James and I are in the process of beginning to prime the new front porch for painting and staining. We spent the entire day today priming the columns and tomorrow, we begin on the railings. There really is only one problem that I see here: I don’t think that we will be able to do a good enough job on the final coats of paint, to make the porch look as good as it should. I don’t think that we can do a professional job, and that concerns me. All day, we were stopping, in order to get rogue paint splashes up off of the places where it was not supposed to be, i.e. the deck floor. So now, I sit here, sore from painting, and wonder, what should we do?
Should we continue on, trying our best, as James likes to say, or should we bite the bullet and pay for “professionals” to come and do the final coats, in order to make it look its best? I am seriously open for suggestions here, folks. I think that it would end up costing us between $500-$1500 to get it painted, but it may be worth it, since it would look 1000 times better than we could probably do on our own. Thoughts?
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