Category: mixed media

5SF: covers edition!

I had a crazy idea this week… why not do a five song Friday of nothing but covers?? Mostly, I was scratching my head trying to figure out what songs to post this week, especially since I have been listening to the same things over and over recently. Well, I flashed on the idea of a covers edition, and I thought, why not?? If you guys like it, I may do it again, but for now, let’s get to these fabulous cover songs, shall we?!?!

Adele – Make You Feel My Love
(covering Bob Dylan)
To be totally honest, Adele was part of my decision to go ahead with the cover version of 5SF this week; her record came out FINALLY in the US this week, and I wanted to feature her to celebrate… but… I have featured her twice already, so I didn’t want to do too much. However, since she covers an AMAZING song on her record, I thought that this would be a perfect way to get some more time with Adele in, right? Right!! This cover of the Bob Dylan song is amazing. Garth Brooks also covered it, and his version is equally amazing; check it out if you haven’t heard it. As for Adele, get her CD already… it’s out now!

Whitley – Hyperballad
(covering Bjork)
This is one of those songs that I randomly heard of a few months back, and for whatever reason, it sifted into the pile of music that I have been ignoring. Well, when I decided to do a covers week, I pulled this one back out, dusted it off, and low and behold, I LOVE IT!!! The original Bjork version is one of my favorite tracks of hers, and this one puts a totally different, but totally effective spin on it!! I love the acoustic nature that Whitley brings to a song that such a unique artist as Bjork penned. Great cover!

Robyn – Since U Been Gone
(covering Kelly Clarkson)
Robyn’s super sweet poptastic cover of this song is just brilliant. It turns it from a pop-rock hit to a synth-driven pop anthem. I am not 100%, but this sounds like it may have been recorded live (which I am guessing because of a few minor glitches in the recording). I snagged this gem from Zeon’s fabulous music blog. I have heard a few covers of this fantastically written song before, but this one is my favorite. Robyn is the shit.

Tia Carrere – Ballroom Blitz
(covering The Sweet)
I FUCKING LOVE THIS SONG. I remember seeing Wayne’s World, and I was totally captivated by Tia Carrere wailing the shit out of this song, and I thought at the time that it was her song. After I found out it was a cover, I was a bit disappointed, because in my opinion, she FAR exceeds the original. Well, after playing Rockband recently with Brody and Aimee, and after playing this track in the game, I had to download this version, because I freaking love it. This is the perfect example of an awesome cover song; it’s better than the original!

The Cardigans – Iron Man
(covering Black Sabbath)
Now, I couldn’t pass up a chance to shill some love for my favorite band, the Cardigans. This cover of the amazing Black Sabbath song, shows how you can take something in a completely different direction, and still have it work. The sweet saccharine of this version is a STARK contrast to the thrashing guitars and dark vocals from Ozzy in the original track. For me, this song shows one of the many facets of the incredible talent the Cardigans have, and is one of the reasons they continue to be one of my favorites.

As a silly bonus this week, I thought I would include the video for the amazing Alanis Morissette’s version of My Humps, originally by the awful Black Eyed Peas. Her version is hilarious, and so much better than the original. The video is awesome too. I wanted to include it because Ms. Morissette had a CD come out this week as well; which has some pretty great, serious songs on it. This video just gets me laughing, because it shows that Alanis has a serious sense of humor!

Well, there you have it, hope you kids have a great weekend. Let me know what you think of this week’s songs!! Also, if you have any covers that you love, let me know about them; they may make future installments!

5SF: may 30

Today’s five song Friday has a huge surprise from me… a song by a group that up until recently, I couldn’t stand at all. Seriously, the mere mention of their name made my skin crawl, and yet, they have released an AMAZING song that I tried to resist, but couldn’t. Also, I have a few songs that were recommended to me, so again, I really do value and appreciate all suggestions; most of them I really enjoy, and some I am elated to find out about! With that bit of titillation, let’s get to it, shall we?

