Category: wtf?!

embedding disabled by request

As I was thinking up the list of songs that I will be featuring on tomorrow’s 5SF, I pondered the potential of at least one of said songs having a video on youtube, as I always do. One song in particular (which I will not name, because I have to have some secrecy to bring you kids back, don’t I?) has a fantastical video that I would love to post, but due to the nature that it is by a major artist, I am sure that the video will be either yanked off of youtube soon, or it will have the lovely “embedding disabled by request” where the code to embed said video on my blog should be.

Now, I have to say, that I really do not understand this move by record companies at all (this assuming that they are the reason, since I can think of no reason an artist would want to restrict the viewing of their video to youtube). Correct me if I am wrong, but isn’t a video practically a commercial for a song; it represents the artist, and provides more incentive to listen to the song, and more likely than not, increases interest in buying the artist’s CD when it hits stores? So, when you put the video on youtube (especially since the “usual” way to see videos has drastically changed since MTV doesn’t play many these days), aren’t you attempting to put this piece of work out there for all to see? By the same logic, one would also think that by allowing that video to be reposted (through embedding youtube links, of course), that you would be increasing exposure to the video and the song, and there by, allowing FREE publicity for your artist. But no. For whatever reason, many major labels insist on keeping the content “safe”, and will not allow you to embed any of their videos. Again, this makes no sense.

If I posted a commercial, or an advertisement on my website for free, and received no income from having the banner on my site, I would be providing FREE PR for whatever the advertisement was for. I would think, again by that same logic, that the company that sold that product would be more than happy to have me do such a thing, since again, I am publicizing it for free.

I guess my rant is just a venting of the frustration that continually comes from dealing with the recording industry (DRM, lack of embedding, piracy issues, etc). They try so hard to lock down everything, that many artists have a hard time releasing their music, and even the ones that manage to get it out there have a choke hold placed on their material; which is interesting, because without them, the record industry would be nothing. I say, that if you are going to even post a video on youtube in the first place, that allowing people to embed it on their websites is just a common courtesy to your artists, and at a minimum, a free advert for your product; after all, it is again, FREE PR!!! I mean, it’s not like youtube is so secure that I can’t use a software to gank the video, and post it from my own server; which is actually “stealing”, and what I am assuming you are trying to avoid, right? Because that is easier than actually changing the code to make the video fit into my page parameters, just so you know.

Ridiculous much? Methinks so. /rant

city and colour/tegan and sara @ the tabernacle 9-30-08

On Tuesday night, James and I threw caution to the wind, and went out on a school night to see one of the most amazing acts that I have come across in a long time, City and Colour; as well as Tegan and Sara, whom he was opening for. In case I haven’t gotten you to listen to Dallas Green’s solo project, City and Colour before now, you must do yourself a favor; this guy is the real deal. Check this out:

Amazing. His set, albeit short, was amazing. His sound is so beautiful, and his voice literally makes me weak in the knees. I am so glad that he was on the Tegan and Sara tour, so that I could see him perform live. After his performance, James and me went to the merch booth, and picked up his CD in hopes that he would come out and we could meet him. James asked the merch guy (who was this hot tattooed from head to toe guy) if Dallas came out after the show, and he told James that he does, and usually just walks around… he told us to keep an eye out for the flanel. Well, about 15 minutes later, James and I spotted Dallas walking around the Tabernacle, and he was kind enough to pose for a couple of pictures, and sign autographs for us, and some other fans. It was kind of funny, really, because he seemed a bit overwhelmed, like he didn’t expect anyone to want to meet him or anything. He seemed like a really humble, and incredibly sweet guy. I was glad we met him and got autographs; I love meeting artists, and it is certainly great when they are as talented as Dallas.

After the meet and greet, we went back in and enjoyed Tegan and Sara for a while before heading home. I have to say, that I liked them before, but I am definitely more of a fan after seeing them live; they were cute and very good live. Overall, the concert was great, and while the first opening band Girl in a Coma, was not my cup of tea (the lead singer did this really creepy look with her eyes the whole time!), they were very good as well. It was a great night of music.


