Category: listen up!

vote for me; I’m a moron!

That should be Guiliani’s platform slogan. What an incompetent moron. If you really and truly believe that the attack on 9/11 had nothing to do with out involvement in the middle east, then you are seriously brain dead.

Osama attacked us to prove a point; stay the fuck out of our back yard. Stop taking advantage of our people, and stop trying to hijack our resources (see oil for more info). (And yes, I know that he also attacked us because he is an evil fucking terrorist; but remember, it is his family that Bush rescued after 9/11… and they are the ones having a good old time up in Saudi Arabia right now; not to mention them pretty much enabling Al Qaeda, but anyway…)

Additionally, I thought that true republicans were supposed to have a strong foreign policy standard that focused on diplomacy, trade, and ending wars; not nation building, occupation, and what ever the fuck else is going on over in Iraq right now. Seems these boys have some ‘splaning to do, Lucy. I mean, that is one of the reasons all the right wingers throw that whole “glad a republican was in office” bullshit after 9/11; because Nixon was brought in to end a war, and Reagan did his part to end shit that was stirred up too. In fact, I thought that republicans were supposed to END wars, not perpetuate, lie, and fund them. What gives? But back to Guiliani, the town idiot.

I think that this is one of the most hilariously retarded things I have heard from any of the republicans:

That’s really an extraordinary statement. That’s really an extraordinary statement, as someone who lived through the attack of Sept. 11, that we invited the attack because we were attacking Iraq. I don’t think I have ever heard that before and I have heard some pretty absurd explanations for Sept. 11. I would ask the congressman withdraw that comment and tell us that he didn’t really mean that.

LOL! Seriously? You lived through it?? We all did! (Well, except those that died, Mr Guiliani, but good for you for living). Someone is a few cards short of a deck (he seems to have the jokers and nothing else). And I love that he calls what Ron Paul said (aka, the actual fact-based 100% truth) absurd:

They attacked us because we’ve been over there. We’ve been bombing Iraq for 10 years. We’ve been in the Middle East [for years]. I think (Ronald) Reagan was right. We don’t understand the irrationality of Middle Eastern politics. Right now, we’re building an embassy in Iraq that is bigger than the Vatican. We’re building 14 permanent bases. What would we say here if China was doing this in our country or in the Gulf of Mexico? We would be objecting.

But you know what, Mr. Guiliani, keep this up; you are just proving to us more and more each day that the majority of the representatives for the republican party are so out of touch with reality, that they cannot even fathom the truth, and think that the facts are absurd. I smell something absurd, big G; it’s you and your stupidity.

Each day, we get a little bit more of an idiot show from these fellas. Hell, I say, let them debate every week for the rest of the campaign; I am sure that there is some way crazier shit they have upstairs that they are just dying to share. After all, these are the people that want women that are raped to be forced to have the baby of their attackers. They are also in favor of torture, and are against health care. These seem like some pretty awesomely fucked up people, no?! (source) I’m going to go with, yes, Virginia, they are REALLY fucked up people.

so yeah…

If when arguing with someone, and you say something completely batshit crazy, and they say, hey, that’s completely batshit crazy, and then you resort to referring to the fact that they are struggling with depression as some sort of counter crazy argument, that pretty much makes you an asshole. It really highlights the fact that when you are wrong, and someone says that you are wrong, even if that person says it in a pissed off way, the only way you can make yourself feel better is to bring the other person down in the lowest way you can think of. That’s pretty pathetic if you ask me. I’ll admit that I say things pretty strongly, and sometimes out of anger, but I don’t attack people’s genuine medical issues. I’m just saying.

If you want to argue, argue the issues. If you think that I am wrong, tell me why, and back up your claim; don’t attack my depression, and say that I am crazy because I am depressed. Doing so makes you look like an insensitive asshole. But, perhaps that is what you are going for… who knows. All I know, is that I don’t have to put up with it. And, this may be news to you, but, believe it or not, A LOT of people agree with my views. In fact, we like to call them facts. If you don’t like that, go back to putting your head in the sand. Darling, frankly, I don’t give a damn.

