First of all, our trip was amazing. We saw so much, and did even more.
However, it was almost ruined by the 11 hours of delays and cancellations we endured today as a result of a thunderstorm in ATL. We got to the airport around 1, and didn’t take off until after 11. Then, upon arrival in Atlanta, we had to wait almost an hour in a line for a cab, because the city’s “amazingly” “efficient” and “effective” transit system closed down at least an hour before we touched down.
Needless to say, I have had a bad day, but I am glad to be home (albeit, at 3:05 am). Details on the trip to follow. I promise.
James, John, and I are heading to the Big Apple for a fun filled 5 days. Lookout New York, we are coming for ya!!
If you can do simple math, you should have figured out that this means I will be OOT on Friday, and as such, there will be NO FIVE SONG FRIDAY this week. I know you are sad, but look back over the glorious five song Fridays of the past, and reminisce. They will commence next week, however, so you don’t have to worry too much my dears!!!
Here’s hoping we have a great vacation, and get to take lots of pictures, and that it isn’t toooooo hot. I can’t wait!
I thought it appropriate to post my picture I took last year at Pride, of my buddy Josh showing the Christian nutjobs where to stick it, as we head out to the festival this afternoon.
Hope everyone has a great Pride. Who knew that celebrating diversity and unity could be so fun!?
Well, this weekend is the annual Pride celebration in Atlanta, and it also happens to be July 4th weekend; so a three-day Pride celebration is officially in full swing! We’ve got our pride flag hanging outside, and have made plans to party with our friends this weekend. Just because it’s a national holiday, however, doesn’t mean I have forgotten about the five songs for Friday!!! Today’s 5SF is going to be chock full of songs that are sure to be blaring from the speakers this weekend, as they are all super gay friendly, and mostly, banging dancefloor-ready tracks that definitely get me moving and make me want to shake my booty this weekend! Alright, here we go:
Lady GaGa – Boys Boys Boys
[audio:] First up today is a leaked song by the AMAZING Lady GaGa. I have been going gaga over this lady since I instantly fell in love with her infectious HIT Just Dance, and I have anxiously been awaiting new stuff to satiate my appetite for all things Lady GaGa. Well, I found this little gem out there on the internets, and I have been loving every second of it. So far, Lady GaGa’s record is my most anticipated record of the year; this song shows me that she is a huge talent that is going to really deliver. I can’t wait for the The Fame! Until then, I am MAD about Boys Boys Boys!!! (And how appropriate, a song about loving boys on Pride weekend!)
Jessica Folker – To Be Able To Love (Jonathon Peters Remix)
[audio:] This is a definite blast from the past for me. I was thinking that I wanted to search my dance-music dominated past, and come up with my favorite song, and I will tell you that it was hard. I have a HUGE collection of dance music, and there are so many that really get me moving. However, when I heard this remixed version of Jessica Folcker’s hit, I knew I had to choose this one to include this week. Perhaps I will add more dance songs in nostalgia in the future after rediscovering this amazing song. I can still remember how I came to know this song… my friend Matt (a DJ) used to make CDs for his friends. Well, he handed me a CD one night, and told me simply, that the first song would make me cum. It was Jessica Folcker’s To Be Able To Love, and I can tell you, that I squealed with delight when I heard it. This song is dance music at its best.
The Pussycat Dolls – When I Grow Up
Oh Pussycat Dolls, how I have continually underestimated you. Also, is it just me, or had anyone else wondered where the amazingness that Darkchild once possessed had gone? Feedback is an excellent track, but I forgot that it was by Darkchild, mainly because it lacks the call sign in Janet’s hit. Either way, he shows us that he definitely still has it with this amazingly catchy song from the hotter than fire Pussycat Dolls. There is no denying that these ladies are smoking hot, and at least one of them can sing the shit out of a song. I am glad that Nicole stuck with the girls to make a new record, because based on their last one, we can expect many more hits from PCD this year! I seriously cannot get enough of this song… it makes me want to dance all night long! (also, I can’t help but squeal like a little girl when they say they want to grow up and have boobies. LOL!)