While we were watching Girl in a Coma, and waiting for City and Colour to take the stage, this annoying fucking drunk bitch pushed her way up behind James and myself, and proceeded to shout everything she was thinking or feeling at the moment to her douchebag drunk boyfriend. It got to one point that they were fighting about her standing too close to some guy, and something about her cheating, and she was furious, and just shouting over City and Colour at that point. I literally turned around, and got about a foot from her face, and I put my finger over my mouth and loudly said, “SHHHHHH”, in her face. It shut her up for the moment, but it wasn’t long before both of those assholes were talking over the act again. Everyone around us was frustrated as well, because you could see people turning around to see what the fuck was up with these two who clearly had never heard of the word “tact”, and were fighting in the middle of a standing room only concert. The girl in front of me turned to them as asked them to be quiet, and they got uppity with her, and I turned around again, in both of their faces and yelled, “SHUT THE FUCK UP!”, to which the asshole boyfriend informed me he could do what he wanted. I told them to shut the fuck up, and go to the back if they wanted to fight, because I payed to see City and Colour, NOT to listen to them run their mouths. After that, I was literally shaking with anger; if that guy had of kept talking, I think I would have decked him. I don’t get mad very often, but when people act like they did, it really makes my blood boil; especially when I have paid to see something, and they are actively set on ruining it. Overall, I don’t know how people like that make it in life, because they were so fucking rude, I doubt they have any friends or do anything outside of their own selfish lives; being considerate is apparently not a trait learned by everyone. Needless to say, I let it get to me, which made me madder, but I couldn’t just stand there any let them ruin an otherwise amazing performance. If you watch this other video (below), you will also notice in it how you can hear people talking; which I just don’t get why people can’t shut up and listen to the act playing. So what if they are the opening act, they might be the one that someone next to you is there to here; show the respect that they deserve, and be courteous to your fellow concert goer, okay?!

I am glad we high tailed away from the couple from hell after City and Colour left the stage, because they started back up as soon as he was done. Assholes.

dallas green and meEither way, I got to meet Dallas (see here to the left, it’s me, and Dallas!), who was super nice, and all in all, I think that it was worth having to put up with inconsiderate assholes in order to see him and Tegan and Sara live. I really, really hope I never encounter people like that at another concert, because it really ruins the fun that you are supposed to have at a show, and has the potential to ruin an otherwise good night. Thank goodness we got away from them when we did, and I am just glad that I said something, because if I hadn’t, I would have been even more angry.

On a final photography related note, if you want to see the other photos that I took, be sure to check out the set on flickr.

how much further to rock bottom?

Gas is pretty much coming up short here in ATL; it is getting hard to find gas at most of the gas pumps that I have seen around town. It just makes me wonder, just how prepared are we for disaster? I mean, this shortage is because of two hurricanes in the gulf coast… that happened over a week ago. We aren’t talking months, just a handful of days, and we are already out of gas. That is just scary, isn’t it?

Also, our seriously fledgling economy took a MAJOR hit last week, and in a half-assed effort that one can only see as a move to save his rich friends from being held responsible, our own president is trying to shove the tab on the back of already struggling Americans. Nice. I thought that people that said they were Republican but not conservative said so because of “fiscal responsibility” and “less governmental control”? What is going on then? This plan, being put forth BY Republicans is going to cause even further fiscal irresponsibility (which these companies started in the first place) and more governmental control over our money (by making us pick up the tab)? Do you think that saving companies that prey on the American public makes any fucking sense at all? I don’t… and I’m a Democrat. The government never should have been involved in making corporations something that are an entities that exist outside of the rules and regulations of basic business; if a small business makes mistakes, it has to pay for them. However, if you are a corporation, apparently, you can just be excused of that debt, and have the government take it for you (and then quickly put it on the backs of their citizens, or you, me, and every other tax paying American). Why don’t we get a say so in this decision? Isn’t our government supposed to represent us? What do we get to do when it clearly goes against our best interests? The more I read the news, the less I feel like I live in a democratic society; the government makes decisions, and we follow along without any of our needs even being heard. It sounds more like a dictatorship to me, which again, is supposed to be the opposite of the fundamental Republican, or even the financially concerned Libertarian beliefs, right? I may be wrong, but giving 700 billion dollars to these companies to save them just seems like robbing the poor to feed the rich to me. I can bet money that the money will be used to save executive jobs, while the working class will get shit on again. Fuck yeah… I’m proud to be a (probably soon to be starving) American. We get fucked, and the rich get richer… that seems to be the new Republican way.

