- Last night, I was invited to partake in a great “bad beer” podcast, and it was a LOT of fun. I really miss hanging out with the people that were a part of it (my old trivia group for the most part), and it was great to finally meet one of the bloggers I have known URL for a while in person. I hope that we get to do more of those types of things in the future. It was funny that our podcast was talking about how bad chelada style beer was, when I am kind of a fan of Miller Chill. In fact, I actually really like it… so long as it is cold. The other beers we tried (Bud Light Lime, Tequiza, and Michelob Ultra Lime and Cactus) were all gross. I’ll let you know when the podcast is up, and you can here the silly fun we had drinking bad beers.
- I have been having random fits of sneezing. The allergies in Atlanta are nuts, and this year is no exception. I guess there is something to be said about consistency; regardless of how annoying it may be sometimes.
- On Tuesday night, I went out to dinner with some friends at a new local restaurant, and I did something that I have not done in a LONG time… I left the waiter zero tip. Hear me out… I waited tables for 5+ years at various restaurants, all of which served alcohol. I have NEVER in my life ever told someone that they had to pay for a drink that they determined to be undrinkable. In fact, I often apologized for something that I had no part in; I never was a bartender, and I never made those drinks. However, we always made it right, and made sure the customer was happy each and every time. I ordered a drink that was absolutely disgusting (which shouldn’t have been), and it was a simple bar mistake. I stand by the fact that this is something that I should not have had to pay for; yet, he made me pay for the drink (even though he took the totally full beverage and poured it out). Unfortunately for this establishment, this is a lesson that I have learned about that place, and as such I will not be drinking there ever again; which pretty much means it has moved itself to the bottom of my list of places to go eat. It sucks too, because being a local restaurant, I really want to support it, but I can’t control how restaurants treat their patrons. Having been a waiter myself, I put up with A LOT of mistakes without saying a word, but this was just ridiculous. Oh well… there is sure to be a yelp review to come about the experience!
- I have to say, that I was a little surprised by who won AI last night. Oh well, the proof is in the pudding; we’ll see when they release their records, right?! George Michael’s performance on the show was AMAZING. Also, is it me, or is Carrie Underwood completely unstoppable? I mean, she is F-I-E-R-C-E fierce! Not only is she beautiful, but she can sing the shit out of anything!! Maybe I need to download her records…
- Speaking of amazing music, the song that I featured last week, Just Dance, by Lady Gaga, is one of the most amazing songs ever. Seriously, this song is going to be my song of the summer. I have had it on repeat since last week… Loves it.
- That’s about it… I guess. Anything going on with you that you want to talk about?? Anything questions you want to ask me that are just burning in your brain? Let me know!
Category: music musings
"pointless", all about me, is it just me?, music musings, venting
my tender, tender ear canals
by duane • • 8 Comments
I have extremely tender and sensitive ear canals. You know how you get those “in the ear” ear phones, and they have different sized inserts “for everyone’s comfort”? Well, even the smallest ones hurt my ears.
It has always been something that I have had to “deal with”, but I have been able to avoid the problem for a long time, since I got my awesomely amazing Bose around-the-ear noise canceling headphones. However, since getting lobes pierced last week, I haven’t been able to use my headphones, because they touch my ear lobes, and as such, I have fallen back on my in the ear phones. Ouch, ouch, ouch. I didn’t realize how much they hurt, because I have never had to use them for extended periods of time before.
I even tried using my friend’s amazingly nice Bose in the ear phones, but those hurt too!! I can’t be the only one out there with sensitive ear canals, so I wonder, if you have this problem, what ear phones are you using?? Let me know, so I can run out and get them today; because I can’t live without my music, and having to shove these devil’s swords in my ear is torture!!!
five song friday, listen up!, mixed media, music musings, music suggestion
5SF: may 16
by duane • • 2 Comments
This has been kind of a weird week. Having my ears pierced has been a pretty big distraction, most importantly, with regards to my sleeping pattern. Even though I find myself a bit sleep deprived, and definitely worrisome about the healing process, I am glad that I got them done. I just hope they heal quickly, because I am honestly tired of tossing and turning all night, because I am not able to sleep on my ears. Weird.