Santogold – L.E.S. Artistes
I kept hearing how “amazing” Santogold is, and after many recommendations (thanks, y’all) in addition to that, I checked her out, and I must say that I am definitely impressed by this song. The song took me a while to get into, but I find myself enjoying it more with each listen. I really love the drumming, especially at about 2:30 in… I love a good beat. I wanted to include the video because it is one of those occasions where the video totally adds to the song; although, I don’t really know WHAT it adds other than visual entertainment. Nice song, and good recommendation.

Coldplay – Viva La Vida
Here’s the song I mentioned above, that comes from the group I couldn’t stand before today… before seeing those damn itunes commercials featuring Viva La Vida, I literally HATED Coldplay. Seriously. What is it about them that I hate? Perhaps the smugness of Chris Martin, and how it totally comes through in each of the songs that have FLOODED the airwaves for the past several years? (yeah, that’s it!) However, there is no denying that this song is pure genius. I will gladly consider myself a Coldplay fan for this song; it is catchy, brilliant, and begs to be played on repeat. Also, not really related to the song, but a note about one member of the band: Will Champion, the drummer, is smoking HOT. Seriously, I want to have lots of babies with him. Alright, I will stop drooling over Will, and drool over this song, because it too, is hot.

Cyndi Lauper – Rain On Me
I don’t really like putting two songs by the same artist two weeks in a row (I like to keep things fresh, and mix things up a bit), but there are times when there are two really stand out tracks that just capture my attention, and beg to be shared. This is one of those times. I featured Cyndi’s club banger Into the Nightlife last week, but after giving the whole (pretty decent) record a listen, I stumbled on this fragile ballad near the end of the CD. I must say, that instantly, I got chills. This song is beautiful, gentle, and totally reminds me of some of her amazingly moving hits like True Colors. This song is quintessential Cyndi for me, and it is an amazing track that begs for much deserved attention. Cyndi, you clearly still have it honey, and I couldn’t be more proud of you.

Missy Higgins – Ten Days
Missy Higgins is one of those artists that most of you may not know about, but you really should. She is big in Australia where she is from, and has recently had a hit with Where I Stood (an emotionally driven amazing ballad that I featured a long time ago back when 5SF was just getting started). Since I got my ears pierced, I have been listening to radio on my computer a bit at work (when my ears hurt too much to continue using the torture devices also known as ear phones), and one site that I have been listening to is Pandora. The basic premise, is you enter an artist you love, and they play stuff that is similar. Well, this was one of the songs that they suggested to me, and it reminded me that I needed to get Missy’s first CD, because of how much I LOVE her most recent release, On a Clear Night. Well, after snagging her first album (that contains this track), I have realized how much I really do love this artist, and I just wanted to get some more out there about her. I am definitely impressed with both of her albums, and consider myself lucky to have found such an amazing artist for my music collection. This is a beautiful song, and is definitely indicative of what you can expect from the amazing Missy Higgins. Also, not to gush too much, but that violin riff is simply amazing.

Weezer – The Angel and The One
It is with sheer excitement that I type these next words: Weezer’s new self titled album, or as it will affectionately be referred to because of previous self titled albums, the Red Album, hits stores on Tuesday. I was lucky enough to get an advanced copy, and this song is one of those songs that makes me wonder why so many “fans” gave up on Weezer after Pinkerton. If you aren’t familiar with Weezer’s history, Pinkerton was an amazingly candid and totally honest look into Rivers Coumo’s heart, and as such, it is one of the most beloved records by Weezer’s fans. However, maybe he felt that he said too much, and as such, has not shared as much depth, at that level, since (at least, many would agree that he hasn’t). Well, this song proves to me that Rivers is still the emotive boy that needs love and feels that love enough to put it into song; and proves that those “fans” shouldn’t have given up on this amazing band. I love Weezer, always have, and I am truly excited about the new album; and with tracks like this and the catchy as hell Pork and Beans, why not, right? Weezer is back for all those that thought they left, but those like me know that they never really went anywhere; they were just keeping the emotion in check.

