Category: blog on blog

never satisfied!

So I saw a blog theme that I liked earlier today, and all it did was put a bee in my bonnet about making changes to mine. Problem is, I only know enough CSS to do the basics, and as such, really don’t know how to edit an open source theme to do what K2 does for me. So that leads me to just being frustrated, and never satisfied with my current theme (which, as you may or may not have noticed, has changed a little over the past few weeks). What does everyone else think about this theme? I like the plaid, but I am not stuck on it. I want something that looks a little less simple; all while maintaining some simplicity. Wow, that sounded way more complicated than I wanted it to. Either way, advice would be welcome at this point.

Also, totally unrelated, but why are people even listening to Mike Huckabee? The man is clearly off his God-fearing rocker, so I can’t help but wonder why this man is constantly given the microphone and allowed to spread his ridiculous ideas. Apparently, he thinks that homosexuality and bestiality are the same thing, on top of his desire to change this country into a theocracy. So then, I ask, who believes this shit? Clearly, not anyone that I would want to run into in my lifetime. I guess he is “entitled” to speak as much as he wants, so long as he can keep coming up with the money to run for office; but it really makes you wonder how people that have this warped of a sense of reality, and this close-minded of a view of society can rise so far in the ranks, you know? Either way, I just wish he would shut up already; we’ve got it… you’re crazy. Thanks. Moving on. How about we pay attention to someone that actually will do something positive for all of us in this country, shall we?

blog pimpin’

I normally don’t get involved in such “best blog” this-n-that shenanigans, but a blog buddy of mine is in a race to win the best gay bloggies, so I thought I would give him a shout out here. Make sure you go to and vote for the luscious D’Mike, aka CitizenDangerX. Not only is he a crazy-good photographer, but he is also teh hotness… he’s got my vote; now give him yours!

it’s that time of year…

…Where the weather starts to FINALLY cool off. It’s also that time of year where there tends to be a surge of music releases, usually from the heavy hitters; which I always look forward to.

Just recently, we have had great releases from Melissa Etheridge, Annie Lennox, The Pipettes, the Sugababes, Radiohead, among others. I am also certain that there are tons of other great releases out there that I am still waiting to discover; whether they were recent releases or not.

I am also riding high, because just this week, one of my favorite artists from the other side of the world (Australia) released her amazing 3rd album: Delta. I seriously don’t know how Delta Goodrem isn’t huge here, because she is amazing, and given her new album, it is a shame that more people don’t know about this talented singer. I am just glad that I was introduced to her a while back by my buddy Stu… Her new CD is on steady repeat for me right now. Seriously, it is wonderful. She will be featured this week on five song friday, so stay tuned for an introduction to the amazing Delta Goodrem!

There is also so much to look forward to as the rest of year marches on… Not surprisingly, the next release most on the “radar” for me, is Britney’s new CD, which drops Tuesday. While I know there are plenty of people wanting this CD to fail miserably, I have to say, I have heard most of the tracks from the new CD, and, well, I am completely blown away. Britney has done what she needed to do with her music; regardless of what is going on with her life. I for one will be getting it right away, because from what I have heard, it is one of the best pop CDs of the year; and definitely of her career. This new release blows her last CD out of the water. If you like pop music as much as I do, I highly suggest you give it a whirl. If she isn’t your style, then you probably won’t become a fan because of her new stuff… but if she is, you will probably really like what you hear.

Other than that, there are new releases coming from Westlife, Shayne Ward, potentially Girls Aloud, Alicia Keyes, and many others I am sure that I don’t know about yet… But what are you most looking forward to? There have been some amazing releases this year, as evidenced by the growing list of favorites I have, which you can see on my ongoing favorites list page here. I swear, I fell so far out of music just a year or so ago, and coming back in and discovering so much great music to listen to has been amazing. I love exploring new music and new artists, and look forward to the next few months on that life long journey. There really isn’t much in life like experiencing an amazing song, or album. It really is a feeling that can’t be described.

Also, I didn’t really say anything on the main blog, but I have “sort of” gotten into I added a link to my profile on the “more than just a blog” link list, so feel free to go and add me as a friend (or just click here). I have to say, that currently, it doesn’t really represent what I really listen to, so I hope that with time, and with some more “scrobbling”, it will eventually get more in tune with what I am listening to. Either way, another neat web app to play around with, right?