Anyway… today is a bit all over the place. I have two last minute decisions, which is good, because I was having a hard time coming up with 5 songs for today as I have literally been listening to Death Cab For Cutie almost non-stop this week. Their new record is fantastical. Alright… now let’s get to the music we need to be concerned with today, shall we?
Lady GaGa – Just Dance
Damn, this song is hot. Sometimes, I hear a song, and something about that track instantly draws me in; and this is certainly one of those tracks. I think the video is quite funky (hello 80s!), and it also makes it clear that Lady GaGa is obsessed with making herself into a Kylie Minogue record cover (a pose off!). This is one of those songs that makes you want to hear more from the artist. I am very curious to find out if there are other possible gems like this one hiding up Lady GaGa’s sleeve. To be honest, I wasn’t planning on including this song for this week’s five song Friday, because I didn’t hear this song until last night for the first time! However, at the last minute, I decided that it is too fresh not to put it in the mix this week. I hope you enjoy this song as much as I do… I have a feeling it will get a lot of play from me in the coming weeks. Just dance… OKAY!
Rihanna – Take A Bow
After this song was suggested by Steve, I did check it out (see, I do take your suggestions!), and I found myself liking it, but not loving it. However, when I saw the video, I think that it gelled for me; Rihanna is gorgeous, and seeing her sing adds to her voice even more (also, is it just me, or does anyone else get the baby dyke vibe from her in this video?? Looking sexy!). I have tried to resist the force that is Rihanna in the past, but with Good Girl Gone Bad, there is just no reason to put up a fight anymore… it is clear that there is something special about her. Great production to the songs that are being chosen for her (or by her?) is only going to help in propelling her career even further into the stratosphere. This single just shows that there is no stopping this chick, so we had better get used to having her around. I will note that this song was produced by the same folks that did that Chris Brown knock off that I wrote about a few weeks ago, and that it is just different enough (they seem to love that same sound), that I can get into it. It shows that you can use similar elements and still get me on board, but they can’t be so similar that they are actually the same, dig?
P!nk – Nobody Knows
This beautiful ballad comes off of Pink’s 2006 release, I’m Not Dead. I was listening to XM recently, and this song came on, and it reminded me of how great that album really is. This song is definitely one of the best tracks on the record; if not the best one. It was nice to hear this song and be reminded of a record that made my 2006 list, but one that I haven’t listened to in a while. I always love being reminded of something great that doesn’t get enough attention in my music collection.
Death Cab for Cutie – Grapevine Fires
After such a glowing endorsement of Death Cab’s new record, I found myself hard pressed to find a favorite song out of the lot. I literally love each track on the record, and each have their own nuances that make me like them. However, for whatever reason, this song stands out just enough, that I wanted to include it this week. If you are a fan of Death Cab’s earlier work, I am curious to hear what you think of the new record. I think that it takes elements of Transatlantacism, and builds on them; without abandoning their trademark Death Cab sound. Perhaps that is why I fell instantly in love with the record (well, that, and the fact that it is simply an amazing album)… either way, let me know what you think, Death Cab fans, won’t you?
Augustana – Fire
Finally, another song that has fire in the title!! That wasn’t a conscious choice. I have been listening to Augustana’s most recent release, and I find myself enjoying it MUCH more than their debut. Perhaps I was put off by their first single (which I was), but I have had more enjoyment with their new record. There are a few ballad-y type songs that stand out to me, and this one just screams at me. I love how his voice waivers when he gets to the chorus, showing some emotion that was strong enough to prevent it from being smoothed out during production. Sometimes it is small flaws that really make something worth listening to. Also, the note that he holds at the end of the song is impressive.
Well, there they are kids, your five songs for this Friday. Hope that you enjoyed each one as much as I did bringing them to you. Hope everyone has a great (and hopefully, it will FEEL long) weekend as well.
all about me, flickr, happenings, listen up!, music musings, music suggestion
ear plugs and narrow stairs
by duane • • 5 Comments
So I have been thinking about doing it for a long time, because I think that ear plugs look incredibly hot on guys, but recently, I have been thinking more and more seriously about it. Well, a friend of mines family came into town not too long ago, and her nephew had plugs, and for whatever reason, that made the interest go WAY up. I felt like I HAD to get them.
