no blogger ID, access DENIED!

Now, maybe I am bitching to the wrong group (and that is HIGHLY possible, because we all know that more people than not use Blogger; which for the record, I am totally fine with, so don’t even go there), but it irks me to no avail that there are so many fun blogs out there that I want to show the love, and comment, and I can’t; because I am not a “Blogger” blogger. Now, I went through all of the tedious work to build all this grandness that you see before you, and I love what I have, but I don’t use Blogger; cause I don’t need to. Not saying that anyone else does need it, I am just saying that I don’t need it. I like Movable Type much better, and so, it suits me. Lots of people hate MT, but I don’t take any offense to that.

But, I feel inexplicably “punished”, if you will, because I don’t have a Blogger Identity. Does this mean that I just need to shut up and get a Blogger ID?

I have to say that this is something that annoys me to the point that I usually don’t even go back to blogs that I cannot comment at. And this is the main reason I like the blog format; we get to share our thoughts with one another, and now, it has gotten to be that if you are not a Blogger blogger, then you are pretty much shown the door. And, I guess the reason I complain, is because I know it doesn’t have to be this way. Those blogs that don’t allow anonymous comments don’t have to be like that; you can use the word verification feature (which a lot of my favorite Blogger blogs use), and decrease your spam that way; TRUST me, I hate spam MORE than you do.

So, with that being said, does anyone else feel this way when they see “Anonymous comments are not allowed on this blog”? I am not anonymous! I always leave my name and my website! You can come visit me! We can talk! Just give me the opportunity to leave you a comment! I am not a spammer! I promise! GAH, I’ll shut up now. (and probably just go get a Blogger ID… but do you think that I really need one? or can we work on this?)

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