Category: all about me

economic stimulation: the tax return edition

When I got my tax return directly deposited into my checking account, I had an agenda for the funds. At least $950 would go directly to paying off the counter tops that we installed last summer, as well as the new “quiet” dishwasher we got at the same time. I was glad to do it, because those were things we wanted, and it was time to pay them off… before the interest came into play. Whew… burden relieved; but I still had quite a bit left over (owning your own home does have big benefits at tax time), so I felt like splurging, so I got a PSP.

I have wanted one for a while, mostly for the game Darkstalkers Chronicle: Chaos Tower, which is only available in a relatively recent and attainable format for the PSP. I used to play the orginal Darkstalkers game on my Sega Genesis back in the day, and over the years, it has popped back in my mind several times; it was one of my favorite games as a kid. With the recent resurgence of the amazing Street Fighter series on Xbox 360, I have found myself thinking heavily about Darkstalkers again. Well, I managed to get the game for PSP, and I have to say, nostalgia is a very, very sweet thing that we must all treat ourselves to from time to time. For not a lot of money, I was able to get myself something that I wanted, and stimulate the economy at the same time. It is a win/win, really.

The other games I have gotten are as follows: Loco Roco (1&2), Lumines II, Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max, Buzz: Master Quiz, WTF (work time fun), Wipeout Pure, and Rachet and Clank (which came with it). I got the system on sale, and I got all but two of those games using credit from selling games to Gamestop (as well as the case for the PSP). Overall, I haven’t spent a great deal of money, and I got something else fun to play with. I do have to say, though, that those damn UMDs are fragile; I have already broken one of them, but was able to “fix” it with a little piece of tape. It still works fine, but still, what a weird media choice, Sony.

Either way, it was worth the whole kit and kaboodle for Darkstalkers, which is amazing on the PSP. I’m glad that I finally got one. Hooray for unnecessary purchases!!

dining out for a cause

Last night, I participated in the Atlanta Dining Out event, and I was pretty moved by how many people were present at the participating restaurant we were at. We went to Stella Trattoria, which is near the scene of the crime that the event was held to fund a larger reward for, and it was PACKED. Our wait time was about an hour and a half, but I had plenty of great company with great friends, and a few delicious peach bellinis while we waited. Overall, my dining experience was great, and it was amazing to see so many people coming out to make a statement against crime in Atlanta. I hope that the city and the police force will take notice that we are not going to stop talking about this, and that the horrible murder of John Henderson was the last straw. We want change, and we are going to get it.

Things have to change, and it felt good to be at least a small part of that momentum. I hope that things get better soon, and I really hope that they catch the horrible people who killed John. I want my community to be the safe place that it can be, because it’s long overdue.

why underworld 3 might be the last movie I see in the theater

Yesterday, James and I were invited by some friends to see Underworld: Rise of the Lycans, and as a fan of the first two Underworld movies, and with James excited to go, I agreed to go. We were set to meet up at the Atlantic Station theater, which was pretty crazy because of the Cirque De Soleil going on, but we managed to eat before the movie, and actually made it to the movie on time! (I know, surprising for us!!). Given all of our good fortune with timing, the frustration of parking only increased when we went to get tickets for the film. Going to get the tickets revealed that the theater operates in a typical WTF fashion; only one of the three self-service kiosks were working. Seriously, if you make them available for people to purchase their own tickets, having them in anything less than working order is unforgivable.

After waiting for the incredibly slow people in front of me, I managed to get our tickets, and I have to say, the moment my receipt printed I was almost instantly in an even worse mood. I mean, it’s almost adding insult to injury with the economy in the toilet, and for them to still be charging $10 for a movie ticket?! Now I know why our theater was practically empty; going out to the movies in particular is getting too darned expensive. I could have just bought the DVD for the $20 I shelled out for us to see the film, and I could have enjoyed it in the comfort of my own home; and even watched it more than once!

All things considered, I will say that I liked the movie, though, so for that reason alone, I was glad that we went to see it. However, that wasn’t enough to bring me back to the theater in the future; and here’s a few reasons why: Unlike most, I am not impressed with seeing a movie in the theater. It doesn’t do anything extra for me, and I quite like having the comfort of being able to enjoy my comfortable couch, as well as the ability to press pause and run to the bathroom if it’s necessary. When watching from home, I don’t have to worry about parking, and I don’t have to pay for concessions. I also don’t have to deal with annoying theater goers. (that’s more reasons NOT to go than I thought!).