Let me know what you are listening to, and what I should be checking out…. I am always looking for the next music selection!!!

Finally, I am also SUPER EXCITED about the release of Guitar Hero III on Monday. I think that I am going to take the day off and shred all afternoon… I LOVE Guitar Hero, and I can’t wait to get my hands on these new songs. I am also excited to get to play it on the Wii! If you are into GH, we should totally get together and jam!

5SF: october 12

It’s that time again! Not only is it great to be at the end of the week, but it’s also time for another great installment of Five Song Friday! Woo hoo! Now, I have been giving some thought to the whole process of how and why I pick the songs that I do each week, and I must say, being limited to only you tube videos is highly frustrating; especially considering that there are many tracks I want to feature that do not have videos! So, I thought of a solution: after today, the five song Fridays will no longer be limited to just you tube videos! I have found a great plug in that will allow me to embed the mp3s right into the post, and I am going to start using them as I see fit (I’ll post a bonus sixth song to show you what I am talking about at the end of this post). Who knows, we might move away from you tube all together!

Also, as a reminder, if you want access to the songs that I have posted up until now, including today’s featured tracks, you have to let me know by comment or email. I will be happy to provide access at that point, but until anyone expresses interest, I will just assume that no one is interested!

Now, let’s get to the music, shall we?

This week, I have been listening a lot to the CDs that I was obsessing over last week (particularly Feist and Annie Lennox), but since there aren’t any “new” videos, I am probably going to focus on posting just some older, or fun stuff that I want to share. Either way, it is going to be a good time, because it doesn’t matter when music is made, so long as it is good, right? Also, it does a good service to bring older stuff back to the surface every now and then; I know that I am bad about forgetting a certain CD, and then being super excited when it is brought back into the spotlight!

Will Young – All Time Love
First up today is a blast from the not-so-distant past: the video for All Time Love by Will Young. I remember the first time that I heard this song, it literally gave me chills it was so good. I still love this song so much every time I hear it, and I honestly think that it is one of my all time favorites. It also got me to give the whole album a second chance (an initial listen wasn’t good), which I was glad that I did, because I really love the whole album. Will Young is a great singer, and I can’t wait for some new stuff from him.

Westlife – Home

Next up is the new single from my favorite boy band, Westlife. I absolutely LOVE this song by Michael Buble, and I have to say, Westlife can definitely turn out a cover of a song; as they did again with this great song. I have been a fan of theirs for years, and can’t wait for their new album. Until then, I will have to gaze into Shane’s beautiful eyes, and just dream that he is coming “home” to me… *swoon*

Kleerup feat. Robyn – With Every Heartbeat
This is an updated video for the amazing single With Every Heartbeat, which should end up in my “singles of the year” list, simply because of how amazing it is. Since she made a splash back in the 90s, she disappeared almost completely in America, but luckily, I rediscovered Robyn earlier this year. I think that acts like her bring the best in pop music, and given songs like this one, as well as her newest release, she has definitely got my attention. I hope that she makes a second splash in the US, because Robyn is definitely amazing.

Alicia Keys – No One

Alicia is one of those artists that truly broke the record set by many artists in the past; which was, if you won the best new artist Grammy, you practically disappeared… but not Alicia. After seeing her perform this song on the VMAs this year, I was in love with the song. I have always been impressed with her amazing voice, and her crazy talent; and this song is no exception. I may have to pick up her new album… Alicia definitely has that same feeling and intensity artists like Mary J have, and I for one, love me a diva.

Annie Lennox – Cold

Last, but certainly not least, is an older track by Annie Lennox. As I said earlier, I am really enjoying her new album, which is fantastic. I have loved Annie Lennox for a long time, and love how unique she is as an artist. Her voice is sheer beauty, and I could just listen for hours to her sing. This song is honestly one of my favorites of all time. The song Cold is from her first solo album Diva, which is about as appropriately titled as it can get; Annie truly is a DIVA.