Ne-Yo – Closer
If I didn’t know better, I would think that this song was geared directly towards the gay market; mainly because of the extreme dance-ability of this track. Additionally, I would probably put this more under the category of house, rather than R&B, but then again, I guess that isn’t what Ne-Yo was going for (which is probably why I never noticed it before recently). Either way, it is a dance floor ready track that definitely begs to be blasted from the stereo this Pride weekend. It is also awesome to see Ne-Yo dancing it up in the video, proving that Usher isn’t the only boy who has the moves!
Chris Brown – Forever
This is another song that I wouldn’t have expected from an R&B artist, mainly because it seems like it would be made by an artist more geared to the gay community because of its insane dancability. Maybe these R&B lads are realizing that we like a dance beat too, and are bringing the gays the goods? Either way, it is another great danceable song that I have been enjoying for a little while, which only continues to grow on me. A note about this song/video too; why the fuck is embedding disabled on you tube, Universal Music?? Are you afraid that people are actually going to post the video and promote the song? WTF. FAIL.
Oh well… there’s your five songs, folks. I hope everyone has an amazing 4th of July, and a amazing Pride weekend!!! Happy Pride everybody!!
A friend I met a few years ago URL through the wonderful blogosphere invited me to be a part of a kick ass new website this weekend. The website, called Jiingo, is a collection of music lovers talking about music; what a great thing to be a part of for a music lover like myself, eh?
I am honored that Shan appreciates my opinions about music and included me as a contributor on the site. I look forward to contributing to Jiingo, and getting suggestions from my fellow Jiingo writers. Check it out!
This weekend was pretty fun, my friend Justin pretty much hung out all weekend, and we had a blast. I am looking forward to the upcoming 3 day weekend, which happens to also be Pride weekend.
I am apprehensive about Pride, but only because I haven’t been doing well with heat lately. If it is bad, I might skip the parade, and just go to the festival; which has moved to the air conditioned Civic Center. I really, really hope that Pride goes well this year, as I have heard some buzz that the festival pretty much needs to be a success to keep it going (since it was kicked out of Peidmont Park). I know that I will be there to support it, and will give money like I always do; Pride is an awesome celebration, and it would suck if we didn’t have it. Okay, now that I have been talking about it, I am getting all excited for Pride!
Well, I have had a pickle of a time with trying to apply to the accelerated RN program at Perimeter, which has gotten me thinking; MAYBE this is a sign. Maybe I should be just applying to a regular BSN accelerated program; and there are two who’s deadlines are months away. So… that’s what I think I am going to do.
The only thing is, that I will have to do it full time, so I will have to figure out some way to attract a magic money fairy in order to sustain my lifestyle. Shit, maybe I’ll just borrow more money; I ONLY have 40k in student loans right now… what’s 30k more? Either way, it may not be what I planned, but it was originally what I wanted to do, so maybe it’s for the best. Now… here’s hoping I can get in. Jeez… Stress!
Also, I am seriously lusting after this lens (actually using it at lunch DID NOT HELP). I know that I said “for my birthday”, but I really want it now (don’t we all want things right away when we want them?). I am thinking about getting it soon, because I am going to NYC in a couple of weeks, and it would be PERFECT for my trip. It is difficult to justify such a massive expense, but it is worth it, right? Why can’t I win the damn lottery already??!
Ah… the things in life we stress over, right? Oh yeah, and it’s damn hot out too! HA!
First off, as if Weezer weren’t cool enough already, they are doing this. I love the idea of a band getting together with musician fans, and playing their hits together. If I was better at the guitar, I would totally show up and jam with them. I guess I will have to settle for jamming on the Xbox, because they have songs on Rock Band and Guitar Hero.
James recently pointed out that I had very little tread left on one of my tires, and so I figured it was about time that I take it in get a new one (it has been 30k+ miles since I got my car after all). Well, turns out, I needed two, and after getting two tires, and having them aligned and balanced, my bill came out to $640 and some change. Holy fuck balls that is a lot of money. Jebus! It has also gotten to where it costs no less than $50 to fill my tank… life is expensive, and having a car seems to have become a very MAJOR expense!