Sorry for the ranting, I just feel so powerless; I invest money and try to save as much as I can, and things like this come along, where the government allow these companies to take it away, even though they are the ones that made the mistakes! I don’t understand why they have more rights than I do. I don’t think it’s fair, and in fact, I don’t think it should be legal. The only hope that I am clinging to at this point, is that Obama gets elected, and can do something better. Things are only getting worse, and worse, which really does make you wonder where the bottom line actually is. How bad is it going to get?

reflecting on a few news items

First up, something wonderful, because the last things are very, very disappointing. A couple of times, I have written previously about how I was really proud of athletes in the Olympics, specifically Michael Phelps, but there was one guy that I am beaming over even more. Matthew Mitcham is an Australian diver that took the gold in his event; even though it was highly favored to go to the Chinese (as all 7 other medals in diving did). One small thing… he’s gay! He was actually the only out gay male athlete to win a medal at the Olympics, and it was not only an upset victory, but he took home gold! After his medal ceremony, he ran up to the stands to embrace his mother and his partner. It’s great that the gay community can embrace another positive role model; an Olympic champion! Woo hoo! Make sure to check out the video of his performance and his medal ceremony, which apparently caused some controversy, because it wasn’t broadcast in full, and which is posted below:

Inspirational, to say the least!

Next, this harrowing revelation that HIV infection rates continue to not only soar, but that they are soaring at an even higher rate in New York City. We are more than 25 years into this disease; when are people going to take testing, safe sex, and prevention more seriously? I know that it is hard to do, but it is clear that people are ignoring something, because the increase in HIV rates cannot be described by “mistake” alone… get tested, and be safe people! YOUR LIFE depends on it!

This makes me feel so ill, that I want to violently puke. Seriously. Such a raping of human rights is disgusting, and should not be tolerated; especially in a country that we are currently occupying!!! What are we doing America? If we really want to make things better for the people of Iraq (which is continually touted as our mission), why not ALL Iraqi people?? Do the gay ones just not matter to us? It disgusts me that gay people are being treated so horribly, and being hunted in Iraq. Why can’t we offer them asylum? Why can’t we offer them protection? What are we even doing to help them? We have GOT to do something; these are freaking human beings, and they clearly have been put into a worse situation because of our actions. I can’t believe that things like this are allowed to happen; it really, REALLY lowers my faith in humanity. I will never understand how people can, a) be so cruel to their own people, and b) why we can’t do something to stop it if we are already there, ESPECIALLY since the situation they are in is a direct result of our military actions in Iraq? It’s not just gay people either, but they are actively being hunted… and it’s wrong! It just makes me shake my head, and hope that those gay people facing this “hunt” are lucky enough to get out with their lives intact. I will never ever understand religious fanaticism; it always seems to do way more harm than good.

Finally, a great piece of graffiti. Damn, sometimes, you just have to reflect, and feel good about the things that are going right in life; things could be worse.

but they tied

Last night, I was watching some great women’s gymnastics when something happened that really kind of bothered me. I am all about sportsmanship and fairness when it comes to this thing, because it really is the only thing that the world can come together on and participate in and not fight over (and if they do, they usually just get pissy, and that’s about it). Well, the girls were doing the uneven bars, and the two top girls, one from China, and one from the USA, both had the same start difficulty value, AND they both scored exactly the same on their routines. Well, one would think that since they were both the top scorers, then they would both share a gold medal. However, that is not what happened. They pulled some bullshit “tie breaking” procedural crap, and gave the gold to the Chinese girl, and the American girl got the silver; even though they both scored the same! It was bullshit. I felt bad for the American girl, because she clearly deserved the gold as well. It was just fucked up, really, because of all the “rules” they have in place to make it “fair”, and all it does is make it fair for one, but completely UNFAIR for the other. I just felt like it puts a damper on the spirit of the games when it isn’t based on your performance, or your ability, and instead comes down to algorithms and shit like that. I just don’t see how you can score the same, and one of you is still made to be second. Oh well.

olympics, netvibes, and redefining contraceptives (REALLY?!)?

First up, how proud does it make you feel when you see people like Michael Phelps smashing world records and getting all of those gold medals!? I have to say, that it definitely makes me proud of him for what he has achieved. Also, I can’t seem to get past the bad mouthing that teams get when they “beat us”; meaning that they get the gold and we get anything but gold. Seriously, mistakes happen, and performances aren’t always the best, but let’s not be sore “losers” America… a sliver is still pretty fucking good.