I hope everyone is having a great Friday, and I hope you enjoyed this week’s five song Friday, I know I did! Again, if you are interested in getting the music, let me know! Finally, here is what songs will look like if they are posted directly, without the video; which again, will be used in instances where I want to share a song and not have to worry about whether it has a video or not (which I am finding to be VERY limiting):
Jennifer Hudson – And I’m Telling You I’m Not Going

Let me know what you think of the “new” music format, and as always, it’s a pleasure exposing people to new (or old and fantastic) music! Have a great weekend!

alright monday… move on, now…

Today seems to be dragging a bit; perhaps I have a case of the “Mondays”? Either way, I can’t wait to get home this evening. Ah, relaxing… the joy of life.

A few jumbled, scattered, smothered, and covered thoughts for you to swish around your brain today:
Because everyone else is doing it, here is my “personality” profile; which is based on some pretty random questions. I expected pretty much everything, I have done a Myers-Briggs before, so nothing too unexpected, I guess… One thing I did get excited about, was that Nurse was listed as one of my career matches; maybe I should have taken this little test while I was in college? Either way, that is good to know that it will mesh well with my “advocate” personality style. I don’t really think these things are 100% accurate, but I do see how they can be pretty good generalizations.

All I have to say, is BWAHAHAHAHA!: Paris Hilton loses her $60 million inheritance because of her dumb ass behavior. Her grandpa is like, look Paris, too much ass, drinking, and going to jail is tainting my name, so you aren’t getting my dough! I wonder if she will have to work and earn money like the rest of us? If so, I fear for her, because I have seen the Simple Life, and if she has to rely solely on her “skills” (or lack thereof), she is royally fucked. I don’t think that she would even be able to get enough money to buy food for herself, if she actually had to work for a living. Poor, poor Paris… However, we all know that she will come out on top somehow; people like her always do for some reason.

Just because there are some people that still think the people of Iraq are all “Islamic extremists” out to kill us, which has nothing to do with any of our actions against them, their land, or their way of life; here’s more compelling evidence that all we are doing over there is making things worse (for us and them). I don’t get why pointing out the obvious stain that you made on the rug, and suggesting that it be cleaned up, is such a “radical” and “scary” observation and strategy for change. The shit has more than hit the fan, and it is pretty crystal clear that there are more and more people, who are just getting more and more angry at us for the very reason illustrated in the article; we are doing more harm than good, and always have. I have an idea, why not stop doing all that “destruction and death” mumbo jumbo, and focus on what we are SAYING really matters; helping the people of Iraq and ending terrorist plots against the US? I suggest this, because we are currently not doing that at all, and instead, our presence is making it worse; both for the Iraqis, and for us, because we are giving them more and more reasons to hate us. Another “revelation” courteous of the “omg this is so fucking obvious” news.

I was thinking as I was driving in to work this morning that I want to start what I hope will be something of a regular here: weekly music suggestion(s), that we share, explore, and recommend to each other. I am always hungry for new music, and often times, it can be hard to find. So, in the spirit of getting this thing going, I am going to recommend a few selections for you to check out this week. As evidenced by today’s selections, the recommendations do not necessarily have to be “new” as in “just out”; if it is new to you, it counts as new! Also, if it is something that you have heard and like, maybe it will just make it a rediscovery for you!

Here’s your music suggestions for this week:
Imogen Heap: Speak For Yourself (I popped this back in the CD player this morning on a whim, and was reminded at how fantastic this disc is!)
SIlversun Pickups: Carnavas (this CD is so awesome; I wish I would have discovered it sooner)
And sort of in the middle of the two: Great Northern: Trading Twilight for Daylight (fyi… this is a myspace link, which I am convinced is the only reason that myspace should even exist: marketing) (This IS new, and I am currently listening to/getting into it. Initial listens are definitely yielding a positive vibe… I am feeling that same little tingle in my body that I get when I hear Silversun Pickups… it’s a good thing.)

This whole “music sharing” idea was further pushed by my stopping by a little CD shop during my lunch break, and my finding Jude’s King Of Yesterday CD in the $1 bin. I had heard the song “King of Yesterday” on Felicity years ago, and remembered that I really liked it, and so I picked up the album. Always good to check out new things, right?

Now that you have your “Music Assignments”, hook me up with some suggestions too; this ain’t a one way street bitches!!! Bring on the music! Bring on the noise!

giving in, one web app at a time

Nikki recently joined facebook amongst the others; and alas, so have I. Not only that, I find myself on twitter, yelp, flickr, livejournal, netvibes, and a host of other great web apps. I still never gave in to myspace, which I have say, is not something that I am ever going to join, EVER.