(yes, I know that the person that I am talking about will read this, and probably have something smart assy to say, but like I said, it shows your true colors, man, and if that’s what you want for yourself, bring it.)

New Orleans, Kansas, and another veto?

Apparently, Bush has gone out to visit Kansas today, specifically to check out the destruction that occurred in that small town that was pretty much wiped off the face of the earth. While I do feel bad for the people that were affected in this small town of 1600, one question just keeps poking at my brain; have we completely forgotten about New Orleans?? I mean, Katrina displaced and killed a hell of a lot more people, and in many parts of the city, the place is still the equivalent of a third world country! Where is the priority to restore their utilities, homes, businesses, schools, lives, etc? There are still people living in used FEMA trailers for crying out loud!!! I am all for helping the people in Kansas, but I can’t believe that this outcry of attention to rush to their aid hasn’t at least sparked some attention at the complete opposite way Katrina was, and is still being, handled. I would like to see some more light shined on that “little” problem we seem so happy to forget about and sweep under the carpet. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, really, considering these are the actions of a sociopath we are talking about. I just wish things could be different, for this country. Is that too much to ask, Mr. Bush?

Additionally, I read that Tony Snow has already said that Mr. Bush is already planning to veto the newly revised bill the Congress and the House are working on. WTF, you asshole? Remember, you said you would compromise!? This just proves that what I have said all along is 100% correct: you are not willing to compromise. You have your own set of priorities, and you don’t care at all what anyone else says, you want us in Iraq forever. What’s worse, is that you, Mr. President, DO NOT care about the troops, and you are a big, fat, stinking hypocrite!!!!! You accused the Democrats of politicking (they are politicians, remember?) with this bill, when you are doing the same thing. If you really support the troops, why not get your head out of your ASS, fly back to Washington, and actually represent this nation, Mr. President? The nation is speaking loudly, yet you continue to turn away and refuse to listen. This is so infuriating, to know that so many voted to give such an evil, vindictive, know-it-all so much power. Apparently, the goal of the Bush presidency was to do no good, and that is a goal that has definitely been achieved. I can’t imagine what those in Congress and the House are going through, because it is only so long that you can beat your head against a wall before your head starts to bleed. Ugh. Keep the fight, people!! He is definitely WRONG!

the myth of the gay ideal

… and those that are hurt most by it.

Imagine my surprise at what I read on my buddy Vince’s blog yesterday. I can’t believe that people could be so cruel to such a great person. Seriously, it has become more and more clear to me during my tenure as an out gay man, that being fat somehow makes you less of a man in the gay community.

It is a pretty clear (and actually quite accurate) stereotype that the tongue of a gay man can be as sharp as a knife, and when criticism comes out of a gay man’s mouth, it will certainly cut to the bone. Gay men seem to have this amazing ability to criticize, demean, belittle, and insult things they see as worthy of that negative attention, mostly because we have been schooled so expertly in the craft of criticism. I know I learned a lot about criticism and insult, and I would bet that many learned it as I did; by being on the receiving end of said criticism. Because of our continual experience with being hurt, we learned how to turn it around, even expertly, on the world that hurt us. But, the more I slip outside of that notion of a “gay community”, and go out to bars less and less, I notice more and more how this criticism is not only reserved for our attackers; we use it against other gays, and in that action, become just like those that hurt us.

I remember sitting in my 7th grade class, with my head down on my desk, while the boys in the class continually called me a girl, and one even put a tampon on my chair between my legs. I could barely hold back tears, and all the while, the teacher did nothing to stop it. I can remember being insulted in the halls, ridiculed in the lunch room, and criticized for being gay at every turn; all the way through school. And as such, I am an expert in criticism. Unfortunately, like many gay men, I turned my criticism inwards, and I criticise everything about myself; my weight, my appearance, everything I do, everything I make, etc. Unfortunately, many gay men, once they come out and get a sense of feeling good about themselves because of the acceptance they receive from the gay community, they take that criticism one step too far; they instantly turn some it outward towards those that don’t fit that perfect “gay standard”.