Well, there’s your five songs for this final Friday of May, kids!!! Hope you enjoyed them!!! As always, let me know what you are listening to, and I hope everyone has a great weekend! We are off to the EABF tomorrow for a day of boozing… viva la beer! HA!

my new curve

Yesterday, at lunch, I wondered aloud to my friend Deb about how long I had to wait until I get a new phone… I am on Verizon, and I have recently started getting the itch that the end of my two years was coming up soon (around the summer usually), so when I got back to the office, I called customer service to see when I could succumb to my need for new technology. Turns out, I have been eligible since early April (thanks for telling me! Sheesh!), so off to the Verizon store I went.

When I got my Motorola Q, I really wanted a Blackberry, but at the time, there weren’t any available that had cameras, and none of those were good enough to make me want to give up having a camera on my phone. Well, recently, the Pearl came out, and I had originally thought about getting it when I had a chance, but after playing with the kinda-qwerty keyboard, I was pretty sure that preferred having a full qwerty at my disposal. After a few minutes of looking on the Verizon website, I had found what the very thing that I wanted: the Blackberry Curve. It is smaller than my Motorola Q, and it does EVERYTHING I want in a phone: email, pictures, internets, texting, qwerty keyboard, and my most wanted feature… IM.

So like I said, I was off to the Verizon store to cash in my $100 towards a new Curve. I also found out that I could get James a phone for free, so I got him the LG VX5400, which has everything his Motorola Razr has, but is just newer, more lightweight, and frankly, a bit cuter. The jury is still out on whether he likes it or not, but I have to say, that the Curve is like the best phone EVER. Seriously, I still joke that I would get my old StarTAC back in a second (I totally would), because it was the best phone I have ever had; but the Curve comes in a very, very close second. This phone rocks. The camera is great, and the internet is lightening fast. Also, I get to use the Blackberry internet plan, which is $20 cheaper than my old one. Rock!!

All in all, I got two phones, cashed in my $100 on mine, and ended up with a rebate of $100 instantly, and $50 mail in; making my Curve only $50. I am extremely happy with my purchase, and being that it was long overdue for a new phone, I couldn’t be happier that it all happened this week. So, if you have IM, make sure to hit me up; I am on yahoo (duanecmoody), AIM (theduanemoody), and even the Blackberry messenger (which I am pretty sure is only for peeps with Blackberrys).

I love a good deal, and this one was just too great not to blog about… not to mention the high I am riding after getting a shiny new piece of electronic equipment to play with!!!! Everyone loves that, right?!?! I also ordered an orange silicon case for it; which I can’t wait for. So far, I have nothing but love for the Curve! Good show, Blackberry!

tuesday the 27th

I figured it is getting a bit redundant to call these posts “random thoughts” every week, so what the fuck, I’ll change it up a bit. Regardless, here’s some random shit stewing in me brain:

