hey Bush; you’re outta there!!

I was toiling over whether to actually say anything about this or not, because sometimes I abhor political debates, but honestly, I am quite pissed, and I feel the need to clear some air. Which totally makes me think of another, unrelated headline that I read this morning about how high fiber diets don’t prevent colon cancer; and being that I sometimes think that way, I thought that the headline should’ve read, “All that extra fiber in your diet is just a load of crap when it comes to preventing colon cancer; so you don’t have to shit yourself trying to get more of it”. Anyway… I digress…

A couple of days ago, Bush came out and admitted that we did in fact go to war under false intelligence (“there are definitely weapons of mass destruction over there… I can smell ‘em!”… obviously not the only thing, but, what’s a girl gonna do?), and then, in the same sentence, defended the war, and advocated a continuation of the war that was built on these false pretenses. He then stated that he was glad that we went, because after we got there, we realized that Saddam was bad (didn’t we know that?) and he needed to be taken care of. Now, wait a second; I may be crazy, but didn’t he just tell us that we went for the wrong reasons, admitted that it was fucked up that we went into this war; and then in the same sentence, defended the stupid mistake, and scrambled to find other reasons to validate the current situation? How is that right? How, I ask?!? If you didn’t this in almost any other circumstance, shit would hit the fan! You would get fired, if you did this at your job! So I ask, shouldn’t someone be held accountable for all of the lost lives in this situation? I, for one, definitely think so.

The president is not “all powerful”, so I say we use our system of checks and balances to do something about it. Try and force his hand on this situation; if that is even possible anymore. Tons of people in congress and the senate are continually questioning the validity of “staying the course” in this “war on terror”; why not step up and make some changes!? We, the American public are paying for the war, why don’t we have any say-so in it; we certainly have a large stake in it! (Did someone just say huge, sinking hole of intense, insurmountable deficit?) And let’s not stop there, folks. What about the patriot act? Why not try and get rid of that! Yet another example of the government prematurely ejaculating on the American public, and then admitting to it! Don’t pussy foot around about it! If you are going to filibuster, do it! Put up or shut up, I say (that’s right boys and girls on capitol hill that represent us… I’m talking to you!). I am just so sick and goddamned tired of hearing about how everyone is pissed, and still nothing is done about it. That’s why I am calling for the system to help us out! That is why it is there, right? To represent us!

Even more than the lack of action in this situation, I guess it is just hard for me to understand how people are still supporting the president and his decisions. I am fine with people that are republican because of economic reasons; but even you have to admit that he is a HUGE fuck up in that area too. Not only that, he is an admitted fuck up, whose response always seems to be along the lines of, “well, I fucked up, what do you want to me to do?”; and then we all pretend we are mad and then let him go on fucking up. That is completely unacceptable, and something needs to be done sooner rather than later. I am just so frustrated I could scream sometimes! These are just a few of the reasons I just want to get the fuck out of dodge and never look back. Anybody want to help me find a job in Canada? At least I can get married there!

Sorry for the ravenous post today. I promise to stop spitting acidy venom, and try to calm down. Perhaps what I need is a nice, cool Fresca. Those always make me calm. But it is definitely going to take more than one. So, am I off my rocker here, or do you guys feel anything like this? Am I stirring the wrong pot?

Our new Anthem?
Twisted Sister – We’re Not Gonna Take It!

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