Boys with more than 5% body fat, and those that can’t wear the skin tight jeans and t-shirts are the first to get that criticism. It is typical, too typical, for the “perfect” gay men to criticize, and even look through gay men that weren’t blessed with perfect genes, or those that aren’t willing to kill themselves in the gym (or take tina) just to fit into a pair of 32s. Instantly, all of that criticism that hurt us so badly when we were growing up is coming out of our mouths, being used to describe members of our own community. How can we scream at the top of our lungs about equality and community, when we constantly whisper behind the fat, short, balding, “less than perfect” guy’s backs? How can we do this and not be hypocrites?

I for one like my chunky boys. Most of the people who know me know this. I don’t want some skinny thing, I want a man. I want a man with chest hair and a little bit of meat on him, six pack abs are totally lost on me. If you want to impress me, you are wasting your time with that “perfect body” crap. But unfortunately, the gay community doesn’t share my view; there is so much pressure to be that “prefect” guy, that we have divided ourselves, and instead of actually being a community, we have sectioned off ourselves to associating with the small groups of likeness based on body types. The gym boys hang with the gym boys. The bears hang with the bears. And there is very little intermingling.

And why is that? Because of the criticism. Both sides have their criticisms, but I would bet that the criticism coming from the gym boys is stronger, because it is reflective of both society’s negative view of heavier people, coupled with the increased pressure created by the gay community itself. How hard must it be to finally get the courage to come out and seek acceptance from those like you, only to have insult come from the group that is supposed to be just like you? It is something that many see, but for some reason, it still goes on.

I say, that if we truly want to be a community, we need to stop clinging to this myth of a gay “ideal”. The real truth, is that many of those guys that are killing themselves in the gym (or are just taking tina), have immense amounts of internal pressure on them to maintain that “perfect body”. They are so terrified to get “fat”, because of the realization that they would fall victim to the very criticism they themselves sling at fat gay men. But, if we didn’t do that to gay men in the first place, hopefully some of that pressure would be lifted, and everyone would be a little happier. My point is, it is shameful to prance around like you are somehow better than someone else because they are fat, and you have six pack abs. We are all a part of the gay community, fat and thin, and we gays need to stop overly enforcing the social oppression that we face by turning it inward on our own. If you have a problem with someone just because of their weight, and feel the need to be cruel (as the person was to Vince), obviously, there are some issues that you have to work out. In the mean time, would you mind being a little bit more considerate, as the rest of the community still has feelings, and only wants a little acceptance from the other gays, okay? Thanks.

democrats, you caved too soon

UPDATE: Perhaps I spoke too soon… Either way, they need a good continual reminder to stay strong. Rock the house Pelosi!

First of all, the Democrats need to grow some balls. I can’t fucking believe that they went through the whole process of proving a point by putting the time line requirement in that bill, only to drop it when Bush vetoed it. WTF?

Democrats! Listen up! You are our voice! So stop slinking back into the corner when big bad Bush says no! You should have sent the exact same bill back to his ass, and said, HERE is our compromise. In fact, they should have tacked on a few more million dollars for the troops, and then sent it back; that would prove the point that this isn’t about the money for the troops, it is about ending this war. Point is, it doesn’t even matter about this bill, as there is funding for the war through at least July; this is a supplemental bill. If the Bush administration wanted the troops to have the things this bill allocates, it would have been in the national budget that he sent to congress for this year. It wasn’t, hence the need for said bill.

Now, I want to say this to the congressional and senatorial democrats: You need to stand up for the politics you believe in, and stop letting Bush walk all over this country. I am appalled that they caved so quickly.

I am, however, trying to cling to the tiny bit of hope that by trying to sneak in different requirements, and actually require that a real plan for ending the war be developed, they are still focused and unwavering in the conviction necessary to end the war. Additionally, these requirements will hopefully stop people from reusing this “we can’t pull out, it would be disaster!” nonsense, as a slightly different plan will be in place. I am not happy that we are settling for “benchmarks” and requirements to report back to Congress as an alternative to getting the fuck out of there, because frankly, it doesn’t matter how long we stick around; the democracy we are shoving down their throats is not going to take unless THEY develop and accept it. We cannot continue killing their people and policing their civil war, and truly expect them to have an epiphany one afternoon and start being democratic. I am, however, truly excited to see that there are democrats and republicans starting to come together and work together on this. THAT is progress; even if it isn’t the level of progress I would like to see.