Well, cut to yesterday… I got them. I got my ears pierced yesterday at the Piercing Experience in Inman Park, and except for the pain of having your ear jabbed with a big needle, I couldn’t be happier. Brian, the piercer at PE was AMAZING. Totally gentle, and extremely kind. Seriously, if you want ANYTHING pierced, I would not recommend anyone else; he was extremely awesome with my piercings. I am not going to lie and say that it didn’t hurt, but it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be (I guess). I am glad that it is over, and the healing can begin. I have already picked out some great stone plugs for when I get all healed up, but until then, I am rocking some clear glass, and I have to say, that they are quite fetching.
I can’t believe I went through with it, to be honest, but now that I have them, I am totally loving them. Getting pierced at a big gauge (6g!!!) was a bit intimidating, but Brian at PE made it as good of an experience as I think that it could have been. I am so glad I went there.
On a completely different note (no pun intended), I have been listened to the new Death Cab for Cutie album, Narrow Stairs,
NON-STOP since I got it yesterday. I don’t know why, but this album gelled with me instantly, and I love each and every song. It is a LITTLE different from the last album, Plans, but I feel a lot of what they were doing on Transatlantacism coming through on this new record. As always, Ben Gibbard’s sweet and endearing voice takes you through each track, weaving a journey of stories, all set to incredible music. So many of his “one liners” really get me, like when he simply, and heart wrenchingly states that “you can do better than me, but I can’t do better than you”. That is the shit that I swoon over, seriously. I have not found one song on this record that I have any negative thoughts about; even the 8 minute “I Will Possess Your Heart” has truly grown on me. I think it was brilliant of them to release it as a single, as it really got me ready for this record. Narrow Stairs is another amazing record from one of my favorite bands, and a record that is sure to make my year end list. This record reminded me of something awesome; records like Narrow Stairs are the reason I can still get excited about going out and buying CDs. This album gets an enthusiastic 5 stars
from this blogger… do yourself a favor and pick it up!
five song friday, listen up!, music musings, music suggestion
5SF: may 9
by duane • • 2 Comments
This week has been rather mellow, it is honestly weird to have so many tests and deadlines in one week, and then the next week; literally nothing. Oh well… I have been enjoying the down time, and I have surprisingly been sucked into Mario Kart. Seriously, it is really, really fun; even though I am not terribly good at it. I think it is the little wheel that makes it fun. Other than Mario Kart, I have been enjoying the new albums by Jesse McCartney (which leaked recently), Dave Barnes (which is the only album I have ever bought on iTunes), Brian McFadden (which leaked recently), and yup, I am still jamming to Mariah’s great record.
So… now that I have pretty much let the cat out of the bag as to what to expect this week, why not just give you the goods?? Okay, here we go!
Jesse McCartney – Not Your Enemy
First of all, I was very nervous about listening to this record when it leaked, because of how much I have been enjoying the hit Leavin’ (seriously… I have been playing it on repeat I love it so much). However, I have been pleasantly surprised by Mr. McCartney, because minus two songs, his album is actually a pretty brilliant pop record. The songs are catchy, with great beats, and most of them are really great pop songs that could be singles of their own. This song stands out, because of how melodic and beautiful it is. In the beginning, it reminds me a lot of Will Young, but then builds into a great ballad that McCartney can call his own. I really like what he did with this record, and will not be surprised if he has some success with it; it is a really good pop effort from the former teen star.
Ryan Adams – La Cienga Just Smiled
This is one of those songs that I discovered from one of my favorite shows, Felicity, because it was featured many times during tender moments on the show. I have to say, that this song reeled me in a way that few can, and it still remains one of my favorite songs of all time. This is one of those songs that I can bet, that if life had a soundtrack, it would be somewhere on it. There are so many moments that this song would be totally appropriate if it were playing in the background; which is probably why they used it so much on the show. This is my “blast from the past” song this week, and it is a song that I am glad to have “rediscovered”, as I love it so much. Fantastic songs like this don’t come around that often, and when they do, I tend to cling to them… and this is one that I could never let go of.
