revival of the smashing pumpkins?

Now, as I read this morning about Billy Corgan’s ad in the paper to “resurrect” the Smashing Pumpkins, I must say that I felt a little dismayed. See, the Pumpkins were my absolute favorite band in high school. I still love them. I have most of their CDs, and even listen to the ones I have quite regularly. But unlike other bands that I really like, I have no desire to get the albums I do not have. There is a good reason for that. After Mellon Collie, they released the Aeroplane Flies High, which was essentially more Mellon Collie; and, to be quite honest, they should have ended at that. Now that may sound mean, but most can agree that the music they produced went sharply downhill after that. The following record, Adore, and subsequently MACHINA/the machines of God (two albums which were not on their major label, Virgin, might I add), pretty much took the Pumpkins into an area that not only alienated some of the fans (namely myself), but made it kind of strange to think that it was the same Smashing pumpkins that had made Siamese Dream that were making that crap.

still updating… still switching (*sigh*)

Well, I am still switching my old entries into this blog, and let’s say it is taking a good bit of forever. My pointer finger, you know the one I click with, is totally numb. That cannot be a good sign. But, At least I have gotten through April, cause there were more entries in April, May, and June, than probably the whole past year (which just means I need to post more). But I cannot wait till this blog is fully up and running!!!

I will post something fun soon. I promise.

weezer bender

Given that I have been slaving over “learning” CSS and whatnot, I have had time to sit back and listen to a lot of music. In particular… Weezer. Now, we all loved Weezer back in the day (keep in mind the blue album came out over 10 years ago), and I know that I loved that disc in high school… but their new CD is simply wonderful. Pick it up, if you haven’t already. I have found myself buying other cd’s of theirs that I didn’t have before now, hence, the Weezer bender that I profess being on.

I know this really isn’t of any relevance to anyone else out there, but I figure that if I can spread the word of good music… then perhaps I can inspire benders of my own… and here’s hoping that happens!!

Also, let me know what you think of the new site set up kids!!!

the new blog format… slowly now…

I am posting this even before I link this page from my site, but I have decided that I want to try Movable Type. After a BITCH of a time trying to upload it, and after asking myself SEVERAL times, whether it is worth it… I actually really like the simplicity of the design, and I may even tweak it a bit more. All in all, I would be even happier if I could get this damn thing to upload all of my previous posts, of which I have been trying to import for the better part of a day. If anyone has any suggestions… LET ME KNOW. Thanks. Also, let me know if you like this new format better, since I did go through all of this trouble…

UPDATE: She’s live… with some things to work out… More soon…

phrase of the day: virus-laden poo

In this article, from CNN, they discuss a study done on mountain climbers at Mt. McKinley, which sites the cause of diarrhea in some of the climbers. Apparently, people are taking loads of shits on the mountain side, and it is making other people sick. WHAT??? It is one thing to “watch where you step”, but this is crazy. Apparently, there are piles everywhere. This just begs the question: How many people are going up on this mountain, and how long are they staying??

I just have to say it again:

virus-laden poo.
Tee hee hee.

A message to Terry Schiavo’s parents

Throughout most of the whole Terry Schiavo thing, I managed to avoid most of the publicity and turn a deaf ear to conversations about her. It isn’t because I didn’t care, I honestly just got tired of hearing about it. Most people agreed that she was a vegetable, and that her husband had the right to decide what happened; which he ultimately did. I did pay more attention at the end, when she was finally “set free”, and I not only felt better for Terry and her husband, I actually believed that this would allow her parents to finally move on. But I guess I was wrong.

bye bye Big Bird

I just heard that the House subcommittee decided to cut funding for PBS and NPR, and voted to eventually eliminate funding for public broadcasting all together. While I think that it is important to have public broadcasting, and think that it is essential for learning and development in an “open forum”, I think that there is more to this issue than simply getting rid of PBS and NPR.
First let me say this, so I can get it out of the way: I don’t want to get rid of NPR or PBS, and I think that the cookie monster should stay on TV and get to eat as many cookies as he wants (I still don’t think that the cookie monster is blame for kids being fat). Good, now with that being said, I can say this: If they are cutting this funding to create money to go towards other more important programs, what is the big deal???

BUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAIT A MINUTE!!!

Rumsfeld wants more Guantanamo

And why not, right??? Rumsfeld made a comment that it was “absolutely necessary” to keep Guantanamo Bay up and running. Now, I know what you are thinking, there are bad people there, right? Well, sure there are… it is a prison for terrorists. But, even though they are terrorists, they still deserve basic human rights, don’t they? Well, in Guantanamo Bay, they don’t really get that. See, as it is pretty well known, the prisoners there are tortured, and treated in inhumane and demoralizing ways (remember our friend the Koran?). Stuff that is allowed there would not be allowed if this prison were in, let’s say, Kansas. So, that substantiates a reason to keep it going??? That permits you to say that it is necessary??? Well, I decidedly disagree.

But you know what this must mean… I somehow figured that old Rumsy would be into S&M… this just helps to prove it.

Michael’s Epiphany

This just in… Michael Jackson has decided not to sleep in bed with little boys any more! Is that really a revelation that has dawned upon him, after having to sit through a trial that seemed to last forever? I guess so. That is like a fat lady giving up donuts after having gastric bypass? it is what I would like to file under: NO-BRAINER!

bush’s aid: too little too late…

I felt compelled to at least say something about Bush’s recent proposal to give more money to aid Africa. All I should say is: BOUT TIME, but I can’t let it end there.

First things first: It sure is nice that Bush is “letting them loose” for some of the debt that they owe us. I bet there are African children that STILL WON’T get to eat tonight, but I bet they feel a weight has been lifted off of their gaunt little shoulders. Hell, you might as well pay off their Discover bill while you are at it.