Category: blog on blog

calling all wordpress experts!

HEY! I need your help!!!

I want to receive emails when I get comments, and currently, even though that option is checked under options… it isn’t happening. Thoughts? Suggestions?

Also, if you know a lot about PHP script, can we get together for beers? Because I need to be able to work my magic on this template and fast. Also, if you know of a very simple template or template builder that I could have access to, that would be great!!!

Thanks for listening! We are off to NC today at 3ish. I will be glad to get there, because I know the drive is going to be horrible… I always threaten to fly, and I think I am going to follow through on that if we ever go back. Hope everyone has a great weekend, and I will report back when we return. I will still have access to email though, so if you need me, you know what to do!

See ya soon!

MT ate my blog!

duane will return soon… MT was hungry and ate his blog.

EDIT: Okay, so here’s what happened… Movable type ate my blog and all of my comments. Luckily, I had a back up from the 6th of December, so I get to keep everything before that (but not the archives). Gah. I am now on WP, for the time being, since I don’t want to get into anything else that will break. I hope to update the template and all of that, but for now I am just bewildered that this happened.

Feel free to comment here, as this is the new, and according to everyone that fluffs WP, it won’t be going anywhere.

Also feel free to go back and comment on today’s post, as there were some good comments that I wanted to address. Thanks ya’ll.

arighty then…

It seems there is some hotness with the whole blogger meet up thing, so here is my solution, and I am going with it:
— There has never been and never will be an affiliation between and APWBWGTTD. Done.
— There should be a regular meet up place.
— There should also be a regular meet up time (e.g., Every 2nd Wednesday of the month).
— I also propose less emphasis on organization and more on having fun with it; since that is what it is supposed to be about.

I am also floating the idea of a specific APWBWGTTD website. It would post things about the meet up, like reminders, provide a place for you to sign up for reminders, flickr photos and crap like that. Does everyone think that would work for you? Keep in mind, you don’t have to come to every meet up to be a member, and you don’t have to drink if you come. It is just what some of us will do as a part of the meet ups.

I am officially taking votes for the place and the time. I vote for Manuel’s Tavern on the second Wednesday of every month. That is pretty middle of the road, and accommodative, based on what I have heard from people; and it is a good place for meeting up and generally hanging out. We could increase the frequency of meeting up (making additional meet ups on a different night) if people would like that as well.

Let me know what you think about this game plan. I had no idea that opening this can of worms would polarize so many people, so I just want it to get back to drinking with my friends.

Also, on a different note, Little Miss Sunshine is on DVD today. Buy this movie; it is the best movie of the year IMHO!!!

APWBWGTTD vs. A dilemma and potential solution

So there was some concern that came after another “failed” meet up this past week that the group was fizzling out, and was potentially either not worth maintaining, or simply in need of revamping or revitalizing. In my last post, I got lots of comments that showed there was still an interest in having the monthly meet ups (which I was glad to hear, as I do like our meet ups), but conflict was sited as the number one reason for people not coming to meet ups.

Is this true? If so, how would we propose resolving said conflicts? I have a couple of ideas:
1) We could pick a set location for our meet ups. This would prevent the need to continually decide on a place to meet, and would potentially make it easier to attract and keep people interested.
2) Several dates could be picked, and through voting, a final date could be decided upon for each month’s meet up. (I see a pontential problem here, but I am trying to find a happy medium)
3) Or, we could continue to do it the way we have been, and hope for the best (although, Lori has made it clear she will be stepping down as event coordinator); but, the whole point of this post shows that this isn’t working.
4) Other suggestions?

Now, with that being said, I would also like to know what everyone thinks of what Robert said (link). I have to say that I somewhat agree with him; the point of the website was to bring people together through common interest (i.e., blogging) regularly IRL, not just as a feed dump. I feel like ATLbloggers has changed dramatically since I joined, and would like to see some of the sense of community we had a year ago come back into the forefront. Should APWBWGTTD be synonymous with I think that it should at least be more closely joined. Should it be a (loose) “requirement” that you at least have a desire to participate in meet ups in order to be a part of ATLbloggers? I remember that coming to a meet up used to be a requirement for membership; should that be reinstated and enforced? Before you flip out, I am not talking about FORCING people to hang out, but it would be nice to actually get to know the people whose blogs are showcased on the site; after all, that is the point of having a “club” like ATLbloggers in the first place. If you don’t want to participate, that is fine, but why would you want to have your blog on the site with people you don’t know and have no desire to get to know? That doesn’t make sense to me.

I am sure that some of you will disagree, but let me know why; I just don’t want to see a group that has brought me some really great friends go down the tubes, and I think that it can be saved. But I need your help and suggestions to make that happen. I hope we can make ATLbloggers what it used to be, and bring our group back together. I also hope that by doing some things and potentially implementing new strategies, we can bring more solidarity and community to the group, and potentially help it grow.

I would like to see more than just a core group of regulars; we should all be participating (or having a desire to), because if not, then it isn’t really a meet up anymore, and there really isn’t a reason to continue, I guess. If the same 4 or 5 people are showing up each time, they could probably just call each other and have dinner anyway. Let me know what you all think.

oh blogger, where art thou?

