Category: music musings

and I’m done, I’m hanging up on you.

I've got a confession, bitchesWell, today’s the day. Tuesday, November 15, 2005 is, at least in gay world, Madonna day. Today, Madonna’s new album, Confessions on a Dancefloor drops, and to put it quite frankly, this is one queen that honestly couldn’t care less. Yes I must admit, I was privy to the pre-release version (i.e., the “Å“leaked” version). No, whether you believe me or not, I didn’t download it; someone actually gave it to me (honest to God). And yes, despite the skepticism in my voice, I did try really hard to like it. But, I just don’t. There are only so many times I could suffer through “I Love New York”. The first three songs; I admit are actually kind of awesome, nothing really special or groundbreaking, but fun to listen to and groove to in my car. As of right now, I love them. But I know that in 3 months, that I will hate them, because even “ËœHung Up’ is really starting to make my left eye twitch when she says “Å“ring, ring, ring goes the telephone”; despite the infectious beat and fabulous ABBA sample. Overall, I honestly must say I am not surprised. I guess I was not really looking forward to it, which is probably a good thing, since it leaves me without a feeling of disappointment. Sorry, but I feel like it should be said aloud; Madonna gave us exactly what we were expecting…nothing special.

I know that there is a collective “Å“gay sigh” going on out there (cue the Kathy Griffin gay sigh) at everything I am saying, but honestly, I can’t take it anymore. I don’t really care for Madonna. I have tried to like her, I really have, but I just can’t do it. I can’t make it stick. I keep fucking up the landing. I will like her for a little bit, and then it will slide away again. I will start to enjoy something that she has done, and then she will release shit like “ËœRay of Light’; which, for the record, is one of the worst songs ever recorded, written, etc. (and it won a Grammy!). So this time, I am digging in my heels, and tearing off that corner of my gay card; I am not a Madonna fan, and I don’t care who knows it. I am coming out of the closet and admitting that I don’t really care for Madonna.

love me, love me, say that you love me…

Everyone has a couple of groups, well at least one, that they think are just fantastic, and no matter what they do, they just love them. One of those groups for me, is the Cardigans. Now, I love all kinds of music, but there is just something about these wonderful Swedes that just do it for me. Maybe it is the sweet delicious voice of Nina Presson, who knows. Maybe it is the bubbly goodness that flows like honey out of the speakers when the CD is playing? Probably! But one this is for sure, they are completely and utterly awesome. In every way.
image from

don’t go changin’; I love you just the way you are.

Extraordinary Machine has “officially” been out two full weeks now, and I feel that if I don’t say something now, then I am going to lose the opportunity. Now, I bought the CD, and was happy to do so; even though I have had the whole thing (minus “Parting Gift”) since some time in March of this year. When the CD was leaked onto the net, I was aching for new Fiona, so, like many others, I downloaded it. And I loved it. Still do. So much so, that when I heard it was going to be released, I decided I was going to buy it, legitimately, you know, to help out the artist (especially considering that the rumor was that the album was shelved due to the fact that it was practically unmarketable, i.e. no viable singles, etc). And I did.
don't go changing'
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