  • I pre-ordered Guitar Hero On Tour for the DS today, because I saw it was coming out while I was at Best Buy returning some D-Batteries that weren’t needed. Dude; I so can’t wait for this game. I want it now, but at least with the pre-order I got an exclusive pick-stylus. I can’t wait to rock.
  • I went to Circuit City today to get God of War II, because they have it in their circular for $10, which is 50% off the retail price. That alone is worth the hassle of putting up with one of the worst companies on the planet… or is it? I went, and in typical Circuit City fashion, they didn’t have it in stock; but it wasn’t the fact that they didn’t have it that was my problem. See, I asked an “employee” (I use that term loosely, because he really didn’t do shit) to help me find it. After looking exactly where I did (where it would sit on the shelf), he informed me that they didn’t have any (REALLY, I looked their dipshit, I KNOW there are none on the shelf *face-palm*). What really topped the cake was the fact that he told me that get this… there is NO WAY for them to look up in the computer and even see if there are any copies on site. Excuse me? I loudly mouthed off about the fact that they must be the only large company that doesn’t bother with things like inventory and whatnot to my friend. What really irritates me about that, is not only can you definitely look up and see if there are any on site, but the goddamned website (that I can access at my PC anywhere in the world that has internet capability) can tell me if your store has the fucking game (I went straight from lunch, and I know now I should have looked). I complained at the front, and she apologized, but who fucking cares; Best Buy price matches, and I am going to go get it there after work. Fuck off Circuit City, you are a huge dose of assholes with a dash of mother fucker thrown on top. I don’t know if 50% off can even get me to go back (I say that, but I know I will find myself in there again someday… damn consumerism!).
  • I applied to the Nursing program at Georgia Perimeter today. The application was extremely simple (which surprised me), and I am REALLY nervous about getting in. I really, really, really want to get this degree going on the fast track, and getting in for the Spring would be like the best thing ever. I am totally crossing my fingers and toes for this one.
  • Tonight I am going with friends for dinner and karaoke, and I can guarantee I will do what I always do; I will not be able to decide which song to sing. I can always think of them when I am not really thinking about it, but when I get up to the sign in log, I just draw a blank. Weird. Any thoughts about what I should sing?
  • Three day weekends should pretty much be the standard. Seriously, having Monday off was amazingly awesome. Looking into June and July, I have two instances of “vacation” coming up, and I cannot fucking wait. I am taking James to a secluded cabin for his birthday weekend, and in July, I am going with my buddy John to New York City for 5 whole days. By the gods, I definitely need a break; and I am definitely looking forward to those.
  • I guess that’s about it… but I am sure I will think of 2 more things as soon as I hit publish, so maybe not…. What are y’all up to these days?

5SF: may 23

This has been kind of a weird week musically; I have been seriously listening to the same things lately, and that doesn’t leave much room for new stuff to creep in. As I mentioned MANY times, Lady Gaga’s Just Dance has been on serious repeat for me, and as a result, I have been shaking my booty and tapping my toes to this infectious song. However, I managed to get some choice cuts for this week, some old, some new, and a rare offering from me: a live performance. Now… without further adieu, here’s the goods:

Carrie Underwood – Pray For Time (live)
After seeing George Michael perform this AMAZINGLY on the Idol finale the other night, I really was hoping I could get his performance on iTunes, because it was seriously that damn good. Well, after talking with my buddy John about the show, he told me how Carrie Underwood had actually sang that same song a few weeks back during the Idol Gives Back; and that her performance WAS available on iTunes (heavy focus on WAS… I had to scrounge the internets to get it). Well, after one listen to her performance, I completely stand by my previous statement about her being an unstoppable powerhouse. Her version of the song may not be ‘better’ than George’s was the other night, but it is certainly nothing short of fantastic. Carrie, girl, you sure can sing, and you look amazing when you do it. Being able to sing live is a clear indicator of real talent (singing wise), and Carrie Underwood certainly brings the goods each and every time. As I mentioned above, it is rare for me to fall for a live performance, but this one is definitely worth falling hard for.

Sarah McLachlan – Blackbird
A few weeks ago, Sarah released Rarities, B-Sides, and Other Stuff Vol. 2, which contained a bunch of songs that I didn’t previously have in my collection. Since getting the CD, I have been reminded of how much I love Sarah McLachlan, as well as how amazingly talented she is. This cover of the Beatles’ Blackbird is so beautiful and tender, that you can’t help but completely love it (at least, I can’t). I have been a huge fan of Ms. McLachlan for years, and looking back on her body of work, I can tell you that I will definitely remain a huge fan for years to come. I can’t wait for the next album.

