I often find myself wondering why I don?t follow through on things like I ought to. I have all of these things that I like to do, and things that I want to do, but I just talk about how fun or cool it would be to do them, but never actually really get around to doing them. One of those things is posting here as often as possible, but I feel like I have actually managed to make a strong effort on that, and have actually gotten to that. I really do enjoy keeping up on the old website too, but even that wavers at times. (I keep threatening to learn the master of all flash and make a kick ass ALL FLASH * gasp * website version of duanemoody.com, but alas, I have not yet?) I am either on or off with that stuff. I really want to be the ultimately creative being that I believe that I am destined to be, or I honestly think that I will perish. I guess that I am the only one that can save myself, but I believe the years of ADD or whatever you want to call it have made it hard to do. So right now, and listen up, cause this is a message for those of you that wonder about these sort of things, I am focused on figuring that out, and working on it. I think that I am going to write a book (finally)? but we will have to see how that goes, and if I can maintain the drive that it will take to finish it, and make it good. Hell, maybe it could get published and make me some money, cause then I know FOR SURE I would be a hell of lot more motivated. Maybe that is my motivation? if my creativity made me money AND happiness, all would be right in the world. So, now is when I will start wishing for that, while you go away and let me wish for it. (But I promise to work on that other crap too).
And Laura, this doesn?t mean that I am contemplating being a creative zombie, or that I am writing a story about zombies, or anything like that. Although, now that I think about it, that may actually be an option. Stay tuned?