national coming out day!!!

Marriage is love.

Happy National Coming out day… This day was started after a successful run of protests on Washington (one of which occurred on October 11, 1987), where it was identified that all gays and lesbians needed a day to be nationally recognized. So, if you are in the closet, step out into the light; today is your day!!! I can definitely say, that as someone who is out to family, friends, co-workers, etc, I feel so lucky that I can proudly be who I am.
Keith Haring's National Coming Out Day Logo, which was donated to the HRC.
[image from wikipedia]

I would write out my coming out story, but it is kind of long, and luckily, I have already done so; back when Queer as Folk ended!! Here is the link, if you want to check it out! Hopefully, my story may inspire someone else to come out as well; because we ALL deserve to be happy and proud of who we are.

**Oh yeah, and if you have something hateful to say, keep it to your fucking self; I have heard enough hate in my life, and I don’t want it submitted to my website. I am proud of who I am, and if you don’t like it, then that is your problem.

UPDATE: (please read)
I put in that last part, because of a hateful comment that I got earlier today. Someone that posted a comment called “YO” yesterday in Spanish had this to say:

“No me jodas que esto es un site de maricones.” or
Do not fuck with (Your fucking me) me that this is a site for faggots.
“Y yo que pensaba que era un blog serio.” or
And I thought it was a serious blog.

All I have to say is, you are an ignorant, hateful, selfish human being. I don’t hate you, I feel sorry for you. I am proud of who I am, and nothing you can ever say will change that. You are the one that is small. And you will ALWAYS be that way. And who can say that a site that brings you tidbits and photos of Jake Gyllenhaal, commentary on pretty much everything pop, and a category dedicated solely to Britney and Kevin, is NOT SERIOUS? HA!

And, oh yeah, and FUCK OFF!!!
(sorry to have to taint such a good thing with something bad, but I talked with my friend Josh, and he suggested that I put it out there, and after thinking about it, I thought so too, cause this way, you can see what an idiot “YO” is, as well.)

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