If the thing that needs to happen is that Iraq needs to be split into different factions, regions, states, or even countries, it is something that they have to work out. We can provide them the help, money, support, etc. that they need, but we cannot truly expect them to take it or for them to change if we occupy their country, and continue fueling a civil war.

I am so sick of this bullshit. I wish that all of this would have never happened. I wish Al Gore would have actually been able to take the presidency he won. Perhaps we would be in a totally different state of being right now; but unfortunately, that is moot. The fact is, that we need to accept that things have gone batshit crazy, come up with a plan to get the fuck out, and GET THE FUCK OUT OF IRAQ. Pussyfooting around and playing politics (BOTH SIDES), is obviously doing more backpedaling than anything, and it needs to stop. Regardless of what is going on in DC, we are still at war with Iraq (and WHY?!). Every day that this war goes on is a day wasted. And it is getting really, really old.

what does idol REALLY give back?

Last night, I went over to my buddy John’s to watch the spectacle that was “Idol Gives Back”, a charity event where every celebrity they could muster showed up in support of “raising awareness” for people in need. The focus, was raising money to give to kids in Africa, as well as those still in need here in America (did someone say Katrina?). While I honestly want to believe that their hearts were in the right place, this absurd spectacle of “giving back” just made me angrier and angrier as the show wore on. Basically, they showed clip after clip of celebrities going to Africa, walking through the ghettos, and showing these poor unfortunate souls (Ursula!) suffering and dying in the slums.

Now, I am all for charity. In fact, I am all for the raising of awareness. I am all for giving to these people, because they need us. BUT, I am not okay with this dog and pony show parading these kids around in this manner. For the first hour of the program, they didn’t even say AIDS. Now, I understand that the “general” public doesn’t want to hear about the reality of AIDS in Africa, but the fact is, it is real. It isn’t going to go away if you throw a few million dollars at it. To say that it will enrich lives and make things all better is a lie, and that is what is wrong with what happened last night. Simon Cowell and Ryan Seacrest sitting in a one roomed house with a boy of twelve telling him to “just let it out” because he was sad that his parents were both dead was sickening. To top it off, they didn’t even address the fact that this kid’s parents likely died as a result of AIDS.

I truly want to believe that all of these celebrities give tons of money to help rid the world of poverty. I really want to believe that American Idol’s true motive behind this was nothing other than philanthropic; but it wasn’t. Even Ryan Seacrest said it, and said it well, “PART of the proceeds will go to charity”. If they were serious about helping these people in need, then all of it would go to charity. The POINT of the event was to raise money for charity, so where is the other PART going?

Additionally, if I see one more fucking celebrity “slumming” it up in Africa, surrounded by little AIDS infected orphans, saying how the antiretroviral drugs will save their lives and allow them to live happier and healthier lives, I will throw something at the fucking TV. Yes, Madonna, Bono, all of you, I am talking to YOU. Just because you put on a ragged t-shirt, go make-up-less on TV, and talk about how our $1 donation will “save lives”, doesn’t mean that it will. What it does mean, is that you are even further out of touch with reality than I would have ever believed possible. When you get on your private jet to fly home to your 15,000 square foot home, think about this: The only thing that will truly save these children is a continuous stream of money and support that doesn’t show up and then disappear. Spectacles like this merely shine a light on a problem that has been around for decades, and once that light goes out, and the show ends, the focus again dims, and the problem continues to get worse.

If they really wanted to do something lasting, do something good, and do something for these people, this would not be an “awareness” raising event; it would be a daily practice. These celebrities have more money than anyone else, and they have the gall to stand there and ask people to give and give and give some more. I think that we should all give, and I know that many of them do as well, but ask yourself; isn’t a bit hypocritical to live in your mansions on the top of the hill, and point out to the middle and lower class the plight of poverty throughout the world? Do you even know what it means to live paycheck to paycheck?

