— America’s Next. Top. Model. Premieres tonight. Um, yeah, I know you are biting your nails to see the girls make fools of themselves too. I wonder who will be this season’s bitch? I mean, other than Tyra of course. Thank GOD we don’t have a new Project Runway tonight; we would go into full on gay supernova if Bravo was even thinking of showing a new episode tonight. Now, let’s have a walk off, bitches, and argue over who gets photographed by world renowned photographer Gilles Bensimon.
— There are so many new shows this season, that I am literally on overload. I feel like I am missing a lot of them, so if you have any suggestions on what to catch and what to miss, I am all ears. I need something for Monday and Thursday, as of right now, because those days are pretty slim. I did watch the Unit last night, and that show fucking rocks (plus… the return of Noel Crane? Swoon!). I can’t believe I didn’t watch any of last season. Um, Netflix, can you go ahead and send those over? Thanks. Of course I am on pins and needles for Heroes, but I don’t have much else in sight. We are also watching Prison Break and House regularly now… is it me, or is House MORE of a bitch than usual this season? What a douche.
— I am really loving the new Indigo Girls CD. Especially the song “I Believe In Love”. Awesome. I also just looked and they are coming to the Tabernacle on October 5th and 6th. I am going to convince James we NEED to go. Anyone else? I love them live. We are also going to the Scissor Sisters on October 18th, so this will be the month of concerts (considering, I usually don’t ever go to concerts). There are so many good music choices coming out lately… here’s hoping that continues.
— I kind of feel behind on the internets… it is hard for me to keep my attention on anything long enough to really invest. I hate that, but can’t seem to shake it. It has a lot to do with this depression, which thankfully feels much better today that it has all week. I know that there are many of us out there that go through this same thing (many of you too), but sometimes, it just feels better to say what is wrong, what I feel, and have an ear to hear me. I appreciate that. I tell James that a lot; I don’t necessarily need a solution, I just need you to understand that I have a problem. I am working on it.
— I think that we need a mattress pad/feather bed for our bed. While we have an awesome mattress (individually wrapped springs! generous pillow top!), I can’t seem to ever get comfortable, and realized last night that at least some of my persistent back pain is coming from how I sleep (and inability to get comfortable). Anyone have experience with any one feather bed in particular? The ones I have seen seem to be around $130, but if it means a good night’s sleep, it is worth it. I wish I could purchase one of those heavenly beds from the W. God, I would never complain about sleep again if we had one of those.
— I don’t want to jinx anything, but I don’t know if you have noticed an increase in the speed and efficiency of my site. I have noticed there is much less lag time with loading, and if you post a comment, it doesn’t take a month to post it. Also, it isn’t posting double comments as much. All of this is because I asked my host to move me to a new server, just as a last ditch effort before conceding defeat and moving everything over to someone else. Turns out, it was on their end, because the difference has been like night and day. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that it is a permanent solution.
— I usually don’t get too excited about movies, because I generally hate going to the theater, but I saw a preview for the Prestige last night, and I may have to catch this one in the theater. It looks to be a kick ass movie. I can’t wait for it.
Update: I just spotted this link from yewknee, and it is extremely interesting. It talks about how Ambien (the sleeping pill), may be a potential treatment for people in a persistent vegetative state. People apparently are waking up after taking the pill. I don’t know if you saw that movie Awakenings back in the 90’s, but this whole phenomena is insane and totally exciting. To think that those people really may be there, just unable to speak in many instances, and can potentially “come back”. Obviously, this doesn’t apply to everyone in a persistent vegetative state, as many of those people are brain damaged and further incapacitated, but for some, it could mean that they are still there. Fascinating.
Alright, that’s all for right now… but maybe more later. If you’re good.