Brian McFadden – Forgive Me Twice
I posted another song by Brian a few weeks ago, but at that time, I was barely getting into the album, but I liked what I initially heard. After having some more time with the record, I discovered this amazingly beautiful song deeper into the album, and I have been playing it over and over ever since. Seriously, this song is so incredibly beautiful, and sad at the same time. When he says, “you know… I really love you”, you can’t help but believe it. Forgive him Delta!! He’s a keeper! (I think) Delta Goodrem sings backing vocals on the track, which, (if it really is her) makes this another great song that they have collaborated on. This album gets better with each listen, and is definitely far better than his first, in my opinion.

Cyndi Lauper – Into the Night Life
This song totally took me by surprise. This is not what I was expecting for the former she-bopper; Ms. Lauper has given us a true club-ready hit. The similarities to Madonna’s Get Together are apparent for me, (probably because it was also penned by Swedish producer Peer Ã…ström) but I still think that it is different enough that at least I still consider it pretty fresh. I like this direction that the true color girl is going, and really like the how the club friendly sound fits her voice so well. I honestly never thought Cyndi would be on one of these weekly lists, but here she is, and with a great song to boot! Here’s to more great surprises, right?!?

The Ting Tings – Great DJ
The drums, the drums, the drums… I’m sorry, what were we talking about? Oh yeah!! This is one of those songs that initially, I want to HATE because of how annoying it should be, but, it crept its way into my brain, and I am fucking addicted to the Ting Tings. Seriously, this song is danceable, infectious, and is a total earwig. I considered posting this one a few weeks ago, but it didn’t hit me right away… however, since then it has steadily gained momentum, and now finds itself getting played more and more when I listen to my ipod. I wanted to post the video too, because, I don’t know if it is just me, but I think the guy in the group is kinda hot.

There we have it! Another Friday, another five songs, and another week on the books. I hope everyone is planning on some fun this weekend; I know we are heading up to the lake at least a couple of times. Plans to meet friends from out of town are also on the books. It should be a fun three day weekend! As always, I hope you enjoyed these songs, but don’t forget, that you can suggest songs for me to; and I encourage you to do so, too!

just a few random thoughts

  • Last night, I was invited to partake in a great “bad beer” podcast, and it was a LOT of fun. I really miss hanging out with the people that were a part of it (my old trivia group for the most part), and it was great to finally meet one of the bloggers I have known URL for a while in person. I hope that we get to do more of those types of things in the future. It was funny that our podcast was talking about how bad chelada style beer was, when I am kind of a fan of Miller Chill. In fact, I actually really like it… so long as it is cold. The other beers we tried (Bud Light Lime, Tequiza, and Michelob Ultra Lime and Cactus) were all gross. I’ll let you know when the podcast is up, and you can here the silly fun we had drinking bad beers.
  • I have been having random fits of sneezing. The allergies in Atlanta are nuts, and this year is no exception. I guess there is something to be said about consistency; regardless of how annoying it may be sometimes.
  • On Tuesday night, I went out to dinner with some friends at a new local restaurant, and I did something that I have not done in a LONG time… I left the waiter zero tip. Hear me out… I waited tables for 5+ years at various restaurants, all of which served alcohol. I have NEVER in my life ever told someone that they had to pay for a drink that they determined to be undrinkable. In fact, I often apologized for something that I had no part in; I never was a bartender, and I never made those drinks. However, we always made it right, and made sure the customer was happy each and every time. I ordered a drink that was absolutely disgusting (which shouldn’t have been), and it was a simple bar mistake. I stand by the fact that this is something that I should not have had to pay for; yet, he made me pay for the drink (even though he took the totally full beverage and poured it out). Unfortunately for this establishment, this is a lesson that I have learned about that place, and as such I will not be drinking there ever again; which pretty much means it has moved itself to the bottom of my list of places to go eat. It sucks too, because being a local restaurant, I really want to support it, but I can’t control how restaurants treat their patrons. Having been a waiter myself, I put up with A LOT of mistakes without saying a word, but this was just ridiculous. Oh well… there is sure to be a yelp review to come about the experience!
  • I have to say, that I was a little surprised by who won AI last night. Oh well, the proof is in the pudding; we’ll see when they release their records, right?! George Michael’s performance on the show was AMAZING. Also, is it me, or is Carrie Underwood completely unstoppable? I mean, she is F-I-E-R-C-E fierce! Not only is she beautiful, but she can sing the shit out of anything!! Maybe I need to download her records…
  • Speaking of amazing music, the song that I featured last week, Just Dance, by Lady Gaga, is one of the most amazing songs ever. Seriously, this song is going to be my song of the summer. I have had it on repeat since last week… Loves it.
  • That’s about it… I guess. Anything going on with you that you want to talk about?? Anything questions you want to ask me that are just burning in your brain? Let me know!