Dave Barnes – On a Night Like This
This record really surprised me. I heard the song “Until You”, and thought that it was pretty good. I even bought the album from iTunes, because it was only $5.99, and figured that I would listen to it a few times, because I liked what I heard. What I didn’t think, was that I would really enjoy this album as much as I have. Dave Barnes is a lot like John McLaughlin mixed with Marc Broussard. The result is pretty damn good. This piano-driven rock is totally the stuff I swoon over, and this ballad is no different. His emotion comes through in the vocals, and totally has me weak in the knees. Great song, from a great album. I am glad that I discovered him.
Brian McFadden – Twisted
I bought Brian’s first album, which came out a few years ago, because I had to support the first solo effort from an ex-Westlifer. However, I will admit that it wasn’t exactly what I was expecting (as it was really, really dark), and as such, I didn’t listen to it as much as I probably should have. When I randomly saw that he was releasing a new record, I was definitely still interested in seeing what he could do (because the first record was good, albeit dark), and so I snagged a leaked copy. Instantly, I fell in love with this track, which is the first on the record. I hope that he releases this as a single, because it is fun, dancey, and upbeat (all things that were lacking on his previous effort). I have been enjoying the majority of the CD, and I am glad he is back. This song is a lot of fun, and one that I am glad to have found.
Mariah Carey – I’ll Be Lovin’ U Long Time
Finally today, I wanted to come back around to Mimi, because I have surprisingly been enjoying her most recent album, E=MC2 A LOT. I am continually surprised by how much I like it, because it isn’t my usual fair when it comes to the type of music I generally like (way more RnB and way more hip hop than I usually go for). However, I have to hand it to Mariah, she has truly proven herself to be a real, tried and true diva, and with this record, I will bet that she gains tons of fans; it is fantastic. This song is my favorite from the record, and is one that I find myself skipping to over and over. I can practically guarantee, that if Mariah decides to release this as a single, that it will kill the charts. This song is fucking pure gold. Mariah, get your Grammy acceptance speech ready, sweetie; I see more statues in your future!
Well, there you have it… another five song Friday, and I hope that you enjoyed the tracks I picked for this week. Let me know what you are listening to, because I am chomping at the bit to stay ahead of the curve, and continue to find new and fantastic music. Help me out, won’t you?!?!
flickr, music musings, music suggestion, near and dear, photography
pictures of Sara Bareilles
by duane • • 3 Comments
I know I mentioned it yesterday, but I felt compelled to post at least two shots, because I could not be more pleased with the way my film came out. I got some amazing shots of Sara, and I am so very happy to have been able to get them.
The show was amazing, and now I always have these photos to look back at, and remember the power of the night. I would love to be a concert photographer for a living… I could totally get into it. The excitement of getting those shots makes the back breaking standing in place for 4 hours TOTALLY worth it. Anyone hiring?
concerts, flickr, happenings, hotness, listen up!, music musings, near and dear, photography, show the love
green tea heaven
by duane • • 3 Comments
I have found it; today, I had the best green tea frozen yogurt I have ever tasted. After lunch at Doc Chey’s, my buddy Deb and I wandered over the Yoforia to sample the “Italian frozen yogurt”, and after a small sample of the green tea flavor, we eagerly decided that is what we should get. They offer lots of different types of toppings, but to be totally honest, this frozen yogurt is so amazing, that it didn’t need anything… but a spoon and a mouth to put it in.
After I finished what I am now dubbing the “best green tea ice cream I have ever had”, I really wanted more. I love this place, Yoforia, and I will definitely be requesting future trips for more of this delectable treat. Perhaps the best thing about the sinful treat, is that it is totally fat free (!!!!!), and, totally organic. Can we say LOVE??? Yeah, love is officially spelled Y-O-F-O-R-I-A today folks… I seriously am considering going back again later tonight!!! I also totally love the decor in this place, it is very futuristic, with lots of orange. I loved the orange counters and the glass tiles in the bathroom. I want them for my house.