With that being said, facebook is pretty awesome; there is a ton to actually do and look at. I foresee lots of time spent on there. At least it is another corner of the internet that can entertain me. I have added links to my profiles at twitter, livejournal, facebook, etc in the “more than just a blog” column on the right over there; so go, check it out, and add me as a friend if you so desire.

I am not going to post those links in this post (even though that would probably be convenient) because I am lazy. Also, I listening to the Silversun Pickups (again), and the song “Well Thought Out Twinkles” may be one of the best songs EVER. Seriously. Awesome.

Hope everyone is having a relaxing Sunday, well, at least as relaxing as mine has been. Now… only to decide whether to go or not to go to the gym…

thanks and thoughts

I wanted to say thanks to everyone that sent well wishes and stuff the other day; I was just in a weird spot, and I honestly was thinking too much for my own good. I have this incredible ability to let something minuscule turn into a huge festering thing in my mind, all because I focus too much on it. I am working on that, but it is part of what I learned in how to deal with people when I was growing up. Some of that stuff never goes away, and you just have to deal with it; perhaps that is why I find that I do get let down when I expect too much from people. My parents were good at letting me down, and yet, I naively always believed that the next time, they wouldn’t; which unfortunately, almost always ended in disappointment. I am working on getting out of that, but for now, I can only go at this pace. Thanks for listening, understanding, and being here.

Sydney is doing better, although he is very lethargic and doesn’t want to move around much. I am hoping that by the end of the weekend, he is back to his normal, energetic self. I don’t like seeing him in any pain, because he really is my “baby”, and I love him so much. I am just glad that his tests came back normal, and it appears to just be a case of upset tummy. Thanks to everyone for their thoughts about him, as well.

Other than that, there isn’t really much going on in the way of “stuff” right now. I am still in a little bit of a weird place, as it was pointed out to me that I was being a little snippy at lunch with James. I was constantly on his case about his driving, because, well, he is a very easily distracted person anyway, and I really didn’t want anything to happen to him or his car. I guess sometimes, good intentions come out bitchy. Oh well… perhaps it is the rain today? Who knows… I just know I am glad that it is Friday.

Finally, a few links with some scattered thoughts:
— Surprise! A negative review of “I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry” from a gay website. While I don’t really care one way or another about the movie getting good or bad reviews, it always makes me wonder about people who watch movies and criticize them, when it is clear to everyone else that the movie is going to contain the very elements that the critic negatively goes on and on about. Obviously, this movie is going to use borderline or outright negative gay stereotypes and bad humor to poke fun at what most American men see to be an uncomfortable situation; a simulated homosexual relationship between two straight men. While it may be distasteful and possibly a negative reinforcement (but probably not, since GLAAD gave it a thumbs up), if you don’t want to hear the negative gay jokes, don’t go see this movie; problem solved. I do have to say though, that I think Kevin James is absolutely adorable, and I don’t think that his part in this dumb movie will change any of that feeling from me.
Cheney will be in charge while Bush goes under for a routine colonoscopy. I would really have loved it if the news outlets had gotten creative, and came up with creatively disgusting titles to supplement this story. However, I for one don’t know how they are actually going to get in there, with that big stick shoved up his ass, and all.
— I saw this clip of Tammy Faye when she was recently on the Larry King show, and it honestly just breaks my heart to see someone so sweet and genuinely wonderful suffering like that. Hell, I don’t like seeing anyone suffer, but Tammy Faye is good, and she totally has had our backs for a long time, showing the world what a true Christian should be like. Additionally, her son has turned out to be accepting and loving as well; not to mention, kind of hot. I love you Tammy Faye, and I hope that you are not suffering, and that your final days are peaceful and happy. You have been there for the gays, and we definitely thank you for your love, kindness, and support. If only there were more like you, Tammy Faye.

I hope everyone has a great weekend, and I am going to do my best to relax, finish the paintings I am working on, and spend time with my family (James, little Sydney, and some friends if they are interesting in hanging out). Now, I’m off to get some damn wine… I have been Cabernet-ing it up this week; I see no reason to slow up now!

is APWBWGTTD dead? and listen to this!

