Category: all about me

big fucking circle of dirt

So as I previously mentioned, I got a pool. It is an Intex above-ground, “EASY set” 15′ X 42″ pool. The reason why easy is in quotations, is because while it may be easy to set up, it is only easy if you have a level yard to set it up on. Well, we don’t. So, I decided that I could level it, because I was getting the pool goddammit, and shifting some dirt around would certainly not deter me.

On Saturday, my friend John helped me empty and spread the 500lbs of sand we bought on Friday, and while that was a difficult task in and of itself, it was then that I painfully realized that this was going to be a task that would be more intense than I was expecting. We discussed getting a truckload of dirt to level the yard, but renting a tiller seemed more realistic to me, so on Sunday, that’s just what I did. James and I got home about 3:30 with the instrument of death ahem, I mean, tiller, and we took turns tilling the ground until about 8pm last night.

EVERYTHING on me has been rattled to within an inch of completely falling off of my body. I am sore in places that I didn’t know existed, and the ground STILL isn’t level. While I am beaten, bruised, and certainly exhausted, I will NOT give up. When I am soaking in my sweet ass pool later this week, I want to be able to look back and think about this very moment, because it will make it seem even more amazing than I am sure it is going to be.

I hope that the ground will remain somewhat level for next year, or I making myself a promise here and now, that I will hire someone before I step behind a tiller again! Stay tuned for more, exciting pool news (that will actually include details ABOUT THE POOL!!!)!!

*cricket cricket*

Yeah, I know I didn’t post a 5SF for this week… but with good reason!!! I was looking for a pool all day, and as such, was pretty quiet on the internet. Then yesterday, I was busy most of the day with house stuff, and a party. Today, more house work.

So we’ll just have to wait and see what greatness I can come up with next week to make it up to you, okay? I hope everyone has had a great weekend, and wish me luck as I go and rent a tiller to level the backyard for my pool today!!

june’s ending, so here’s a list

There have been several little things going on with me lately, but nothing big, so I figured a list would do the trick. Here we go:

  • As I mentioned a few times, we got a PS3 earlier in June. Yesterday, I noticed that they had a bundle with Little Big Planet (the game I bought the same day I got the PS3) and Wall E included (for the same price I paid for just the system). I went to Best Buy and asked for my copy of LBP and Wall E, and they said I’d have to return the system; so I did. I got $65 store credit for my opened copy of LBP, $30 store credit for Wall E, and a new PS3. Saving almost $100 was well worth me going back home, packing up that massive system and taking it back in. I think sometimes that I probably pay too much attention to ads and deals, but when things like this happen, I just pat myself on the back for being so aware.
  • After some discussion at brunch yesterday, I decided it was time to whiten my teeth again. I have the custom trays, but they hurt my gums, so I have been avoiding them for quite a while now. The Crest White Strips were recommended to me, so I picked up some of the Pro Effects strips today. I hope they work, as I have been feeling like the bright white smile I used to have has been a little dull lately.
  • On my ongoing attempt to become a nurse: I applied to Georgia Perimeter’s associates program again, and this time, I actually had the appropriate Transfer student status!!! If I get in, I am jumping on that opportunity, and definitely starting that program. I also applied to Kennesaw AGAIN, and was able to fix the whole “out of state” situation (which, as it turns out, was just a mistake). So here’s hoping I get in there; because going straight for the BSN would obviously be ideal (I would probably transfer the classes I take at GPC, if I get in there, to KSU). Either way, the baby steps are still being taken, and I hope that some big kid steps are in my near future.
  • The bathroom (I know, I know) is like 99.7345% done. Pictures soon, I PROMISE. Part of the problem, was that I decided to paint the other one, and get a new medicine cabinet for it too; which has obviously meant way more work for me.
  • James doesn’t like the idea, but I am definitely thinking that we need to get a pool. It is too fucking hot, and I think that our friends would want to come over and swim! I LOVE pools, and even if it is only a ~5ft deep pool, it would make summer so much more fun. It may also motivate me to get to gym more often and be less of a fat fuck. (I recently started back at the gym, so I am hoping that dream will become a reality).
  • I think that’s all for now.

bow to blu

Basically, Blu Ray has re-invigorated my love of watching movies. I even upgraded Netflix to send us Blu Rays if they are available.

High Definition really is the icing on delicious cake. Now… to stop buying so many of these damn movies!!!

Seriously, though, that’s about all I got. I am STILL finishing up small things in the bathroom, and painting the other one, so pictures will eventually come. Other than that… not much; although, I did go work out yesterday, and hope to add that back into my life. Here’s hoping that I actually go again later in the week… mama’s fat!

to the sexist asshole at the liquor store:

No, I am NOT a woman; men can carry bags for their shit these days too. No, I will not leave my $400 bag with ipod, wallet, sunglasses, etc. behind the counter, because, if for NO OTHER REASON, women are allowed to carry their bags throughout the store; and therefore, so should I.

Basically, some guy who works at the liquor store came over to me, and bitchily asked me to leave my bag at the counter, to which I replied, “do you ask women to leave their purses at the counter?”. He replied, “no, but are you a woman?”. Clearly, I am not a fucking woman you asshole, but that doesn’t make any difference, I will not leave my bag behind the counter for the same reason that women do not have to. It is the same as a purse, so get the fuck over it. My bag wasn’t even big enough to put a bottle of alcohol in without it clearly being noticeable; so what was all the fuss about!?!