Now I have to see how I can convince Deb to go there after lunch (or before!??!?!) again tomorrow!!! YUM!
On a totally unrelated note; I finally uploaded a bunch of my Sara Bareilles pictures. I must say, that I got some AMAZING shots, so please, do me a favor, and go and check them out. Let me know what you think; I had a great time photographing the show, and I am definitely loving my new camera! More to come!!
five song friday, listen up!, music musings, music suggestion
5SF: may 2
by duane • • 3 Comments
This has been a busy/stressful week. Two finals, and an amazing concert, have kept me on my toes. I am still studying for my anatomy final, which I have to take some time today… gah. Wish me luck, because I am going to need it. I will be so glad when I am done with this class!!! Alright, let’s stay on track… the music track(s), that is. This week I had NO problem coming up with 5 great songs for you, and I hope that you enjoy them as much as I do.
David Ford – Songs For The Road
I want to start by making a grand, but wholly true statement about this song; it is one of the most amazing, and beautiful songs I have ever heard. I had never heard of David Ford before I heard he was opening for Sara Bareilles, so I really didn’t know what to expect. What I found out quickly into his set, is the amazing power in his performance, as well as the tender beauty that he weaves into his songs; both lyrically and melodically. This song literally gives me chills all over my body. I snatched his CD at the show, met him, and even took a picture with him; and all I can think of, is how glad I am to have been exposed to another amazing artist. This is one of those songs that will really, really stay with you; and one that I am definitely listening to on repeat.
Gavin Rossdale – Love Remains The Same
When I first saw that Gavin Rossdale, former singer of the alternative powerhouse band Bush was releasing a solo album, curiosity got the best of me immediately, and I had to check out his first single. What I got, was a surprisingly tender ballad that I have totally fallen for. Not only have I always loved his voice, but I think that it totally suits this more sensitive acoustic rock, and I am definitely looking forward to hearing what else he has up his sleeve. It’s great to see him back on the music scene; especially when he is making great songs like this one.
Weezer – Pork and Beans
Holy shit… new Weezer?!?! YES MA’AM! That is exactly what went through my head the other night when I saw that Weezer had a new single, Pork and Beans, up on iTunes, along with the pre-order for their new CD, the Red Album. As a LONG TIME fan of Weezer, I am delighted that they are bringing us another album, especially after rumors that they had called it quits after the last fantastic album, Make Believe. After listening to this track, I am reminded why I love Weezer so much; the quirky pop, and the buzzing guitars get me every time. After a few listens of this song, I can definitely tell you that I am now sitting on the edge of my seat, greatly anticipating the release of the Red Album.
Robyn – Dream On
Okay, as I spoke of earlier this week, I was really looking forward to Robyn’s self titled CD finally coming out in America. However, what I wasn’t expecting, was the inclusion of a couple of new tracks; most notably Dream On. Wow. This song totally brings a freshness to the record, and gives long time fans something more to clamor over, and yet another reason to run out and buy this fantastic album. Robyn is a pop goddess, and tracks like this give me the impression that she has a lot more up her sleeve for the future. I know that I am definitely looking forward to whatever Robyn has in store for us next. (FYI, after 3:12, when the track goes silent, there is nothing else on there, just a good 1:32 seconds of silence… no idea why).
Portishead – Machine Gun
Now that the record is finally out, I can finally get around to saying something about it. I downloaded it over a month ago when it leaked (I couldn’t resist), and first listens led me to make harsh, pre-judgment, where I declared that I was disappointed with the album. However, I refused to give up on one of the most innovative and brilliant bands that I have ever encountered, so I listened a few more times. With each listen, I got something new, and I realized that what they were trying to do with this album was just as they had done in the past; transcend. I think that they succeeded. It must be daunting to release an album after a decade’s hiatus, but Portishead have done so, and made it look effortless. The record is sure to continue to grow on me, and tracks like this one make me extremely glad that Portishead are in fact, back.
