Author: duane

on blogs, bloggers, and the occasional night out

Last night, I went to trivia night at Mellow Mushroom with a fellow blogger, Amber. While the news that I went to trivia isn’t all that exciting, what is exciting (at least to me), is that I am finally doing something that I never thought I would do; I am interacting with and meeting people in a way that I never thought that I could or would. I am meeting people and making friends with people that I find interesting, based on interests that are similar to mine, based on who they are as people, based on their sense of humor, as well as a myriad of other things. For the first time since I came out of the closet, I am meeting people based on something other than sexual orientation.

Now don’t get me wrong, I love my ‘mo’s, and I wouldn’t trade the friendships I have for anything; but I do think that sometimes, for the most part, we only meet people and become friends with people, because the likelihood of encountering them is, for one reason or another, increased. As with the case of being gay, many come out, and go out to gay establishments; and eventually, make a lot of gay friends. Since you are less likely to hang out with straight people, and because most bars generally don’t cater to much more than people’s sexual interests, you tend to make gay friends because they are around more. Not to say that gay friends aren’t of a good quality, in fact quite the opposite; but sometimes I wonder, if both of us weren’t gay, would we have actually became friends? Because, if we weren’t gay, how would we have met?

the jig is up, you guys, the Christians have figured out our plans.

We all knew it would happen; it was just a matter of when. The until now “silent” Christian groups have finally come out publicly against Brokeback Mountain, and other gay and transgendered films like Capote and Transamerica; conveniently after all won awards for excellence at the recent Golden Globe awards. While many people in the blogosphere are focusing on the obvious lack of any mention about the content of Brokeback Mountain during the award show, as well as the awkward introduction by Dennis Quaid, I felt that I personally would like to focus on this very important Christian response to the aforementioned films winning awards.

In articles like this one, it is stated that the Christians are furious at Hollywood for promoting a gay or “leftist” agenda, and that organizations like the Hollywood Foreign Press are actually furthering that agenda by promoting and awarding films that “America isn’t watching”, and leaves the Christians wondering, “why are they winning the awards?”. Additionally, they tout that “Last night Hollywood exposed its own corrupt agenda. [It] is no doubt out on a mission to homosexualize America.” I read this, and honestly sat and thought to myself for a while; and I have come to only one conclusion: come clean. You are right Christians. The jig is up. You have caught us red-handed.

You have discovered our master-plan. That has been our goal all along; to homosexulize America. We just want to get America in bed with the gays; and now, you know. You see, it all started around 63 years ago, when the Hollywood Foreign Press began awarding the Golden Globes; we gays knew that this was our ticket. This was the way that we could win and “homosexualize” America. We knew that it was going to be a long struggle that we would have to commit to, and by God, now you know that we have; and we have at least one we can count as being in the win column.

“it’s really coming down out there!”

Now, those of you that read the blog may remember the day that I got all pissy at people that look at you when you come in from the rain, notice that you are drenched to the core, and exclaim, “It’s really coming down out there!”. No shit, Sherlock. Luckily, no one has said that to me today. Perhaps, that is because I punched out one more notch on my official lesbian card, and bought a really nice North Face coat today. I even got it on sale and everything; even though the outlet mall excursion proved to have no North Face outlet, and no purchase of said coat, after all. Now, I can stay all warm and snug in my new Varius Guide jacket (see the picture, isn’t it pretty?) In true “gay boy” indecisiveness, I only had to ask two people’s opinions like 300 times. I am almost sure I got the right thing. Now, all I need to do, is stock up on my flannel, go to a few more Indigo Girls concerts, and send off for that mail order pussy, and I will be that much closer to becoming a full-fledged lesbian. I can’t wait.

You know it is a slow day when all you think about is a new coat purchase; that, and realizing that you don’t know the address to send your father’s birthday card to, since your parents have either moved, or are in the process of moving. Now I have to call home and get that address… hope the phone number is still the same! Hope everyone is having a dry Tuesday (which totally feels like Monday); if I think of anything else, you know I will bring it right to you.

Brokeback Wins!

I just wanted to put out a quick congrats… Brokeback won 4 Golden Globes: Best Original Song, Best Screenplay, Best Director, and most importantly, Best Picture. Who would of thought that a movie about love between two men could “top” the Golden Globes? Here’s hoping that it “dominates” the Oscars!!! Go Brokeback, go Brokeback!!!

Update: I was thinking about it, and I totally think that I should also congratulate Phillip Seymour Hoffman, who is an amazing actor, for his portrayal as Capote. It is a triumph for the gay community. Likewise, I want to congratulate the delectably wonderful Felicity Huffman, for her portrayal as a male to female transsexual; that not only takes guts, but grace and class. Thanks for doing the gays and transgenders right! (they won best actor and actress for a drama)

gotta get moving…

We are getting ready to head up 400 into scary country, in order to see if there is anything we just can’t resist buying at the outlet mall. I am hoping for an adventure; but nothing TOO exciting. There is also a good chance that I will try to convince James that it is absolutely necessary for us to go to the Sweetwater Tour tonight. Again, looking for some adventure. Expect updates, maybe even drunken updates.