First of all, tonight was supposed to be the monthly meet up of the APWBWGTTD, which has been a monthly tradition for more than a year now, and unfortunately, due to only one other potential attendee, I have decided to cancel it. So what does this mean for the future of APWBWGTTD? Well, you tell me. Do you want this monthly Atlanta blogger meet up to continue? Do you wish to see it resurrected in a different venue, on a different day, or under different circumstances? Now is your chance to chuck in your two cents on the whole thing, because we are literally marching towards the funeral here, and if you want to save it, you have to speak up. I for one am kind of sad that it might potentially be over, because I have made some amazing friends through these meet ups, and have always looked forward to them.

Many people complained about Manuel’s being the regular spot for the meet ups, but no one suggested different places. If this was your barrier, please, suggest somewhere new, or suggest some ideas for what you would like to see, in order to participate in future meet ups. Also, there was always talk of people’s schedules being too full, and being unable to meet up, and I understand that this will always be an issue; so how about suggesting some alternatives to the current one meet up, one time, plan? Would it be better to have two meet ups a month on different nights? Would it be better on the weekend? Let me know what you guys think.

I for one, hope that we can do some CPR on our dying friend, and save our APWBWGTTD, because I would honestly be sad to see it pass away. Since today was the day our meet up was scheduled, today is a good day to get to talking about planning the future of APWBWGTTD. Speak up please!!

Also, I just got the new CD Riot!, by the group Paramore, and I cannot stop listening to it! It is fantastic!!! It is like a little bit Weezer, with some Letters to Cleo, and a little of the type of rock those other All American Rejects-type bands churn out, peppered on the top. The lead singer also gives it a feel of Shiny Toy Guns, who are a band that everyone who listens to me, knows I freaking ADORE. The whole CD is a great listen, and is full of energy, and great songs. I rarely run out and buy a CD after checking it out initially, but this one is a definite exception! Be sure to check out my favorites: That’s What You Get, crushcrushcrush (OMG SO GOOD!), and, well I like them all, but these I listen to repeatedly. Now, go out and get it, and have some fun; I know I am! Apparently, there is a video too, so check it out!

maybe a little venting, maybe a little something else

I know that people love to disagree with my “radical” ideas. I also like to have discussion and debate, even when people infer things that I haven’t said, and say things like, “you are being inconsistent”, even when I am not (again, if I were, you would be able to point it out… yet, that hasn’t happened, not even once). I do like to have intelligent discourse, even when those that attempt to engage me, do so in a less than intelligent way.

But what I don’t care for, and what I won’t do, is apologize or justify what I say or have what I have said. If you don’t like it, fuck off. If you want, comment, read, whatever you want. I don’t have to impress you, and I am not trying to.

There are pricks out there on the internet that are literally obsessed with “making fun” of me, and yet, they still don’t get the fact that I don’t need to impress them either. I have addressed this in the past, and I am just in awe of the pathetic obsession that still burns inside them. It is sickeningly pathetic, actually. Move on already.

I am sick and fucking tired of putting up with bullshit, especially here on my own blog. So, if you have a counter point to something that I have said, state it, and we will discuss. However, if all that you have is “you’re wrong!”, then save it, because that isn’t an argument. It’s nothing. And, it will be treated as such. If you want to represent yourself here as having nothing to contribute, that’s your bag, and feel free to do so; but don’t get mad when I call it nothing, because I will.

What a way to start your day, eh? To see those same old people still talking the same old school-yard bullshit about you, just under the radar, rather than having the nuts to actually bring it. Pathetic. When are you going to grow up? If you haven’t already, chances are, you won’t. Perhaps you don’t have the ability to. Either way, pathetic.

I have taken this shit for far too long; I have been dealing with assholes for as long as I can remember, so I guess time for “fuck off” is long overdue. Now, just try and bring the shit-storm bitches. I’m ready for anything.

whatever you want

What’s going on with ya’ll these days? There isn’t much going on that I can see in the way of news, so I guess this is a blog post for the sake of having a blog post.

Feel free to stop in and say hello, give words of wisdom, ask me questions that are burning your brain; whatever you want. This post is open to all of you, as I am pretty devoid of actual contribution today because of the lack of anything going on.

Hope that your day is awesome, and I look forward to hearing from you, or not… it’s up to you!