So… Underworld is probably the last movie I am going to see in the theater for a long while. During the previews, we saw one for Watchmen, and while I really want to see that movie, I might have to just wait for DVD; after all, I can just outright buy it, and if it sucks, I could chuck the DVD in the trash, and I would be out no more than I was to go and see it in the theater.

As an aside, I really think they need to come up with some gimmick that will pull people like myself back the theaters, or the movie business is going to continue to suffer. People need incentives to go and see your film, and charging out the nose isn’t a pro for certain. My suggestion, is that they offer you the exclusive chance to buy the DVD upon exiting the film. Seriously, how many times have you seen a movie, and you wanted to go and watch it again? For me, that’s most of the time, and that is yet another tick in the column for waiting until the DVD is released. How cool would it be to get the DVD right after seeing it? I know that would make me go to the theater without hesitation. Oh well… I can’t make the movie business bend to my desires. While it sounds like I’ve already made up my mind, I guess we’ll just have to wait and see if anything can get me back to the theater in the future; if not, does anyone want to come over for movie night?!

tuesday january 20

Tuesday, January 20, 2009… a historical date? Looks like it. As someone who is definitely proud to have voted for Barack Obama, I can say that it is pretty cool to have our first black president taking the oath this morning (now, when is spell check going to be updated to recognize his name?). While everyone is a flutter with excitement, I can’t help but just be happy, and nothing more. I have been going through some personal stuff lately, and while I am okay (don’t worry, people!), I am still very ho hum and a bit depressed. Here’s a few random updates so you can get a feel for what’s going on in duaneland these days:

  • I hate when people talk about the weather like it’s a revelation. Yes, I noticed it was cold outside, because I walked through the brisk wind to get into the building; just like you did. Now, can we go back to not talking? There were two women talking at the gas pump this morning about how cold it was, and well, they were just annoying. Maybe I’m just annoyed too easily by things like this, but it is like I have said before, any time you want to point out the completely obvious, just know that you are opening yourself up to my ridicule.
  • James and I have been talking about the wedding, and honestly, the whole thing has caused us to have to re-think the entire event. Yes, we are still moving forward, but I don’t know what’s actually going to happen, nor do I know when. So, just stay tuned.
  • I’ve seen some really entertaining movies lately. That’s always a good thing.
  • I think a lot of my funk has to do with this snail’s pace that life seems to be taking for me, especially with regards to keeping the whole nursing thing going. After not getting into the accelerated program, I have just been met with more and more frustration, but I am determined to keep going. I am applying to two different programs for Fall, so fingers crossed, I will keep moving this juggernaut forward. It’s hard not to feel like Sisyphus right now, which again, is probably a huge part of my frustration/depressive state.
  • Apathy is a motherfucker. It’s got me by the balls right now, and I can’t figure out how to shake it. It makes me think of my friend Michael’s tag line on his LJ; fight apathy! or not… So funny, but so true.
  • I feel like I am just coasting right now, and I think that is part of the problem. I am working on it, but I just wish everything wasn’t an uphill battle. Is it so bad that one might want to just stay in bed all day?!
  • After having issues with my iPod Touch, I decided to restore it, and now, it seems a lot happier, and appears to be working normally. I just wish Apple products weren’t so bitchy when you use them with windows. Seriously, Apple, we like you, but don’t punish us because we cannot afford your amazing, but expensive, computers too.

Enough doom and gloom… I just thought it would be beneficial to get some of this stuff out. I hope everyone has a fantastical inauguration day. Congratulations to the Obama’s is certainly in order, and I for one, hope that the nation gets better because of the fact that they are taking the reigns from here.

one month in… again

When I was in college (undergrad), my roommate Dennis was a vegetarian, and being extremely health conscious at the time, I thought that it might be an interesting option for myself, and so I decided to give being a vegetarian a try. I ended up lasting about two years before I had meat (I was vacationing in Europe, and the language barrier forced it on me!), and it was probably 7 years or so before I had beef again. Well, recently, I have been looking at my eating habits, and I have been wanting to make some changes, so I thought about going vegetarian again.