5SF: may 16

This has been kind of a weird week. Having my ears pierced has been a pretty big distraction, most importantly, with regards to my sleeping pattern. Even though I find myself a bit sleep deprived, and definitely worrisome about the healing process, I am glad that I got them done. I just hope they heal quickly, because I am honestly tired of tossing and turning all night, because I am not able to sleep on my ears. Weird.

Anyway… today is a bit all over the place. I have two last minute decisions, which is good, because I was having a hard time coming up with 5 songs for today as I have literally been listening to Death Cab For Cutie almost non-stop this week. Their new record is fantastical. Alright… now let’s get to the music we need to be concerned with today, shall we?

Lady GaGa – Just Dance
Damn, this song is hot. Sometimes, I hear a song, and something about that track instantly draws me in; and this is certainly one of those tracks. I think the video is quite funky (hello 80s!), and it also makes it clear that Lady GaGa is obsessed with making herself into a Kylie Minogue record cover (a pose off!). This is one of those songs that makes you want to hear more from the artist. I am very curious to find out if there are other possible gems like this one hiding up Lady GaGa’s sleeve. To be honest, I wasn’t planning on including this song for this week’s five song Friday, because I didn’t hear this song until last night for the first time! However, at the last minute, I decided that it is too fresh not to put it in the mix this week. I hope you enjoy this song as much as I do… I have a feeling it will get a lot of play from me in the coming weeks. Just dance… OKAY!

Rihanna – Take A Bow
After this song was suggested by Steve, I did check it out (see, I do take your suggestions!), and I found myself liking it, but not loving it. However, when I saw the video, I think that it gelled for me; Rihanna is gorgeous, and seeing her sing adds to her voice even more (also, is it just me, or does anyone else get the baby dyke vibe from her in this video?? Looking sexy!). I have tried to resist the force that is Rihanna in the past, but with Good Girl Gone Bad, there is just no reason to put up a fight anymore… it is clear that there is something special about her. Great production to the songs that are being chosen for her (or by her?) is only going to help in propelling her career even further into the stratosphere. This single just shows that there is no stopping this chick, so we had better get used to having her around. I will note that this song was produced by the same folks that did that Chris Brown knock off that I wrote about a few weeks ago, and that it is just different enough (they seem to love that same sound), that I can get into it. It shows that you can use similar elements and still get me on board, but they can’t be so similar that they are actually the same, dig?

P!nk – Nobody Knows

This beautiful ballad comes off of Pink’s 2006 release, I’m Not Dead. I was listening to XM recently, and this song came on, and it reminded me of how great that album really is. This song is definitely one of the best tracks on the record; if not the best one. It was nice to hear this song and be reminded of a record that made my 2006 list, but one that I haven’t listened to in a while. I always love being reminded of something great that doesn’t get enough attention in my music collection.

Death Cab for Cutie – Grapevine Fires
After such a glowing endorsement of Death Cab’s new record, I found myself hard pressed to find a favorite song out of the lot. I literally love each track on the record, and each have their own nuances that make me like them. However, for whatever reason, this song stands out just enough, that I wanted to include it this week. If you are a fan of Death Cab’s earlier work, I am curious to hear what you think of the new record. I think that it takes elements of Transatlantacism, and builds on them; without abandoning their trademark Death Cab sound. Perhaps that is why I fell instantly in love with the record (well, that, and the fact that it is simply an amazing album)… either way, let me know what you think, Death Cab fans, won’t you?

