I don’t know how many of you out there watch Showtime’s the L Word, but I know that if you do, then you know about Dana’s struggle and subsequent death from breast cancer this season. Honestly, I usually don’t get too into shows, but with this one, I have to say, much like Queer as Folk, I do find that I relate more to the characters because they are gay, and as such, I have more of a connection with each of them than I would on a regular show. That being said, when Dana was diagnosed with breast cancer, my worst fear was that she would end up dieing; mostly because she was my favorite character, but also, because she was so likeable and, well, normal. Additionally, she was healthy, an athlete at the top of her game. She was a part of an awesome group of friends. She was out to her family, and last season, she even came out nationally as a lesbian tennis player. She was your typical woman (with the exception of being a tennis superstar), and just like so many women out there, she was diagnosed with breast cancer, and unfortunately, died. But after giving it a lot of thought (I know, right?), I am honestly at peace with the fact that they killed off my favorite character; mainly because I think the purpose was much greater, and the message was much stronger.
Author: duane
why not censure?
by duane • • 12 Comments
I just have to comment on the impending censure bill that should be introduced against the president today; comment on the republican response, that is. Seriously, what planet is Bill Frist living on? In response to Fiengold’s efforts to censure the president, and rightfully force him to answer for his crimes (remember, breaking the law is a crime, even if you are the president) of illegal wiretapping, Frist responded that:
“attacking our commander in chief … doesn’t make sense.”
“We are right now at an unprecedented war where they really want to take us down,” he said. “A censure resolution … is wrong. It sends a signal around the world.
“The American people are solidly behind this president in conducting the war on terror.”
See ya’ll! You too can become Senate majority leader!! Just ignore everything that is going on with the constituents you are supposed to be representing, ignore the response of almost 70% of Americans, and shove your head up your rich white ass!!! Then, you are a shoe in! Apparently, since only about 30% of Americans actually even believe in the president anymore, then that must mean we are “solidly behind him”. I love crazy people.
I better be careful, I guess, ’cause you know that the NSA and Dept of Homeland Security are reading this right now; I am probably just giving them one more reason why we should enact martial law. Seriously though, anyone else see that things are kind getting out of hand these days? I mean, a censure is kind of a big formal slap on the wrist, right? What’s so bad about getting the president to admit to criminal action? It’s not like he is trying to impeach him for something silly, like, oh, say, a blow job, right? Whatever. I say censure him, because it does send a message around the world; it says that Americans DO believe in democracy, and that even though you are the elected president, you are not above the law. Doesn’t THAT make sense? I think that I am going to have to start a category for “crazy republican sayings that cause me to react” or something. Happy Monday, ya’ll; hope your weekend was scrumptious.
(oh yeah, quote above came from this article.)
stop with the spam!!!
by duane • • 14 Comments
Seriously, over the past couple of weeks, the amount of spam that I have gotten in my personal email address has quadrupled! It has gotten out of control. I just want to know what these people think when they send emails where the subject line is “have you tried hoodia?” (WTF?) or, “hey, I know you want to impress your woman”; do they really think that I am going to even look at that other than to check the delete box next to it? Also, MANY of these emails are coming from people where their name may look familiar, and the subject line is something like “about your blog” or “hey!”, which pisses me off, because I sometimes end up checking them. But, I have been deleting emails like crazy, so if I don’t get back to you for whatever reason, I may have deleted your email by accident, thinking that it was spam. Anyone have any ideas on how to get this spam madness to stop?? This is in regards to my @duanemoody.com email, btw.
Hope everyone’s Sunday is awesome… I doubt anyone is reading blogs, because the weather is FANTASTIC! I may (ha! who am I kidding with may) do another round of margaritas tonight. Also, I have been listening to Imogen Heap’s Speak for Yourself today, and it is awesome! Thanks Thomas!
almost missed it!
by duane • • 7 Comments
Today was a nothing day; but I did take this and other pictures of a beautiful magnolia down the street from me. Now, back to my margarita! See ya’ll tomorrow! Hope you are having a great weekend!
the catch-all-egory
friday free-for-all, ya’ll!
by duane • • 13 Comments
So, I wanted to talk about a few different things today, so here it goes:
1st: Rumsfeld is obviously an ass. Let Iraqis handle a civil war if it breaks out? Aren’t they in the state they are in because of us?? We went over there, stirred shit up, said we would stay the course, and now this is our response? Please, someone justify our presence in Iraq to me; I dare you to convince me it isn’t a load of horseshit. If we aren’t even willing to fix the problems that we have our greedy hands in, then why the fuck are we still there? God, way to be there for them, Rummy. I bet the innocent men, women, and children that have died and will continue to die are just fucking pissing themselves at how happy they are America came in to save them from Sadam, who didn’t cause 9/11. (OOOO I SAID 9/11; Crikies!) Sometimes… bang zoom! Right to the moon with these asses.