I have been using Netvibes for a very long time, and after the redesign, it has been like a dream feed-reader. However it is doing this new thing where it won’t save a feed for a new item, and that is really pissing me off. Is it doing that to anyone else? Seriously, if you have to enter the feed every time you use the damn thing, what is the point of even adding them?? It is doing this to two websites that are unrelated, and that both have active and working feeds. If you have experienced this, let me know, and hopefully, you can tell me how to fix my Netvibes.

Finally, my friend Deb brought this to my attention today (which makes me wonder why it isn’t getting MORE MSM press than it is): apparently, Bush and some of his fellow conservatives are trying to redefine contraception as abortion. Holy fuck, where in the hell are these people’s minds? As one person says so very well, these are the same people that don’t think it is the government’s responsibility to take care of the people that need actual abortions or assistance as a result of having limited access to, or knowledge of the importance in using contraception. There have been a lot of STUPID things to come out of this administration, but this is a complete violation of responsibility or care for women’s health. This is just dumb, and I can’t believe that they are trying to do this shit. January cannot come fast enough; this nut job has got to go! Seriously, what do you think about this? I mean, redefining contraception (which PREVENTS pregnancy) as abortion (which ENDS pregnancy, a pregnancy that has ALREADY OCCURRED) is completely insane!!! I just can’t believe the rampant stupidity that exists in some people these days. UGH! It’s almost like the “Bush way” is to take common sense, and actual fact-based knowledge, and then throw that out the window and go with the direct opposite (which is also supported by facts stating that it should be your LAST option). *massive face palm*

the wrong way to act take two: bitchy old queen of a bartender edition

What happened last night can only be described as surreal. Trying to order a drink at a bar got me yelled at, to which I walked away from, and then the bartender came after me for more, which led to my ultimately leaving the bar. I think that what I wrote for my yelp review is pretty expressive of the experience, so I felt that I should let that tell the story (with minor edits):

To the bitchy, old, full of herself queen that works the bar:

Just because you are bitter that you have to work Saturday nights, instead of getting your party on, doesn’t make it okay to take it out on the patrons of this clearly “second tier” establishment. You clearly have some anger issues that need professional attention, and I suggest that if you are going to continue to be a bartender, that being a complete and utter ASSHOLE should be something that you should work on, stat.

Basically, here’s the story. I have been to Oscars several times, but never have I thought anything other than, “oh, we have to go there… ugh”. Mostly, because the bar is a bit tragic, and as far as gay bars go in ATL, it was always very close to the bottom of my list of choices. Well, after last night, it is now the last place I would EVER step foot into again.

A good friend of mine was celebrating his birthday, and we decided to go to Burkharts, which is right across the parking lot from Oscars. After becoming annoyed with the ever growing crowd at Burkharts, it was decided that we should move on to Oscars, because, as expected, it wouldn’t be as crowded (it never really is… which is probably reflective of why I will never set foot in there again). After paying tabs and making our way over, we settled on the patio outside, which was empty except for our group.

I went back inside to get a drink, and found an empty place at the bar to lean in and ask for a drink. There were two bartenders standing directly in front of me, one mixing a drink, and the other just standing there. They both made continual eye contact with me, and taking that as a cue, I simply leaned in and said, “can I have a miller lite?”, assuming that their eye contact meant that they were curious as to how they could help me. What I wasn’t expecting was the aforementioned old bitchy asshole’s response. He was the one making the drink. His response literally took me by surprise, because he said in a very derogatory way, “well, I will, if you can WAIT YOUR TURN“, literally yelling the last part at me. Being the person that I am, who doesn’t really put up with bullshit, especially in situations where I am paying for a service, I put my money back in my pocket, said “fine then”, and walked back outside to my friends. I was a bit taken aback that he would be so rude, but just decided that this place wouldn’t be getting any of my money, and tried to move on.

Then, about 5 minutes later, the other bartender came outside to “cool me off” I guess, and stated that the asshole bartender was “just like that”, to which I told him that it was really rude, and that I wasn’t going to be going back in there to deal with it. He asked me if I wanted anything, and I told him that I didn’t appreciate the attitude, and that I was fine, for him to leave me alone. The whole conversation was civil, but still awkward, as the asshole had sent someone else out to feign a half-hearted attempt at an apology.

What I thought was over, can only be followed by a situation that ranks near the top of the most ridiculous, immature, and completely unacceptable experiences I have had in my life. The asshole that had been rude to be decided that he was going to come out and “straighten me out”. He came out on to the patio, and loudly declared that he was “looking for the idiot that couldn’t take a fucking joke”. I thought I could avoid the situation by remaining silent, but after continual demanding shouts of the same demeaning request, my blood was boiling, and so I told him that I was not an idiot because I didn’t want to put up with his attitude.