I hope you all enjoyed the five songs for this week… let me know what you thought! Good, bad, either way, I love feedback. Also, as always, WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO?? I want to know. Have a great weekend!
concerts, flickr, happenings, listen up!, mixed media, music musings, music suggestion, near and dear, photography
welcome back, old friend!
by duane • • 0 Comments
I had to take a detour on the way to work today, because of the unpredictable Atlanta traffic practically shutting down 85N. I was sitting still on the exit from 20E, and I thought, “self, let’s just go down to University, and then pop back up Boulevard”. Well, low and behold, during my little detour, I managed to get a moment of sheer joy; I saw an old friend that I haven’t seen in what seems like an eternity!
Mr. Fangs is BACK!!! Check it:
Now, I am pretty sure that these are new, because I have been down through this area before, and I haven’t seen them before. James also mentioned the two black ones as new, because he drives that way to work every day, and he remembers them showing up recently.
I had pretty much given up on ever seeing a new Mr. Fangs, and in a sheer moment of randomness, I found TEN (if you click on the above photo, you can go to my flickr and see the others)! Normally, I would hate graffiti, but this little guy is just so cute and really brings a smile to my face. Seriously, seeing Mr. Fangs made my day!!!
Also, just a note about the concert last night. Basically, it was amazing. Everything I expected. Sara was effortlessly amazing, and totally flawless in both her singing, and in her stage presence. My buddy Deb went with me, and admitted that she had a new appreciation for Sara after seeing her live, simply because of how amazing she is live. I think that is why I gush about her so much, because that is how I found out about her, and after seeing her several times, she never disappoints me in the least. I got to take my XSi with me to the show, and I took hundreds of pictures, all of which I have yet to sort through and get to editing for flickr. Stay tuned for that in the near future. To satiate your potential appetite for those photos, how about a little video of Sara singing Genie in a Bottle:
While it was extremely tiring to stand in place for over 4 hours, the show was magnificent. The opening acts, David Ford, and Rachel Yamagata were both amazing as well. Overall, it was a great concert experience, and is definitely one of the best shows I have ever seen. It was also really cool to finally meet fellow bloggers, Mark and Chad; even if it was only for like 5 minutes. Hopefully, I will get to hang out with them again in the future. Overall, it was a great and wonderful night.
concerts, happenings, listen up!, music musings, music suggestion, photography
sara b at the variety p… tonight!
by duane • • 2 Comments
Those of you that know this blog know that I am incredibly excited about seeing the amazing Sara Bareilles perform to a sold out crowd tonight, at the Variety Playhouse. Out of sheer excitement, I have been listening to her most of the day, and the realization that she is my favorite singer is just becoming stronger and stronger each time I think about it. I never get tired of listening to any of her material, and I generally feel great when I am listening to her perform. I even have live stuff of hers on my ipod; which is extremely rare for me, as I am generally not a fan of live recordings. However, the great thing about Sara, is that she sounds equally amazing live, so each recording is just as good as the last.

To me, she is truly the definition of an artist; she shows such an amazing talent in song writing, and effortlessly couples that with beautiful singing and piano playing. It is an understatement to say that I can’t wait for the concert tonight. I am planing on taking my new XSi with me, so I hope to get some great shots of Sara at the show. I think 3/4 of the concert experience to me is taking photos, because I really love to capture the moment on film (or in my case, a digital media storage device). Sure, the music, and the crowd make the show fun, but being able to photograph the artist is the part I really look forward to the most.
Now, I can guess what you are thinking: I know, I know… I go on and on about Sara all of the time, but you know what, she deserves it. Having met her a few times, and seeing how amazing she is both in concert and in person, I really don’t think there are other artists that I have experienced with the same charisma, and humble charm as Sara B has. Well, enough gushing, just know that I am excited about the show. It is going to be so cool to see her headlining a show… I remember the first time I saw her open for Marc Broussard; she really has come a long way in a really short time.
Now, because you know you want them; here’s a few of Sara’s songs to get us all in the mood for the show tonight (even if you aren’t going! which I have to wonder WHY aren’t you?!?!):
Between The Lines
One Sweet Love