Category: all about me

sotd: Will Young – Let It Go

I have been cleaning out some (um, actually more like a lot) old shit that I needed to go through in my office today, and I heard this song while I was doing it, and felt it was more than appropriate. I have to shed some stuff, and just learn how to let go in many aspects of my life; which is something that I am always working on. Here’s to a beautiful reminder of the need to just let it go:

5SF… where’d you go?

I know I have seriously been neglecting the 5SF, and for that, I am sad. As many of you know, I have had a CRAZY summer of nursing school, and this week (my first week off since finishing that hellish semester) I wanted to do a 5SF, but honestly, since I have been so busy, I haven’t had a chance to really download/find anything new (at least not 5 songs). That being said, I am going to do everything I can to get my shit together for next week, and hopefully come back strong, and make you all proud. Until then, I am going to try to do more posting, and hopefully, won’t leave this space for such long periods of time again!

two down, two to go… time to celebrate!

Time to celebrate!!Yesterday, I finished my second final of my second semester of nursing school. As many of you know, this summer has been a whirlwind of a semester, and it has been more than trying at times. However, I worked my ass off, and studied hard, and all my hard work paid off; another semester is complete, and I have officially made it through two semesters of nursing school.

A (VERY) nice bottle of champagne, and a delightful afternoon with some of my fellow nursing student friends was a great ending to a hellish summer semester. We all deserved it, and I had a blast yesterday! Now, a couple of weeks of R&R, and I want to knock these other two semesters out of the park as well. I’m well on my way!!

farewell to vegetarianism

Well, I decided that it was time that I needed to start back to eating meat. I feel tired all of the time, and I know that it is because I have a vitamin deficiency, and I am hoping that this will be one less thing I will have to worry about (because nursing school is more than enough right now). All in all, it isn’t a big deal, but eh, it’s a life decision, and one that I felt like blogging about.

I was vegetarian once in college for a few years, and most recently, for about 2 years. Overall, I would still consider doing it again, because I really am against the cruelty that the animals face, but like I said, my health is a focus here, and I am hoping to see a change. Onward and meatward, I guess…

one down, three to go…

So my first semester of nursing school is in the bag; we had our final last Wednesday, and the next semester starts promptly tomorrow… not much time for a break, eh? Oh well, that’s what accelerated means! Either way, I am proud to have made it through the first semester intact, but my stress hasn’t dissipated.

It’s weird, because looking back on my grades from the past semester, a big part of my stress comes from the fact that this truly is something that you can’t study your way out of. In most every class I’ve ever taken, if you study harder, you do better, but in nursing school, it seems like sometimes, that doesn’t even matter. Sometimes you (at least feel like you) know the concepts like the back of your hand, and tricky questions throw you off, and instead of acing the test, you sit there staring at a B, wondering what went wrong. Funny thing is, that the ones you missed are often times the questions that you would often have answered the exact same way again; even though you know the correct answer isn’t the one you chose. I have been working on learning how to beat these tricky questions, and I haven’t figured out a fool proof method yet. From what I have heard from pretty much all my nursing friends, is that this is a hallmark of nursing school, and while it is difficult to grasp, eventually, I will be able to master them. Here’s hoping that’s true, because it’s more than frustrating at times.

I just hope that I can keep doing what I am doing, and keep doing well, because being a nurse means a lot to me, and the more I go through this process, it seems to matter more and more with each day. Here’s to repeat success in this rapid summer semester, and continued success in each subsequent semester that follows!

almost there

Today was my last day of clinical rotation for my first semester of nursing school. I would be a complete liar if I said I had totally enjoyed the experience, because all in all, working in the hospital is hard work, and you occasionally find yourself elbow deep in shit; sometimes, quite literally. Overall, what I have taken away, is a feeling that I am still on the right track, that I can do this, and that I’m glad to have had the experience, and I look forward to the next clinical rotation; but I do hope that it is a bit better… but then again, doesn’t everyone wish for better things? Well, if they don’t, then they most certainly should, because I know I do!

Now, time to start studying for finals!!

pollen, pollen, everywhere

Atlanta looks like it has been drenched by a heavy dose of yellow curry powder; but it’s pollen, and it is everywhere. As a result, my sinuses decided to mount a full frontal assault, and I have felt like shit for the last three days.

I knew something was up, when the first physician I saw after getting a job here in Atlanta told me that the best way to deal with allergies as bad as mine was to move away from Atlanta. I’ve had sinus problems my whole life, but never have they been as severe as they have been since I’ve lived in Atlanta.

Moving for me is not really an option, since I do love this crazy place, so I guess I have to deal. Unfortunately, Claritin D is barely cutting it, and the end of my nose feels like it got in a knife fight and lost. I only hope the worst has past, but after what I saw today, I don’t know; I literally saw a cloud of pollen descend over the parking lot at school, and envelop us. It was horrifying; I think I actually head my sinuses weep.

I am going to try and avoid Afrin as long as I can, but one hour of sleep a night because of inability to breathe at all, may make my deal with that devil one that I can’t refuse. Ugh. I hope it doesn’t come to that, as it is supposed to rain tomorrow, and hopefully, take all of this demon dust away. Fingers crossed. To all other sufferers out there, know you are not alone, dear friends, and I feel for you and your suffering as well.


That might as well be my middle name.

Ever since I can remember, I have worried, and worried, and worried about everything. Crap that I can control, crap that I can’t control, crap that I shouldn’t even worry about; I even worry that I worry to much.

However, I can’t seem to turn it off. I just can’t. *insert very frustrated face here*

That being said, I have made it past the half-way point of my first semester of nursing school, and while I am doing well, I find myself worrying about my future. Will I be able to get a good job? Will I be able to get into a good BSN program, and then a MSN program? Will I be able to do what I want to do? Worry, worry, worry.

I sit around and think about these things all of the time, there’s no stopping me. I wish I knew how to shut down, and relax, but I think I’m just hardwired to worry. So I guess I’ll just worry, and try not to worry about it. Ugh.

Either way, things are well my way, and I feel bad about neglecting this here blog; but I’m not going to add that to my big ole pile of worry, because that would just be silly, because I clearly have more than enough to worry about already.

well, I guess that wasn’t SO hard…

I just finished my second day of clinical rotation at Grady, and I can definitely say that I am going to learn to breathe exclusively through my mouth when doing certain tasks.

Overall, the experience has been extremely overwhelming, but I think that with time, I will be more accustomed to things. I knew nursing wasn’t an easy profession, and I knew kind of what to expect in the beginning, but seeing it in your face, full glory-spread eagle is quite another thing entirely. Here’s to taking things one step at a time, and the learning process.

With regards to the 5SF, I am going to have to do it every other week, because as it stands now, I have clinical every other Friday, and when I have to get up at 5:30, I really don’t have the energy to focus on the 5SF after my rotation. Sorry folks. I will see you next week, though!!

first day of clinical tomorrow

So as the title of this post indicates, tomorrow is my first day of nursing clinical rotations at Grady hospital.

I am officially freaked out; mostly because I don’t know exactly what to expect. I am just hoping that fear/stress turns into confidence/belief in myself very early on in the day, because while, deep down, I know I can do this, I am filled with doubt and worry.

I guess that’s normal, but I still don’t like it. Not one bit.