UPDATE: Not so much an adventure, as a disappointment. See, I had my heart set on a North Face coat; you know, to complete my transition into lesbian-hood… but no such luck, the North Face store closed at the outlet. So, if you know where I can get a great deal on a North Face coat, let this lesbo know. Also, we did go to Sweetwater, and, don’t tell anyone, I am a little tipsy right now! I love beer! And free glasses!!! WHOO HOO!

I don’t want to work! (thank goodness I’m off tomorrow!)

Today was your typical lounge around Sunday afternoon, and it couldn’t have come at a better time; I really need the R&R. We had brunch with an old friend, went looking for Mr Fangs, and managed to sneak in a work out just before the Y closed. Now, I am drinking a beer, getting ready to go to dinner with another friend. Man, I wish every day could be like this! AND! I have tomorrow off; what will you kids be doing tomorrow? Hope your weekend has been swell… Here’s one of my Mr Fangs I found today:

Any day that you find new Mr Fangs is a good day indeed. Why hasn’t he been chosen as the ATL mascot I ask you? Why?

blogger partay at my house!

Last night, we had a little get together with some of the bloggers that I know IRL, at our house. I wanted an opportunity to hang out with some cool people, and if I do say so myself, it was a cool bunch indeed. Conversation flowed like the alcohol; all night long. I didn’t get very many pictures, but the ones that I did can be found on my flickr page, and will soon be added on my photographs page. I am really glad that everyone came, and I honestly wish that we could do more things like this! And! The floor didn’t fall in, which was a total plus!! Next time, we will have to integrate Irish Car Bombs somehow, rather than just talking about them…

PS: If I talked your ear off, sorry about that… When I get a little of the devil’s juice in me, I lose the ability to turn off my motor. Also, (especially to dave, barry, and rebekah) I have no concept of something called “the passage of time”, so sorry I was still trying to get people to go out at 3am; I didn’t realize it was so late!! THAT’S how much fun it was!

And dave… any time you want, I will still beat you at Soul Calibur III. I am a champion.

for friday: a window inside my head (bonus: Jake!)

I don’t know what is wrong with me today (maybe it is because it is the 13th, or something), but I really am so bored and scatterbrained, that I cannot think of any coherent and meaningful thing to write about. So I’ll hit you with a random sampling of things that I have been thinking about today:

– I really want a new job. Maybe I should be an interior designer. No, seriously. (There are times that I actually do have to try and convince myself that something is a good idea. Sometimes, this is not easy.)
– Why can’t I win the lottery; then I wouldn’t have to worry about that job thing? Then, I could just hang out all day. And drive a Mercedes. Oh yeah… a Mercedes. (I love my car, but I do find myself thinking about Mercedes Benzes a lot. Perhaps I was a rapper in another life.)
– I hate the crap on TV and in the movies. I know that I have a thousand stories that are just as good. Why don’t I write them up already?! (This is more of me trying to convince myself to do something. But I am also good at convincing myself to procrastinate, so let’s see who wins the cock fight.)

did I really need another reason to drink?

Last night, James dragged me to a hockey game at Phillips arena. The Thrashers (who knew that they were named after the Georgia state bird, the Brown Thrasher; or more importantly, who knew that the Thrasher was the Georgia state bird?) were playing the Nashville something-or-others; eh, I’m not gonna lie. I really wasn’t that into it when we went; but, I found myself actually having fun! Who knew that hockey was cool, no pun intended, and that some of the players were so hot! I did actually have a good time, a 24oz beer is always a good thing (Martha, write that down, it’s a freebie, from me, to you).

Yeah, we had a great time, well, except for having to experience all of the overcompensating anti-gay shit people at sporting events do. For example, people kept yelling, “hey ref, get off your knees!”, which obviously is a derogatory statement about him blowing someone, rather than judging the game. Real mature fellas. Maybe you should read the post about sex, then we can all grow and mature and realize how wonderful blow jobs can be to give and receive. Moving on…

to circumcise or not: that is the question.

Apparently, it’s a sexy, sex-filled week here at; here we go again… A friend of mine just phoned to tell me that her and her partner are having a boy! While I am very excited for them, she did ask me a question that got me thinking; and that I am curious to get other opinions on. And, since it kind of continues on the sex binge we have been having this week… why not, right?

She wanted to know, truthfully, if I were to have a son, would I circumcise him, or not? Well, I honestly have about 10,000,000 reasons why I wouldn’t circumcise my son, so I emphatically said ‘no’. And let me tell you why I feel this way. And then, you can tell me what you think about all this skin nonsense… First of all, I believe that the practice is completely barbaric. If you want your child circumcised, I think that you should watch a video of a boy being circumcised. Any type of circumcision is not good in my book. Female, male, whomever, circumcision equals bad news.