Augustana – Fire
Finally, another song that has fire in the title!! That wasn’t a conscious choice. I have been listening to Augustana’s most recent release, and I find myself enjoying it MUCH more than their debut. Perhaps I was put off by their first single (which I was), but I have had more enjoyment with their new record. There are a few ballad-y type songs that stand out to me, and this one just screams at me. I love how his voice waivers when he gets to the chorus, showing some emotion that was strong enough to prevent it from being smoothed out during production. Sometimes it is small flaws that really make something worth listening to. Also, the note that he holds at the end of the song is impressive.

Well, there they are kids, your five songs for this Friday. Hope that you enjoyed each one as much as I did bringing them to you. Hope everyone has a great (and hopefully, it will FEEL long) weekend as well.

welcome back, old friend!

I had to take a detour on the way to work today, because of the unpredictable Atlanta traffic practically shutting down 85N. I was sitting still on the exit from 20E, and I thought, “self, let’s just go down to University, and then pop back up Boulevard”. Well, low and behold, during my little detour, I managed to get a moment of sheer joy; I saw an old friend that I haven’t seen in what seems like an eternity!

Mr. Fangs is BACK!!! Check it:
mr fangs

Now, I am pretty sure that these are new, because I have been down through this area before, and I haven’t seen them before. James also mentioned the two black ones as new, because he drives that way to work every day, and he remembers them showing up recently.

I had pretty much given up on ever seeing a new Mr. Fangs, and in a sheer moment of randomness, I found TEN (if you click on the above photo, you can go to my flickr and see the others)! Normally, I would hate graffiti, but this little guy is just so cute and really brings a smile to my face. Seriously, seeing Mr. Fangs made my day!!!

Also, just a note about the concert last night. Basically, it was amazing. Everything I expected. Sara was effortlessly amazing, and totally flawless in both her singing, and in her stage presence. My buddy Deb went with me, and admitted that she had a new appreciation for Sara after seeing her live, simply because of how amazing she is live. I think that is why I gush about her so much, because that is how I found out about her, and after seeing her several times, she never disappoints me in the least. I got to take my XSi with me to the show, and I took hundreds of pictures, all of which I have yet to sort through and get to editing for flickr. Stay tuned for that in the near future. To satiate your potential appetite for those photos, how about a little video of Sara singing Genie in a Bottle:

While it was extremely tiring to stand in place for over 4 hours, the show was magnificent. The opening acts, David Ford, and Rachel Yamagata were both amazing as well. Overall, it was a great concert experience, and is definitely one of the best shows I have ever seen. It was also really cool to finally meet fellow bloggers, Mark and Chad; even if it was only for like 5 minutes. Hopefully, I will get to hang out with them again in the future. Overall, it was a great and wonderful night.

5SF: april 18

Shazam! I’m glamorous! It’s a beautiful Friday, and a great day for another installment of the lovely 5 song Friday, don’t you think? I am still working on getting up my photos that I took at the Kate Nash concert the other night, which was fantastic. I am sure that I will post something about that this weekend. Also, I am going to see Feist tonight, and I am totally excited!!! I hope to get some fun pictures from her show as well. But enough about that, let’s get to today’s songs, shall we?!

Death Cab For Cutie – I Will Possess Your Heart
As a huge fan of Death Cab for Cutie, I have been eagerly anticipating their new album, which comes out next month. However, I was a little taken aback by the 8 minute lead single, I Will Possess Your Heart; which I will admit that I did like, but I couldn’t help be distracted by the 4 minute intro. Well, they released a video for the song, both in long form, and in this featured shorter form, and I have realized that it contains everything I love about Death Cab for Cutie; I was just focusing too much on that 4 minutes. Well, I can say that I am definitely anxious to see what the rest of the album holds, but in the mean time, I am loving this great song.