2nd: Apparently, Britney’s career is completely over. I heard that she is pregnant again, and I haven’t seen that plastered all over the news. In fact, I heard it from FAB. What has happened to you Brit? Two words, sweetie: Comeback Album. Make it happen.
oy veh
by duane • • 8 Comments
That is what my head is saying today… I really need to stop going out drinking during the week. Nothing that a bunch of water can’t fix, right?! Anyway… today is just a mish mash of crap going on; I have been talking about meth use, condom use, counseling and testing guidelines, and I am spent. Sometimes I wish I could talk about what frustrates me about work on here, but as a rule, I don’t talk about work, so I will have to settle for what was just said. Also, given that so many people gave such interesting feedback to yesterday’s friend post, I want to talk more about that; just not today. Given that these thoughts are all plaguing me today, I thought I would share something hilarious that I heard on Air America yesterday… It was a “commercial”, or so I thought, where Laura Bush was talking about George’s integrity and whatever. It went a little something (meaning, I heard it a day or so ago, and I am using an artistic rendering for the purposes of relaying the humor to you) like this:
Hi, I’m first lady, Laura Bush. Now, I know that many of you may be wavering in your support for my husband, but I want you to know that he is such an upstanding man, that he never even had sex until he became president. He believes solely in this country. He told me that the reason he wanted to hold off having sex until he was president, because when he did become president, he planned to screw the entire country.
Seriously though, after this whole port deal thing, how can anyone still be supporting this person?
groups of friends: real, or imagined?
by duane • • 19 Comments
Today, I was sitting here looking at some pictures on flickr, when it totally struck me; I don’t feel like I have a “stable” “friend group” anymore. The pictures I was looking at, were of a group of friends all having fun, and celebrating birthdays, new years, etc. While I do know, and am grateful, that I have many friends (some of which I haven’t had the privilege to meet IRL yet… that’s you blog-buddies!), I just don’t feel like I have that sense of a “group” that I used to. It is a weird realization, I guess, but I just wonder; was it ever really a group, or did we just happen to all hang out at the same time? What about our “group” made us go in different directions, so much so that we don’t hang out that much any more? And finally what does it take to remain “in” the group, and are we, or were we ever really, a group?
I must say, that the past 4 months or so has been awesome for me. I have done things that I have never done before socially; I have gone out on a limb to meet people, and it has actually turned out very well. I have embraced my hobbies, and allowed it to take me to meet new people; and I couldn’t be happier that I did.
alright, this has gone WAY too far
by duane • • 18 Comments
Why can’t someone kill Fred Phelps already?? No, I am fucking serious. Apparently, in his demented crazy-ass motherfucking ass-head, he came up with the wonderful plan that he would picket and protest the funerals of, wait for it… fallen soldiers, because, wait for it… they serve a military that is fighting for a country that accepts homosexuality. WHAT????
No seriously… WHAT??? This boil on the butt of society has had the nerve to protest gay funerals in the past, and is generally known as one of the most evil motherfuckers known to man, but seriously dude, you have got to be kidding. I am not saying that this is better or worse than protesting a gay funeral, but the “rationale”, if you can call it that, in this case is just bonkers. I understand you hating gay people, Phelps, and that you are DEFINTIELY a closet homosexual who wants nothing more than to have his ass pounded; but boycotting and protesting funerals of the people that are risking their lives in this stupid war because they fight for a country that accepts homosexuality??? I think even the devil believes you have gone batshit crazy.
movie musings
alright, here it goes:
by duane • • 13 Comments
I know that you are probably waiting with baited breath, wanting to know what I think of Brokeback Mountain NOT winning best picture, and here it is: honestly, I am not surprised. This honestly was a typical move of the Academy, and it shows that they are predictable year after year. Films that the public usually believes should win often do not, and especially when films have sensitive or controversial subject matter, they run the risk of being shunned. So fucking what it didn’t win, it won like 100 Golden Globes (including best picture); and let us not forget that it also pretty much sweeped every award show for like the last 5 months, so, this one isn’t really that big of a deal in my eyes. Sure, it would be nice to have a story that truly portrays love between two men as the “best picture” of the year (according to the elite Academy, remember); but I honestly believe that the potential for bad press (from the “fundies” as Amber called them) and potential backlashes steered them clear of actually giving it to Brokeback, and so they settled on a nomination. I do applaud Phillip Seymour Hoffman for his win (which was long overdue) which is a victory for the gays; and don’t forget that Brokeback still won 3 Oscars, two of which were actually very important (adapted screenplay and director), and the effect will hopefully signal more wonderful films like this in the future.
Yeah, we were robbed, you can definitely look at it that way, but don’t forget that it is an honor to just be nominated, right? And hey, who isn’t going to want to at least put “Oscar nominated…” on their resume/dvd box? I honestly just cannot get over the fact that they gave it to Crash… yuck, almost any of the other ones, but not Crash. Again, it goes to show you that the Academy is on another world when it comes to this stuff, so whatever, right?
the catch-all-egory
and the Oscar goes to…
by duane • • 7 Comments
Betcha didn’t think I was going to post today, did ya? Ha! No seriously though, today has been filled with activities; many of which were in prep for the “gay superbowl” that comes on tonight, you know the one… and you know that you should be watching too. I know that I will be pulling for a certain “gay cowboy” movie to take home pretty much as many awards as possible; and I especially will be pulling for Mr. Gyllenhaal (go Jake!). I will obviously have comments on the show, but we will save that for tomorrow.
Also, I took the time to go through and take new photos of many of my paintings, and even photos of all the new ones that I have painted, and added those to the paintings page. The ones you see here are two of my newer ones. Hopefully, I will be adding many more to this page as time goes on over the next few months, because my painting is something that I really love, and I really want to pour more of myself into it. Stay tuned!!
Hope everyone is having a great weekend; and if you are in Georgia, I hope you bought enough liquor and beer yesterday, to carry you through tonight!! See y’all after the gay superbowl!