While last night’s ATL blogger meet up was a lot of fun, it is starting to look like the end of the whole thing; hardly anyone shows up anymore. Lori asked me if I wanted to take control of the title of cruise director and plan all future ATLbloggers meet ups, because she is tired of the task, and honestly, I don’t know after last night.

Have people just gotten tired of meeting up? Is there something else that is wrong? Let me know, because I know that this will be on the ATL bloggers website, and I want to see if it would even be worth my time to try and keep our little group together. I would really hate to see something that has brought me some excellent friends fizzle and die.

So tell me, bloggers… where are you? Why haven’t you been coming out?? Do you think our meet ups are worthwhile? Do you want to come to future ones? Please, let me know, okay?

And on that note… have a great weekend folks! I am going to go and listen to all the great music I got at Tower today!

calling all you computer whizzes!

Hey! I need some help! As if I needed another reason to fucking HATE myspace, people are stealing my bandwidth by stealing my images. I still don’t understand why people are so fucking stupid that they can’t use a free image hosting service like photobucket or flickr instead of stealing the bandwidth you pay for like the douches they are, but they do. So, now that I have that out… is there a way to keep people from doing that? I mean, other than continually checking your logs and changing file names as necessary? Because that is really annoying. And it will just mean I will have missing images on my site, which is something I want to avoid if possible.

Also, does anyone have any advice about CPU excessive use? Apparently, the web host I use (which I have complained over and over about in the past) has again passed the buck back to me, and said that the reason my website continually exceeds the CPU usage has something to do with my site, and is not their problem. Is there a way I can figure out what is doing it? Also, does anyone think that I should move to a new host? If you have a host that you have never had problems with, let me know, I may move over there asap… I am tired of having issues. Seriously, I need your help computer whizzes!! I am begging!!!

That’s about all I have this morning. This whole thing is just irritating.

bad blogger, duane! bad!

So, I feel like I have been a pretty bad blogger lately; basically, I feel like I have nothing to say, and I haven’t even been able to make myself read the blogs of my friends out there in the internets. Shame on me. Sorry, ya’ll. Some of it has been because of me being sick, but that’s not everything. c There has just been a lot going on upstairs with me lately, and sometimes, it seems that you get so overwhelmed with it, that you can’t even speak a word for fear of everything flowing out like a river. But, that doesn’t mean that I don’t care about the blog, or the people that read it anymore… in fact, that is so far from the truth, it doesn’t get farther. I want to try and be better, and will, but there will probably be some depressing/reflective stuff in the coming posts, so I just wanted to prepare you for it, okay?

I appreciate everyone that cares enough about me to check up on me from time to time, and follow my random thoughts about life and whatnot; it is much appreciated, and often serves to get me through some hard times. Knowing that there are people out there that care about you, when you feel like sometimes those that are “close” to you don’t, is actually a wonderfully fulfilling thing… it’s weird how we aren’t supposed to care what others think about us, yet sometimes, that’s all that matters. So, stay tuned, I hope to be reconnecting in the very near future with a higher degree of regularity. Love you. Miss you. See you soon.

“this kool-aid is delicious… I’m sorry, what were you sayi…”

So I did it. I have joined the cult, and it is time for me to come out of the LJ closet. I know that there is a lot of animosity against LJ out there, and in fact, I have in the past made fun of it myself, but as of now, the boredom got to me, and I have too many friends that regularly use it to ignore it any longer. That’s right ladies and gents, I am actively using LiveJournal. And believe it or not, it is actually quite fulfilling.

See, I haven’t been feeling like blogging much lately. Just nonsensical things, or happenings. Nothing is really going on that I am giving that much thought to, and is, in my opinion not worth a whole blog post on its own. But, on LJ, I can post anything I want, because that is what it is designed for. So, it fulfills that void that the blog never did. I can make plans, say hi, see how everyone is doing (on LJ that is), even say a simple line about how I am feeling, and I feel good about it. It isn’t going to change the blogging; I am in this for the long haul, so don’t worry. But, I will be posting there when I am bored, or have some nonsensical statement to make about whatever, because, well, that’s what it is for, really.

I also have it set up to have my flickr pictures I post from my mobile go directly there, which is something I thought about doing here, but have long since talked myself out of. I hope that I will not be strung up as a traitor, but I do realize that I have joined, and drank the kool-aid, so I am sure I will get some statements about it. But, I don’t really care, I just feel bad for making fun of it before. Ain’t nothing wrong with taking part in something that cures your boredom in my opinion… And there aren’t many things that can cure my boredom like LJ does! Here’s the link if you care to check on it from time to time. I am still unsure if I will add it to the link 80x15s to the right. If I do, you will see it, if not, you won’t.

Happy day, to all of you. I will have something fun and important to say one of these days. The nonsensical stuff is over at my LJ. All is right in the world.

you love to make me hit you, don’t you?

I have to turn comment moderation back on for a little while. The spammers are not only locking up my website by using too much bandwidth at one time, they are preventing me from getting emails by flooding me email box with the emails that go along with those comments. Sorry about this, hopefully we will be able to be mature blogging adults again soon, but for now, I need to take some control.

Thanks for understanding in advance. I know that it sucks that the few ruin it for the many; and why is it always like that? Damn.