weezer bender

Given that I have been slaving over “learning” CSS and whatnot, I have had time to sit back and listen to a lot of music. In particular… Weezer. Now, we all loved Weezer back in the day (keep in mind the blue album came out over 10 years ago), and I know that I loved that disc in high school… but their new CD is simply wonderful. Pick it up, if you haven’t already. I have found myself buying other cd’s of theirs that I didn’t have before now, hence, the Weezer bender that I profess being on.

I know this really isn’t of any relevance to anyone else out there, but I figure that if I can spread the word of good music… then perhaps I can inspire benders of my own… and here’s hoping that happens!!

Also, let me know what you think of the new site set up kids!!!

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