I would love for every problem in the world to be solved by a night of seeing Josh Groban surrounded by African children, and people calling in to donate money, PART of which will be given to charity. But over simplifying their problems by saying things like, “all they need is a $10 net to stop malaria”, and “if they could just get the antiretroviral HIV drugs, then their lives would be great” is disturbingly misleading. If you really want to do some good, focus on getting that money, ALL of it, to these people, and find a way to make sure that the focus does not wane; otherwise, you have done it in vain. The only way to stop AIDS is to talk about it and maintain a focus on it EVERYDAY. Events like this are a flash in the pan, and in the long run do practically nothing for the people suffering. This seriously frustrates the shit out of me.

</end rant>

just a return of little perspective…

Mr Bush, stop sniveling that the Congress won’t do everything that you want them to do, in your way, and support the fucking bill already. You should know, that you can’t serve as president with the Congress that you want… you have to serve with the Congress you have… you can’t wait around for the Congress you wish to have at a later time.

I remember someone *cough* Rumsfeld *cough* saying that same thing about the military… interesting… that perspective totally applies here too! But, I am sure that things are too dark down there in the sand to actually see the parallel, and you know that these folks would never admit that they were careless, thoughtless, or disrespectful, you know?

Man, I love you Randi Rhodes.

post concert post: Aqualung and Sara Bareilles

Based on the two previous photo posts, I am sure you got the idea; I saw Sara Bareilles and Aqualung in concert Monday night. I took lots of pictures. I had a lot of fun.

They were both magnificent. I got to meet both of them, and had my picture taken with both Sara and Matt (from Aqualung). Needless to say, it was sort of surreal, because I got a little fan-struck later in the night, which was definitely due to those blue motorcycles. I didn’t say anything that stupid, but I did ask Sara to redo a photo because the one I took with her initially, I had fat face. She laughed and obliged. To Matt, I managed to look like an idiot, because the first thing I said to him was, “I’ve never heard of you before tonight”. Wow. Nice one, duane. I followed it up with, “but I am totally going to get your CD tomorrow!”. Good save, eh? I did manage to get his new one, and it is quite fabulous. I am glad to have discovered Aqualung! Rock!

Oh well, no real harm done, I guess. If you want to see the MANY photos of the night, check out my flickr page. I had a lot of fun taking them, and not so much fun editing them. Thanks again to Barry and Rebekah for inviting me along, and a big thanks to Doug for hooking me up with photo creds! Now if I can only have future opportunities to take concert photos, get good enough at it to do it more, and get paid… Now, THAT would rock!

Also, just so you know, if you haven’t heard of Sara Bareilles before now, you need to catch up. She is amazing. Words can’t describe how awesome she is. Her CD is coming out soon, and I have been eagerly awaiting its release for nearly 2 years. And I will get it the day it comes out. To get a taste of her sound, make sure you go and buy her EP on iTunes… It is only $2, and it will be the best $2 you ever spent on music. She is flawless, and I hope that she becomes the big ass star she deserves to be. This woman is the true epitome of talent. I heart you Sara B!!

On a different note, is it me, or is there a big hush over the blogosphere? I mean, it doesn’t seem like there is much going on, and there certainly isn’t any conversation going on over in my neck of the woods. No biggie, just noticed it, that’s all. Hope everyone is well, and hope y’all come back soon…

hot fuzz indeed

So here’s my review of Hot Fuzz, the new film from the wonderfully brilliant team that brought us one of my favorite movies of all time, Shaun of the Dead:

It. fucking. rocked.

Let me start by saying that the first half of the film did drag on for a bit, but I learned later, that what they were doing was building to a crescendo. And, when the twist was finally unveiled, I was seriously overcome with laughter. I couldn’t stop laughing, because this movie is done in a similar style to Shaun of the Dead, but with more punch, and more non-stop crazy action. The humor is sprinkled throughout, and comes at you from every direction. Often, one phrase, or the placement of one word reveals just how powerful of a comedy duo Simon Pegg and Nick Frost truly are. These two are amazing together, and they seriously burn up the screen.