So… a month ago (actually, 32 days ago today), I decided to go vegetarian again. Now, some of you will be all “nuh uh, you’re cheating” about this, but I am actually more accurately described as pescetarian, because I am not excluding fish from my diet; note that many doctors try to get vegetarians to each fish because of the vitamins that only come from animals, and fish don’t have legs, so it is easier for some to eat them. I will admit that this recent decision is partly because of dietary choices, but there is a large component of my decision that stems from how animals that are harvested for their meat are treated before slaughter. I always knew that meat comes from something with a face and legs, but I have read a lot about how incredibly horrible some animals are treated, and as such, it just helped me make my decision for myself. I am not against anyone eating meat, that’s their choice, but I just wanted to stop being a part of it myself.

So there it is. One month in, and I feel great about my re-decision to go to life of vegetarianism (plus fish!). I’m actually glad that I decided to go back, because I did feel great being vegetarian before, and it was unbelievably easy for me to re-embrace the lifestyle. Seriously, have you had a veggie corn dog!? They are awesome! Other than that, being a vegetarian basically introduced me to the world of vegetables, and I am much more willing to try things now as a result. I used to shun anything green because I was raised as a “meat and potatoes” kid, but now, I can’t get enough of things like Brussels sprouts because I became a vegetarian. I am glad to get back to that too; eating more healthy is something that goes hand and hand with vegetarianism for me, and I am glad to be re-instituting that in my life.

I wanted to wait a whole month before saying anything about this on the blog, so as to show that I am serious about it. I am going to do everything I can to make this a permanent change in my life, which I know will only be the better for it (especially health wise). Hooray for vegetarianism and me, together again!

5SF: november 21

It was hard not to post any of the leaked tracks from Britney’s upcoming album, Circus this week, because frankly, it is quite good. She has really worked hard this time around, and it really shows; I see big things for her in the near future. However, since it isn’t technically out yet, I don’t want to post about it yet, and as always, there are tons of other songs that I have ready for you. One of this week’s tracks is even about Ms. Spears; how appropriate, no? Now, without further adieu…

Matt Alber – Monarch
I first saw the video for this many, many months ago, and I searched the interwebs high and low trying to get my hands on this track so that I could feature it. Well, I couldn’t find anything, and then I saw it was FINALLY available on amazon a week or so ago, so I quickly ordered the CD, and now I can finally feature my praise for this track properly this Friday. This is the lead single from out artist Matt Alber’s recently released record, Hide Nothing. His voice has that husky, and sexy quality that is certainly reminiscent of fellow out artist Rufus Wainwright, and I can’t help but notice that he’s quite the swoon-worthy guy; just check out those eyes! The first time I heard this song, I knew that I wanted to hear a lot more from Matt, and I have eagerly been waiting for his CD to get released so I could feature him here, and let you guys know about this amazing artist. Definitely do yourself a favor and check out his videos on youtube; not only can he sing beautifully, but as I mentioned, he is quite a handsome guy!

James Morrison – You Make It Real
I have been told by a few of you to give James’ new release a chance, and after hearing this song on BBC 1 the other day, I can see why you wanted me to; this track is sweet and ever so beautiful. I couldn’t really get into James’ debut that was released last year, but it wasn’t because it wasn’t good; I can definitely recognize his talent, and I certainly get that he is good at what he is doing. However, it just didn’t mesh with me for whatever reason, so when I saw he had released another record, I wasn’t that interested. Well, color me interested now, because this song is sweet music to my ears. I am glad that I listened to your recommendations and checked him out again… also, this is a big nod to the amazingness that is BBC 1; they play so many songs that I wouldn’t expect to like, but do!!