This quickly escalated into an all out shouting match between the asshole and myself; with every attempt I made to get him to leave me alone was met with him insulting me over and over again at the top of his lungs. It was clear that this asshole was 100% asshole, and there was no way that he was going to back down. I kept asking him to just shut up, and leave me alone, and he would not back down. I kept saying that I couldn’t believe that I was having such a ridiculous conversation with such an immature individual, to which he kept saying that he couldn’t believe how he was talking to such an idiot. I told him that he must be talking to himself, because I am not an idiot for decidedly not putting up with some asshole’s rude behavior. Finally, I told him that what he was expecting was for me to just put up with him being and asshole, and if that is what he wanted, that he could fuck off, and at that, he demanded that I leave the bar.

I told the people I was with that if they had rode with me, that I was clearly leaving, and the asshole even continued shouting at me as I tried to get out of the bar as fast as I could. He just wouldn’t stop. Needless to say, I left, and will NEVER return to Oscars again.

What really bothers me looking back on the situation, is how it escalated to a point where I was standing in a group of my friends trying to get this old fucker to leave me alone, and NO ONE spoke up, or defended me. Even after I left the bar, only one of my friends came outside to see how I was, and out of a group of almost 10 of my friends, not a single person inquired as to how I was after the obviously ridiculous and intense moment. I can say that without a shadow of a doubt, that if the same thing had happened to one of them, I would have spoken up, or at least seen how they were after the situation, but none of the same was afforded to me. That really bugs me, but there is nothing I can do about it, I can’t dictate the actions of others, which is clear when I couldn’t diffuse the bitchy asshole’s misplaced rant on me for not putting up with his bullshit.

I honestly wish I had never set foot in that bar last night, but I can’t take it back; just know that asking me to go back there is completely out of the question. And a final message for the bartender who acted like a complete asshole/child: grow up and learn how to deal with your anger, I am sure that it has ruined many relationships in your life, and you probably spend a lot of your time wondering what happened… well, I think I have an idea of where things might go wrong; stop being a douche to people that don’t deserve it, and perhaps people will be affording of your feelings in return. Just a thought.

delays and cancellations

First of all, our trip was amazing. We saw so much, and did even more.

However, it was almost ruined by the 11 hours of delays and cancellations we endured today as a result of a thunderstorm in ATL. We got to the airport around 1, and didn’t take off until after 11. Then, upon arrival in Atlanta, we had to wait almost an hour in a line for a cab, because the city’s “amazingly” “efficient” and “effective” transit system closed down at least an hour before we touched down.

Needless to say, I have had a bad day, but I am glad to be home (albeit, at 3:05 am). Details on the trip to follow. I promise.

the wrong way to act

I have been experiencing what seems like a big “fuck off” from customer service people lately. Perhaps it is because it is hot outside, or maybe something is in the water, but I feel like it has been happening more and more.

Specifically, places like the Kroger at Edgewood, the employees are consistently rude and flat out disrespectful almost every time I shop there. I have had employees run into me without saying excuse me, and have noticed more often than not that they roll their eyes when having to do something for you (such as check out); especially if you ask for something in addition to their normal routine. All in all, it is annoying, and I wish there was more kindness out there, especially in service employees, but again, maybe it is just a reaction to the heat or something that is driving this problem.

Well, none of that applies to the complete freak out that I witnessed last night. Some friends and I went for dinner at Machu Picchu up on Buford highway, and we were excited to be getting together and trying Peruvian food. What followed, however, was one of the WORST dining experiences I have ever had in my entire life.

I won’t go on and on about it, but the long and short of it was this: our food was ordered by number, because the names of the dishes were in a different language. The waiter, when bringing out said dishes, kept asking us “who had the fish”, when most everyone had ordered some variation of fish (or seafood, not even fish); but all were different and all were ordered by number. When we laughed at the confusion, rather than getting angry like some tables do, the waiter flipped his shit and started YELLING at us. Let me reinforce that for you; he was yelling, not just talking louder to get our attention. I have never seen anyone flip the fuck out like that; especially not someone who is supposed to be serving you, and is definitely working for tips. He yelled at us not once, or twice, but a minimum of 3 times. It was almost like an out of body experience, because a few people at the table tried to calm him down, but he just kept getting more and more belligerent.

