those views came from, but I do know that being without the knowledge I have about sex now, definitely contributed to those feelings about it from when I was younger until more recently.

More importantly, I give the above question thought because of the state of the world today. If and when I decide to have children many years from now (many), I will want the best for my children. I will dote on them as parents do, and I will do my best to teach them about the world and what I have learned. I will, however, not make the same mistakes my parents made with me (God willing), one of which, includes talking to them and teaching them about their bodies and their natural urges, and God forbid; sex.