Bebo Norman – Britney
Many of you may not know this about me, but I used to be a certified Jesus Freak (especially musically). When I was in college, ALL of my music was pretty much contemporary Christian, with my favorite band being the amazing Jars of Clay. Through Jars of Clay, I found Bebo Norman, and I still count both of them amongst my favorite artists to this day (even though I am not as “into them” as I was back then). Well, I saw somewhere randomly that Bebo had a song about Britney on his new record (which was released a couple of months ago), and it prompted me to check out his newest release. The song is really sweet, and touching, and honestly, it is nice to know that people really do see the what the media and the press can do to stars like Ms. Spears, and offer compassion for her having hard times because of it. Bebo definitely writes from a very Christian perspective (being that he is a Christian artist), but I have never gotten a sense that he is offering anything but compassion and understanding; without judgment. In this song, he’s coming from a place of compassion, and find that refreshing; especially in a time when so many others that call themselves Christian come from a place of such hatred. One thing that I learned when I was so into church, was the God, Jesus, and Christianity as a religious identity isn’t meant to be a tool used for damning, persecuting, or judging anyone; it is meant to be a tool for showing compassion, understanding, and love. Since I came out, church hasn’t been a big part of my life, partly because of the hate and hypocrisy I constantly see splattered about the news, but little things like Bebo’s music remind me that not all Christian’s are like that; some of them really are coming from the place that the Bible says that they should… a place of love and hope. Regardless of whether you interpret Bebo’s message to be love from God, or just love from someone that cares, Christians like Bebo really seem to exemplify what I came to know as Christianity in the first place; and when I heard that in this song, I really loved it. I appreciate Bebo’s compassion, and after listening to his recently released self-titled album, I remember why I loved him so much; he is a fantastic singer, artist, and musician, and he seems to be a truly fantastic person at heart… if only other Christians could see that you can love God without hating someone who doesn’t fit the mold perfectly through your eyes. To speak quite frankly, it isn’t about believing in God; it is about being a good person, and caring about others, and seeing that we all struggle through different things in our lives, and offering compassion to those in their time of need. If only those that judge and hate could show the love that they are supposed to subscribe to, perhaps we’d all be better off for it. Religious or not, I think that’s something we could all learn from.

Ladyhawke – Dusk ‘Til Dawn
In kind of a way to honor Ladyhawke’s solid debut record finally coming out in the US this week, I wanted to feature my favorite track from the record. Since there has been so much continued press and hype about her in the music blogosphere, I didn’t feel the need to focus on her specifically, because I felt that it had been covered, and that the word was out there. I will say that I am definitely impressed with her debut, and I do believe that you will see it amongst my albums of the year; but again, I felt like everyone else had already raised that flag, so I didn’t need to. Well, her record is finally out in the US this week, and to celebrate, here’s my favorite track from the album. It is definitely a little eighties, and it is a toe-tapper that will have you bopping your head and wanting more. You may not have heard about Ladyhawke from me first, but know that just because I haven’t said anything, doesn’t mean that I don’t give her a big thumbs up as well.

Merril Bainbridge – Mouth
To round out the bunch, here’s one of my favorite one hit wonders from the nineties. If you recall, last week, I said that I would pepper future 5SF’s with these little gems, and this is one of my favorites. This song wasn’t really HUGE, but it is definitely one of those tracks that is a MAJOR ear worm. I seriously cannot skip this track if it comes up on my ipod, and if it comes on the radio, I find myself singing along at the top of my lungs. I have to this day, never heard another Merril Bainbridge track, but this one more than makes up for anything else she may have done; it’s pop perfection. Even if you hate this song, I can bet that even you know the words. Songs like this are a perfect example of the one hit wonders from the nineties, and these tracks REALLY take me back there. Enjoy!

Well, there’s another five song Friday for you!! I do want to follow up and apologize if I unwillingly took some of y’all to “church” this week. That is a side of me that I usually don’t have much to say about, because of the hypocrisy in the world that bothers me so much; but I really liked the song, and where it seemingly comes from, and wanted to share it. It’s also important for me to define why I say “seemingly comes from”: since I don’t know him personally, I can only assume that Bebo writes from a place of love, and because I have never heard otherwise, I do believe that he does. However, because of my experience with some Christians, I will always remain cautiously skeptical, because I have been burned so many times. I will NEVER understand how someone could use something as reaffirming and positive as religion (is supposed to be) to persecute or judge anyone, and perhaps that is why I don’t bother saying much about it. I believe in God, and if you don’t, that is perfectly fine… and I just wish that it could be that simple for everyone else. People like Bebo give me hope that maybe, someday, other religious people can speak from a place of love and not hate. Oh well… enjoy the music, let’s not worry too much about all of that this afternoon, okay? Have a great weekend, and tell me what you’ve got playing on your music device!!