What I should have done was just put down my basket full of booze, and walked the fuck out, but instead, I just told him that he would just have to get over it, because I was almost done shopping anyway. What I found interesting, is the lady at the counter heard it all, and said that the reason he approached me, was because he must have thought it was a “backpack”; which interestingly enough, the woman behind me in line was actually wearing, and had carried throughout the store with no fuss.

Needless to say, I won’t be going back into that liquor store (Green’s on Buford Highway), and as such, won’t have to worry about whether or not I can carry my belongings with me; like all the women are allowed to do. Clearly, they don’t need my business, so I can go elsewhere!

I’m this close

…to completely giving up. I have applied, taken classes, kissed ass, sent in form after fucking form, and it is all apparently not enough. I cannot get into a fucking nursing program to save my life. I am really close to just saying, “fuck it, universe, you win”. I just got off of the phone with GPC to ask why my status wasn’t changed on their website, because I have sent in the “change of status” form 3 times now, and I have found out that they still haven’t changed it, and want me to resubmit it. What for? Just for shits and grins? You have got to be fucking kidding me.

If I hear ANYONE say anything about how they “can’t believe that there is such a shortage of nurses” in Georgia, I will let them know why. I am smart, have great grades, and most of all, the drive to do the damn job, and even I can’t get my foot in the door. I have been trying to get into other schools, and they keep listing me as an out of state resident, which both quadruples the tuition, as well as puts me at the end of the list, after all of the in state residents (which is practically an instant rejection, since there is such a shortage of these programs in Georgia). I can see why kids graduating from college in Georgia could have a bleak outlook for their future; good luck finding college in this state.

Needless to say, I am MORE than frustrated right now, but I am VERY happy that I at least have a job; no I am not that diluted by my disappointment to forget that majorly important fact.

/upset rant

over it

I came within an inch of crashing to a complete halt this weekend; this bathroom must be finished soon. If not, it will finish me. While laying the pebble tile in the basin on Saturday, I literally had an emotional breakdown; being a perfectionist, and doing something highly imperfect, is a recipe for disaster. After some calming down from James (who has been amazingly understanding and patient during this renovation), and a soothing bath in the other bathroom, I was able to relax, and disconnect for a bit.

The only thing that is keeping me grounded, is the FACT that it will be done soon, and my sanity will return. I have to believe this, in order to continue moving forward. Ladies and gentlemen, duane will return to his regularly scheduled programming shortly… please stand by.

holy shit it’s may; an update

I can’t believe we are in the 5th month of the year already. Damn, time is flying by.

So here’s a little update about what’s going on in duaneworld right now:
– We are still dealing with the bathroom remodel. This thing has seriously been 2 steps forward, 14 steps back. It is just a mountain of stress, and James and I have fought MANY times as a result. I am glad that in the end, we will get to take a nice relaxing spa shower to get over the stress. I am happy to report, however, that the last thing that the shower requires is the actual tiling and the installation of the door; we have framed everything out (plumbing too!), and the tiling SHOULD begin tonight (fingers crossed).
– Other than the bathroom, we haven’t been up to much. I need to write up a review of the Leslie Hall show from a couple of weeks ago (I know, mucho overdue), and I promise I will.
– We are seeing Death Cab For Cutie this week, and I am really excited about that; especially since it is my first time seeing them.
– That’s really about it… Oh yeah, as a friendly reminder, don’t forget to send you mother/grandmother/ any other mothers in your family a card/gift for Mother’s day… which is THIS Sunday!

Hope everyone is having a delightful (albeit dreadful) Monday! Other than an extended drive to work this morning, I am doing pretty well… seriously, Atlanta, how difficult is it to put up notice that the road is closed up ahead???! I mean, let us know before we go down the road and have to turn around; make things easier, won’t you?

hey blog

I’m sorry that I have been neglecting you. Don’t worry, I still love you, and always will; things are just busy right now.

Love you!


Note: we are still working on the bathroom, which seems to be taking forever to finish (waiting on parts ordered through the mail is not cool). Other than that, just trying to keep breathing through my nose is a daily battle, and one that I am not doing a good job of winning.

Just wanted to check in. See you soon! (hopefully VERY soon!)

what’s going on wednesday

I have been a bad blogger lately, but I blame my new PSP, in part. Lumines II has proven to be a highly addictive game, and so has Loco Roco. I can’t get enough of them, and find myself playing a lot in my free time. It seems like it was a good purchase after all!

I have been listening to music, and just trying to get through each day; my sinuses are still angry that they are expected to work properly, so they have been on strike for a few weeks now.

I am a quesadilla phase. I loves the cheesies and the crunchy tortillas. Yum.

I went on a photo stroll with Brody recently, and eventually, I will get around to posting the pictures. I really do love doing things with friends, and wonder why I don’t do more, more often.

Mr. Pickles has been a lot of fun, albeit a lot of annoying, overall. I am glad we got him. He’s a cutie, but I just wish he would stop biting at Sydney. If he would cut that out, he would be almost perfect. That and the chewing random things (like the eyes out of a toy… who does that?!).

I also blame twitter for my lack of blogging. I tend to think nonsensically, and twitter is PERFECT for that. I could seriously do movie quotes, song lyrics, and random thoughts all day long; and I tend to do just that on twitter. All of those people that wonder what the point of twitter is, well, that’s my take, so put that in your bonnet.

Other than this random crap, not much else is going on of note with the old duane. How’s everyone else?