a tuesday triple threat!!

A trio, if you will, of things for you today:

We finally joined the Y last night. Thank God. It is official, work out is ON! My thighs are singing (picture it!), but my waist is lamenting. I know that most people keep saying that they cannot even tell that I have gained any weight, but it is there, oh yes, it is there. And it is going bye-bye. Weights lifted last night: 4 exercises (chest and tri’s); exercise tonight: Spin class, 6-7. HOOOWAH!
A little more like this, please
It’s good to have goals!

Last night, when we got home from the gym, I was cooking spaghetti (one of my favorite things), and when I went to stir the sauce, it spattered out at me like a bullet to my neck, and managed to cause a HUGE blister that can only be described as a 2nd or 3rd degree burn. Who knew that cooking could be this dangerous? Apparently, simmering the sauce was not what I was doing. Luckily, I managed to shut my eye when it happened, because the other droplet of lava hit my eyelid. Luckily, I can still see, and there is no blister there.

Something else interesting (I know!); I called Dekalb County Animal control services yesterday (perhaps this was not the thing to do? If you have a better suggestion, I am all ears/eyes.) so that they would come out and pick up some stray cats that now live under our porch. Some neighborhood cat came and gave birth under there, and we have no idea where the cats came from; and frankly I don’t want to. I know you make think that this is cruel, but, my luck tends to be bad when it comes to these sort of things, and the chance of these cats being rabid increase when you factor in the duane quotient. I just don’t want to take any chances.

But back to Dekalb County; when I called, the first thing they said was, “well, what kind of dog is it”, because apparently, cats and other animals are not a concern of animal control. Perhaps Dekalb County Dog Control would be a better name (DCDC has a ring to it!). Either way, I told the operator that we needed someone to come out and pick up some cats that were living under our porch, because I no idea where they came from. He responds with, “We will send someone out with a cat trap tomorrow morning.” What? A cat trap? Okay, I am game, let’s do this. “What do you mean a cat trap?” “Sir, it is a cage trap with cat food in it.” (ahhh, they resort to trickery to capture this feline menace) “Well, there is more than one, what do I do when it is full?” (see, here is where I am using that college education) “You just call us, and we will come empty it.” And low and behold, I came outside this morning and was greeted by the trap; sitting on my porch. Sure enough, it is a cage with a little can of cat food inside. I couldn’t help but laugh. And I took a picture. I will upload it later; then you can laugh too. I hope that I come home tonight and see cat inside. My luck, it will be a rabid squirrel or something worse; and then who will I call?

As promised, the cat trap:
Here, kitty, kitty, kitty!

CAT UPDATE: My neighbor is taking the cats in. THANK GOD!!! No longer do I have to worry about dead kitties on my conscience. Thanks Leta!

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