Category: the catch-all-egory


I just watched a video on discussing sexsomnia, a condition in which people have (or attempt to have) sex while they are asleep. While it may sound silly, and somewhat strange, I actually know someone who has (or had? I don’t know now…) this: my ex. I don’t really care to name names or call anyone out, but during our relationship, I was awakened several times with my ex trying to go downtown, if you get what I mean. Someone trying to lick your butt is never a pleasant way to wake up.

Funny thing is, he went on a trip with his dad, and they couldn’t sleep in the same bed, because he was worried that he would try to perform sleeping sex acts on his dad. That is just too much, folks. I guess the moral is to watch out for sexsomniacs… they may try to blow you while you are sleeping. (should that be converted into a PSA? just wondering…)

Hope your Monday is going awesome. I wish I were still at home!

friday free-for-all, ya’ll!

So, I wanted to talk about a few different things today, so here it goes:
1st: Rumsfeld is obviously an ass. Let Iraqis handle a civil war if it breaks out? Aren’t they in the state they are in because of us?? We went over there, stirred shit up, said we would stay the course, and now this is our response? Please, someone justify our presence in Iraq to me; I dare you to convince me it isn’t a load of horseshit. If we aren’t even willing to fix the problems that we have our greedy hands in, then why the fuck are we still there? God, way to be there for them, Rummy. I bet the innocent men, women, and children that have died and will continue to die are just fucking pissing themselves at how happy they are America came in to save them from Sadam, who didn’t cause 9/11. (OOOO I SAID 9/11; Crikies!) Sometimes… bang zoom! Right to the moon with these asses.

2nd: Apparently, Britney’s career is completely over. I heard that she is pregnant again, and I haven’t seen that plastered all over the news. In fact, I heard it from FAB. What has happened to you Brit? Two words, sweetie: Comeback Album. Make it happen.

and the Oscar goes to…

Betcha didn’t think I was going to post today, did ya? Ha! No seriously though, today has been filled with activities; many of which were in prep for the “gay superbowl” that comes on tonight, you know the one… and you know that you should be watching too. I know that I will be pulling for a certain “gay cowboy” movie to take home pretty much as many awards as possible; and I especially will be pulling for Mr. Gyllenhaal (go Jake!). I will obviously have comments on the show, but we will save that for tomorrow.

Also, I took the time to go through and take new photos of many of my paintings, and even photos of all the new ones that I have painted, and added those to the paintings page. The ones you see here are two of my newer ones. Hopefully, I will be adding many more to this page as time goes on over the next few months, because my painting is something that I really love, and I really want to pour more of myself into it. Stay tuned!!

Hope everyone is having a great weekend; and if you are in Georgia, I hope you bought enough liquor and beer yesterday, to carry you through tonight!! See y’all after the gay superbowl!

bowling, hockey, where does it end!?

Today, I have been to the HRC benefit bowling, where I represented the CDC team (woot! my score was 167 bitches!). Who knew that the Bowling Express in Midtown had Blue Moon on tap?? Well, now I do! Anyway… it was a lot of fun, and it benefited a good cause. See this picture? Think of my bowling skills. Yeah, that’s right… oh yeah!

Also, James and I are slated to go to our very first Thrashers game tonight; the first, that is, of the notorious Valentine’s package of games. Here’s looking to comfortable seats, a winning score, and lots of 24 oz liquid fun (beer that is). Hope that everyone else’s Saturday is as awesome as this one has been…

This is doing a good job of keeping my friend’s precarious situation out of my mind. Ugh… I just wish it were all a dream.

a menagerie I tell ya!

First off, I just want to say thanks to everyone that had kind words to share yesterday. I have said before, and will say again; the best thing about blogging and the internets, is that you get to share things with people, and learn that you are not alone in how you feel or what you experience. I love that we get to do this. Now, let’s get together for a rousing game of who’s in my mouth. Just kidding… thanks people; may we all get started on making those changes and end our feelings of drowning, I know I am going to no matter what! Now if I could just find that magic box of “unlimited answers and resources as to how…” that I misplaced…

Second, it is 70 degrees here today. Now, I know that it is the first day of March, and technically, getting closer to spring, but seriously. In Atlanta this year, we completely skipped over winter. I am not joking, I really only remember like 2 days where it was below 40 degrees. It snowed once; and that was just a freak occurrence. Is the trend going to become no winter in the south? I refuse to believe that this has “nothing to do with global warming”, as many scientists have said. I am calling BS. I am also calling for someone to come and fend off the massive mosquitoes that are going to stalk and hunt us all this summer, er, I mean in a few days. This summer is going to be a squelcher; I will just have to get the blender ready (ahem… James, baby, let’s get that fixed fast!); we are going to need some daiquiris.

presidential shout out

I just want to give a shout out to Washington and Lincoln for making it possible for me to sit on my ass all day at home, instead of work today. You guys rocked!!! I will hopefully fulfill my goal of doing absolutely nothing today.

James and I MAY go to the Atlanta botanical gardens to see the orchid exhibit; since I have gotten Sarah Jessica Parker, my mind has been nothing but orchid this, and orchid that. I have heard that this exhibit is one of the biggest in the country, and that just gives me happy tingles all over, especially in my downtown bonanza. Here’s hoping we actually go, now that I have talked it up so much.

Also, we are planning on hitting up the Sweetwater tour today at 4:20, if anyone wants to join. $6 for 3 beers and a glass you get to take home, is worth hanging out in the cold. And, I get to stand there and gawk at the beer making equipment and wish aloud that this is what I really want to be doing, and how I would love to get started with my own brewery… ah, dreams are great, aren’t they folks?

Oh yeah! AND (as if I am not talking about doing enough, considering that I started with “I will be sitting on my ass all day”, but I digress) I will be going to make a deposit on my tattoo consultation today. I have made the appointment for the tattoo (April 1st), and can’t wait to see what the consultation brings. I have a great idea that I am really pleased with, and can’t wait to see what this guy can do with it. It isn’t the little animals that I posted before; I didn’t feel they had a cohesive enough theme to them, and from the moment I saw them, I liked them, but always had a little reservation. My newest idea is the best I have had, and I am more happy with it now than I was when I first imagined it. I am planning on ginko leaves and 2 koi fish. You will just have to wait and see how it pans out; I know I am waiting with bated breath.

Well, that’s all for this Monday; let’s see how much of this I can actually get done. As usual, if we do anything exciting, there will be photographic evidence. Happy Prez Day folks!

Songs for you Monday (I have been holding onto these for some reason, now it is time to share!):
Morningwood – Nth Degree (TRY not to love this song… I dare you.)
Imogen Heap – Hide and Seek
Daniel Powter – Bad Day
David Gray – Ain’t No Love
Willie Nelson – Cowboys are Frequently Secretly (Fond of Each other) (Yes, I went there… but it is well written)

Ow! my aching back…

Today has been a busy day; the new couch arrived, and I have been completely redoing 2 rooms (the old living room, which is now the “sitting parlor”; and the new living room, which is, well, warm and inviting). I am exhausted. Pictures will be posted tomorrow; even some before and after ones. I gots to give you folks perspective, after all!!!

And, thanks to all my APWBTGTTD peeps who showed me such a good time last night; it was awesome. I can’t believe we only do that once a month! Oh well… till next month, eh?!