Category: is it just me?

there is no such thing as a right religion and a wrong religion

This morning, I was listening to Air America on the radio, and Jerry Springer was fielding calls related to the topic of this post. Jerry’s point, which I wholeheartedly defend and agree with, was that, just because a person believes that his or her religion is the correct religion (thereby making all other religions false), it doesn’t make it any more true and factual than anyone else’s beliefs and religions. Saying that there is only one God, and only one way to worship that God (such as Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Muslim, etc.) and saying that the one belief is the only belief, is in and of itself, also incorrect. I am writing about this, because it kind of relates to my post about evolution, in that many people chose to ignore, or worse, invalidate, another person’s beliefs because of their staunch stance that they, and only they, have the correct explanation; and I don’t understand why that is so.

After taking several courses in religion, my own faith in Christianity changed; I finally realized for the first time in my life, that there is no absolute right and wrong with respect to personal religion or faith in “higher power” or spirituality (whatever you call it). By believing and stating that my religion is correct and no other religion can be, I am invalidating my claim in my religion, mainly because anyone else can make the same claim about his or her religion and be equally as correct as I am. By believing that my belief in Christianity was the only way, I invalidated that belief. I see how that has the potential to really shake up someones belief system, but it wasn’t such a shocking revelation that it defeated my beliefs all together. I found it is just as easy to believe what I believe, and at the same time, believe that other people’s religions are correct FOR THEM. I don’t believe in them, but that doesn’t make them any less true.

This is honestly the main reason why I don’t understand how it can be so difficult for other religious people to understand. Just because something you believe to be true has a counter belief or even several counter beliefs, it doesn’t weaken or threaten your views; mainly because they are your views that you chose to believe. There is no need to defend your religion to anyone that believes a completely different religion, because both of you are correct; that is the beauty of something like religion that is based solely on acceptance, faith, and belief; and not on absolute fact.

While it may be a fact to you, it is equally valid for it to be an incorrect statement to someone else. Now that I have said my piece, let the bloodbath begin; I can practically hear you salivating to attack this one. I just had to say my piece about it.

this just can’t be happening…

This is officially the gheyest, most unnecessary piece of designer-whored-out trash ever to have graced the world. I believe that somewhere, a supermodel is weeping; or perhaps the many children that could eat for a year on the $600 that will be wasted on this phone. Seriously? A Dolce and Gabbana Motorola Razr? I would go on to discuss who else is suffering from this horrid waste of money on so-called “fashion”, but I am convulsing and throwing up all over the room. Ridiculous.

As an aside, I once saw someone with “D & G” tattooed on their neck (seriously), and my first (and only) thought was, “how sad”. I am thinking the same right now.

um, yeah. no, seriously, WTF?

I just read that Putin stopped in the middle of a crowd of people, bent down to a little boy, lifted his shirt, and kissed him on the stomach. Putin said that he wanted to touch the little boy “like a kitten”. (article) Does ANYONE else find this completely disturbing? I mean, there are people that do things like that here, and we call them child predators and/or molesters. Wow. I honestly don’t know how to feel about that.

Also, two states, including the lovely one that I live in, still don’t think that preventing gay marriage goes against civil rights. Not that it is a surprise to me, but it just makes me want to distance myself from the hope that we will ever get to have the same civil liberties as all the straight people around us. I just don’t understand what is so threatening about gay marriage, I mean, other than the fact that I stated before; that it would make more straight men want to divorce their wives to get married to gay men (because that is all that is stopping them from jumping on the cock). Either way, James and I will get married some day, mark my words; I just hope that we get the rights that come with it, like having my stuff will pass to him (or vice versa) without taxation, and that we will be able to receive each other’s benefits (like married couples do). Oh yeah, and that our children (very distant future) will be able to see their parents treated somewhat equally. We can hope, right? Well, not today, but hopefully someday.

I also have a headache and an upcoming conference call. Shit.

An unfortunate person is one who tries to fart but shits instead

This was a title of one of my junk emails. They rock!! But It also got me thinking, I find that I am extremely shy and embarrassed when it comes to pooping in public. Not like on the sidewalk in front of a crowd or anything, but just public bathrooms in general. For example, I would much rather hold it (if I can), than go in a restaurant or somewhere like that; and just wait til I get home. I have always been this way, and probably always will. I don’t even like to go at work if someone else is in the bathroom. I don’t know why it embarrasses me, because I know that everyone does it, but that doesn’t stop me from waiting until every person has left the bathroom before I leave my stall.