I have to say, that I was honestly quite surprised about the plot, now that I have seen the movie, mainly because it wasn’t what I was expecting at all. I mean, they do a really great job of hiding the plot twist from you, which I really appreciate, because I hate when you know a movie from the preview. I didn’t see it coming at all, and it totally shocked me; but only for a second, because the twist is when they laid the humor on THICK. These guys are amazing; I was scared that I wouldn’t like this movie, mainly because I am so in love with Shaun of the Dead, that I really didn’t want to be disappointed by Hot Fuzz… And I wasn’t.

I can’t wait to see this movie again, it is a laugh out loud hilarious, full of action (seriously, A LOT of action), and hilariously staged circumstances and characters. They use the same brand of humor that they excellently displayed in Shaun of the Dead, and prove that it is important not to underestimate your surroundings or those around you. I also have to say, that it is official; I definitely have a huge crush on Simon Pegg now. He is so freaking cute, and so is Nick Frost. I absolutely love those two together, because they are totally believable; mainly because of the real on screen chemistry they have and wield effortlessly.

If you loved Shaun of the Dead, do yourself a favor and get your ass out to the theater to see this mega HIT from the brilliant Simon Pegg and Edgar Wright; you will love it. If you didn’t like Shaun of the Dead, well, then something is clearly wrong with you, and you don’t matter. I am so happy that my anticipation for this movie was tremendously exceeded, and I can’t wait to see what these guys have up their sleeves next! I loved this movie so much that I am going to throw the full six stars at it ()! HOT FUZZ BABY! PUNCH. THAT. SHIT!

why we need a national mental health system that works

In light of the events that transpired this week, there is buzz on the internets about gun control and whatnot, and I was seriously thinking about chiming in, but I realized that there is something that is far more critical to focus on: mental health and the lack of support for those that need it. The man that committed these murders at VA Tech this week was suicidal and declared officially mentally ill and a harm to himself by a court and professional mental health professionals. So why didn’t he receive treatment? A teacher even threatened to quit if he wasn’t removed from her class because he was so disturbing; yet the system still failed him. If he would have had the support of a working mental health system, there might not have been an incident as awful as this one.

I am not saying that a mental health program that truly works to treat those that need it will solve all of these problems, and I am certainly not suggesting that this was a simple solution that could have definitely prevented the attack at VA Tech. But, it is ignorant to think that it couldn’t have at least opened up the chance that it could have been prevented.

The key philosophy of public health is prevention. It is the foundation upon which all of our epistemological approaches to handling epidemics and pandemics is built. Preventing the disease, and preventing it from spreading is always more important than waiting for the fall out of what happens when people become infected, or in this case, if the disease is allowed to run its course without treatment.

Cho was mentally ill. Severely disturbed. He should have gotten the help he needed. There were at least three known incidents in which he was deemed unstable before this attack, and yet, he was never forced to get the treatment he needed; even though that forced treatment was recommended by a court. We need a system in this country that provides that level of service for people like Cho. We need a system in place that will work to help people like Cho, instead of letting them fall through the cracks.

When youth act out in ways that are characteristic of mental illness, what they need is treatment. This treatment can save them; and more importantly, it can save others. Currently, there is no such program, because if there were, there wouldn’t be mentally ill youth sitting in juvenile detention facilities instead of mental institutions getting the treatment they need.

This lack of services, and the lack of those getting the help they need when they need it is backed by this statement, taken from the National Institute of Mental Health’s website:

The study indicates that the U.S. mental health care system is not keeping up with the needs of consumers and that improvements are needed to speed initiation of treatment as well as enhance the quality and duration of treatment. For instance, over a 12-month period, 60 percent of those with a mental disorder got no treatment at all.

60% is a lot. We must do something about that. Our government must do something about that. Whether or not you agree with socialized medicine, I would hope that you can see how crucial this health service is to our society. It can not only save those that need the help directly, but it can save others. If only Cho would have been able to get the help he needed, things might be different. I personally hope that this sends a loud message to the government, that they immediately work to invigorate and revamp the current mental health services available in this country. I hope that action will be taken before another tragedy like this occurs; because apparently, it didn’t happen after Columbine, which happened under similar circumstances.

The time for mental health is NOW.