As I discussed with the table last night, I have waited tables before in my life; all in all I did it for about 5 years. I have taken a mountain of shit from people, and as such, I respect people that work in the service industry more than most. However, I cannot understand what this man thought was okay with his actions, and I was completely taken aback when his “apology” simply put the blame for his yelling on our unwillingness to claim the fish dish that he had no idea what it was or where it went.

All in all, people seem to be getting more and more rude these days, but I have to say, that I haven’t seen anything like this before. Here’s hoping that’s the last of it too. Needless to say, I yelped that experience, and I am sure my fellow foodie group will as well. It’s a shame that he made an ass of himself to a table full of bloggers/yelpers, isn’t it!?

what do you have against gay people, Katy Perry?

If you don’t know who Katy Perry is, she is the chick that has made a hit out of kissing a girl (even though Jill Sobule did it many years ago, and unlike Perry, didn’t seem to have any issues with it) and then telling the world about it. As much as I wanted to like the song “I Kissed a Girl” (currently #2 on iTunes) by Perry, I initially didn’t feel like it was a good message. She sings about how it feels “wrong”, and even worse, she says that kissing girls isn’t what “good girls do”. However, after looking at the song from a different perspective, I figured that maybe she didn’t mean that at all; in fact, perhaps what good girls don’t do, is cheat on their boyfriends… and in that case, this song is playful, and not grounded in hate at all.

However (and a HUGE however), after checking her out further, and really trying to give her the benefit of the doubt with her “experimentation” with homosexual kissing, I found something that really makes me scratch my head and wonder if there is some problem that Katy has with gay people. She has a song called “Ur So Gay”, which has been called the “ultimate kiss-off” to a boy that was too “full of himself” to give her the time of day. In the song, she describes everything “wrong” with him, building to the conclusion that he must be gay, even though he doesn’t like boys (which, is the actual only ACCURATE use of the word gay… that which is glaringly absent from her song).

While many will see this accurately as a joke, the underlying message is too clear to ignore; Katy sees being gay as wrong, abnormal, and most importantly, as an insult that she uses to make herself feel better for being dissed. What’s wrong with that, some of you may wonder? Well, the underlying message is hate speech, and here again, I can’t believe that we have yet another example of someone using the description of a person’s sexual orientation as a slur of any kind.

Katy dear, this is 2008. We need to stop using gay as an insult; being gay is normal. If you use “gay” as synonym for bad, negative, horrible, stupid, or any of the many other derogatory words it has been used in place of to place insult, then you are propagating and continuing the underlying bigotry that is so fervent in this country. Continuing this form of “hidden” bigotry is just intolerable, and I for one feel like I must continue to speak out against it.

“Artists” like Katy Perry should be confronted with the fact that their “silly, harmless jokes” are grounded in hateful, shameful, and derogatory feelings that only further the bigotry against gay people in this country. It isn’t “cute” or “funny” that she kissed another girl, it is normal; whether or not she can deal with her homosexual feelings is her problem, not ours.

If you don’t see this as a big deal, ask yourself: would it be cute or funny if she wrote a song about how weird it was for her to kiss a black person?? How do you think that would that go over? Additionally, if she were to write a song about how awful a boy was because he was so “stereotypically black”, how would that sound? Well, I know how it would sound, in one word: RACIST. So I want to know why is it okay to apply that same sentiment to gay people?? Clearly, it isn’t, and I honestly can’t believe that this type of message is still put out there; yet here it is.

Shame on you Katy Perry. Grow up. Become more than that stereotypical playground bully. Gain some intelligence (clearly, that is lacking, because being gay means “liking boys” if you are male, and she doesn’t seem to put two and two together in her song) and perspective, and realize that, even in a “joking” manner, that using the term “gay” to insult someone is causing harm to the gay community in perpetuating the very hate and indifference we are fighting so hard to get rid of. I always cling to the hope that people can be better than they are, but it is people like Katy Perry that continually let me down. Unfortunately, there are people out there that are just waiting to gobble this crap up, and morons like Perry are ready to give them more. I have to ask myself, can there truly be a time when we can all stop the name calling, and just see each other as equal? Can their truly be a time when gay people can be treated as the normal people that we are, and not continually insulted and have our lifestyle continually used as a form of degradation? Little things like this really make me wonder if people are truly capable of that at all, unfortunately.

Sigh. Hopefully, she will fade into the distance soon, and people will rightfully forget about her ignorance; even though it is bound to pop up somewhere else.