The worst is when you have this high level of anxiety and embarrassment (which causes you to hold it as long as possible), and you have a potentially dire situation in which poop is eminent. The result is a photo finish in sometimes unsavory places, which probably could have been avoided if said anxiety didn’t surround the aforementioned act. Anyone else have this same embarrassment? I know that there are those that love to shit whenever and wherever, but I can’t be the only one that would rather wait til I get home, and keep it to myself, right?

just saw this on google news:

Just got this screen grab from google news:

I just want to say, if they are that stupid, that they think that this fictional movie is worth protesting and not eating over, then go for it. Priorities people! Priorities! I’m serious… we are talking about a movie. A fictional movie! Also, not trying to be mean, but I doubt some of them will make it long… I’m just saying. It is simply an observation, nothing more, nothing less.

Harry Potter made me a witch!!!

First of all, I want to say thanks to all the questions on the open thread; keep them coming. I will address them this week! This is going to fun, as there are definitely some interesting ones there, and I look forward to writing about them! But for today, a quick rant (since a lot of people don’t read blogs on Saturdays).

Right now, there is a woman that is trying to get Harry Potter books banned in Gwinnett county (article). She claims that her daughter was turned onto the “dark life” of witchcraft after reading the Harry Potter series. The girl testified that Harry Potter has ruined her life by making her a witch, and she wants to save other children from the same fate. The mother then said that she believes by having these books in the library, that they are basically teaching and condoning witchcraft at school. But her quote is much better:

The books are indoctrinating children into witchcraft. It’s not mere fantasy.

So, um, yeah. Basically, I just want to know if this woman is completely insane, or just slightly off her rocker; we need to know what level of nutjob we are dealing with here. And I also want to have a talk with her retarded child. Basically, they are saying that against the will of this child, she was indoctrinated into witchcraft by reading a fantasy story about kids in fantasy situations. In fact, I bet seeing the movie sent her over the edge; because we all know how many kids out there are now wizards and witches because they read and saw Harry Potter movies. Hell, I even admit that I became a Hippogriff for a short while, so I guess I do see the potential for these books to “harm”. One night while practicing spells I learned in the Harry Potter books, one of them backfired, and I accidentally made James spit up slugs for over an hour. Seriously. I guess I do see the danger!

Wait a second, back to reality. WAKE UP YOU STUPID BITCH!!! If you can’t teach your children the difference between reality, and fantasy, they aren’t really going to have a place in society, so you better get to working on that. Taking away these books, which interestingly enough are pretty much single-handily credited with bringing back children of today’s desire to read, because your dumb daughter “fell deep into witchcraft” or because you believe that she was indoctrinated, is complete and utter ridiculousness. If you don’t want your kids to read them, then, um don’t let them! That is a novel concept. (hee hee, I said novel) Perhaps you are under some stupid spell or something, and that is how we must explain your rash and outlandish reactions. Yes, perhaps that is it. Or, more terrifyingly possible… Could it be? IS THIS WOMAN THE REINCANATION OF HE WHO SHALL NOT BE NAMED???!?!? Dare I say it… Is Voldemort living in Gwinnett County???!?!?!

cold feet

But it isn’t just cold feet; the tattoo is just too big. I am going to try and get a different proposal today; if that doesn’t work, I am going to have to talk him into doing something else tomorrow. I have given this a lot of thought, and while I do love the design, it is just too big, too much for right now. Emotionally, financially, and realistically, this is definitely something I want to build into; if I want a half sleeve, that is fine, I can build into it over time. This tattoo is just too massive for me to take on… but I will make sure that he makes it something I can add to if I want. How does that sound? I am sure there are several *sighs* going on out there… It doesn’t make me a chicken though, does it?

No more seeking approval though, I promise… It really is just too big. More on this later.

Clarification (in case you need it): I AM getting the tattoo… it is just the MAIN KOI that is too big for me, everything else works! I am going to get him to shrink that koi some, and all will be good! Word!

UPDATE!: I put up some pictures of all my other tattoos. Check out the fact file; it is about 3/4 of the way down under “Number of Tattoos”.

does this sound wrong to anyone else?

Woman. Boy. Sex. Baby. Statutory Rape. Question: why is she only getting 9 months in jail and being forced to stay away from her husband (the minor), until he is 17? Why not more of a penalty? I understand that she has a baby, with a 15 year old boy, but seriously, why is there not more of a punishment in this case? I ask, because I know that statutory rape carries this sentence: “if the person so convicted is 21 years of age or older, such person shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than ten nor more than 20 years”, here in Georgia. Here is the portion of the House Bill that describes the stakes for a statutory rape conviction:

Said title is further amended by striking Code Section 16-6-3, relating to statutory rape, and inserting in lieu thereof the following:
(a) A person commits the offense of statutory rape when he or she engages in sexual intercourse with any person under the age of 16 years and not his or her spouse, provided that no conviction shall be had for this offense on the unsupported testimony of the victim.
(b) Except as provided in subsection (c) of this Code section, a A person convicted of the offense of statutory rape shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than one nor more than 20 years; provided, however, that if the person so convicted is 21 years of age or older, such person shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than ten nor more than 20 years; provided, further, that if. Any person convicted under this subsection of the offense of statutory rape shall, in addition, be subject to the sentencing and punishment provisions of Code Section 17-10-6.2.
(c) If the victim is 14 or 15 years of age and the person so convicted is no more than three years older than the victim, such person shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.”

