love me, love me, say that you love me…

Everyone has a couple of groups, well at least one, that they think are just fantastic, and no matter what they do, they just love them. One of those groups for me, is the Cardigans. Now, I love all kinds of music, but there is just something about these wonderful Swedes that just do it for me. Maybe it is the sweet delicious voice of Nina Presson, who knows. Maybe it is the bubbly goodness that flows like honey out of the speakers when the CD is playing? Probably! But one this is for sure, they are completely and utterly awesome. In every way.
image from

If you are sitting there thinking (ahem, Jay…) “who the hell are the Cardigans”, or “what is he talking about, I haven’t heard anything by them”, then you should definitely check them out. Most of you have heard the song that inspired the title of this post (Lovefool), because it was insanely huge on the radio (it was also in the Baz Luhrman version of Romeo + Juliet)… but then, poof! I don’t know what happened, because America forgot about how much they loved the Cardigans! The Cardigans didn’t change! They were right there, holding out a new album wanting us to love them… and some of us accepted their invitation.
image from
After their third album, Gran Turismo, didn’t do too well stateside, I think the Cardigans got frustrated, because their fourth WONDERFUL CD, Long Gone Before Daylight, wasn’t released until a full year after it was released everywhere else in the world. And unfortunately, that is still happening, as their new CD that came out on the 17th is no where to be found anywhere online (without the hefty import price) or in American stores. Luckily, I am smart enough to use ebay, and managed to get a copy, but it begs me to wonder why this awesome group is so terribly overlooked by America (maybe cos we have bad taste, ahem Gwen Stefani and Black Eyed Peas… I’m just saying…)? All I know is, I have the cd, and it is simply wonderful, as was expected, and I recommend all of you check them out. If you like what you hear on their 2nd and most popular release, First Band on the Moon (which has Lovefool on it), then you should just do whatever it takes to get all their stuff right now. Join in on what at least I know, and what the rest of the world also knows, the Cardigans are awesome, as witnessed by their presence everywhere else, but sadly, not here.

For Staters and New Comers:
Cardigans – Been It
Cardigans – Godspell
Cardigans – My Favorite Game
Cardigans – Rise & Shine
Cardigans – You’re the Storm
and of course…
Cardigans – Lovefool

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