Author: duane

durable health care power of attorney

Last night, we were watching the L word, per our usual Sunday night TV fest, when one of my biggest fears was portrayed on the show; Dana was in the hospital, and they wouldn’t tell her partner anything or let her see her, because she wasn’t “family”. I literally watched horrified, as the doctor snubbed Dana’s partner, and then worst of all, Dana’s parents followed suit and treated Dana’s partner like she didn’t even matter.

This is honestly one of my biggest fears, and it is a real one people should have; especially if you are in a gay relationship. Heaven forbid that your partner have to go into the hospital for anything; but not being able to see them, or be informed of what is happening, topped off by an insensitive and uncaring in-law situation, can only make a bad situation unbearable, and make you feel totally powerless.

Now, I know that I told everyone that reads this blog about James and my decision to go and have our wills and other important documents drawn up, so I bet you are wondering why I am still worried about it, right? Well, the fear is still real, and still inside me, and it probably won’t subside just because I have a piece of paper.

damn you olympics!!

Every time the Olympics are on, I vow vehemently not to watch; but every time, I am sucked in. Case and point, last night, I went out with a few blogger buddies, and the bar we were at had the Olympics opening ceremonies on TV. So, since we couldn’t avoid it, we decided to use it to our advantage; drink for every country that ends in ‘a’. Yeah, all the names were in Italian, so that means, you guessed it, most of them were ending in ‘a’. Maybe the Olympics do mean good times…

But, even though there is drinking game potential, I still don’t want to watch the Olympics. For one thing, I think that they are kind of boring; the only thing on when you WANT to watch is curling or something else silly (yes, I called curling silly… even the name makes me giggle like a 12 year old girl). And, there only so much figure skating even a fag can take. More hockey would be a plus… Olympic people; write that down. Also, one of my biggest pet peeves is the “no drugs”/harsh drug policy at the Olympics. As dutifully pointed out by my buddy Kim, the deletion of that rule, would only serve to make the Olympics more interesting. Think about it, you’ve gotta admit that super human performances would make it more interesting. If Michelle Kwan threw a quintuple axle, you would cheer your pansy asses off.

But, perhaps I have judged the olympics too soon… I have heard everyone talking about this Bode Miller (that’s him looking all cute in the Roots gear), and never really gave it any thought; that is until I saw him while I was on the StairMaster at the gym. Um, hello, can we say HOT?! He is going to melt that snow if he’s not careful; and hopefully win some gold medals, because apparently he is a big talker. Perhaps he could prove to be one more reason why I won’t be able to escape the Olympics again this time… but it wasn’t for lack of trying.

[I do not claim that picture to be mine, yo.]

i’m sorry, it’s not ready…

Last night, before I went to bed, I must say that I got a little excited at the prospect that the living room I was sitting in, would not be the living room the following night. Nope, we would be transforming (!) the guest bedroom that is just off of the living room into the new living room, and the living room would become a formal sitting parlor or some uber gay junk like that. Well, much to my dismay, those plans have been halted in their tracks by the willy-nilly dumbness of a little leather daddy that works at American Signature Furniture. The couch we purchased that was GUARANTEED for delivery for today, is well, not in. And, to top it all off, it won’t be coming to our house until next week. (Next week!?!?! That deserves the biggeset gay sigh I can muster!)

BUT! At least we get shipping for free, and we don’t have to go and get it now. At least I can take some solace in that. I love that when I called, this leather daddy (I saw the sticker on his car, I am not stereotyping based solely on the hand gestures and the handlebar mustache) says, “I am just a complete moron, huh? I can’t believe I messed this up this bad. This is totally me. I totally apologize.”

It’s fine queen Anne’s lace, don’t fret a little hair on your, well, body. We haven’t even finished painting the room, nor have we gotten rid of the bed yet. Perhaps… this is a blessing in disguise?

On another note; why is it that I am such a sucker for sales? There was a clearance sale at REI today, and I ended up buying a kick ass northface fleece that is to die for. Before any of you say ANYTHING, it was only $45 bitches… it would have been a crime to NOT buy it. I think that I even made money by buying that, at least, if you use my logic. Either way, you will be jealous when you see me in it; that, and my “homosexualize” shirt. Oh yeah.

Finally, another lesson from the Abs Diet chronicles:
Protein Powder is the devil. At least, it is something related to fire and brimstone; because it smells god awful, and it makes your stomach hurt and burn. But it is good for you right??? Then I will have another please! Man, beauty hurts!

get ’em here, folks!

I was meaing to do this for a while, but I am lazy… But last night, after talking with Tony, I decided to follow his lead. Now, you can get your very own t-shirts. Here is the front:

and here is the back:

Buy lots. We have a lot of homosexualization to do; and it is going to take a while. (And yes, there are even shirts for the ladies!!! If any of you think it would be prudent, I could add sweatshirts and hoodies too… let me know!)

UPDATE: Dur! I forgot that I didn’t even post the link to the cafepress store in the post (even though it is on the side bar permanently). It is

since U been gone! YEAH YEAH!