I ask, because she committed, admitted to, and was convicted of statutory rape. So why is she escaping the punishment befitting the crime (a minimum of 10 years)? I am not trying to say that I believe men or women deserve preferential treatment, but, I know that if this were a man that had convicted this crime, he would be looking at 10-20 years in jail, right? Now, I am not naive, I know that there are different kinds of statutory rape; I don’t condone any of them, and I think that if you are convicted, it doesn’t matter if you are a man or a woman, you did the crime, you do the time. This woman is a sexual predator that manipulated her child’s friend (!), and she is basically getting off with a big slap on the wrist. She even gets to be with him when he turns 17! There is something seriously wrong with that! I guess that I am just wondering why there is not more of a penalty in this case (i.e., the minimum), especially because of the legislation that says that it should be? Wouldn’t that be a clear message to act as a deterrent to the future of this kind of crime? Wouldn’t it be better to punish someone for manipulating a minor and sexually abusing them; rather than just giving them a very reduced sentence, and just making them stay away until he is old enough?

Does anyone else agree or disagree? Why? I personally see sex crimes against children as the worst kind of crime, and I just don’t think that anyone should be able to carry such a lenient punishment for something so manipulative and harmful to the child. Yes, this boy was 15, but is he still considered a child? He is by every other standard, and she was even covicted of statutory rape! I guess I am just wondering this, because I see all sex offenses against minors (that’s 17 and under, right?) as deplorable and horrible crimes. I know that she will be registered as a sex offender, but, when he turns 17, they can be together. Does anyone else see something wrong with that? This child has obviously been deeply manipulated, and the state pretty much has said, “not right now, but soon” to the sex offender. I just don’t get it.

What do you all think? Seriously? Am I being too hard on the woman, or does she deserve what the law says?

[article, for reference]

damn you olympics!!

Every time the Olympics are on, I vow vehemently not to watch; but every time, I am sucked in. Case and point, last night, I went out with a few blogger buddies, and the bar we were at had the Olympics opening ceremonies on TV. So, since we couldn’t avoid it, we decided to use it to our advantage; drink for every country that ends in ‘a’. Yeah, all the names were in Italian, so that means, you guessed it, most of them were ending in ‘a’. Maybe the Olympics do mean good times…

But, even though there is drinking game potential, I still don’t want to watch the Olympics. For one thing, I think that they are kind of boring; the only thing on when you WANT to watch is curling or something else silly (yes, I called curling silly… even the name makes me giggle like a 12 year old girl). And, there only so much figure skating even a fag can take. More hockey would be a plus… Olympic people; write that down. Also, one of my biggest pet peeves is the “no drugs”/harsh drug policy at the Olympics. As dutifully pointed out by my buddy Kim, the deletion of that rule, would only serve to make the Olympics more interesting. Think about it, you’ve gotta admit that super human performances would make it more interesting. If Michelle Kwan threw a quintuple axle, you would cheer your pansy asses off.

But, perhaps I have judged the olympics too soon… I have heard everyone talking about this Bode Miller (that’s him looking all cute in the Roots gear), and never really gave it any thought; that is until I saw him while I was on the StairMaster at the gym. Um, hello, can we say HOT?! He is going to melt that snow if he’s not careful; and hopefully win some gold medals, because apparently he is a big talker. Perhaps he could prove to be one more reason why I won’t be able to escape the Olympics again this time… but it wasn’t for lack of trying.

[I do not claim that picture to be mine, yo.]

take one down, pass ’em around…

Today is kind of all over the place for me… no real ability to concentrate; but hey, we all have those days, right? I have thought about changing my template, but I can’t seem to find anything that I am super happy with. Any suggestions? Anything you like? Don’t like? Anything you just neeeeed? Well, say it here, and I will take it into consideration.

I have kind of been giving some thought to drinking lately; no, not just the usual, “hey, I think I want to drink” stuff, but more about what the act signifies for me and other people around me. I in no way consider myself an alcoholic; mainly because I know that I don’t need to drink to have a good time, and basically because I don’t feel the need to drink every day. I don’t crave alcohol, and I actually know when to stop drinking, as to prevent myself from getting wasted or getting sick. (I just wanted to go ahead and put that out there; before I go any further…)

With that being said, the reason I was thinking about this, is because sometimes I feel like people judge me for enjoying drinking. No, that doesn’t mean that people point and stare, or whatnot, but I do feel like sometimes, some people look at me with a, “I can’t believe you want to drink” or “how can you still be drinking” thought in the backs of their minds.