In game news, I picked up Guitar Hero On Tour after a month or so of anticipation, and overall, I think that it is an innovative use of the DS. It is a bit awkward at first to play, and it would be nicer if the top screen (which becomes your left screen when turned to play) would bend back more. Other than that, I really don’t have many complaints!! I think that it is really cool that they made it for the DS, and I am looking forward to rocking out on the go. I am seriously a GH junkie; I can’t get enough.
I think that I have decided what I want for my birthday (or really splurge and get this one which I actually think I want more, now)… now to see if James will go for it… (or at least just help me pay for it… LOL)
On a final note, I think that I am addicted to the nachos at Raging Burrito in Decatur. I will be having them for dinner tonight, and I cannot wait. Yumsicle!
So, we went up to a cabin in the middle of NOWHERE about 1 hour from Chattanooga. It was a quaint and cute little place. I surprised James by inviting his mom and dad to come and meet us there on Saturday night.
He had no idea until they knocked on the door. It was hilarious.
We had a great time, went to see Rock City, where I took tons of pictures (stay tuned), and celebrated James’ first steps into a new decade of life.
Overall, it was a great weekend, and I hope that he had a great birthday. Love you James!! Happy Birthday!!
Also turning the big 3-0 this weekend was my best buddy Margaret… I hope you had a great one too girl!! Love ya!!
In fact, I hope everyone had a great weekend, whether you turned 30 or not!
I figured it is getting a bit redundant to call these posts “random thoughts” every week, so what the fuck, I’ll change it up a bit. Regardless, here’s some random shit stewing in me brain:
I pre-ordered Guitar Hero On Tour for the DS today, because I saw it was coming out while I was at Best Buy returning some D-Batteries that weren’t needed. Dude; I so can’t wait for this game. I want it now, but at least with the pre-order I got an exclusive pick-stylus. I can’t wait to rock.
I went to Circuit City today to get God of War II, because they have it in their circular for $10, which is 50% off the retail price. That alone is worth the hassle of putting up with one of the worst companies on the planet… or is it? I went, and in typical Circuit City fashion, they didn’t have it in stock; but it wasn’t the fact that they didn’t have it that was my problem. See, I asked an “employee” (I use that term loosely, because he really didn’t do shit) to help me find it. After looking exactly where I did (where it would sit on the shelf), he informed me that they didn’t have any (REALLY, I looked their dipshit, I KNOW there are none on the shelf *face-palm*). What really topped the cake was the fact that he told me that get this… there is NO WAY for them to look up in the computer and even see if there are any copies on site. Excuse me? I loudly mouthed off about the fact that they must be the only large company that doesn’t bother with things like inventory and whatnot to my friend. What really irritates me about that, is not only can you definitely look up and see if there are any on site, but the goddamned website (that I can access at my PC anywhere in the world that has internet capability) can tell me if your store has the fucking game (I went straight from lunch, and I know now I should have looked). I complained at the front, and she apologized, but who fucking cares; Best Buy price matches, and I am going to go get it there after work. Fuck off Circuit City, you are a huge dose of assholes with a dash of mother fucker thrown on top. I don’t know if 50% off can even get me to go back (I say that, but I know I will find myself in there again someday… damn consumerism!).
I applied to the Nursing program at Georgia Perimeter today. The application was extremely simple (which surprised me), and I am REALLY nervous about getting in. I really, really, really want to get this degree going on the fast track, and getting in for the Spring would be like the best thing ever. I am totally crossing my fingers and toes for this one.
Tonight I am going with friends for dinner and karaoke, and I can guarantee I will do what I always do; I will not be able to decide which song to sing. I can always think of them when I am not really thinking about it, but when I get up to the sign in log, I just draw a blank. Weird. Any thoughts about what I should sing?
Three day weekends should pretty much be the standard. Seriously, having Monday off was amazingly awesome. Looking into June and July, I have two instances of “vacation” coming up, and I cannot fucking wait. I am taking James to a secluded cabin for his birthday weekend, and in July, I am going with my buddy John to New York City for 5 whole days. By the gods, I definitely need a break; and I am definitely looking forward to those.
I guess that’s about it… but I am sure I will think of 2 more things as soon as I hit publish, so maybe not…. What are y’all up to these days?