I couldn’t let it go by without saying that I am super happy that Kelly Clarkson won TWO Grammy’s last night. You all must admit that Since U Been Gone is one of the catchiest and best pop songs ever; now, she has the Grammy to back that up. Way to go Kelly! Also, anyone that knows me, knows that if Gwen Stefani would have won even one, I would have gone apeshit, so it is a good thing she went home trophy-less. But enough Grammy stuff…

Last night, after Trivia, I went out with my buddy Steve… Yeah, let’s just say that we had an awesome, awesome time… but I forgot to set my alarm last night, and ended up waking up at 11 this morning. When I looked at the clock, I actually said, out loud, “Please tell me that you are fucking with me clock. It can’t be 11.” So yeah. Next time, when going out, we will set alarm before going out. I feel like Dane Cook must have when he woke up 5 hours late for his job… not much you can do when you are 5 hours late; so I guess it could have been worse.

Finally, can someone please explain to me how I have the twisted “fortune” of being #1 in this search? (thanks dave… it was you!) And why are people searching for this? I tell you, if they ever do a search and seizure of google searches that were made; a lot of people out there are in trouble.

diet day two: what I have already learned

1) I may have a slight allergy to almonds. After downing several in my post-breakfast-pre-lunch-snack, I have had a pressure in my chest for the past several hours. Note to self: skip almonds in afternoon snack.
2) Eating six times a day is hard. I don’t know how people are bulimic; just thinking about all that food would stress me out. I never thought I would have to keep a ticker of the amount of times I eat a day, but now, I do. No real appetite + being forced to eat 6 times a day = a challenge.
3) I already feel healthier, whether it is in mind, body, or spirit; now, I expect to drop 15 lbs in 2 weeks, dammit.
and finally (it is only day 3 after all), I appreciate everyone’s comments yesterday about oatmeal, but…
4) Oatmeal is now my bitch. Don’t cook it. Put it in yogurt. Success. Who’s your daddy Oatmeal? Duane is!

Stay tuned for more “tales of the Abs Diet”. I love that have this medium to hold myself accountable, and maintain this thing… let’s hope I don’t turn out to be a big ass failure! HA! Abs, here I come!

Also, on an unrelated note, I was reading a blog yesterday, and I totally got to thinking that I should write more about my past; so that you all could learn more about the man behind the mask. It will be random, so don’t have too high expectations; but know that it will enlighten you as to why I think and act as I do in the many situations I am in today.

awww… thanks guys!

Um, I didn’t realize how “running for the razors” I came across yesterday; so for that, I am sorry! I don’t want to be that much of a downer… I guess we just all have those days where everything seems to be shitty. I do have to say that I thank all of your well wishes and stuff; and I do know that I am awesome, and that things in my life are totally awesome, and I have nothing to be upset about… I guess I just have one of those personalities where I worry about everything; and sometimes it gets the best of me. Either way; thanks for the love!

I thought it was funny (and super sweet) what Joseph said about me yesterday (sorry to call you out Joseph):

You know…after all your talking about how you need to diet and start “getting hot” i was totally expecting you to be a seriously obsese guy who just takes a really good picture. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that you actually are hot already!

First, let me say that you are so immensely sweet!!! Thank you!! No seriously, I really appreciate the compliment; that is why I called you out! I don’t want people to think that I am this crazy, thin person who acts like he is as big as a house (but takes a good picture). Let me explain…

rainy days and mondays always get me down…

I don’t know what it is today, but I am just riddled with anxiety and just overwhelming “bleck”-ness. I just can’t seem to shake it, no matter how hard I try. I am trying to do stuff to take my mind off of it, but nothing is working.

It started when I read about Bush’s budget plan… you have got to be kidding me. It is obvious that Bush doesn’t give a shit about poor people, and expects those of us that are working pay check to pay check to fend for ourselves when we get old. Maybe Kanye West was right; but I would also like to throw in poor people, sick people, middle class people, working people, homeless people, and children. And women, gay people, and immigrants. I am sure there are more, but you get the picture.

Sorry to be a downer, but geez, how can we let this go on? Of course… more money towards the war! Money well spent, and a deficit well earned. WHAT A PRICK.

Alright enough of that… that is just where this feeling came from. I am freaking out about my money woes, and look at where the country is going. Now, I have to worry about retirement, health care, and possibly my job; since Bush has decided that “certain government programs” are no longer important, and are a good place to shave off funds (so they can be directed to the war). Good plan.

Regardless, I guess I am just stumped. I can’t seem to figure out what I want to do with my life, and I feel like I need to figure it out soon. So many other people seem to have it worked out, or at least in the works, and I just feel like I am spinning my wheels big time. If you guys have ideas… I am all ears. I am going to try and finally read the Abs Diet book, so that I can start that and at least have a hot body while I am miserable.

you fellas watching the Super Bowl tonight?

James and I went OTP this afternoon for a delicious lunch at Sweet Tomatoes (probably one of the best salad bar restaurants I have ever been to), and after we finished eating, we were hurrying to go, when our waitress said this: “What’s the rush, fellas? The Super Bowl doesn’t start for hours!”
James and I laughed, and said, “Well, that doesn’t really matter; we won’t be watching the Super Bowl.”
She responded with, “Why not? You fellas don’t like football?”
I responded with a grin, “Actually, no, we don’t.”
Then she bounced back with, “Well I know I will be watching, all those big, hot men in all that gear; it is definitely something I look forward to!”
I looked at James and we laughed. Then, I told her, “If that is the case, then perhaps we should be watching too!”
Then, of course, she had that look on her face that people get when they realize you are gay, and didn’t know a moment before. Ah, the joyous adventures outside the perimeter. Now, we are safe and sound back in the hood where we gays belong; debating on whether or not we should be watching the Super Bowl tonight.