Category: show the love

something that makes my life better

Tide to Go. It makes my life better. In fact, it made my life better today. I went to lunch with some great friends, and as I was inching the massive sushi roll towards my gullet, the chopsticks slipped, and it plummeted into my tiny bowl of soy sauce, sending soy sauce rocketing out in every direction. Luckily, I didn’t get too much on Brian (sorry Brian!), and none on Lori, but most of it landed on my shirt. Now, those of you that know me IRL, know that I am pretty OCD. And, if it weren’t for the miraculous powers of Tide to Go, I would have literally gone to target or old navy and bought a shirt to wear back to work; I don’t play with the stains. But fortunately, it did work, and my shirt is stain free! Rock on! This is something that I will now always have in my car; forever.

sir, that’s going to be $200.

Yesterday, around 2:30, I received a call at work from James; Sydney had been hurt. Apparently, when James came home, Sydney came through the dog door yelping, and immediately came to James bleeding from a gash on his ear. After assessing the situation, James took Sydney to the vet, and they told us to bring him back today for “laceration repair”, and at the same time (since he was going to be put under anyways) teeth cleaning. That all comes out to about $200 (but only because we have a “plan”). Having a dog can be expensive. Honestly, I am just glad he is okay, and did get hurt more seriously. Last night, they had wrapped his head up in an ace bandage looking thing, so all Sydney did was sit around and mope in his Elizabethan collar. Poor thing, he hates that collar! But it provides for some very pitiful shots, take a look:

“Daddy, please let me out of this thing, I promise not to scratch my head (even though that is the first thing I do when you take it off).”

“Woe is me, I am so very, very pitiful. Hmmm.”

I don’t know who is more pitiful, sweet innocent little Sydney, or my checkbook. Either way, I’m just glad he’s okay, and on the way to recovery. Now, if only Petsmart will have him ready when I show up to get him this afternoon… wouldn’t that be nice.

happy birthday to my man!

Today’s James’ birthday. I am the luckiest man alive to have someone so wonderful in my life. Here he is in his new wrestling mask. I guess it’s gonna be a Nacho Libre Birthday, bitches!!! See you at Sweetwater!

Oh yeah, and thanks for all the kind words on yesterday’s post, folks. I really appreciate it. Seriously.


Four of the best words, when used in conjunction with one another, are; East Atlanta Beer Festival. That’s right, the EABF is today, and we are probably going to head up there around 2. Come on out! Join us for copious amounts of beer!!! I will try and do a recap of what went down later, but I make no guarantees. DRINK ON! EABF, here we come!!!

the website, if you must.

since I don’t really have anything for today…

Because it is Friday, and my brain is well, fried, I just wanted to know one thing; is there anyone out there that does not want to have sex with Ed Norton? Is there anyone out there that doesn’t think he is smoking hot? (Straight men please save your answers unless they are emphatic “yes please!”s, okay?) Because seriously. Damn.

Hey… maybe I need to have an Ed Norton movie fest soon… yes, yes that’s it! And don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten about Jake… or you either James!!

picture from

how james and I first met

My post from the other day, or well, the lack thereof, produced some interesting questions that people are dieing to know, so I am here to oblige! Today’s question comes from Paulie, who wanted to know about how James and I first met. So here it is:

I used to work at Aid Atlanta, and while I was there, I worked as an outreach worker. This basically means I would go to Red Chair, hang out, hand out condoms, and do a little “announcement” of our services and what not during the drag show. Anyway. I was sitting there with my little box o’ condoms, and James was sitting across the room obviously eyeing me, and while I thought he was cute, I was in a relationship at the time, so I was definitely going to be a good boy. James finally came over to talk to us (there was another guy out with me that night doing outreach as well), and was asking some questions about how to reach his kids (since he can’t talk to them as a teacher). We talked a little about that, and I gave him an Aid Atlanta card, and he went on his way.

Then, later that week, my boss calls me giggling, into his office. He then shows me this email that was sent to the main website’s information account, and it was something to the degree of, “My name is James, I met your outreach worker Dwayne the other night…” blah blah blah. (Yep, that’s right, he misspelled my name! Huge pet peeve of mine, but I digress). The point was, that I apparently had made an impression on this boy, and he had come a calling. That’s when the picking on me started.

what not to do at a drive in, and spammers from the future!

Last night, we went to the drive-in in East Atlanta, a summer tradition of James and mine, since we moved into our house. This will be the 3rd year we get to go an enjoy the movies on the big screen, all while having the comfort of our car and our booze(!!); without having to deal with movie people in the same way as at a regular theater. It is way more fun, trust me. While the first movie left something to be desired (Slither) (although it was kinda funny), we were glad we chose it, because the second movie (Inside Man), kicked ass. After the second movie ended, we naturally started packing things up, finished the last beers, and were ready to be let back in the car by the man that I love. Instead, he locked the keys in the car, and we had to walk back up the entrance of the theater, sit for 20 minutes in the dark, all while the loving boyfriend came to pick Lori and I up, and take us back to get my car and a spare set of keys for James. Note to self for future summer drive in nights; bring a spare key to James’ car… you never know when you might need it. Oh yeah, Alan, you are a rock star… thanks 10000000 times for coming to pick us up!

This is kind of trivial, but I thought it was at least a little interesting, hey, I AM a nerd after all. Basically, I get a ton of spam email every day. I have talked about it before, and several people have offered solutions, but I am lazy, and have honestly just hoped it would go away on its own. But it hasn’t. And now, interestingly enough, though, I have spammers from the future sending me information on how to “please my woman in the bedroom”, and invitations on “not being inadequate anymore”. Now, I always please my MAN in the bedroom, and I would like to think that I am more than adequate, so naturally, I don’t need the form of “assistance” they are offering. But when I looked at the date and realized they were from the future, I did become more interested. Perhaps this is some sort of Back to the Future stuff? Or maybe, even more obscure, yet way more exciting, it is like that show Time Trax? You know, how the guy got his information by looking the paper, because the people in the future communicated in the papers of the past? Oh, no one remembers that show… oh. But it was sweet!! Yeah, maybe they are just more advanced now, and can use email. Either way… spammers from the future, ya’ll! Have a killer Saturday!

Cartoon at Out of Hand

My awesome friend (but bad blogger) Steve Yockey has a write up about his new show Cartoon, in Creative Loafing… check it out here. Also, if you are in ATL, or will be in ATL check out Cartoon:
Through April 23. Out of Hand Theater. 7 Stages Back Stage Theatre, 1105 Euclid Ave. Thurs.-Sat., 8 p.m.; Sun., 7 p.m. $12-$35. 404-522-6194.

That’s right… three posts; one day. Can you handle the madness?!

fine this georgia patrol!

Since I thought that the woman being fined for the BuSHIT sticker was LAME and totally a violation of her first amendment, I think we should all get behind her and speak out as well. Luckily, it was thrown out, and she doesn’t have to pay the citation (there is justice! who knew?); and to celebrate, Kyle over at, informed me that he is giving Georgia residents a free bumper sticker. I hope I get one! Go to the link and get one for yourself!

Amber has the link too!