Gossip – Standing in the Way of Control

I actually heard this song forever ago, and passed over it, because it didn’t initially wow me. The video is almost a fully on assault on the eyes, but this time around, I am not letting that distract me. I actually heard a live version of this song recently, and I was BLOWN AWAY by the amazing Beth Ditto. I now see what everyone is going on about; this lady is amazing. Well, now I am listening, and loving this song. I am a couple of years behind on this one, but coming around is better late than never, I always say.

Morningwood – Nth Degree
I was making a playlist for the gym a couple of nights ago, and while sifting back through old dance songs and singles that I had, I found this amazing gem. I remember when this song came out, that I literally thought I was going to wear it out; and you know what, I think I did. Back when my iTunes decided that it no longer wanted to remember my playlists, and I had to rebuild my entire library, I forgot about some of the great songs that I had, this being one of the more notable selections. This is such a catchy and fun rock track, which is perfect for rolling the windows down, and cranking it up on the way home; which is exactly what I am going to do! I’m glad to have this gem back!

Estelle – American Boy
This is one of those songs that falls into the “one listen didn’t hook me, but now I am clearly paying attention” category. I heard this song some months ago, and was all “eh”, but after seeing the video randomly recently, I was taken by how beautiful both Estelle and her voice are. This is such a slick track, and the baseline really gets you bopping in your seat. Additionally, the hook is brilliant, and really puts this track on repeat in your head. I am glad that I gave Estelle another shot, because I am firmly loving this song right now.

Busta Rhymes ft. Janet – What’s It Gonna Be?
For last week’s featured five song Friday, I found many more tracks than I was expecting, and found myself going back through the music catalogs of not only Aaliyah, but of a few other artists I really enjoy as well; most notably, Janet. After listening to the BRILLIANT album All For You, I was trying to think of other songs that I loved featuring Ms Jackson, and I remembered this song, which I totally felt was extremely underrated. I remember seeing the video on MTV, and thinking the video was weird, but I also remember LOVING this song. While the Busta Rhymes rapping isn’t necessarily my normal style, Janet’s take on the chorus is ethereal and beautiful. The unconventional beat is also a pleasure, considering how contrived some hip hop can be. This is one of those songs that I totally think should have been a bigger hit, but I can at least acknowledge that it was a hit with me. I am glad to have stumbled back onto this track, and I can definitely say that it has been fun sifting through music that I haven’t heard in ages… I have A LOT of great stuff.

Well, there’s your five songs, kids. I am looking forward to this weekend… I hope to break in my new camera (I got the XSi yesterday), and I plan on getting tattooed on Sunday (YES!!!). Stay tuned for updates from the ever-changing world of duane!! Hope everyone has a most excellent afternoon! Gold pants!

kate nash tonight at the variety!

As the title so simply states, I am going to see the amazing Kate Nash at the Variety in Little Five Points tonight. I am currently a Variety Playhouse virgin, but I have heard lots of great things about the venue, and I am looking forward to the concert. I think that I am going to try and get their a bit early, as I want to be pretty close to the stage.

In case you have no idea who (or how amazing) Kate Nash is, recall that just four months ago, I named her debut, Made of Bricks, my number 3 CD of 2007 (there are some sound clips you can listen to if you follow that link). I have seen some live shots of her on youtube, and I can definitely tell you that I am very excited to be seeing her tonight live, for the first time.

Here’s hoping that I get lots of great pictures of the show… and maybe I’ll even get to meet Kate; a big here’s hoping on that last part. That would be so awesome!

Just to get me in the mood, and to share the love for Kate, I thought I would post some videos of her greatness…

Here’s her third single, the amazingly catchy Pumpkin Soup:

And of course, I had to post one of the best songs that came out in 2007, Foundations:

If you are planning on being at the show, be sure to say hi! Onward to Kate Nash!