a couple of quick notes about me of the now

  • As November gets closer to its end, I am more and more excited (and at the same time, anxious) about my annual blogging tradition of picking, and blogging my top 31 CDs of the year. There are some amazing records on this year’s list, and with each week’s subsequent CD releases, it’s only make things more difficult for me at this point. A wide variety of music tastes will be represented, so make sure you tune in all month long in December for each new entry.
  • I got the test results back for my fourth Microbiology test today: I got a 93. With an 87, a 97, and a 90 on the previous tests, as well as the professor dropping our lowest test, I am going into the final with a 93 test average. Let’s just say that this is very unexpected to say the least. Here’s hoping I can turn out an A in this class! I need it for my GPA!
  • Speaking of school, I didn’t say anything, but I didn’t get into Kennesaw for Summer. While I am definitely bummed about it, I am looking at it as a potential blessing; perhaps I wasn’t supposed to go to KSU? Perhaps I wasn’t meant to go that semester? Whatever happens, I am moving forward with GSU, and I am going to re-apply to KSU for fall. I am going to be a nurse, goddammit! You will not stop me! (I do have to say though, that the program at KSU is TINY, and they said that there were over 400 applicants, so I shouldn’t feel so bad about it. There just aren’t a lot of program options in Metro Atlanta for nursing; no wonder there’s a shortage.)
  • I got the shading done on my phoenix half-sleeve last night, and it is REALLY looking quite amazing now. I can’t wait for the color to be done, but that is at least a month or so out… right now, I am just tending to my tender flesh after last night’s needling. I have to say though, that it is no where NEAR as tender as it was last time for whatever reason; and I am not complaining in anyway about it!

uninspired, or just stuck… just fix it

I have been wondering what is keeping me from doing things that I like to do (like taking pictures) recently (and for quite a while now), but I don’t think that it is because I am uninspired so much as I feel a bit stuck. I feel like I am waiting… waiting on things to materialize on next steps for some things, and here I am, trapped in the interim, and I am just stuck. I have felt a bit in a rut lately, but I think that I am just beginning to really notice it; I think it is bigger than even I see.

I need to pull myself out somehow. I really respect other people that seem so adept at doing that for themselves, and hope to take some of their success as motivation for my own use. I guess I tend to get caught up in the goings on of every day, and find myself waiting for the next day… EVERY day. That is where the rut comes into play, and it almost always sneaks up on me, as it has done in this most recent case.

I am writing it here, because I want to make an effort to try a bit harder not to be so complacent, and to motivate myself. Perhaps putting it out there will make a difference? Who knows. It has and hasn’t in the past, but at least it’s a step. ANY step feels like a success right now.

I think that part of it, is that there are so many things that I want changed, that I start to see all of them, and I let them overwhelm me, and I end up not doing anything at all… and I hate that about me. I’ve always been that way too, so I don’t see that as something that I can change, so much as I can just deal with it. It’s weird, because I feel like I am all or nothing in some things; like when I was so obsessed with my weight, that I worked out 6 days a week, and weighed a crazy-skinny 160 lbs. Now, I look at myself in the mirror, and wonder what the fuck happened? I have gained so much weight, and feel so lazy because I am not doing anything about it. Yet, instead of going to work out and fix it, I just skip working out and sulk. This is one of the worst aspects of the rut and the complacency, yet I can’t seem to shake it. I feel like writing it down may make me a bit more accountable, but I don’t even know if that will make a difference.

I just wish I could tap into some (SOME) of that tenacity that I used to have… some of the old me to help the new me shake this rut; even if it is only for a little while. I’m telling myself right now that I am going to try, and honestly, that’s the best that I can do. I hope that it works.

what’s going on?

Nothing! Absolutely nothing! Well, at least, that is how it feels. It feels like all I do, is get up, go to work, listen to music, come home, hang out with James, and then repeat the whole process. I guess it is something to be said about things being a little “slow”, but I feel like I am kind of in a rut again.

This weekend, James was out of town, and I kind of shifted into “spring cleaning” mode, and decided that we needed to get rid of some of the clutter that we have managed to shove into every available cabinet and closet space in our house (which sucks, because our house is kind of on the small side). I managed to clean out a little bit of stuff, and made things at least feel less cluttered. I also took a foray into utilizing freecycle, which I signed up for a long time ago, but never utilized. I am excited about the prospect of taking something that I don’t need, and passing it on to someone who does need it; rather than throwing it away. I am awaiting a “meet up” email from the first responder, so we will see how it goes; it will determine how I use the service in the future. Perhaps I should see if there is anything on there that we might need… but I think that clearing things OUT before bringing them IN is a good idea for the here and now.

Perhaps I should explore some of James’ things in the attic while I’m at it? Watch out!